Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Why are all you racists sniveling so much?
Do you know that racists like you, are hated and despised by 90% of the world's population. You are on the wrong side of history. You are a white person who is scared to compete with those of other races.
Whites are starting to be treated closer to everyone else in the US and their is a group who cannot handle it. White racists
That's funny coming from a racist like yourself. Why is it you have to tell lies about others? Is it to help you feel better about yourself?
The really didn't like their leader Hillary after All?

Ignore owebo. He's a retard trying to push the absurd notion that white supremacists are leftist democrats.

Hey you fucking white supremacist assholes on this forum, what do you say to that? Are you hillary lovers?

Flash, Steve_McGarrett, BorisTheAnimal, ShootSpeeders - Are all you fucking racist, white supremacist douchebags leftist hillary lovers?

I am not the one that voted for a racist asshole that attended a hate church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews. I didn't vote for a piece of shit that promoted racial division that resulted in riots, looting, killing and cities being burned down. I am not the one that voted for a jackass that incited hatred against the police or voted for the one showing sympathy to a racially motivated domestic terrorist organization like BLM that has been involved in the assassination of dozens of policemen.

I would call anybody that voted for Hussein Obama a dumbass douchebag racist, wouldn't you?
It's obvious Trump supporters are diverse, some are single issue voters, the Guns, God and the anti Gay and anti tax crowd, some are motivated by fear and others voted for him because he is running as a Republican and they always vote for the party. Some walked into the polling place and flipped a coin, or voted against HRC. Some actually believed in him, notwithstanding his lies and alleged sexual adventures, and the hate groups seemed to have picked up from his stump speech that he was one of them.
Agreed, but you know Hillary voters voted similarly.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Because in their simple little minds, they actually believe the tweeter-in-chief is going to take them back to the good ole days, when a darkie knew his place, and it wasn't in the white house; when a woman knew her place, and it is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen; when the white male had all of the advantages over everyone who didn't have the same color skin as him.

Yep, the good ole days. Well, good for white males anyway, not so good for everyone else, including women.
you know, us righties might have simple little minds, but consider this. We outsmarted you. We took someone with no political experience, that nobody liked (according to the left) that the current republican officials did not like, that blacks, hispanics muslims, jews all hated, women detested him, hell, even his own mother hates him and bedbugs jumped ship when his orange ass hit the bed, we took the most hated man in the world, and we, with our simple little minds found a way for him to beat your glorious queen of peace and love, giver of everything to everyone, in a race for the most powerful position in the world.
Now who is it that really looks like they have a simple mind? Us or you guys that couldnt be him with you running Jesus 2?
The only people you outsmarted was yourselves. Which was pretty simple to do. LOL.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.
I do for the same reason why the size of both the DNC and RNC are shrinking and the ranks of the Independents are rising; most Americans appreciate common sense over political ideology. Sure, the loudmouth partisan asshats make it appear their numbers are large, but that is not true. Sure, those same partisan asshats are against building bridges although they fully support burning them. That still leaves a lot of Americans who are willing to see the common sense of uniting the country instead of dividing it.

The Left, still huuugely butthurt over losing big in the election, are castigating Trump for backing away from some of his campaign promises, but the other way to view that is that Trump isn't a "my way or the highway" partisan. That he's willing to build those bridges at least halfway. I think (hope) he'll be a stronger negotiator, both domestically and internationally than someone who goes on an "apology tour" and bowing down to hostile nations.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.
I do for the same reason why the size of both the DNC and RNC are shrinking and the ranks of the Independents are rising; most Americans appreciate common sense over political ideology. Sure, the loudmouth partisan asshats make it appear their numbers are large, but that is not true. Sure, those same partisan asshats are against building bridges although they fully support burning them. That still leaves a lot of Americans who are willing to see the common sense of uniting the country instead of dividing it.

