Why are republicans automatically considered racist?

Are you on the right going to continue to lie about why black voters vote the way they do?

If you do in light of these cold hard court 9sic0 doicumented facts then you ARE racists.

It was 1967 when I was first eligible to vote, Truthmatters. I simply couldn't join the Democrat Party that many of my friends and relatives belonged to because of the way the party treated black people, so I registered as an independent. When I married, I registered in my husband's Republican party so as not to cancel his vote. I was proud of the Party's views on accepting black people, their views, and its insistence on a limited role of government in people's lives.

Sometimes things don't always go your way, though. Republicans also believed in the principle of letting the best-prepared person receive the job that was offered, and it opposed quotas. That led to a lot of anger levelled against this fair practice by people with the most to gain from unfairly giving a job to a minority person just because.

Nowadays, I think unfairness is demanded in favor of almost all minority groups.

We are taking a black eye, but the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, have had it right all along: we can't afford every plum for every person on a governmental level.

Congress gets elected on how many people it can get to vote on any given issue, and many unfair things are said that are simply not true.

This particular thread is one of them. It is making the false claim that Republicans are racists, when in fact, the Republicans saw to it black people got freed in the 1860s. Republicans pushed for 40 acres and a mule. Republicans pushed for black civil liberties and the black vote.

For a hundred years, Republicans stood behind black people before the Democrats even turned their heads to accept black people for the dynamic powerhouses of strength and intelligence that they are.

Sorry, the Republicans have never wavered from this support, and we never will. Also, we won't waver from justice, either. What's right is right!

Why did blacks leave the republican party? What was Nixon's "Southern Strategy"?
Are you on the right going to continue to lie about why black voters vote the way they do?

If you do in light of these cold hard court 9sic0 doicumented facts then you ARE racists.

It was 1967 when I was first eligible to vote, Truthmatters. I simply couldn't join the Democrat Party that many of my friends and relatives belonged to because of the way the party treated black people, so I registered as an independent. When I married, I registered in my husband's Republican party so as not to cancel his vote. I was proud of the Party's views on accepting black people, their views, and its insistence on a limited role of government in people's lives.

Sometimes things don't always go your way, though. Republicans also believed in the principle of letting the best-prepared person receive the job that was offered, and it opposed quotas. That led to a lot of anger levelled against this fair practice by people with the most to gain from unfairly giving a job to a minority person just because.

Nowadays, I think unfairness is demanded in favor of almost all minority groups.

We are taking a black eye, but the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, have had it right all along: we can't afford every plum for every person on a governmental level.

Congress gets elected on how many people it can get to vote on any given issue, and many unfair things are said that are simply not true.

This particular thread is one of them. It is making the false claim that Republicans are racists, when in fact, the Republicans saw to it black people got freed in the 1860s. Republicans pushed for 40 acres and a mule. Republicans pushed for black civil liberties and the black vote.

For a hundred years, Republicans stood behind black people before the Democrats even turned their heads to accept black people for the dynamic powerhouses of strength and intelligence that they are.

Sorry, the Republicans have never wavered from this support, and we never will. Also, we won't waver from justice, either. What's right is right!

Why did blacks leave the republican party? What was Nixon's "Southern Strategy"?

Nixon has been DEAD for a few years... *NEXT*
It was 1967 when I was first eligible to vote, Truthmatters. I simply couldn't join the Democrat Party that many of my friends and relatives belonged to because of the way the party treated black people, so I registered as an independent. When I married, I registered in my husband's Republican party so as not to cancel his vote. I was proud of the Party's views on accepting black people, their views, and its insistence on a limited role of government in people's lives.

Sometimes things don't always go your way, though. Republicans also believed in the principle of letting the best-prepared person receive the job that was offered, and it opposed quotas. That led to a lot of anger levelled against this fair practice by people with the most to gain from unfairly giving a job to a minority person just because.

Nowadays, I think unfairness is demanded in favor of almost all minority groups.

We are taking a black eye, but the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, have had it right all along: we can't afford every plum for every person on a governmental level.

Congress gets elected on how many people it can get to vote on any given issue, and many unfair things are said that are simply not true.

This particular thread is one of them. It is making the false claim that Republicans are racists, when in fact, the Republicans saw to it black people got freed in the 1860s. Republicans pushed for 40 acres and a mule. Republicans pushed for black civil liberties and the black vote.

For a hundred years, Republicans stood behind black people before the Democrats even turned their heads to accept black people for the dynamic powerhouses of strength and intelligence that they are.

Sorry, the Republicans have never wavered from this support, and we never will. Also, we won't waver from justice, either. What's right is right!

