Why are republicans automatically considered racist?

Who honestly gives a shit what a liberal thinks?!

Honestly I care because they are my fellow americans too. I think they have good hearts but the problem is that in order to acheive their ends they have to destroy what makes america great.

That is in order to take care of everyone you have to punish individuals who are successful through invention, innovation, intelligence, and hard work.
Oh merciful God or Allah or Yaweh or Superman or whomever... please show the ultimate act of pity and relieve TM from the extensive labor of breathing and supposedly thinking at the same time... much like putting a bird out of misery that has smacked a windshield at 50MPH, please end the suffering of this poor being.... it's best not to exist, if one has to exist that way

Thank you
Blacks dont vote republican because republicans try to keep black people from voting.
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.
Blacks dont vote republican because republicans try to keep black people from voting.
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.
We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

If he gets the nomination you mean?

He would be an excellent President.
Blacks dont vote republican because republicans try to keep black people from voting.
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

It'll be the usual cries of "house n----r" and "Uncle Tom" and "he's not REALLY black".
It is court documented.

The black community knows this history and you deny it even exsists.

That right there explains why black people dont vote republican in anything but tiny numbers.

Your denial of cold hard court documented FACTS to pretend it not a racisits party is yet another reason they dont vote republican.

Many of the people who do vote republican refuse facts just like you did here.

A party that refuses facts can never get their policy right.

They have left out part of the question so they never get the right answer.
You've been asked to produce examples of black voter suppression. Preferable some examples that are not 40 years old.
Your entire line here is BS. But you keep it up.
BTW, have you noticed no one has chimed in who is in agreement with you on this matter. I find that amusing.
You resemble the person who everyone in the room ignores. You then stand in the middle of that room screaming. You insist your are correct and everyone else is wrong. And the frustration builds because even though you scream, no one in the room has even acknowledged your presence.
Keep screaming. Nobody cares.
Blacks dont vote republican because republicans try to keep black people from voting.
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

Pointing out racists isn't hustling. Reading 13 pages of racist babble from the Rabbi, yet trying to claim that it's "tongue in cheek" is the mark of a race hustler.

Herman Cain serves the same purpose as Michael Steele did, as race minstrels and mascots for the white conservative imagination. That's why Cain was used an example by a white conservative poster on another thread we were on. "What are they going to say if we nominate Herman Cain". Cain, Steele, Alan Keyes are just there to make white conservatives feel good about some of the views they hold about black Americans. Cain, Steele or Keyes make a living off of parroting the "democratic plantation" or "don't hold the black president against me" line. White conservatives laugh, sit back and say "See, I knew that wasn't bad. Ole Herm said the same thing.".
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

It'll be the usual cries of "house n----r" and "Uncle Tom" and "he's not REALLY black".

Did you grow up in the black community? Are you black?
It is court documented.

The black community knows this history and you deny it even exsists.

That right there explains why black people dont vote republican in anything but tiny numbers.

Your denial of cold hard court documented FACTS to pretend it not a racisits party is yet another reason they dont vote republican.

Many of the people who do vote republican refuse facts just like you did here.

A party that refuses facts can never get their policy right.

They have left out part of the question so they never get the right answer.
You've been asked to produce examples of black voter suppression. Preferable some examples that are not 40 years old.
Your entire line here is BS. But you keep it up.
BTW, have you noticed no one has chimed in who is in agreement with you on this matter. I find that amusing.
You resemble the person who everyone in the room ignores. You then stand in the middle of that room screaming. You insist your are correct and everyone else is wrong. And the frustration builds because even though you scream, no one in the room has even acknowledged your presence.
Keep screaming. Nobody cares.

What did Alan West say about Newt's idea of giving a history test to be able to vote?
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

Pointing out racists isn't hustling. Reading 13 pages of racist babble from the Rabbi, yet trying to claim that it's "tongue in cheek" is the mark of a race hustler.

Herman Cain serves the same purpose as Michael Steele did, as race minstrels and mascots for the white conservative imagination. That's why Cain was used an example by a white conservative poster on another thread we were on. "What are they going to say if we nominate Herman Cain". Cain, Steele, Alan Keyes are just there to make white conservatives feel good about some of the views they hold about black Americans. Cain, Steele or Keyes make a living off of parroting the "democratic plantation" or "don't hold the black president against me" line. White conservatives laugh, sit back and say "See, I knew that wasn't bad. Ole Herm said the same thing.".

I'm going to tell you a little story and then I'm going to neg rep your ass for being a liar.

My husband was sitting in the kitchen one day, he builds small shrimp boats and sailboats as a craft, no models, no blueprints just from his memory and his hands. Well, he was sitting there listening (not seeing) a man who was giving a political speech on the TV.. he asked, "Who is that? He's good>" I told him it was Michael Steele. So here you go you asswipe of a turd here's your negative rep for being a race baiter.
If you want to know what black America thinks, just ask a white liberal.

A white liberal once told me he knew more about the "black experience" than a black conservative does.

Yes, that is the mindset we're dealing with here. White liberals think they can speak for minorities.

Oh, and remember -- white liberals define minorities' "best interests" as "keeping white liberals in power".

Pathetic, isn't it? Racist bastards.

