Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.

If poverty is not the fault of those who participate in it, then who's fault is if if you are poor?

Over here it's very simple. Poverty is the condition of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to get money. The way to get money is to get a job. The way to keep the money you make is don't be irresponsible and spend your money foolishly. Save as much as you can and avoid things like buying new cars, new video game systems, the newest cell phone of the most expensive plans, and most of all, don't have any children until you have secured a career, a home, and some savings.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.

If poverty is not the fault of those who participate in it, then who's fault is if if you are poor?

Over here it's very simple. Poverty is the condition of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to get money. The way to get money is to get a job. The way to keep the money you make is don't be irresponsible and spend your money foolishly. Save as much as you can and avoid things like buying new cars, new video game systems, the newest cell phone of the most expensive plans, and most of all, don't have any children until you have secured a career, a home, and some savings.

Yup, don't worry about the GOP a-holes behind the curtain making success as hard as possible for regular folks, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

just because you repeat the same shit doesn't mean it's true
This is how liberals help the poor...by stealing the food out of their mouths.

DSS case worker charged with fraud
That link doesn't say anything about her ideology, but says a lot about yours.

Look...more helpful government workers stealing from the poor.

Social Security workers among five charged in welfare-fraud scheme
Maybe we can post some stories about rich people cheating on their taxes

That's where the money is
and liberals cheat more than conservatives
This is how liberals help the poor...by stealing the food out of their mouths.

DSS case worker charged with fraud

What a dodge!

You can do it.....tell the nice people what Conservatives have ever done to help the poor

What they are doing now which is removing illegals that are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower while at the same time, making our lower income neighborhoods even more dangerous. Republicans are still pushing for better education for the poor by the use of School Vouchers---something Democrats have always been against. Yeah, Democrats are for helping the poor provided where the poor stand on their priority list, and they don't fare well against the big buck unions that bring their money come election time.
Conservatives save the ones hiring illegals for huge profits
School vouchers are a scam that allows white kids a paid voucher to get out of minority schools

Liberals provide the poor with food, shelter, healthcare, education .....which conservatives fight to take away

All this talk about how "conservatives" hire illegals yet none of you have ever provided proof of that. You just assume that all business people are conservative by nature and there are no rich liberal business owners that run companies like Microsoft or Apple.

The only thing liberals provide to the poor is government dependency. As long as they can keep people dependent on the government, they have voters forever.

Liberals love to give away other people's money and then claim they are the charitable ones.

You fail to provide a single thing Conservatives do for the poor

Protection against Mexicans?
Are you kidding me?

Liberals do not give away other people's money, they give OUR money. Money that also pays for the largest military in the world, needless wars and incentives to wealthy capitalists

you mean our money that makes the so called poor in this country better off than 70% of the entire world population?
What a dodge!

You can do it.....tell the nice people what Conservatives have ever done to help the poor

What they are doing now which is removing illegals that are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower while at the same time, making our lower income neighborhoods even more dangerous. Republicans are still pushing for better education for the poor by the use of School Vouchers---something Democrats have always been against. Yeah, Democrats are for helping the poor provided where the poor stand on their priority list, and they don't fare well against the big buck unions that bring their money come election time.
Conservatives save the ones hiring illegals for huge profits
School vouchers are a scam that allows white kids a paid voucher to get out of minority schools

Liberals provide the poor with food, shelter, healthcare, education .....which conservatives fight to take away

All this talk about how "conservatives" hire illegals yet none of you have ever provided proof of that. You just assume that all business people are conservative by nature and there are no rich liberal business owners that run companies like Microsoft or Apple.

The only thing liberals provide to the poor is government dependency. As long as they can keep people dependent on the government, they have voters forever.

Liberals love to give away other people's money and then claim they are the charitable ones.

You fail to provide a single thing Conservatives do for the poor

Protection against Mexicans?
Are you kidding me?

Liberals do not give away other people's money, they give OUR money. Money that also pays for the largest military in the world, needless wars and incentives to wealthy capitalists
Jobs, lower taxes, less government, freedom, etc etc.
just to be really honest here

republicans do not and have not ever decreased the size of government.
Look...more helpful government workers stealing from the poor.

Social Security workers among five charged in welfare-fraud scheme
Since you're into a "looking" phase, lets look a little deeper...

Your own link said these 3 people...