Why did blacks leave the republican party? What was Nixon's "Southern Strategy"?

Nixon has been DEAD for a few years... *NEXT*

Good answer. So has Reagan, yet his influence is still alive or did it die when he did; just like you imply Nixon's did?
Are you on the right going to continue to lie about why black voters vote the way they do?

If you do in light of these cold hard court 9sic0 doicumented facts then you ARE racists.

It was 1967 when I was first eligible to vote, Truthmatters. I simply couldn't join the Democrat Party that many of my friends and relatives belonged to because of the way the party treated black people, so I registered as an independent. When I married, I registered in my husband's Republican party so as not to cancel his vote. I was proud of the Party's views on accepting black people, their views, and its insistence on a limited role of government in people's lives.

Sometimes things don't always go your way, though. Republicans also believed in the principle of letting the best-prepared person receive the job that was offered, and it opposed quotas. That led to a lot of anger levelled against this fair practice by people with the most to gain from unfairly giving a job to a minority person just because.

Nowadays, I think unfairness is demanded in favor of almost all minority groups.

We are taking a black eye, but the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, have had it right all along: we can't afford every plum for every person on a governmental level.

Congress gets elected on how many people it can get to vote on any given issue, and many unfair things are said that are simply not true.

This particular thread is one of them. It is making the false claim that Republicans are racists, when in fact, the Republicans saw to it black people got freed in the 1860s. Republicans pushed for 40 acres and a mule. Republicans pushed for black civil liberties and the black vote.

For a hundred years, Republicans stood behind black people before the Democrats even turned their heads to accept black people for the dynamic powerhouses of strength and intelligence that they are.

Sorry, the Republicans have never wavered from this support, and we never will. Also, we won't waver from justice, either. What's right is right!

Why did blacks leave the republican party? What was Nixon's "Southern Strategy"?

Hello, Salt Jones. I have no idea. He left office shortly after I married, started a family, and registered as a Republican. I hadn't voted for Nixon, and his wife gave me the creeps. I had not become interested in politics until Clinton was reelected. By then, his lady's man persona had become bigger than his office, and I wondered why people continued to vote in a man riddled with one scandal after another and why the people around him were lying about all the females clawing for him when it was indeed the other way around, and police stories had leaked about him using police to nab women and detain them for him in hotel rooms.

I was just wondering why people would lie for a person who told nonstop lies, that's all. That's what caused me to be interested in politics. I believed the police, and I didn't believe his handlers who were grinning and winking about horrible stuff that if proved true, would wipe the smiles right off of their smug faces.
It is court documented.

The black community knows this history and you deny it even exsists.

That right there explains why black people dont vote republican in anything but tiny numbers.

Your denial of cold hard court documented FACTS to pretend it not a racisits party is yet another reason they dont vote republican.

Many of the people who do vote republican refuse facts just like you did here.

A party that refuses facts can never get their policy right.

They have left out part of the question so they never get the right answer.
You've been asked to produce examples of black voter suppression. Preferable some examples that are not 40 years old.
Your entire line here is BS. But you keep it up.
BTW, have you noticed no one has chimed in who is in agreement with you on this matter. I find that amusing.
You resemble the person who everyone in the room ignores. You then stand in the middle of that room screaming. You insist your are correct and everyone else is wrong. And the frustration builds because even though you scream, no one in the room has even acknowledged your presence.
Keep screaming. Nobody cares.

What did Alan West say about Newt's idea of giving a history test to be able to vote?
I agree with a test.
A short 10 question, multiple choice civics test should be required to be passed in order to register to vote. Passing is 50%. I believe it is as much our duty as Americans to be at least somewhat informed as well as it is our duty to cast a ballot.
To keep this focussed just post the link for what West had to say.
I am not here to answer quiz questions.
The GOP isn't racist, it's classist. Since a significant portion of minorities inhabit the lower economic levels, it looks racist.

And the Southern strategy stole most of the Dem racists.
Did you grow up in the black community? Are you black?
Does it really matter? Or are you normally this obteuse and stupid to boot?

It determines if he's an experienced expert on the black community or just another message board white conservative pseudo-expert on black Americans.
I never claimed to be. I can read and see, however, and I see white liberals getting away with racism while claiming that conservatives are racist. I also see bigotry from black liberals aimed at black conservatives. And that includes you, because you are indeed a bigot.

Don't like it? Then change your own behavior. Insist white liberals change theirs. But pretending it's not there in the face of overwhelming evidence is just stupid.
The GOP isn't racist, it's classist. Since a significant portion of minorities inhabit the lower economic levels, it looks racist.

And the Southern strategy stole most of the Dem racists.
Classist? Really? Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Conversely, which party believes that certain people are oppressed by The Man and can't ever succeed on their own?