We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

Pointing out racists isn't hustling. Reading 13 pages of racist babble from the Rabbi, yet trying to claim that it's "tongue in cheek" is the mark of a race hustler.

Herman Cain serves the same purpose as Michael Steele did, as race minstrels and mascots for the white conservative imagination. That's why Cain was used an example by a white conservative poster on another thread we were on. "What are they going to say if we nominate Herman Cain". Cain, Steele, Alan Keyes are just there to make white conservatives feel good about some of the views they hold about black Americans. Cain, Steele or Keyes make a living off of parroting the "democratic plantation" or "don't hold the black president against me" line. White conservatives laugh, sit back and say "See, I knew that wasn't bad. Ole Herm said the same thing.".
You may not be a racist, but you certainly are a bigot.
We have a few race hustlers on this board like RDD_1210 & Salt Jones.... everything's racism, racist or whatever.

If Herman Cain runs, watch how they treat him.

Pointing out racists isn't hustling. Reading 13 pages of racist babble from the Rabbi, yet trying to claim that it's "tongue in cheek" is the mark of a race hustler.

Herman Cain serves the same purpose as Michael Steele did, as race minstrels and mascots for the white conservative imagination. That's why Cain was used an example by a white conservative poster on another thread we were on. "What are they going to say if we nominate Herman Cain". Cain, Steele, Alan Keyes are just there to make white conservatives feel good about some of the views they hold about black Americans. Cain, Steele or Keyes make a living off of parroting the "democratic plantation" or "don't hold the black president against me" line. White conservatives laugh, sit back and say "See, I knew that wasn't bad. Ole Herm said the same thing.".

I'm going to tell you a little story and then I'm going to neg rep your ass for being a liar.

My husband was sitting in the kitchen one day, he builds small shrimp boats and sailboats as a craft, no models, no blueprints just from his memory and his hands. Well, he was sitting there listening (not seeing) a man who was giving a political speech on the TV.. he asked, "Who is that? He's good>" I told him it was Michael Steele. So here you go you asswipe of a turd here's your negative rep for being a race baiter.

How good was Steele? If your husband's boat building skills are as good as his judging competence skills a lot of people must be swimming back to shore.
Pointing out racists isn't hustling. Reading 13 pages of racist babble from the Rabbi, yet trying to claim that it's "tongue in cheek" is the mark of a race hustler.

Herman Cain serves the same purpose as Michael Steele did, as race minstrels and mascots for the white conservative imagination. That's why Cain was used an example by a white conservative poster on another thread we were on. "What are they going to say if we nominate Herman Cain". Cain, Steele, Alan Keyes are just there to make white conservatives feel good about some of the views they hold about black Americans. Cain, Steele or Keyes make a living off of parroting the "democratic plantation" or "don't hold the black president against me" line. White conservatives laugh, sit back and say "See, I knew that wasn't bad. Ole Herm said the same thing.".

I'm going to tell you a little story and then I'm going to neg rep your ass for being a liar.

My husband was sitting in the kitchen one day, he builds small shrimp boats and sailboats as a craft, no models, no blueprints just from his memory and his hands. Well, he was sitting there listening (not seeing) a man who was giving a political speech on the TV.. he asked, "Who is that? He's good>" I told him it was Michael Steele. So here you go you asswipe of a turd here's your negative rep for being a race baiter.

How good was Steele? If your husband's boat building skills are as good as his judging competence skills a lot of people must be swimming back to shore.

He doesn't haul the Haitians. Thanks..
Are you on the right going to continue to lie about why black voters vote the way they do?

If you do in light of these cold hard court 9sic0 doicumented facts then you ARE racists.

It was 1967 when I was first eligible to vote, Truthmatters. I simply couldn't join the Democrat Party that many of my friends and relatives belonged to because of the way the party treated black people, so I registered as an independent. When I married, I registered in my husband's Republican party so as not to cancel his vote. I was proud of the Party's views on accepting black people, their views, and its insistence on a limited role of government in people's lives.

Sometimes things don't always go your way, though. Republicans also believed in the principle of letting the best-prepared person receive the job that was offered, and it opposed quotas. That led to a lot of anger levelled against this fair practice by people with the most to gain from unfairly giving a job to a minority person just because.

Nowadays, I think unfairness is demanded in favor of almost all minority groups.

We are taking a black eye, but the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, have had it right all along: we can't afford every plum for every person on a governmental level.

Congress gets elected on how many people it can get to vote on any given issue, and many unfair things are said that are simply not true.

This particular thread is one of them. It is making the false claim that Republicans are racists, when in fact, the Republicans saw to it black people got freed in the 1860s. Republicans pushed for 40 acres and a mule. Republicans pushed for black civil liberties and the black vote.

For a hundred years, Republicans stood behind black people before the Democrats even turned their heads to accept black people for the dynamic powerhouses of strength and intelligence that they are.

Sorry, the Republicans have never wavered from this support, and we never will. Also, we won't waver from justice, either. What's right is right!
It'll be the usual cries of "house n----r" and "Uncle Tom" and "he's not REALLY black".

Did you grow up in the black community? Are you black?
Does it really matter? Or are you normally this obteuse and stupid to boot?

It determines if he's an experienced expert on the black community or just another message board white conservative pseudo-expert on black Americans.

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