Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

yeah and houses were small and cheap to build families had one car one TV etc etc

Exactly. We had one television which got four channels........five if you caught it on a less windy day. There was no cable or satellite. There was no pay-per-view. There was no VCR or DVD player. If you were one of the lucky kids, you had an Atari video game system with two or three game cartridges.

Fast food was something of a treat you got once maybe twice a year. If you wanted to watch a movie, everybody jumped into the family car and drove to a drive-in somewhere if Dad could afford it.

Today, a family eats out three or more times a week. A family cell phone plan costs more today than my parents mortgage back then. What is poverty today? Poverty is having a government cell phone with only 250 anytime minutes. That's what we call poor today.
Hell...our cable bill and cell phone bill alone cost as much as my parents mortgage in the 70's.

And my INSURANCE costs more than my mortgage payment right now.

Liberals have created poverty and it is done intentionally.

It's funny because a couple of years ago one of our schools had problems with cell phones in the classroom, so the school began taking them away for the day and returning them to the students at the end of the day.

The parents and kids alike went nuts. You would have thought they announced it was the end of the world. The began making all kinds of ridiculous situations such as "what if my kid trips down the steps and there's nobody around?" Or another one read "What if something happens to one of us and I can't contact my child to let them know???"

It seems we have a fragile definition of the word Necessity today. Today you GOT TO have s cell phone. You GOT TO have the internet. You GOT TO have Netflix.
One of the companies I help find applicants... ALORICA...has a policy ( I kid you not) that they will pay you an extra 1.00 an HR if you work a full 40 HR week.

Young people today are pansies and the parents ...like you talked about above are at fault for it.
Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you

If you are from that era, then you know very few kids of your graduating class actually went to college. It was during the baby-boom era when classes were around 35 people. Out of those 35 people, maybe six or seven went to college, and Lord knows how many completed it.

Even liberals understand supply and demand, and that's why college costs what it does today. They can get away with charging outrageous fees and there is nothing you can do about it. Many for-profit colleges are making close to 40% profits. Unlike years ago, you must get an advanced education or face being stuck in lower paying jobs.
Maybe a quarter of my class went to college. The rest could get jobs out of HS that you could support yourself. Jobs that had a pension, healthcare, paid vacation
Those days are gone. Takes two salaries to support a family now. Benefits are something only executives can expect
No, those days are not gone. I can name a dozen corporations that have frequent job fairs that offer huge benefits packages with starting wages at 14.00/16.00/18.00 per hour to start. No experience necessary will train. Or $ 24.00 and up for people with a college degree or experience in the field. Potential to move up.

And at least that many that starting wages are 11.00 and up with benefits.

Their only problem is finding employees who want to work a full 40 HR week without constantly calling in sick.

Name ten of them and post links. Can anyone live on $18.00/hr? Can they save for retirement, pay for health care and or put a child through college?

Is there profit sharing, or are the profits put into stock options for Sr. Management?
since when is the ability to pay for college the mark of a job one can live on?

and anyone can pay for college if they want to. You don't have to to college full time you know you can still work your way through
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you
Aint they just.

U.S. inequality keeps getting uglier
inequality has nothing to do with anything

just because a person makes more than you does not mean you have less
Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
Just stop already. Your arguments have been destroyed so many times, yet you continue spouting them again.

Haha...poor ole Danny. He spends countless hours researching political vocabulary but can't for the life of himself string a sensible couple of sentences together..haha
He impresses no one but himself with his vast bunch of scrambled words and phrases...LOL

I thought it was just me for a while. I thought to myself "WTF can't I understand what this guy is trying to say?" Then I realized it's not just me. Everybody has a hard time trying to understand him.
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.
Yea.......and if they agreed to $6 an hour, those jobs would still leave the country

The American worker did not demand to be rich. He just wanted a decent standard of living where he could raise his family and someday retire

Conservatives mock them for it
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you
Aint they just.

U.S. inequality keeps getting uglier
inequality has nothing to do with anything

just because a person makes more than you does not mean you have less
Well the two are inextricably linked. How can they not be ?
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
Just stop already. Your arguments have been destroyed so many times, yet you continue spouting them again.

Haha...poor ole Danny. He spends countless hours researching political vocabulary but can't for the life of himself string a sensible couple of sentences together..haha
He impresses no one but himself with his vast bunch of scrambled words and phrases...LOL

I thought it was just me for a while. I thought to myself "WTF can't I understand what this guy is trying to say?" Then I realized it's not just me. Everybody has a hard time trying to understand him.

