Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
One reason and one reason only. Trump's policy on illegal immigration.
Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
I have enough faith in human nature to believe that we can be just as happy with less crap. Without the latest gadgets, without a third helping of meat loaf, without the more expensive car.

The funniest part of my profession as a financial advisor is seeing a older couple sitting in front of me with, let's say, $1.2 million, that they have carefully saved and invested over time. I tell them they've done a great job, and they say something like this:

"Well, we just never had to have the flashiest car, or the most expensive clothes or computers..."

It's almost like they're APOLOGIZING for having so much money.

I think all the fluff is bought to fill a hole that can never be filled by fluff.
Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.
Well, I haven't seen any empirical evidence of that. If you have it, pass it on.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Why were blacks so happy Obama won?
It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
I have enough faith in human nature to believe that we can be just as happy with less crap. Without the latest gadgets, without a third helping of meat loaf, without the more expensive car.

The funniest part of my profession as a financial advisor is seeing a older couple sitting in front of me with, let's say, $1.2 million, that they have carefully saved and invested over time. I tell them they've done a great job, and they say something like this:

"Well, we just never had to have the flashiest car, or the most expensive clothes or computers..."

It's almost like they're APOLOGIZING for having so much money.

I think all the fluff is bought to fill a hole that can never be filled by fluff.
My brother is a VP so I get why he has a Jaguar but my other buddy isn't set for life so why does he have one?

These self made men don't fear that they can't make more.

That old couple reminds me of my parents. They had to be tight to save.
There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries.
Bullshit. A few years ago I figured out how the consumer price of tomatoes would be affected if tomato pickers were paid $25/hour. IRRC it was less than 2 cents per tomato. That's certainly not what I would call a spectacular price hike.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries.
Bullshit. A few years ago I figured out how the consumer price of tomatoes would be affected if tomato pickers were paid $25/hour. IRRC it was less than 2 cents per tomato. That's certainly not what I would call a spectacular price hike.
I'd love to see the analysis. I'm not fighting against anything here, I just want to know the facts, not the politics.
It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
I have enough faith in human nature to believe that we can be just as happy with less crap. Without the latest gadgets, without a third helping of meat loaf, without the more expensive car.

The funniest part of my profession as a financial advisor is seeing a older couple sitting in front of me with, let's say, $1.2 million, that they have carefully saved and invested over time. I tell them they've done a great job, and they say something like this:

"Well, we just never had to have the flashiest car, or the most expensive clothes or computers..."

It's almost like they're APOLOGIZING for having so much money.

I think all the fluff is bought to fill a hole that can never be filled by fluff.

So do you think the older couple would be happier with $800,000?

Obviously not. All you're advocating is reduced consumption now in favor of greater consumption later.
It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.
Well, I haven't seen any empirical evidence of that. If you have it, pass it on.

A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States

Pew research.


You can see that Illegals are not the majority in any of the fields. Not even close. The means that the vast majority of the field is Americans or legal immigrants.
Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
I have enough faith in human nature to believe that we can be just as happy with less crap. Without the latest gadgets, without a third helping of meat loaf, without the more expensive car.

The funniest part of my profession as a financial advisor is seeing a older couple sitting in front of me with, let's say, $1.2 million, that they have carefully saved and invested over time. I tell them they've done a great job, and they say something like this:

"Well, we just never had to have the flashiest car, or the most expensive clothes or computers..."

It's almost like they're APOLOGIZING for having so much money.

I think all the fluff is bought to fill a hole that can never be filled by fluff.

So do you think the older couple would be happier with $800,000?

Obviously not. All you're advocating is reduced consumption now in favor of greater consumption later.
You're missing the point. They've lived the last 40 years not needing fancy stuff and being perfectly content.

They satisfied their needs with things other than stuff.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

You sound like a brainwashed moron.
Please unwash my brain and tell me why these groups are so happy.
Without an explanation I will continued to be brainwashed.
They are happy Hillary didn't win with her open border policy. They don't want illegals pouring in, they are doing it at about 1,500 per day and it's about time someone did something about it.

And how did you came up with 1500 a day?
I didn't.


