Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Time to tax online sales...remain calm.

States already tax online sales.
It depends. If your business has a physical presence in a state, such as a store, office or warehouse, you must collect applicable state and local sales tax from your customers. If you do not have a presence in a particular state, you are not required to collect sales taxes.
Collecting Sales Tax Over the Internet | The U.S. Small Business ...
So you are WRONG AGAIN. Did that get thru? LOL
Just averted ANOTHER corrupt GOP GREAT DEPRESSION and had 7 years of solid growth

Speaking of the Great Depression, I take it you are aware that the failed economic policies of FDR LENGTHENED the Depression by SEVEN YEARS.

Pretty much what you are quoting in your goofy post.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, not a single year of his administration with a year of growth above 3%. That's a major reason the Fed could not raise the interest rate above 0 all those years.

Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
This is absolutely true. The right are bunch of fucked up, selfish babies, caring only for themselves and not this country or the Americans within it. They are also mentally incapable of holding public office.

They bitched about Carter, they bitched about Clinton, the bitched about Obama; that's all they ever do, is bitch about things when they don't get their way. They're like little 2 year olds.

But the moment they get a little authority, they get all punch drunk with power. They start screwing anyone and everyone they can. The poor, average Americans, people of color, citizens and non-citizens alike, it doesn't matter. All they care about is themselves.

Indeed. They are pathetic, useless children. Republicans simply can't govern, they don't have the capacity. America seems to feel the need to re-learn this lesson the hard way every so often.
Indeed. They are pathetic, useless children. Republicans simply can't govern, they don't have the capacity. America seems to feel the need to re-learn this lesson the hard way every so often
You've got to be fucking kidding me!

They're all acting like pathetic, useless children!

This is ridiculous...they're getting paid to do, what exactly?
Not govern this country like they're supposed to be doing!
They don't act like grown ups, let alone, political leaders...
they can't even agree to disagree and compromise on anything!

We are not governed by leaders,
we are at the whims of corrupted politicians!

They don't work for us... we work for them!
Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.

LOL, they, like you are idiots. I watched them burn down their own neighborhoods during Watts and the Rodney King riots. They like you are morons.
Just averted ANOTHER corrupt GOP GREAT DEPRESSION and had 7 years of solid growth

Speaking of the Great Depression, I take it you are aware that the failed economic policies of FDR LENGTHENED the Depression by SEVEN YEARS.

Pretty much what you are quoting in your goofy post.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, not a single year of his administration with a year of growth above 3%. That's a major reason the Fed could not raise the interest rate above 0 all those years.

FDR? After 3 years of Hoover's GOP Depression, there was no money to do anything but keep people busy and alive.

Considering the total GOP obstruction of Obama's solutions after the stimulus and things like DEBT CRISES!!! for the first time ever, he was a gd genius. And no GOP corrupt bubble!
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Just let us know when you're ready to neutralize that carbon footprint.

You're just another socialist parrot like all the rest who agitate for political support to promote entitlements without responsibility.

You keep changing the names of yourselves from marxists, "progressives" (that one is the most absurd) liberals, democratic socialist, anarco-communists, et al....

Then you change the focus of your demagoguery from bourgeois, jews, cossacks, republicans, "the 1%", or anyone that has a dollar more than you. You side with every sort of pervert, malign every western religion, defend a cult on a global jihad, and demand civilians surrender their weapons for "civil safety".

The real question parasite is....

How can someone like you continue to function without a frontal lobe and not end up being washed of a truck's radiator?

Too fucking many safety measures keep imbeciles like this alive.

The bottom line is this.

People who reject regressive programs that subsidize sloth aren't doing so to save their own taxes. Most of us recognize that people dependent on government are not free citizens. They're DEPENDENT not INDEPENDENT.

If you had the capacity to comprehend independence and the RESPONSIBILITY involved you might be worth more time.

However you're a parrot. A mindless, servile parrot.


ink to that discredited BS? Too bad they don't work and internet access etc is tiny...

That's just stupid.

You would think so but it's what you morons promote as normal.

The hell it is. That's the epitome of inner city ignorance. Thanks to GOP racism, discrimination, and policy. Great job.

Every inner city that has major problems is dem run and has been for decades.
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
Oh...so if all else fails...blather on about liberal nonsense and talking points.

Corporations employ the majority of working Americans most with large benefit packages including 200 plus hours of paid vacations,holiday pay,insurance, maternity leave, Life insurance, long and short term health leave, berevement leave,free behavioral health packages,pay for school packages, gym memberships, 3- 5 % matches on 401k's and stock options etc...And they offer grants to charities and employee incentives to volunteer.

Yeah those evil corporations...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
Nope. Pretty standard actually for corporations. See Honeywell and Intel. 4 weeks plus holidays and sick days. Honeywell also doesn't have a vacation cap not sure how it works though.