Honest answers to those questions will reveal the falseness of your claim.
The GOP isn't racist, it's classist. Since a significant portion of minorities inhabit the lower economic levels, it looks racist.

And the Southern strategy stole most of the Dem racists.
Classist? Really? Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Conversely, which party believes that certain people are oppressed by The Man and can't ever succeed on their own?

Honest answers to those questions will reveal the falseness of your claim.

Classist? That has overtones of DEMOCRAT Statists doesn't it Dave?
The GOP isn't racist, it's classist. Since a significant portion of minorities inhabit the lower economic levels, it looks racist.

And the Southern strategy stole most of the Dem racists.

Classist? Really? I think you doth project too much. TRUE Repubicans (The OLD Guard) play those silly games...but WE just had an election in 2010...

SOME of them and the Statist DEMOCRATS were sent packing by the TEA party...

There's a new game in town...their name is TEA...

These old games come to an END.

There ARE no classes...only UNEMPLOYED PISSED OFF AMERICANS...that are tired of the fucking games played by BOTH parties...and want their Government under control at their behest and NOT of the PARTIES that have screwed things up...

Now? Let that sink in awhile before you answer...will you?:eusa_hand:
The GOP isn't racist, it's classist. Since a significant portion of minorities inhabit the lower economic levels, it looks racist.

And the Southern strategy stole most of the Dem racists.
Classist? Really? Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Conversely, which party believes that certain people are oppressed by The Man and can't ever succeed on their own?

Honest answers to those questions will reveal the falseness of your claim.

Classist? That has overtones of DEMOCRAT Statists doesn't it Dave?
Democrats can't survive without identity politics. They have to pit groups against each other. A classless society doesn't allow that -- so they insist on classes and pigeonhole everyone into one.
Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Both, all.

To say otherwise is idiotic.
Because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting.

What history book have you been not reading? The Democratic Party--including Al Gore's very own father--led the resistance and filibuster of the Civil Rights Act. It was the Republican Party that assured its passage.

It was the Democratic Party, already having seen what a poor education coupled with government 'assistance' had done to American Indians, that assured the passage of exorbitant welfare programs, with the nifty title 'War on Poverty'. We see how well that's worked.

Now ask yourself, all those racists in the Democratic Party did they really wake up the next day and change? No, the systematic oppression of the black community continued in the guise of help. The systematic destruction of the black family, to the delight of those on the far left that had that as their stated goal.

You don't know history or reality.
Because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting.

What history book have you been not reading? The Democratic Party--including Al Gore's very own father--led the resistance and filibuster of the Civil Rights Act. It was the Republican Party that assured its passage.

It was the Democratic Party, already having seen what a poor education coupled with government 'assistance' had done to American Indians, that assured the passage of exorbitant welfare programs, with the nifty title 'War on Poverty'. We see how well that's worked.

Now ask yourself, all those racists in the Democratic Party did they really wake up the next day and change? No, the systematic oppression of the black community continued in the guise of help. The systematic destruction of the black family, to the delight of those on the far left that had that as their stated goal.

You don't know history or reality.

You really believe this?
Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Both, all.

To say otherwise is idiotic.

Really? Then let me ask you this: Which party supports Affirmative Action, the legal doctrine that minorities aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed on their own, and must have the help of white liberals to do so?
Which party believes in the American Dream -- that no matter the circumstances of your birth, you can rise to the top with hard work and determination?

Both, all.

To say otherwise is idiotic.

Really? Then let me ask you this: Which party supports Affirmative Action, the legal doctrine that minorities aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed on their own, and must have the help of white liberals to do so?

Oh, you're talking about payback. That's what we call it my family. Even though my household income is over 250K I still tell my kids to make sure they put their race on all forms, might as well use all the payback we can.
Because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting.

What history book have you been not reading? The Democratic Party--including Al Gore's very own father--led the resistance and filibuster of the Civil Rights Act. It was the Republican Party that assured its passage.

It was the Democratic Party, already having seen what a poor education coupled with government 'assistance' had done to American Indians, that assured the passage of exorbitant welfare programs, with the nifty title 'War on Poverty'. We see how well that's worked.

Now ask yourself, all those racists in the Democratic Party did they really wake up the next day and change? No, the systematic oppression of the black community continued in the guise of help. The systematic destruction of the black family, to the delight of those on the far left that had that as their stated goal.

You don't know history or reality.

You really believe this?

Which part do you take issue with?

I'm assuming the one after the fact that the Republican Party in defiance to a Democratic Party that led the resistance of the Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore's father. Because all of that is a fact.
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