"...are accused of under-reporting their annual incomes to fraudulently qualify for the benefits."

I agree, this is a bad thing and they should be charged. And kudos to you for pointing this out. What I don't see you doing, is pointing out corporations doing the same god-damn thing...

...but on a much more massive scale. So, hypocritical self-righteous bitch, why are you so cruel to the poor, but not to the rich?

you do know that most US incorporated companies are for tax purposes sub chapter S don't you?

Of course you don't which means you also don't know that S corps do not pay any federal or state corporate taxes instead all the profit is reported on the personal tax returns of the shareholders via form K1
Yep, nothing destroys a country faster than letting people keep the very own money they made.

"Just how much is YOUR FAIR SHARE of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
What does a hedge fund manager do that is so great, so important, that he deserves making $37,000/hr? And why is it better for this country that he pays 10% less of a tax rate than I do?

how do you know what he pays?

and the people whose money he manages think he is worth that salary it's not you paying him so what business is it of yours?
Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.

If poverty is not the fault of those who participate in it, then who's fault is if if you are poor?

Over here it's very simple. Poverty is the condition of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to get money. The way to get money is to get a job. The way to keep the money you make is don't be irresponsible and spend your money foolishly. Save as much as you can and avoid things like buying new cars, new video game systems, the newest cell phone of the most expensive plans, and most of all, don't have any children until you have secured a career, a home, and some savings.
Your premis is essentially correct. Repubs represent the selfish, uncaring, and those totally lacking in compassion. They always have. And the Repub party has done a great job of it by taking over state houses, governorships, the halls of congress, and even the whitehouse. They really cashed in on the democrat party's short comings.

Where did democrats go wrong. Let me count the ways. lol

To start with, they demonized the working man in large numbers. Essentially, the democrat party's base. They got a bit too high & mighty. Fix that and democrats are back in the saddle in no time at all.

Second; Quit blaming the boogie man for all your self created problems.
The Tories in the UK get 2nd place in the modern world: Douchebag selfish ugly Anglo-saxon Party.

The tories are the rich mans party and in theory they should be unelectable.

However, usually in tough times, they can make an appeal to the worst in all of us and get enough votes to get elected.

The press is 80% tory owned and cheer leads for them.

Their central message is that they believe in creating opportunity.

But that is just a lie.

Their whole belief system is based on protecting their own interests.

As a major part of that they genuinely believe that poverty is the fault of the poor and that they should be punished for the crime of being poor.

Its incredibly ugly and has no spiritual basis.

If poverty is not the fault of those who participate in it, then who's fault is if if you are poor?

Over here it's very simple. Poverty is the condition of not having enough money. The solution to poverty is to get money. The way to get money is to get a job. The way to keep the money you make is don't be irresponsible and spend your money foolishly. Save as much as you can and avoid things like buying new cars, new video game systems, the newest cell phone of the most expensive plans, and most of all, don't have any children until you have secured a career, a home, and some savings.

Yup, don't worry about the GOP a-holes behind the curtain making success as hard as possible for regular folks, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

just because you repeat the same shit doesn't mean it's true
All fact, dupe.
What they are doing now which is removing illegals that are taking our jobs and keeping our wages lower while at the same time, making our lower income neighborhoods even more dangerous. Republicans are still pushing for better education for the poor by the use of School Vouchers---something Democrats have always been against. Yeah, Democrats are for helping the poor provided where the poor stand on their priority list, and they don't fare well against the big buck unions that bring their money come election time.
Conservatives save the ones hiring illegals for huge profits
School vouchers are a scam that allows white kids a paid voucher to get out of minority schools

Liberals provide the poor with food, shelter, healthcare, education .....which conservatives fight to take away

All this talk about how "conservatives" hire illegals yet none of you have ever provided proof of that. You just assume that all business people are conservative by nature and there are no rich liberal business owners that run companies like Microsoft or Apple.

The only thing liberals provide to the poor is government dependency. As long as they can keep people dependent on the government, they have voters forever.

Liberals love to give away other people's money and then claim they are the charitable ones.

You fail to provide a single thing Conservatives do for the poor

Protection against Mexicans?
Are you kidding me?

