Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Charity dries up when needed and is often a scam. People want a hand up, not a hand out, despite your racist/hate bs propaganda, dupe.

For charity scam, see the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and what they did to Haiti.
240 days vacation? That is INSANE. What is that, 48 weeks per year given for vacation?


Someone's lying their fucking ass off here.
They bitched about Carter, they bitched about Clinton, the bitched about Obama; that's all they ever do, is bitch about things when they don't get their way. They're like little 2 year olds.

And you didn't bitch about Reagan, Bush the elder, Bush the younger????

You win the most myopic post of the year; saying Republicans act like 2 year olds when it's your people that go out and start riots, close down main streets, protest, destroy public and private property, all because you lost one election. Your fellow losers are still closing down Town Hall meetings, protesting, and making threats about the future for Trump rallies.

The only two year olds in this election are you snowflakes; Snowflakes that are so combative against losing they hold on to idiotic Russian theories and popular vote counts just to have something to cry on at night before they go to sleep.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
This is absolutely true. The right are bunch of fucked up, selfish babies, caring only for themselves and not this country or the Americans within it. They are also mentally incapable of holding public office.

They bitched about Carter, they bitched about Clinton, the bitched about Obama; that's all they ever do, is bitch about things when they don't get their way. They're like little 2 year olds.

But the moment they get a little authority, they get all punch drunk with power. They start screwing anyone and everyone they can. The poor, average Americans, people of color, citizens and non-citizens alike, it doesn't matter. All they care about is themselves.

Indeed. They are pathetic, useless children. Republicans simply can't govern, they don't have the capacity. America seems to feel the need to re-learn this lesson the hard way every so often.
We love paying our taxes to help people and the country, not giving a morsel to scam charities ...

when Clinton eliminated welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they were no longer poor!! How is that for a typical libcommie scam?

Or what states like Maine did. They created several requirements one must fall under in order to receive food stamps if you are a person with no dependents in the home. Guess what happened? Most of those so-called hungry were not that hungry after all. They decided to drop out of food stamps instead.
Yup! We can all see how "well" it's worked! LOL

As you know, it was extremely effective taking millions off the welfare rolls and putting them on the payrolls. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama canceled the 1996 Welfare Reform and we see how "well that worked". Millions MORE on welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, free or low-cost high-speed internet, cell phones and the giveaways continue to grow.
They also donate way more in charity and volunteer work than you do. Do you match Meals on Wheels donations at 100%? The United Way? Comfort Keepers etc?
I don't match their voice in government. Or their ability to buy the government they want. Or their ability to screw the majority of Americans. There are far more Americans filing bankruptcy, than there are receiving Meals on Wheels, because of corporate welfare.
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?

For any chart to mean anything, it must include 2009 through 2016.

Not really because welfare reform eventually got watered down---especially when DumBama took over. The charts do show the impact on welfare the reform actually had once it became the law.
You mean when the Booosh depression started DUHHH....
They also donate way more in charity and volunteer work than you do. Do you match Meals on Wheels donations at 100%? The United Way? Comfort Keepers etc?
I don't match their voice in government. Or their ability to buy the government they want. Or their ability to screw the majority of Americans. There are far more Americans filing bankruptcy, than there are receiving Meals on Wheels, because of corporate welfare.
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
Yup! We can all see how "well" it's worked! LOL

As you know, it was extremely effective taking millions off the welfare rolls and putting them on the payrolls. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama canceled the 1996 Welfare Reform and we see how "well that worked". Millions MORE on welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, free or low-cost high-speed internet, cell phones and the giveaways continue to grow.
You mean when the Booosh DEPRESSION started and it was impossible anymore DUHHHHH. And then the numbers went down again. DUH. Under OBAMA. Because of all the new jobs, like under Clinton. So dumb...
I don't match their voice in government. Or their ability to buy the government they want. Or their ability to screw the majority of Americans. There are far more Americans filing bankruptcy, than there are receiving Meals on Wheels, because of corporate welfare.
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.
Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.

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