Why Are My Tax Dollars Supporting Roads?

Ever notice how crappy todays concrete is compared to old stuff?

What are you saying? That old concrete is better than new concrete? The Roman's invented concrete, both terrestrial concrete and underwater concrete. The Roman army built several bridges across the Rhine in the time of Marcus Aurelius, most of which were used for heavy foot traffic, cart traffic, and finally vehicle traffic. The last one was closed down in the 1970's, 1800 years after it'd been constructed. And of course there's the Pantheon. Roman concrete and its many applications by Roman engineers was so good, it still mystifies engineers to this day.

I'm saying the mix they use today is nowhere near as good as used when freeways were laid down, thus they need more fixing which is good for union workers not so good for taxpayers.
You guys all pay taxes when you buy gasoline, where is that money going to? It is supposed to pay for road maintenance , but then we have to pay EXTRA now ? I remember the bad old days, when I used to take Public Transportation. Sexual assaults, physical attacks. Well, that was twenty years ago, last time I used RTD the freeking driver didn't even speak English. A Ethiopian dude with his brother in that back seat as an interpreter , I half expected people to bring aboard their chickens and goats and ride on roof. I don't think John Hickenlooper ever had to ride a bus. But folks like HIM always seem to know what's good for us, somehow. Not from first hand experience or anything as pedantic as that.
I'm saying the mix they use today is nowhere near as good as used when freeways were laid down, thus they need more fixing which is good for union workers not so good for taxpayers.

Concrete road foundations are very expensive, that's why most roads have rock, gravel, or sand foundations under a thick layer of asphalt. They're nice when they're new, but they dry, expand, and crack very quickly.
It isn't the quality of the concrete. It's the volume of heavy truck traffic. Damn truckers. Make them pay more. They are ruining our roads and bridges. And their exploding tires are costing us millions and putting our lives at risk.
I'm pissed that the government is spending money on Isle Royal National Park. I've never been there, and am not going to go there. The money would be better spent by raising my Social Security benefits and jamming radio broadcasts of Rush.
I'm pissed that the government is spending money on Isle Royal National Park. I've never been there, and am not going to go there. The money would be better spent by raising my Social Security benefits and jamming radio broadcasts of Rush.

To this day we're still jamming shortwave broadcasts from Radio Havana from right here in North Cackalackee. True story.
Your tax dollars at work.
Educating some one else's kids is not the "general welfare."

I politely disagree. While I generally hate society, I do not want a generation of my neighbor's growing up with nothing else going for them besides the chance to sell drugs or kidnap my grandkids for ransom.

So yeah, lets send them to school but not because I care for them. Because I care for me and mine.
I know the OP is kidding but dang'it I bet the OP eats food and drinks water, both of which are brought to market on roads, and god only knows the full list of things the OP depends on that are themselves transported on roads or dependent upon things that are transported on roads. It boggles the mind the number of ways a road fits into a causal chain upon which the OP depends. The goal of the Republican Party is to create citizens who can't list the things they use and/or depend upon that come from the administrative loins of government.

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