Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Look...more helpful government workers stealing from the poor.

Social Security workers among five charged in welfare-fraud scheme
Since you're into a "looking" phase, lets look a little deeper...

Your own link said these 3 people...

"...are accused of under-reporting their annual incomes to fraudulently qualify for the benefits."

I agree, this is a bad thing and they should be charged. And kudos to you for pointing this out. What I don't see you doing, is pointing out corporations doing the same god-damn thing...

...but on a much more massive scale. So, hypocritical self-righteous bitch, why are you so cruel to the poor, but not to the rich?

Still having problems understanding the difference between legal and illegal I see. It's not a wonder why you people have such difficulities understanding the immigration problems we have today.
False equivalency in its grandest left wing tradition...forgetting for the moment that the corporate example was a legal one compared to the government one being illegal, you are comparing someone who stole other peoples money from the till to someone who did not contribute their own money to the till that was being stolen from...keeping your money is not stealing from us, collecting unwarranted tax payer funded benefits is.
It's only legal because corporations have the ability to buy government officials to do their bidding for them. It's not right to file a fraudulent tax return and it's not right to deliberately offshore profits in order to avoid paying taxes on that profit. When you compare the two as to which is worse for this country, corporate tax fraud, is much worse on a bigger scale. And for you to defend this bullshit, is another reason why you are so cruel to the poor.
False equivalency in its grandest left wing tradition...forgetting for the moment that the corporate example was a legal one compared to the government one being illegal, you are comparing someone who stole other peoples money from the till to someone who did not contribute their own money to the till that was being stolen from...keeping your money is not stealing from us, collecting unwarranted tax payer funded benefits is.
It's only legal because corporations have the ability to buy government officials to do their bidding for them. It's not right to file a fraudulent tax return and it's not right to deliberately offshore profits in order to avoid paying taxes on that profit. When you compare the two as to which is worse for this country, corporate tax fraud, is much worse on a bigger scale. And for you to defend this bullshit, is another reason why you are so cruel to the poor.
Regardless of how wrong it may or may not be, it is a false equivalency, pretending paying more in taxes into a system that is being scammed is somehow just as wrong as those scamming/stealing from that system isn't just false but requires those you want to pay more into it to be willing dupes for the scam artists...the ones with no respect for the poor are those who are stealing from the system designed to help the poor as well as those who are willing to over look that theft because they want someone else to pay for that theft from the poor.
Regardless of how wrong it may or may not be, it is a false equivalency, pretending paying more in taxes into a system that is being scammed is somehow just as wrong as those scamming/stealing from that system isn't just false but requires those you want to pay more into it to be willing dupes for the scam artists...the ones with no respect for the poor are those who are stealing from the system designed to help the poor as well as those who are willing to over look that theft because they want someone else to pay for that theft from the poor.
You're rambling. That makes no sense whatsoever.
Regardless of how wrong it may or may not be, it is a false equivalency, pretending paying more in taxes into a system that is being scammed is somehow just as wrong as those scamming/stealing from that system isn't just false but requires those you want to pay more into it to be willing dupes for the scam artists...the ones with no respect for the poor are those who are stealing from the system designed to help the poor as well as those who are willing to over look that theft because they want someone else to pay for that theft from the poor.
You're rambling. That makes no sense whatsoever.

Sounds like a white flag post:dance:
You're rambling. That makes no sense whatsoever.

Sounds like a white flag post:dance:
And I'm saying, just looking at a few bad poor apples, but looking the other way on the amount of corporate welfare destroying this country, is cruel to all Americans.[/QUOTE]

Yep, nothing destroys a country faster than letting people keep the very own money they made.

"Just how much is YOUR FAIR SHARE of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Yep, nothing destroys a country faster than letting people keep the very own money they made.

"Just how much is YOUR FAIR SHARE of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
What does a hedge fund manager do that is so great, so important, that he deserves making $37,000/hr? And why is it better for this country that he pays 10% less of a tax rate than I do?
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

What does a hedge fund manager do that is so great, so important, that he deserves making $37,000/hr? And why is it better for this country that he pays 10% less of a tax rate than I do?

I have no issue with making that adjustment to our tax codes. Do you think that will lower our debt? By about how much? Actually, you are just jealous that someone makes so much more money than you.
the right wing insists on conditions for social safety nets over need.


Curious, if we do not have conditions and evaluate the results, how do we have enough for all those truly in need or if the program works at all?

Instead Progressives deeply believe that if something APPEARS to not be working, JUST THROW MORE MONEY!
ORB International, an independent polling agency located in London, published estimates of the total war casualties in Iraq since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003...At over 1.2 million deaths

Flat out TOTAL LIE! 100% LIE!

Even you must admit that you know it proved bogus many years ago. Did you look at their methodology? Share with us what method they used to arrive at that bogus, stupid figure?
In the Republican mindset......The poor deserve to be poor

They are lazy, stupid, dare to have kids and live in the lap of luxury off the taxpayers dime
They believe that if the poor do not suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
the so called poor do not suffer in this country

Biafra suffer? no
Do they struggle to pay for basic necessities?
yes they do

so now struggling is suffering?

cut the shit. The so called poor in this country are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far far better off than the actual poor people anywhere on this planet
So you define anything that actually helps people as "socialism" ?

Clean Air
The list goes on..............
Helping the rich is.......Patriotism
Helping the poor is.......Socialism

Forcing someone to do a thing is compulsion, not compassion. Giving someone something does not help them, it furthers the problem by reinforcing the behavior that is the root cause of the problem.
It is part of belonging to a society
They force you to do many things......but you benefit much more from the strength of a society

This has always been my biggest problem with the Left :( You start with the presumption that a given group, or sub group CAN'T do a thing so you decide to just give them things. It makes you "feel" better about you, but it does not help the people.
It's called "helping people who need help"
It is what great societies do

Letting the weakest suffer went out with Dickens
people of sound mind and body are capable of helping themselves

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