So sad the nation had to endure 8yrs of a traitorous interloper President. He was a Soros-owned NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. His job was to destroy America. And Open-Borders is a big part of that process. He only has two months left, so he's gonna try and do as much damage as he can in those two months.

The man's in violation of the oath of office. He did not serve the American People. He's consistently refused to uphold the laws of the land. He should be arrested. But that obviously won't happen. He's above the law. The NWO Globalists are in control. Hopefully Trump can fix some of the awful damage they've done to our country. But's it's gonna be incredibly difficult. We'll need to pray for the dude.
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Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.

The bigger picture is good to look at, if we do it accurately.

Your post implied that the Illegals were still primarily employed as migrant farm workers.

THat is not true.

The vast majority of jobs that illegals do, Americans want to do.
Well, I haven't seen any empirical evidence of that. If you have it, pass it on.

A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States

Pew research.


You can see that Illegals are not the majority in any of the fields. Not even close. The means that the vast majority of the field is Americans or legal immigrants.
Okay, thanks. My next question would be how they are paid, in terms of salary and benefits, compared to those who would replace them.

If an employer is merely swapping out an illegal for a citizen who needs the job, I'm all for it. My guess is that there would be some gray area, but if the overall costs are not increasing significantly (depending on the industry), I don't see an issue.

The problem I've had to date - and I admit my analysis time is spent on other stuff - is that I haven't dug down on any set of data enough to identify the agenda of the group providing the data.
When will the PRESS demand that Trump denounce KANYE WEST'S ENDORSEMENT?

Maybe Trump should get out ahead of this thing and HOLD AN EMERGENCY SPEECH where he denounced KANYE in a VERY DRAMATIC AND IMPASSIONED SPEECH in order to satisfy WOLF BLITZER.
They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.

All you're saying is that it would be better for us to be poorer. I disagree. How is anyone better off by being worse off?
I have enough faith in human nature to believe that we can be just as happy with less crap. Without the latest gadgets, without a third helping of meat loaf, without the more expensive car.

The funniest part of my profession as a financial advisor is seeing a older couple sitting in front of me with, let's say, $1.2 million, that they have carefully saved and invested over time. I tell them they've done a great job, and they say something like this:

"Well, we just never had to have the flashiest car, or the most expensive clothes or computers..."

It's almost like they're APOLOGIZING for having so much money.

I think all the fluff is bought to fill a hole that can never be filled by fluff.

So do you think the older couple would be happier with $800,000?

Obviously not. All you're advocating is reduced consumption now in favor of greater consumption later.
You're missing the point. They've lived the last 40 years not needing fancy stuff and being perfectly content.

They satisfied their needs with things other than stuff.

That doesn't prove they would have prefered to have more: a bigger house, better cars, better vacations. They made choices. The didn't do with less because they prefered doing with less.

There's no such thing as "perfectly content." There's only "more content" or "less content."
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Why? Because Trump is a Constitution loving patriot who wants to restore this country to the founding principles the framers crafted for it, and the original people they created it for, White people. In order to make America great again, we must restore the 1790 Naturalization Act.


The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

There is the answer to the question the OP asked.

SMG is too stupid to realize that it ain't gonna happen. It would never get past the SC. And it's now unconstitutional.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Why? Because Trump is a Constitution loving patriot who wants to restore this country to the founding principles the framers crafted for it, and the original people they created it for, White people. In order to make America great again, we must restore the 1790 Naturalization Act.


The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

There is the answer to the question the OP asked.

SMG is too stupid to realize that it ain't gonna happen. It would never get past the SC. And it's now unconstitutional.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Why? Because Trump is a Constitution loving patriot who wants to restore this country to the founding principles the framers crafted for it, and the original people they created it for, White people. In order to make America great again, we must restore the 1790 Naturalization Act.


The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

There is the answer to the question the OP asked.

SMG is too stupid to realize that it ain't gonna happen. It would never get past the SC. And it's now unconstitutional.

The court has already ruled that Congress can limit immigration according to any criteria it likes. Foreigners located on foreign soil have no constitutional rights. None.

It's completely constitutional. You might know that if you weren't a douche bag leftwing foreigner. Instead you made a complete fool of yourself.

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