Zone1 Why are Jews hated so much?

Why are Jews hated so much?

  • Jews are hated because they are an inferior race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they possess so much wealth and power

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they are the cause of all the world's problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they crucified Jesus

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
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Hindus do not hate jews----christians and muslims do. For the "reasons"---read the NT and Koran ----and do LIke I have done-----as a child I attended "sunday school about a dozen times and as an adult I was guest in mosques----I also attended various Hindu functions as a guest. The hatred is no mystery---it is
Oh, I see now! You hate Christians and Muslims because you think they hate Jews. o_O

Israeli forces attacked, on Wednesday, Palestinian farmers and fishermen, in the besieged Gaza Strip, injuring one fisherman, according to local sources.

Off the northern coast of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Navy fired rubber-coated steel rounds at fishing boats, causing a moderate injury to one Palestinian fisherman, according to Muhammad Bakr, with the Gaza Fishermen’s Syndicate.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of Gaza, Israeli soldiers opened fire at Palestinian farmers while they tended to their lands, east of Khan Younis.

Media sources said that soldiers fired live round and tear gas canisters at farmers in the town of al-Fukhkhari, near the eastern border with Israel.

There were no reports of injuries, however the farmers were forced to leave their agricultural lands, which is their only source of income.

On a regular basis, the occupation Navy shoots at, harasses, and abducts Palestinian fishermen, in addition to confiscating and/or damaging their boats.

The Gaza Strip, a tiny coastal enclave, isolated from the West Bank, has been under a brutal Israeli blockade of the air, land, and sea, for the past sixteen years.

More than two million people live in Gaza with limited fresh water and electricity, in addition to a high rate of unemployment and poverty.
So why did the Pals attack Israel on October 7th?
Oh, I see now! You hate Christians and Muslims because you think they hate Jews. o_O
no----I grew up with christians and spent more time in churches than in synagogues. Later on, I worked with lots and lots of muslims and hindus. I had and have close friends amongst all
those groups and am familiar with their
I didn’t specify what the remark was.
That's exactly what I am telling you. You didn't say anything about Israel in your imaginary scenario. You just tacked it on now to weasel out of your theoretical story because the response you got didn't vindicate you. The next time you want people to agree with you over a theoretical indignation, make sure you've covered all of the bases.
And there is NO way you are a Jew,
If I am convinced that someone is lying to me on a discussion forum I put them on ignore. What about you?
calling another Jew a Nazi
If the shoe fits ...... it doesn't matter what religion you are. You could ask Claus von Stauffenberg about that but he was executed. However, if Mordecai Vanunu or Avner Kaufman are still alive you can ask them.
... and ignoring the atrocities the Muslim terrorists committed against innocent Jews.
And this you have confirmed, have you? What an idiot.
I hate Islam. Islam is evil. We're supposed to hate evil.
Only Americans "are supposed to hate". They are also expected to agree with the leadership and paid shill MSM on what/who is evil. And then, of course, they must believe that suicide bombers are cowards and that hot water freezes faster and anyone who wears socks with sandals is a moron. Americans must be happy to get to bed every night, although I doubt they get much sleep with that shotgun under the pillow. Hate, hate, and more hate! :mad:
I heard that when they let that dude Moses help them abandon them gyptians, they didn't have no one left to build them pyramids and them there fahroes n shit started haten em good after that!
Your problem is that you cannot handle the truth. It's no wonder you are afraid of the answer to your question. Boo! :safetocomeoutff:
Comments like the above are without merit or any kind of sense.
Your problem is that you cannot handle the truth. It's no wonder you are afraid of the answer to your question. Boo! :safetocomeoutff:
You are trolling. You saw it. You ignored it. Then Go you didnt ask.

So were you dropped on your head at birth?
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