The Left, still huuugely butthurt over losing big in the election, are castigating Trump for backing away from some of his campaign promises, but the other way to view that is that Trump isn't a "my way or the highway" partisan. That he's willing to build those bridges at least halfway. I think (hope) he'll be a stronger negotiator, both domestically and internationally than someone who goes on an "apology tour" and bowing down to hostile nations.
The problem (and I refer to it in my sig) is that the ends of the spectrum are controlled, as you infer, by a relatively small amount of very LOUD people, leaving the rest of us (the majority) wishing they'd find another damn hobby so that we could get to work on improving things.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
The problem (and I refer to it in my sig) is that the ends of the spectrum are controlled, as you infer, by a relatively small amount of very LOUD people, leaving the rest of us (the majority) wishing they'd find another damn hobby so that we could get to work on improving things.
You are correct that the political extremists control their parties, but look at the results of the election: Hillary couldn't force Democrats to leave their homes and they chose to stay home. Trump voters were voting against the Republican mainstream. Many of Trump's voters were former Democrats; specifically white blue-collar males. The very group both parties have trampled upon.

If Trump doesn't produce, these same American voters could flip Congress at the midterms or all in 2020.

Ha, silly Communists.

It's over. Time to kneel in praise of your new King. You're King Donald's subjects now. His turn to be above the law.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt....
Agreed on both these points.

Most of what the Left labels racism and/or "white privilege" is simply democracy in action; American voters voting for the nation's best interests (e.g. such as reducing the deficit) or self-interest (e.g. reducing their tax burden paying for others to sit at home).
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

You sound like a brainwashed moron.
Please unwash my brain and tell me why these groups are so happy.
Without an explanation I will continued to be brainwashed.
They are happy Hillary didn't win with her open border policy. They don't want illegals pouring in, they are doing it at about 1,500 per day and it's about time someone did something about it.

And how did you came up with 1500 a day?
I didn't.

Hmmm, no one seems to have made the claim that only "white Supremacists", voted for Trump. BTW, reading your post is evidence you are the epitome of an angry, white adolescent and right wing hypocrite.

Have a nice day.
Disagreed. A few of your LWL friends have made that assertion. Heck, even Hillary said half of Trump voters were racists.

I suspect those that think those things are counting only those loudmouths on forums like this thus giving a false impression of a majority. The reality is this:

Exit polls: Clinton fails to energize African-Americans, Latinos and the young - CNNPolitics.com

2016 election results: Exit polls


It's obvious Trump supporters are diverse, some are single issue voters, the Guns, God and the anti Gay and anti tax crowd, some are motivated by fear and others voted for him because he is running as a Republican and they always vote for the party. Some walked into the polling place and flipped a coin, or voted against HRC. Some actually believed in him, notwithstanding his lies and alleged sexual adventures, and the hate groups seemed to have picked up from his stump speech that he was one of them.
That's a perfect example of hate and intolerance. If anyone fails to agree with you there's got to be some personality defect. And you're too stupid to see the irony.
When whites are treated like every other race they think they are being persecuted. That is the definition of entitlement.
As a white person, I am embarrassed by these woosy white assholes who cry reverse racism when they have to compete on an even playing field and fail.
Racial set asides are NOT an even playing field, jack ass.

When the courts dismiss the perspective of a "common person" and instead use the perspective of the "common woman/minority" that by DEFINITION is an unlevel playing field.

You are so fucking stupid you cant even tell when it is showing.

Why dont you just STFU and go piss your self, you self-hating shit4brains?
Don't mention racism...or you'll be labelled as a bedwetter, or snowflake, or scaremongerer...
Trump's victory is being celebrated by Facists, Nazis, White Supremacists and bigots of every stripe...but it obviously has nothing to do with racism.
To be fair, I don't think Trump is trying to float a racist agenda. The way he put things about ILLEGAL CRIMINAL immigrants who are Mexican, and initially wanting to stop Muslims from entering the country in order to protect us from the TERRORISTS, made the white supremacists prick up their ears. Those folks are brown, Trump doesn't want 'em--Hey, that's just like us!
The white supremacists don't get that Trump isn't out to purify the country. But sad fringe powerless nutcases that they are, they'll take what they can get. And when they're disappointed in the end, no one will hear them crying.
Don't mention racism...or you'll be labelled as a bedwetter, or snowflake, or scaremongerer...
Trump's victory is being celebrated by Facists, Nazis, White Supremacists and bigots of every stripe...but it obviously has nothing to do with racism.

And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.
I like you more each day. Wanna go shooting? :)

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