You need to get out of your liberal fog more apparently.
Oh and please don't make an issue about how relentlessly cruel I am to pieces of shit like Tommy Taint.

He brings this on himself. The fact he is handicapped is not an issue. He refuses treatment.

Build a real, big grocery store and have a police station there. Raise the min wage, decriminalize and treat it, train and employ them, change the culture a la Jack Kemp, the last good GOPer and leader of the '64-65 World Champion Bills. LOL

Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.

LOL, they, like you are idiots. I watched them burn down their own neighborhoods during Watts and the Rodney King riots. They like you are morons.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in racism, brainwashed bs, and ignorance. Black people are morons? Racist garbage. Enjoy hell. God will not be amused.
Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.

LOL, they, like you are idiots. I watched them burn down their own neighborhoods during Watts and the Rodney King riots. They like you are morons.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in racism, brainwashed bs, and ignorance. Black people are morons? Racist garbage. Enjoy hell. God will not be amused.

Well except that indeed burned their own neighborhoods. I'll risk it. You don't have a degree in anything kid. Everything you type says "idiot".
ink to that discredited BS? Too bad they don't work and internet access etc is tiny...

That's just stupid.

You would think so but it's what you morons promote as normal.

So how much money did they get from the Obama stash I wonder?

I have no idea what that bs is about. Could you as a superdupe explain it?

We would have to super retard it for you to catch on. Maybe some crayons and paper will do it if anyone is even willing to spend the time with you in the special education portion of your life.

Let me superdupe this explanation. You're an idiot.
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
Nope. Pretty standard actually for corporations. See Honeywell and Intel. 4 weeks plus holidays and sick days. Honeywell also doesn't have a vacation cap not sure how it works though.

You need to get out of your liberal fog more apparently.
You think Honeywell, Intel, and your Big Health Unicorn corp are standard? LOL.
Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.

LOL, they, like you are idiots. I watched them burn down their own neighborhoods during Watts and the Rodney King riots. They like you are morons.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in racism, brainwashed bs, and ignorance. Black people are morons? Racist garbage. Enjoy hell. God will not be amused.

Hell man, I'll bet you're 6'4 and 215. A strapping stud of a man.
A FEW do- the strong union ones or with Dems CEOs, dupe. Every other modern country has at least 1 month paid vacation after 1 year BY LAW.

In other words you have no idea what you are talking about.

My company gives employees 240 days vacation, plus sick/personal days and holidays. So do most others in healthcare. Not union either. So...how many weeks of vacation is that do you think?
You are very fortunate to be so ignorant. WTF are you talking about, 240 days of vacation LOL?
Yes bonehead...I get 6 weeks. And a "union" did nothing to acquire it.
You are VERY FORTUNATE. Sounds like ACA needs to go after companies like yours. No wonder health care is so ridiculously expensive. What a scam. Time to worry about alll the less fortunate for a change...
She's not fucking fortunate you retard she has something to offer a company that is willing to pay those vacation days. And the fact you think we should go after a company like that and force them to take those vacation days away and give them to someone else is pathetic. You. Are. The. Problem.

You're a teacher right? Admittedly probably not a good one but let's say you are as you claim. You have some pretty sweet healthcare and retirement benefits along with the salary you're stealing for being such a failure in your profession. How about we just take your money, home, retirement, savings and just give it to someone less fortunate? I think that's a pretty good idea right there. All government employees lose all of their benefits until we help the poor get to an equal level of income.

I think I have found the problem here. It's not those out there trying to work and make a living that need to pay. It's any government employee at any federal, state, city or county level that should work for free. In order to help the poor people.
You will note that earlier he was bloviating that by law we should be getting 4 weeks off or more. And that's why we need unions.

Now the tune changes because I work in healthcare and get 6 weeks. Which is average for most corporations BTW.
Good, you can laugh at yourself. Being you're a fool, you must spend a lot of time LOL'ing.

EVERY grocery store, drug store, electronics store and all others come with their very own police precinct. You are a joke!
ONE grocery store in the inner city would be a HUGE improvement, racist dupe. Our inner cities are a disgrace, thanks to you people.

Tell them to quit burning that shit down. Hell let them burn your shit down.
Or you might allow good schools and jobs there and stop discriminating against and hating them, like you did Obama.

LOL, they, like you are idiots. I watched them burn down their own neighborhoods during Watts and the Rodney King riots. They like you are morons.
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in racism, brainwashed bs, and ignorance. Black people are morons? Racist garbage. Enjoy hell. God will not be amused.
You have a masters in beating the shit out of your own dick. There is no chance someone as dumb as you could possibly be a teacher and if you are then that's all the reason we need to kill the teacher unions and public schools.

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