Why are democrats so desperate the get convicted felons the right to vote?

Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issue with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You also need to get out of the basement and see what 'other' democrats are calling republicans.

Having said that, I believe that it's up to each state to decide what their felons can and can't do regarding the voting rights.

You do your time, you should have your right to vote restored. I also think that ex-felons would not automatically drift to the democratic party. Many would vote Republican for myriad reasons. My issue is those that oppose restoration of voting rights based on party affiliation.
The data shows that 75% of convicted felons vote for Democrats. That's the only reason the Dims want them to get the right to vote.
Only three states don't allow released felons to vote. THREE. It is time Florida catches up with the rest of the country on this issue.
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Look at the do gooder democrats.

The SCUMBAGS just spent how much time and money trying to block Kavanaugh's nomination for something he was never even arrested for, let alone convicted of.

Yet, here they are chanting about convicted rapists rights.

Here is question for Gramps and the rest.

If convicted felons voted mostly for Republicans, do you think the scum on the left would be chanting about their precious rights?

Then explain the Kavanaugh bullshit from these same fucking scumbags.
At the prison I was at, every convict I overheard talking politics was for Clinton.
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Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
Fuck you and your fake pathetic moral high ground. Don't like it, go to the fucking clean zone you hypocrite.

In the meantime, let's talk about the Kavanaugh hearings. Didn't see your hypocritical ass defending him from the OBVIOUS false accusations that happened 40 years later at the 11th hour of his nomination.

I seem to remember you saying he should not be nominated.

Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
Fuck you and your fake pathetic moral high ground. Don't like it, go to the fucking clean zone you hypocrite.

In the meantime, let's talk about the Kavanaugh hearings. Didn't see your hypocritical ass defending him from the OBVIOUS false accusations that happened 40 years later at the 11th hour of his nomination.

I seem to remember you saying he should not be nominated.

What the hell does this thread have to do with Kavanaugh?
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
No link, no story, no OP..
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
Fuck you and your fake pathetic moral high ground. Don't like it, go to the fucking clean zone you hypocrite.

In the meantime, let's talk about the Kavanaugh hearings. Didn't see your hypocritical ass defending him from the OBVIOUS false accusations that happened 40 years later at the 11th hour of his nomination.

I seem to remember you saying he should not be nominated.

What the hell does this thread have to do with Kavanaugh?
Pretending not to understand is a well worn out liberal practice.
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
Fuck you and your fake pathetic moral high ground. Don't like it, go to the fucking clean zone you hypocrite.

In the meantime, let's talk about the Kavanaugh hearings. Didn't see your hypocritical ass defending him from the OBVIOUS false accusations that happened 40 years later at the 11th hour of his nomination.

I seem to remember you saying he should not be nominated.

What the hell does this thread have to do with Kavanaugh?
He's has yet another tree limb stuck in his azz..
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
Fuck you and your fake pathetic moral high ground. Don't like it, go to the fucking clean zone you hypocrite.

In the meantime, let's talk about the Kavanaugh hearings. Didn't see your hypocritical ass defending him from the OBVIOUS false accusations that happened 40 years later at the 11th hour of his nomination.

I seem to remember you saying he should not be nominated.

What the hell does this thread have to do with Kavanaugh?
Everything, you fucking blind hypocritical moron.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.

It’s obvious why.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Why or how did the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation become the champions of Civil Rights in less than a decade ? Its all about the votes.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Democrats want Everyone to vote. All colors, all races, all religions, all economic strata, all parties, everyone.
Na, not really
No Democrat wants conservatives to vote
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Why or how did the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation become the champions of Civil Rights in less than a decade ? Its all about the votes.
Mass propaganda, combined with the power of group think. Embracing the worlds increasing acceptance of globalism or marxism.

Which, appeals to old money. Old money still runs the world and old money despises new money. For them it is about bloodlines, inheritance, royalty etc. In fact, they are deeply offended by just the notion that someone from the peasant class or serf class could ever THINK that could EVER belong to their class.

So, they control that serf class by getting them dependant, knowing that ambition is a rare trait. Most in the poor class want excuses and handouts.

That, is how they are controlled and owned, by the original slave owners.

Watch this clip, to illustrate how masses of people get owned
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Why or how did the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation become the champions of Civil Rights in less than a decade ? Its all about the votes.
Mass propaganda, combined with the power of group think. Embracing the worlds increasing acceptance of globalism or marxism.

Which, appeals to old money. Old money still runs the world and old money despises new money. For them it is about bloodlines, inheritance, royalty etc. In fact, they are deeply offended by just the notion that someone from the peasant class or serf class could ever THINK that could EVER belong to their class.

So, they control that serf class by getting them dependant, knowing that ambition is a rare trait. Most in the poor class want excuses and handouts.

That, is how they are controlled and owned, by the original slave owners.

Watch this clip, to illustrate how masses of people get owned

Old money just isn't the same as it was in the 19th and 20th century. The tech billionaires can buy these old money families many times over.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Why or how did the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation become the champions of Civil Rights in less than a decade ? Its all about the votes.
Mass propaganda, combined with the power of group think. Embracing the worlds increasing acceptance of globalism or marxism.

Which, appeals to old money. Old money still runs the world and old money despises new money. For them it is about bloodlines, inheritance, royalty etc. In fact, they are deeply offended by just the notion that someone from the peasant class or serf class could ever THINK that could EVER belong to their class.

So, they control that serf class by getting them dependant, knowing that ambition is a rare trait. Most in the poor class want excuses and handouts.

That, is how they are controlled and owned, by the original slave owners.

Watch this clip, to illustrate how masses of people get owned

Old money just isn't the same as it was in the 19th and 20th century. The tech billionaires can buy these old money families many times over.

True, to an extent. Sometimes there is a slight difference between money and power. They usually go hand in hand, but not always.

This scene in one of my favorite movies of all time Network also gives an idea....

Sure you have seen that, but if not, watch it. Watch it again if you have seen it.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Democrats want Everyone to vote. All colors, all races, all religions, all economic strata, all parties, everyone.

Yeah, we know the drill...all colors, all races, all religions, all economic strata, all parties, illegal and legal.
Because it’s the right thing to do? They have served their time and paid the price. They deserve to be full fledged citizens again. No one knows how they would vote

When cons are made to be second class citizens you almost guarantee they will be repeat offenders
Because after release we expect felons to pay taxes. It has long been stated that taxes are cost of the right to vote. So if felons don't get to vote, they shouldn't have to pay taxes. Why should someone be forced to pay taxes into a system they have no voice for? That's not fair at all.

So I'm 100% for banning felons from voting IF they are also tax exempt for the entire period they don't get a vote.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Democrats want Everyone to vote. All colors, all races, all religions, all economic strata, all parties, everyone.
Na, not really
No Democrat wants conservatives to vote
Please show democratic voter suppression attempts.

You can't, they don't exist. Voter suppression is all on the republican side. It's the only way they can win.

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