Liberals do not give away other people's money, they give OUR money. Money that also pays for the largest military in the world, needless wars and incentives to wealthy capitalists
Jobs, lower taxes, less government, freedom, etc etc.
just to be really honest here

republicans do not and have not ever decreased the size of government.
Quite the contrary
you do know that most US incorporated companies are for tax purposes sub chapter S don't you?

Of course you don't which means you also don't know that S corps do not pay any federal or state corporate taxes instead all the profit is reported on the personal tax returns of the shareholders via form K1
Doesn't matter whether they are type S or type C, they pay 10% less of a tax rate than I do and that is wrong.
how do you know what he pays?

and the people whose money he manages think he is worth that salary it's not you paying him so what business is it of yours?
What can someone possibly do, that's worth $37,000 an hour?

Good question.

I bought a big-screen a few years back. While usually not much of a television watcher, I caught up on some comedy series in which to enjoy my new television. I became fascinated with the show Big Bang Theory and decided to look up information about their cast.

Turns out that these are very wealthy people. They each get over one million dollars for every episode they make of the show; not only that, but they get a cut every time one of the shows is replayed plus a ton of other perks. Think of that, one million dollars to make a half-hour show, and half of that is commercial time.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I was so surprised, it's just that it reminded me of complaints people like you launch all the time when somebody spends a ton of time and money going to college, spends years and years climbing up the ladder in life, and then are told how selfish they are because they run a business for profit. Yet never a word from the left about the five million dollar a year baseball pitcher, the one-hundred dollar per seat rock or country concert ticket, or the 15 million dollar pay a star actor gets for a single movie.
Yep, nothing destroys a country faster than letting people keep the very own money they made.

"Just how much is YOUR FAIR SHARE of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
What does a hedge fund manager do that is so great, so important, that he deserves making $37,000/hr? And why is it better for this country that he pays 10% less of a tax rate than I do?

More than likely you don't pay any income tax at all. You pay other taxes such as payroll, but that's less of a tax than it is a savings account since you will get all that money back and then some if you live the average lifespan in this country.

Don't feel bad, nearly half of our country doesn't pay any income tax which explains why we are in such debt and can't seem to get enough to spend. But don't blame the people who are paying most all of it for you and I, blame the people that don't create any income tax at all.
The reason Republicans are so cruel to the poor is simple

They are beholden to the rich. The same rich who accumulate more and more wealth and pay smaller and smaller wages to the working class.

As those who are now struggling to raise a family complain about receiving less and less, the natural tendency would be to blame the rich who are receiving more and more

That is where the poor come in. Republicans point to the poor and say.....That is the reason you are struggling....the poor receive too much. They live in the lap of luxury while you toil away

We need to do something about the poor
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The reason Republicans are so cruel to the poor is simple

They are beholden to the rich. The same rich who accumulate more and more wealth and pay smaller and smaller wages to the working class.

As those who are now struggling to raise a family complain about receiving less and less, the natural tendency would be to blame the rich who are receiving more and more

That is where the poor come in. Republicans point to the poor and say.....That is the reason you are struggling....the poor receive too much. They live in the lap of luxury while you toil away

We need to do something a lot the poor

The first thing you can do is get rid of this fallacy that the reason somebody does't have enough is because others have too much. We don't live in a bubble. Our finances are not encapsulated by our borders. Money is nearly endless in this country and it has nothing to do with what other people have.

If the top five richest people lost their fortunes this weekend, would that help your finances? How about your neighbors? How about your friends and family?

You see if there was any truth to that theory, I could go to my boss tomorrow and ask for a dollar an hour raise, and he would say he'd love to give me a dollar an hour raise, but he can't because the rich people have all the money. Or perhaps I would go to the bank and borrow money for a car, but they too wouldn't be able to lend me any money because the rich have it all.

That's never happened in my life and never will. The sooner you understand that poverty is an individual choice and not a societal one, the sooner you may be able to address the problem.
Good question.

I bought a big-screen a few years back. While usually not much of a television watcher, I caught up on some comedy series in which to enjoy my new television. I became fascinated with the show Big Bang Theory and decided to look up information about their cast.

