Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Apparently because they trust Clinton, who told them if Trump was elected the country would be their's. They should sue her.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.
True, but only by the Left Wing Looney Toons. Highly partisan nutjobs always screech a lot, but many Americans are getting tired of the same old bullshit from both sides which has resulted in a do-nothing Congress while the country continues to sink under the weight of extremist hubris.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

The left basically declared war on white people, which pissed off white people, including neo Nazi types. You guys spent too much time lecturing people for being white. Hopefully you learned your lesson.

Gee, I'm called a leftist all the time, and I'm of French, German, Italian and Romanian Ancestry, and a fourth generation native born San Franciscan; I also enlisted in the Navy in 1967 and upon separation finished my degree and then worked in LE for 32 years. No one has declared war on me or my sons, whose mom and dad were descendant from Northern Europe and BTW, both my dad and hers fought in WW II.

So FU and your ignorant opinions. Or, I should say opinions you've echoed from alt-right sources as it seems your not bright enough to vet your sources.

You are certainly a leftist, and you support anti-white discrimination policies, such as Disparate Impact Theory, if you voted for Clinton.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.
True, but only by the Left Wing Looney Toons. Highly partisan nutjobs always screech a lot, but many Americans are getting tired of the same old bullshit from both sides which has resulted in a do-nothing Congress while the country continues to sink under the weight of extremist hubris.

But there are a lot of left wing looney toons, and their domination of the media magnifies their power.

Trump triumphed against them. But it was a close thing and so far we have no reason to believe it was not a fluke.
But there are a lot of left wing looney toons, and their domination of the media magnifies their power.

Trump triumphed against them. But it was a close thing and so far we have no reason to believe it was not a fluke.
Agreed on "left wing looney toons". As for the media, First Amendment supporters know they aren't the demon some want them to be. Sure, all journalists are "liberal arts" majors and most lean left, but they work for businesses and most business owners lean right. Not all, but most. As a business, they sell what sells, which is why, once Ted Turner ran his little tv station up to a satellite, he opened up an entire new world of business.

The problem isn't at MSNBC or the NYT lean left, but that Americans have so many choices in their media, they pick and choose only those sources that reinforce their own ideology. The result is the Left gets Leftier and the Right gets Rightier. For over 20 years, our elected representatives have become more partisan and less willing to reach across the aisle. In this toxic environment even Ronald Reagan would be called a RINO since he was willing to talk to Democrats.
But there are a lot of left wing looney toons, and their domination of the media magnifies their power.

Trump triumphed against them. But it was a close thing and so far we have no reason to believe it was not a fluke.
Agreed on "left wing looney toons". As for the media, First Amendment supporters know they aren't the demon some want them to be. Sure, all journalists are "liberal arts" majors and most lean left, but they work for businesses and most business owners lean right. Not all, but most. As a business, they sell what sells, which is why, once Ted Turner ran his little tv station up to a satellite, he opened up an entire new world of business.

The problem isn't at MSNBC or the NYT lean left, but that Americans have so many choices in their media, they pick and choose only those sources that reinforce their own ideology. The result is the Left gets Leftier and the Right gets Rightier. For over 20 years, our elected representatives have become more partisan and less willing to reach across the aisle. In this toxic environment even Ronald Reagan would be called a RINO since he was willing to talk to Democrats.

The businessmen behind the news services are not a unified group that sets ideological policy.

The right doesn't do that.

THe Left is the side the convinces itself that those that oppose it have negative qualities that should be kept out of their work place.

Thus the Left tends to drive out conservatives where they can.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

First, those people are small groups.

Second, they probably believe the bullshit put out by media. Fake lib media tells people that the Repubs are white nationalist racist people and the idiot groups might believe them. It's the same reason that some sheep think cops are racist and wealthy people are greedy. Because that is what the left teaches.

More Fake News: New York Times Calls Bannon 'White Nationalist'

Your saying those assholes screaming Hail Trump are not real people?

Learn to read. There are small groups of people who have radical ideas. Some are just plain crazy. Having these asshats support Trump is the same as terrorists who scream Allah supporting Obama.

They are all very real and very crazy. If you want to pretend that Trump is somehow like these people, then that means Obama is like the radical Muslims who are killing people.
So, do you want to keep this sort of childish game going?

I don't recall terrorist supporting Obama. Can you prove that?
No I'm not playing childish game. And it took 3 days for Trump to condemn this group only because he was pressured.
I'm sure there are many reasons that people voted for him but...shouldn't it be concerning that right-wing hate groups are among the most vocal supporters?
They've obviously seen something in his campaign that they like.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing.
The only thing "concerning" is that douche bags like you insist that "right wing hate groups" are supposedly his most vocal supporters. There isn't a shred of evidence for that contention.

You morons are starting to believe your smears.
You don't see them cheering and having rallies and complimenting Trump?
Are you democrat trump voters really going to do that?
Some might...I have no idea.
If they do, should we be concerned if they shout Sieg Heil and raise their arms in Nazi salutes?
Feel free to pee your pants over what 200 people do.
Like you Alt-Righties (W-S's) are still peeing your panties over what TWO black men did in 2008?
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

You sound like a brainwashed moron.
Please unwash my brain and tell me why these groups are so happy.
Without an explanation I will continued to be brainwashed.
They are happy Hillary didn't win with her open border policy. They don't want illegals pouring in, they are doing it at about 1,500 per day and it's about time someone did something about it.

And how did you came up with 1500 a day?
I didn't.


