Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
That's true. The poor are not motivated enough to not be poor. As long as that level of poverty is a comfort zone to which they have adapted they will do nothing but demand more to keep that level of poverty comfortable. They will not move unless motivated. Increase the pain and they will do something for themselves.
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you
Future generations are going to be paying for those socialist entitlement programs... Big government is why the country is broken now. The federal government has no claim on taxes because it's taxation without representation. Shit for brains
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

yeah and houses were small and cheap to build families had one car one TV etc etc

Exactly. We had one television which got four channels........five if you caught it on a less windy day. There was no cable or satellite. There was no pay-per-view. There was no VCR or DVD player. If you were one of the lucky kids, you had an Atari video game system with two or three game cartridges.

Fast food was something of a treat you got once maybe twice a year. If you wanted to watch a movie, everybody jumped into the family car and drove to a drive-in somewhere if Dad could afford it.

Today, a family eats out three or more times a week. A family cell phone plan costs more today than my parents mortgage back then. What is poverty today? Poverty is having a government cell phone with only 250 anytime minutes. That's what we call poor today.
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.
we also did without wars on crime, drugs and terror.
To get to the crux of the matter, answer this question:

Is it moral, ethical, or charitable to forcibly take money from one group of people and give it to another? That's what government "charity" boils down to, and the honest answer to that question explains the conservatives' opposition to government largess.

It's the difference between giving a homeless man $10 out of your pocket and taking $10 at gunpoint from another person to give to him.
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)

Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they are fucking lazy. But all societies have a percentage of people that are stupid or fucking lazy.
These people take low skilled jobs. They are not CEO or brain surgeon material. Our society used to provide jobs where they could work and support themselves. We no longer do
Taxpayers have to step in and provide support for food, shelter and medical care.......Their employers used to do that
(Don't run away)
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

yeah and houses were small and cheap to build families had one car one TV etc etc

Exactly. We had one television which got four channels........five if you caught it on a less windy day. There was no cable or satellite. There was no pay-per-view. There was no VCR or DVD player. If you were one of the lucky kids, you had an Atari video game system with two or three game cartridges.

Fast food was something of a treat you got once maybe twice a year. If you wanted to watch a movie, everybody jumped into the family car and drove to a drive-in somewhere if Dad could afford it.

Today, a family eats out three or more times a week. A family cell phone plan costs more today than my parents mortgage back then. What is poverty today? Poverty is having a government cell phone with only 250 anytime minutes. That's what we call poor today.
To complain that America is cruel to her poor is to ignore the true status of the poor.
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
That's true. The poor are not motivated enough to not be poor. As long as that level of poverty is a comfort zone to which they have adapted they will do nothing but demand more to keep that level of poverty comfortable. They will not move unless motivated. Increase the pain and they will do something for themselves.
Why should we keep the capital gains preference, if it doesn't work to create Jobs Booms. It should be taxed as regular income.
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
Just stop already. Your arguments have been destroyed so many times, yet you continue spouting them again.
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you

If you are from that era, then you know very few kids of your graduating class actually went to college. It was during the baby-boom era when classes were around 35 people. Out of those 35 people, maybe six or seven went to college, and Lord knows how many completed it.

Even liberals understand supply and demand, and that's why college costs what it does today. They can get away with charging outrageous fees and there is nothing you can do about it. Many for-profit colleges are making close to 40% profits. Unlike years ago, you must get an advanced education or face being stuck in lower paying jobs.
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you
Future generations are going to be paying for those socialist entitlement programs... Big government is why the country is broken now. The federal government has no claim on taxes because it's taxation without representation. Shit for brains
Yet, the right wing prefers to keep our drug war rather than welfare.
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)
that still doesn't solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment and entrepreneurship requires capital.
Just stop already. Your arguments have been destroyed so many times, yet you continue spouting them again.
nothing but diversion instead of valid arguments?

teaching the right wing how to fish, merely means they have nothing but red herrings, to show for it.
Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about

Were you around during the days when families were one income? I was. I grew up in that era. Most people did without back then.

I grew up in the 60s. My father worked for the phone company on a HS education. My mom stayed home raising four kids. We had a 2200 sq foot house that they paid $19,000 brand new. All four kids were sent to college and my parents didn't go into debt

Those days are gone. Salaries and benefits are stagnant. Government used to contribute more for college. Workers belonged to unions who looked out for them

But our wealthy are doing just fine thank you

If you are from that era, then you know very few kids of your graduating class actually went to college. It was during the baby-boom era when classes were around 35 people. Out of those 35 people, maybe six or seven went to college, and Lord knows how many completed it.