Turns out that these are very wealthy people. They each get over one million dollars for every episode they make of the show; not only that, but they get a cut every time one of the shows is replayed plus a ton of other perks. Think of that, one million dollars to make a half-hour show, and half of that is commercial time.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I was so surprised, it's just that it reminded me of complaints people like you launch all the time when somebody spends a ton of time and money going to college, spends years and years climbing up the ladder in life, and then are told how selfish they are because they run a business for profit. Yet never a word from the left about the five million dollar a year baseball pitcher, the one-hundred dollar per seat rock or country concert ticket, or the 15 million dollar pay a star actor gets for a single movie.
Those salaries are large as well, but there is a big difference between the examples you mentioned and the one I mentioned. In your examples, many other people have benefited as well from their efforts. From the camera crew to all the support personnel that it takes to produce that entertainment, to all the advertisers that get customers from those venues, to you yourself getting a few relaxing moments away from all the people like me.

Speculators, on the other hand, don't benefit anyone but themselves. They provide a service that has zero contribution to the real economy.
Good question.

I bought a big-screen a few years back. While usually not much of a television watcher, I caught up on some comedy series in which to enjoy my new television. I became fascinated with the show Big Bang Theory and decided to look up information about their cast.

Turns out that these are very wealthy people. They each get over one million dollars for every episode they make of the show; not only that, but they get a cut every time one of the shows is replayed plus a ton of other perks. Think of that, one million dollars to make a half-hour show, and half of that is commercial time.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I was so surprised, it's just that it reminded me of complaints people like you launch all the time when somebody spends a ton of time and money going to college, spends years and years climbing up the ladder in life, and then are told how selfish they are because they run a business for profit. Yet never a word from the left about the five million dollar a year baseball pitcher, the one-hundred dollar per seat rock or country concert ticket, or the 15 million dollar pay a star actor gets for a single movie.
Those salaries are large as well, but there is a big difference between the examples you mentioned and the one I mentioned. In your examples, many other people have benefited as well from their efforts. From the camera crew to all the support personnel that it takes to produce that entertainment, to all the advertisers that get customers from those venues, to you yourself getting a few relaxing moments away from all the people like me.

Speculators, on the other hand, don't benefit anyone but themselves. They provide a service that has zero contribution to the real economy.

You'd be surprised but a lot of people in the entertainment industry outside of the players don't make all that much money. A lot of the writers don't make crap--especially those who write the jokes. Hair? Makeup? How much can you pay those people?

I was involved in music when I was younger. A guy I knew was a drummer and decided to get a job as a roadie for a semi-famous band. He figured his music wasn't taking him places and he got to stay in the business that way.

I was surprised at how crappy his pay was. Sure, he toured the country and I believe Europe for a short period of time. He got to meet a lot of hot chicks, went to the after concert parties, met some other very famous people, but financially, he would have done just as good staying home and working at McDonald's.

Speculators play a major role in price stabilization. Without speculators, you might be finding yourself paying $9.00 per gallon of gasoline. Speculators take much of the risk and shock away from the consumer so you don't lose sleep overnight worrying about price control. And if you think it's over rewarding, I say try it yourself sometime. Depending on what you're into, you can lose 10K in ten minutes.
you do know that most US incorporated companies are for tax purposes sub chapter S don't you?

Of course you don't which means you also don't know that S corps do not pay any federal or state corporate taxes instead all the profit is reported on the personal tax returns of the shareholders via form K1
Doesn't matter whether they are type S or type C, they pay 10% less of a tax rate than I do and that is wrong.
no you're wrong

owners of an S corp pay the same income tax rates as everyone else. All the income reported is taxed as regular income what's more if the owners of an s corp do not pay themselves a salary deemed to be adequate they are subject to all kinds of reprisals from the IRS

but as usual IDIOTS like you who know nothing about the tax codes or running a business think that somehow you are more informed than those of us that actually do those things
how do you know what he pays?

and the people whose money he manages think he is worth that salary it's not you paying him so what business is it of yours?
What can someone possibly do, that's worth $37,000 an hour?
what do you care if you're not paying it?

and FYI fund managers do not get paid by the hour most of the time they get a small percentage of the returns they make for their clients
The reason Republicans are so cruel to the poor is simple

They are beholden to the rich. The same rich who accumulate more and more wealth and pay smaller and smaller wages to the working class.

As those who are now struggling to raise a family complain about receiving less and less, the natural tendency would be to blame the rich who are receiving more and more

That is where the poor come in. Republicans point to the poor and say.....That is the reason you are struggling....the poor receive too much. They live in the lap of luxury while you toil away

We need to do something a lot the poor

no one is "cruel" to the so called poor in this country

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