Haha...yep, we all struggle to understand Danny P. I think I've officially lost my patience to engage with him anymore. I must admit, his posts can be damn entertaining nonetheless...I get the feeling he may be 14 years old and located in Guatemala. I'm thinking I may sick my 14 year old daughter on him here.
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)

Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they are fucking lazy. But all societies have a percentage of people that are stupid or fucking lazy.
These people take low skilled jobs. They are not CEO or brain surgeon material. Our society used to provide jobs where they could work and support themselves. We no longer do
Taxpayers have to step in and provide support for food, shelter and medical care.......Their employers used to do that
(Don't run away)

You see that's where Liberal ideologies fail...anyone with their head pulled from their ass can see it. It is not and should not be the responsibility of government to assure ones success or failure. Think of the core functionalities of a democracy. You have to allow yourself off the government leash and pave your own way. Government can not hold your hand through life and lead you around making decisions for you. You must change and acclimate with the times. This is simple shit bud...cut the cord, get off the tit and sack up.
Ever notice it's the poorest and most degenerate who smoke, drink, do drugs, commit crime, have the most babies...etc etc?
At what point do we condemn and shame the piece of shits among us in an attempt to force a change in mentality of our lowest grade citizens? So long as they're willing to stand there with a sad face and a hand out you suckers are willing to make excuses and steal from our best to continue enabling our worst...its what you do...you're "tolerant"...with my checkbook.
The American worker is not "pieces of shit" they work harder and are as productive as any in the world. For that, they receive a smaller and smaller piece of the pie
Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you

If you are from that era, then you know very few kids of your graduating class actually went to college. It was during the baby-boom era when classes were around 35 people. Out of those 35 people, maybe six or seven went to college, and Lord knows how many completed it.

Even liberals understand supply and demand, and that's why college costs what it does today. They can get away with charging outrageous fees and there is nothing you can do about it. Many for-profit colleges are making close to 40% profits. Unlike years ago, you must get an advanced education or face being stuck in lower paying jobs.
Maybe a quarter of my class went to college. The rest could get jobs out of HS that you could support yourself. Jobs that had a pension, healthcare, paid vacation
Those days are gone. Takes two salaries to support a family now. Benefits are something only executives can expect

That's only part of it. The other part is our spending. Years ago we would never dream of spending the kind of money we do today on entertainment and convenience. Look at your cell phone bill. Look at your cable/ internet bill. Keep track of how much you spend on food that you don't prepare at home. We spend a ton of money on entertainment and convenience.

People could get by on one paycheck, but like years ago, no bells or whistles. Home cooked meals every single day and brown bag for work. Watch whatever your rabbit ears are able to pickup on the television, nothing more and nothing less. No Ding-Dongs or Ho-ho's. You make a box cake if you want desert or perhaps make some cookies.

Distractions provided to the workforce so they don't realize they are getting the short end of the stick
Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
Just stop already. Your arguments have been destroyed so many times, yet you continue spouting them again.

Haha...poor ole Danny. He spends countless hours researching political vocabulary but can't for the life of himself string a sensible couple of sentences together..haha
He impresses no one but himself with his vast bunch of scrambled words and phrases...LOL

I thought it was just me for a while. I thought to myself "WTF can't I understand what this guy is trying to say?" Then I realized it's not just me. Everybody has a hard time trying to understand him.

Haha...yep, we all struggle to understand Danny P. I think I've officially lost my patience to engage with him anymore. I must admit, his posts can be damn entertaining nonetheless...I get the feeling he may be 14 years old and located in Guatemala. I'm thinking I may sick my 14 year old daughter on him here.

If you do, tell her to strike up a conversation about Equal Rights and unemployment benefits. She may be in disbelief for a few weeks after that one. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
We need to do something about the poor

Indeed that is true!!

In no nation in the world, at no time in history.....have the poor ever done better by receiving less
Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)

Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they are fucking lazy. But all societies have a percentage of people that are stupid or fucking lazy.
These people take low skilled jobs. They are not CEO or brain surgeon material. Our society used to provide jobs where they could work and support themselves. We no longer do
Taxpayers have to step in and provide support for food, shelter and medical care.......Their employers used to do that
(Don't run away)

You see that's where Liberal ideologies fail...anyone with their head pulled from their ass can see it. It is not and should not be the responsibility of government to assure ones success or failure. Think of the core functionalities of a democracy. You have to allow yourself off the government leash and pave your own way. Government can not hold your hand through life and lead you around making decisions for you. You must change and acclimate with the times. This is simple shit bud...cut the cord, get off the tit and sack up.
Ever notice it's the poorest and most degenerate who smoke, drink, do drugs, commit crime, have the most babies...etc etc?
At what point do we condemn and shame the piece of shits among us in an attempt to force a change in mentality of our lowest grade citizens? So long as they're willing to stand there with a sad face and a hand out you suckers are willing to make excuses and steal from our best to continue enabling our worst...its what you do...you're "tolerant"...with my checkbook.
The American worker is not "pieces of shit" they work harder and are as productive as any in the world. For that, they receive a smaller and smaller piece of the pie