Even liberals understand supply and demand, and that's why college costs what it does today. They can get away with charging outrageous fees and there is nothing you can do about it. Many for-profit colleges are making close to 40% profits. Unlike years ago, you must get an advanced education or face being stuck in lower paying jobs.
Maybe a quarter of my class went to college. The rest could get jobs out of HS that you could support yourself. Jobs that had a pension, healthcare, paid vacation
Those days are gone. Takes two salaries to support a family now. Benefits are something only executives can expect
wealth and income are two entirely different things
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
I have no idea where you get that their government goodies have been cut. Which ones? To my knowledge thanks to DumBama, we have more people on Medicaid than ever before, more people on food stamps than ever before, more people on housing assistance than ever before. Nothing has been cut--it's been expanded.

Now, using your own chart above, let's try to shrink the two bluest areas. Can you explain how by doing that it will expand any other area of the pie? Sure, you can take more money from the wealthy, but how would that help the people that don't have money? Government can't do it. Government could only take their money and keep it for themselves making the government richer. That doesn't help anybody.

Look at the red section of the pie. Let's say you wanted to see a larger red section. Do you suppose you could accomplish that by having people work more hours, look for better pay jobs, or take more from the darker blue areas?
The red section of the pie, is getting the majority of government assistance.

Oh geez, more confusion among the desperate and lost Liberals...haha? I'm guessing you've done some significant due diligence to assert such a claim...right?
Here some enlightenment for you...you're welcome for the free lesson:
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they blue or red states? hahaha

It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year.
No shit Sherlock
Try to keep up with the thread

that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia

Question for you:
By your account, what percentage of "the poor" are poor by choice of their own?
(Don't run from this one)
Less than 10 percent
That is a rightwing myth that the poor are so happy being poor that they choose to stay there

Fair enough...
So how many educated and truly motivated people do you know that are poor?
Does one choose to be educated and motivated?
(Don't run away)

Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they are fucking lazy. But all societies have a percentage of people that are stupid or fucking lazy.
These people take low skilled jobs. They are not CEO or brain surgeon material. Our society used to provide jobs where they could work and support themselves. We no longer do
Taxpayers have to step in and provide support for food, shelter and medical care.......Their employers used to do that
(Don't run away)

You see that's where Liberal ideologies fail...anyone with their head pulled from their ass can see it. It is not and should not be the responsibility of government to assure ones success or failure. Think of the core functionalities of a democracy. You have to allow yourself off the government leash and pave your own way. Government can not hold your hand through life and lead you around making decisions for you. You must change and acclimate with the times. This is simple shit bud...cut the cord, get off the tit and sack up.
Ever notice it's the poorest and most degenerate who smoke, drink, do drugs, commit crime, have the most babies...etc etc?
At what point do we condemn and shame the piece of shits among us in an attempt to force a change in mentality of our lowest grade citizens? So long as they're willing to stand there with a sad face and a hand out you suckers are willing to make excuses and steal from our best to continue enabling our worst...its what you do...you're "tolerant"...with my checkbook.
that's funny coming from you

we don't really have any poor in this country

you need to see what real poverty is

Conservatives don't set the bar too high

The poor have nothing to complain about as long as they maintain a standard of living higher than Somalia
the FACT is that the so called poor here are no worse off than any other first world country

Then why are so many families struggling? Used to be you could support a family on a single low skilled income. Now, it takes government assistance.
The ladder to success is broken. The ability to rise from poverty and stay there is disappearing. Used to be children were expected to achieve a higher standard of living than their parents. Now they can't even match it
But our wealthy has managed to slice off a bigger slice of the pie
That is all Republucans care about
Kind of crazy how when the left piles on regulations on top of regulations it kills the opportunities thee poor have to get out isn't it. It's almost like those obstacles you think are keeping big companies under control and "paying their fair share" is actually keeping those you want to help out of that business.
Used to be the unions forced those regulations. Good wages, benefits, workplace safety, pension

Now, if not for the government, nobody will stand up for the workers

Those are the very same unions that forced jobs out of our country and something had to be done to stop it.

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