Read your link and tell me what is wrong. Start how it's being worded and where it came from.
Second....... Big question. WHY unaccompanied children? When Mexican are apprehended at the border they deported the same day or the next. Why are these are being allowed in house and fed?

Obama never said ...... come to my country so they can mess me up.
Just think of the ALT-RIGHT as the opposite side of the coin as BLACKLIVESMATTER.

By the way....Trump denounced the alt-right movement.

Whenever there is bad behavior by liberals, they use the excuse that it's a small number and should be ignored....funny they ask for that consideration, but they sure as hell don't offer it.

He denounced it 3 days later only because he was pressured by NYT.
And that's exactly the problem. You're diluting the word by flinging it around at every chance. You're letting people off the hook by turning such an important word into a joke, by screaming RACIST if someone comes within 500 miles of it. The word MEANS something, and using it as a weapon is misusing it and wasting it.

And now it's too late. All the honest liberals I listed know that.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
One thing that nobody seems to ever mention is that when it comes to the dignity of the office of President of the United States, Trump does have a couple of major advantages over obama in the respect and dignity area.
for one, Trump is house broken, basically he is potty trained. Now even though I dont really care for obama, I will say that the fact that he and his "mate" have finally been trained to use the box, it is still a far cry from being able to use a toilet, toilet paper and flush, but again, it is certainly an improvement of the way they used to climb up on high places and power poo on people when they walked under them. And the white house staff are much more at ease since obama stopped slinging poo at them when he got mad.
Trump is also bringing a real human woman with him as his wife whereas obama has been shacking up with the transvestite silver back

I normally ignore your post MP but I cannot pass on this one.
What dignity are you talking about? Is Michele Obama not a real woman?
Obama and Michele is far decent that your racist, lying, bully, pussy grabbing role model and his third wife who post nude. You are a bigot, racist and a typical supporter of Trump.
This is the time when I am ashamed as being white.
The businessmen behind the news services are not a unified group that sets ideological policy.

The right doesn't do that.

THe Left is the side the convinces itself that those that oppose it have negative qualities that should be kept out of their work place.

Thus the Left tends to drive out conservatives where they can.
The businessmen behind the news services are responsible to the shareholders. In the end, it's all about the money.
Why are they so happy....because they just cashed their checks from the Democrat National Committee...you know, the ones bob craemer and scott foval gave them to pretend to be nazis who support Trump...the way bob and scott paid people to create violence at Trump rallies.....

left wing totalitarians never stop......they incited violence at Trump rallies, the conducted massive voter fraud...all confessed to on video.....and now they are continuing their operations against Trump.....that so many left wing totalitarians believe this crap shows what mindless borg drones they are......
Just think of the ALT-RIGHT as the opposite side of the coin as BLACKLIVESMATTER.

By the way....Trump denounced the alt-right movement.

Whenever there is bad behavior by liberals, they use the excuse that it's a small number and should be ignored....funny they ask for that consideration, but they sure as hell don't offer it.

He denounced it 3 days later only because he was pressured by NYT.

He shouldn't have to denounce it at all...just as Obama should not have had to denounce Farrakhan's endorsement. It's really stupid shit. Marginalized fringe assholes like Duke and Farrakhan don't deserve the attention of a denouncement be user they are utterly irrelevant in American social discourse.

This denouncement shit is a bullshit media power trip.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

First, those people are small groups.

Second, they probably believe the bullshit put out by media. Fake lib media tells people that the Repubs are white nationalist racist people and the idiot groups might believe them. It's the same reason that some sheep think cops are racist and wealthy people are greedy. Because that is what the left teaches.

More Fake News: New York Times Calls Bannon 'White Nationalist'

Your saying those assholes screaming Hail Trump are not real people?

Maybe I should say Obama has supports terrorists. CAIR, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and others have ties to terrorists but Obama treats them with respect.

Learn to read. There are small groups of people who have radical ideas. Some are just plain crazy. Having these asshats support Trump is the same as terrorists who scream Allah supporting Obama.

They are all very real and very crazy. If you want to pretend that Trump is somehow like these people, then that means Obama is like the radical Muslims who are killing people.
So, do you want to keep this sort of childish game going?

I don't recall terrorist supporting Obama. Can you prove that?
No I'm not playing childish game. And it took 3 days for Trump to condemn this group only because he was pressured.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
One thing that nobody seems to ever mention is that when it comes to the dignity of the office of President of the United States, Trump does have a couple of major advantages over obama in the respect and dignity area.
for one, Trump is house broken, basically he is potty trained. Now even though I dont really care for obama, I will say that the fact that he and his "mate" have finally been trained to use the box, it is still a far cry from being able to use a toilet, toilet paper and flush, but again, it is certainly an improvement of the way they used to climb up on high places and power poo on people when they walked under them. And the white house staff are much more at ease since obama stopped slinging poo at them when he got mad.
Trump is also bringing a real human woman with him as his wife whereas obama has been shacking up with the transvestite silver back

I normally ignore your post MP but I cannot pass on this one.
What dignity are you talking about? Is Michele Obama not a real woman?
Obama and Michele is far decent that your racist, lying, bully, pussy grabbing role model and his third wife who post nude. You are a bigot, racist and a typical supporter of Trump.
This is the time when I am ashamed as being white.
You should be.
He denounced it 3 days later only because he was pressured by NYT.

Like he would give a shit what the NYT wants him to do. Get real. If the lib media wants him to respond to their bullshit, maybe they could slow it down a bit. Too hard to keep up with the propaganda machine.

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