Some are some aren't.
Education, motivation, career path, decision making
All personal choices one should be held accountable for making...this is not a governmental issue. Again, success and or failure is chosen. Come on bud...I see you're noble sentiment in this but don't blind yourself and deny the facts and realities.
Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)

Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they are fucking lazy. But all societies have a percentage of people that are stupid or fucking lazy.
These people take low skilled jobs. They are not CEO or brain surgeon material. Our society used to provide jobs where they could work and support themselves. We no longer do
Taxpayers have to step in and provide support for food, shelter and medical care.......Their employers used to do that
(Don't run away)

You see that's where Liberal ideologies fail...anyone with their head pulled from their ass can see it. It is not and should not be the responsibility of government to assure ones success or failure. Think of the core functionalities of a democracy. You have to allow yourself off the government leash and pave your own way. Government can not hold your hand through life and lead you around making decisions for you. You must change and acclimate with the times. This is simple shit bud...cut the cord, get off the tit and sack up.
Ever notice it's the poorest and most degenerate who smoke, drink, do drugs, commit crime, have the most babies...etc etc?
At what point do we condemn and shame the piece of shits among us in an attempt to force a change in mentality of our lowest grade citizens? So long as they're willing to stand there with a sad face and a hand out you suckers are willing to make excuses and steal from our best to continue enabling our worst...its what you do...you're "tolerant"...with my checkbook.
The American worker is not "pieces of shit" they work harder and are as productive as any in the world. For that, they receive a smaller and smaller piece of the pie
Of which they have liberals to thank for that. More gas tax, soda tax,tax on food, tax on sales, tax on internet purchases,higher insurance premiums, higher deductibles, higher taxes deducted from their pay checks, higher property taxes.

Businesses forced out of the state and country due to regulations. Business not allowed in states due to right to work laws and regulations.

Liberals are making the working class poor.
I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Taxes were but a fraction of what they are today. Don't just weenie out and throw up a rate from back in those days, I grew up then too. If you're comparing rates then, be sure to show the income group that applied to in today's dollars.

Remember too, Social Security was but a fraction of what it is today, along with Medicare.

Upper tax rate on the wealthy was 70% in the 60s. Corporate rates were higher. Workers at all level received a bigger slice of the pie and Executives did not receive the exorbitant compensation they receive today
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.
Yea.......and if they agreed to $6 an hour, those jobs would still leave the country

The American worker did not demand to be rich. He just wanted a decent standard of living where he could raise his family and someday retire

Conservatives mock them for it

Wrong. We lost a lot of good customers thank to unions. They either forced the company out of state or out of the country. In most cases, the company tried to negotiate, they even pled with the unions, but the unions refused to back down, so the companies had no choice but to pack their bags and go.

During the time, what I found so amazing is how brainwashed union workers were back then. I asked the workers if a lower paying job was better than no job at all? They were hell bent on having no job at all than to give into the company. So I asked WTF are they going to do with themselves once the company closes down? They told me not to worry. The union will find them another over-paying job.

Well that didn't happen, and all those workers that were promised the world screwed themselves out of good jobs because of the leadership of their unions.
Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.
Yea.......and if they agreed to $6 an hour, those jobs would still leave the country

The American worker did not demand to be rich. He just wanted a decent standard of living where he could raise his family and someday retire

Conservatives mock them for it

Wrong. We lost a lot of good customers thank to unions. They either forced the company out of state or out of the country. In most cases, the company tried to negotiate, they even pled with the unions, but the unions refused to back down, so the companies had no choice but to pack their bags and go.

During the time, what I found so amazing is how brainwashed union workers were back then. I asked the workers if a lower paying job was better than no job at all? They were hell bent on having no job at all than to give into the company. So I asked WTF are they going to do with themselves once the company closes down? They told me not to worry. The union will find them another over-paying job.

Well that didn't happen, and all those workers that were promised the world screwed themselves out of good jobs because of the leadership of their unions.
Unions provide a powerful tool to workers.......Collective Bargaining
Rather than each worker being on his own with management holding all the cards, workers negotiate as a whole with quite a lot of bargaining power

Destruction of the unions was a major objective of Republucans. It helps them hold down employee compensation
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.
Yea.......and if they agreed to $6 an hour, those jobs would still leave the country

The American worker did not demand to be rich. He just wanted a decent standard of living where he could raise his family and someday retire

Conservatives mock them for it

Wrong. We lost a lot of good customers thank to unions. They either forced the company out of state or out of the country. In most cases, the company tried to negotiate, they even pled with the unions, but the unions refused to back down, so the companies had no choice but to pack their bags and go.

During the time, what I found so amazing is how brainwashed union workers were back then. I asked the workers if a lower paying job was better than no job at all? They were hell bent on having no job at all than to give into the company. So I asked WTF are they going to do with themselves once the company closes down? They told me not to worry. The union will find them another over-paying job.

Well that didn't happen, and all those workers that were promised the world screwed themselves out of good jobs because of the leadership of their unions.
Unions provide a powerful tool to workers.......Collective Bargaining
Rather than each worker being on his own with management holding all the cards, workers negotiate as a whole with quite a lot of bargaining power

Destruction of the unions was a major objective of Republucans. It helps them hold down employee compensation
Unions are responsible for most of the positive changes to the working life over the last century. The current lack of power they have is probably the cause of all the poverty and inequality we currently enjoy.

Its a central tenet of right wing politics that unions must be smashed. This to enable their corporate paymasters to maximise their profits.

Its such a depressing time to be alive. If you dont like what is offered you have no options.
Go on strike and we will move these jobs offshore, its a form of fascism. Might is right.

Of course the governments could act on this if they were not bought and paid for by the corporations.
This is how liberals help the poor...by stealing the food out of their mouths.

DSS case worker charged with fraud

What a dodge!

You can do it.....tell the nice people what Conservatives have ever done to help the poor

What they are doing now which is removing illegals that are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower while at the same time, making our lower income neighborhoods even more dangerous. Republicans are still pushing for better education for the poor by the use of School Vouchers---something Democrats have always been against. Yeah, Democrats are for helping the poor provided where the poor stand on their priority list, and they don't fare well against the big buck unions that bring their money come election time.
Conservatives save the ones hiring illegals for huge profits
School vouchers are a scam that allows white kids a paid voucher to get out of minority schools

Liberals provide the poor with food, shelter, healthcare, education .....which conservatives fight to take away

All this talk about how "conservatives" hire illegals yet none of you have ever provided proof of that. You just assume that all business people are conservative by nature and there are no rich liberal business owners that run companies like Microsoft or Apple.

The only thing liberals provide to the poor is government dependency. As long as they can keep people dependent on the government, they have voters forever.

Liberals love to give away other people's money and then claim they are the charitable ones.

You fail to provide a single thing Conservatives do for the poor

Protection against Mexicans?
Are you kidding me?

Liberals do not give away other people's money, they give OUR money. Money that also pays for the largest military in the world, needless wars and incentives to wealthy capitalists

Jobs.. That's what Reapulican onservatives do for the poor that want to work and succeed in life...

Look at the southern red states like when I live in the upstate of South Carolina, in the 1970s this place was a hell hole like depicted in the burt Reynolds movie deliverance when the democrats controlled it.

Today it changed so much that Clemson university don't even have text tile courses, they offer cutting edge technology now.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.
Yea.......and if they agreed to $6 an hour, those jobs would still leave the country

The American worker did not demand to be rich. He just wanted a decent standard of living where he could raise his family and someday retire

Conservatives mock them for it

Wrong. We lost a lot of good customers thank to unions. They either forced the company out of state or out of the country. In most cases, the company tried to negotiate, they even pled with the unions, but the unions refused to back down, so the companies had no choice but to pack their bags and go.

During the time, what I found so amazing is how brainwashed union workers were back then. I asked the workers if a lower paying job was better than no job at all? They were hell bent on having no job at all than to give into the company. So I asked WTF are they going to do with themselves once the company closes down? They told me not to worry. The union will find them another over-paying job.

Well that didn't happen, and all those workers that were promised the world screwed themselves out of good jobs because of the leadership of their unions.
Unions provide a powerful tool to workers.......Collective Bargaining
Rather than each worker being on his own with management holding all the cards, workers negotiate as a whole with quite a lot of bargaining power

Destruction of the unions was a major objective of Republucans. It helps them hold down employee compensation
Unions are responsible for most of the positive changes to the working life over the last century. The current lack of power they have is probably the cause of all the poverty and inequality we currently enjoy.

Its a central tenet of right wing politics that unions must be smashed. This to enable their corporate paymasters to maximise their profits.

Its such a depressing time to be alive. If you dont like what is offered you have no options.
Go on strike and we will move these jobs offshore, its a form of fascism. Might is right.

Of course the governments could act on this if they were not bought and paid for by the corporations.

Bull shot unions destroyed the North manufacturing base, they took took and took and forced company's to leave.


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