Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy

The Alt Right folks, not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, are shocked and amazed that the Twitter in Chief is not really a practicing racist, just a passive racist who doesn't give a shit one way or the other, because in his bubble world, there is only one sex and one race that really matters. In short, minorities in Trump's world are OK, as long as they know their place. If not, they are simply replaced. No big deal.
The Alt Right folks, not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, are shocked and amazed that the Twitter in Chief is not really a practicing racist, just a passive racist who doesn't give a shit one way or the other, because in his bubble world, there is only one sex and one race that really matters. In short, minorities in Trump's world are OK, as long as they know their place. If not, they are simply replaced. No big deal.
Another leftwing douche bag rant lacking any basis in actual facts.

I love the way you morons think you know how Trump and everyone else on the right thinks. Yet,. you continually get it wrong. That's why you lost.
The really didn't like their leader Hillary after All?
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are a coalition party with huge percentages of Hispanics, blacks, gays, and the educated.

Tell us how white supremacists would feel comfortable in such a party.
The really didn't like their leader Hillary after All?
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are a coalition party with huge percentages of Hispanics, blacks, gays, and the educated.

Tell us how white supremacists would feel comfortable in such a party.
No patriotic American feels comfortable in the Democrat party.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
Are you asking a question or making a statement? Usually a question has this little thingy after the sentence: ?
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

Trump from the very beginning was endorsed by every white hate group in this country, including the KKK. Trump attracted them with his own hateful racist rhetoric and they came a running. It doesn't matter that he disavows them now, they were very instrumental in getting him nominated and then elected, even making robo calls for him.

Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.
One thing that nobody seems to ever mention is that when it comes to the dignity of the office of President of the United States, Trump does have a couple of major advantages over obama in the respect and dignity area.
for one, Trump is house broken, basically he is potty trained. Now even though I dont really care for obama, I will say that the fact that he and his "mate" have finally been trained to use the box, it is still a far cry from being able to use a toilet, toilet paper and flush, but again, it is certainly an improvement of the way they used to climb up on high places and power poo on people when they walked under them. And the white house staff are much more at ease since obama stopped slinging poo at them when he got mad.
Trump is also bringing a real human woman with him as his wife whereas obama has been shacking up with the transvestite silver back

I normally ignore your post MP but I cannot pass on this one.
What dignity are you talking about? Is Michele Obama not a real woman?
Obama and Michele is far decent that your racist, lying, bully, pussy grabbing role model and his third wife who post nude. You are a bigot, racist and a typical supporter of Trump.
This is the time when I am ashamed as being white.
Im thinking your grammar is something that causes me to be ashamed of you being white also.
let me help. (because Im just a nice guy)
first sentence should read.
obama and Michele are far more decent than your racist, lying, bullying, pussy grabbing role model and his third wife who posed nude.
then this
This is a time when I am ashamed of being white.
To be completely honest with you, your word usage skills and syntax could lead one to believe that English might be a second language to you. If English is a second language, then you are actually doing ok with it and I apologize for pointing that out.
I must also answer your question, Is Michele obama, not a real woman? in all honesty with no joking or attempts at typing something with the intent of stirring emotion from the reader, I am honestly not convinced of that fact, there are some rather compelling indicators in reference to the build of the body and bone structure that might suggest otherwise. <==== Not typed to generate a specific response, instead, I would hope to stimulate enough curiosity for others to research this rather perplexing issue.
You have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and I suggest you try not to get so worked up over comments on an anonymous internet forum.
Agreed on all points....although I think it's never "too late". I do believe it takes a lot more time to build a bridge than, as the Alt-Left has done, burn as many as they could find..

Now we have a situation where the fucking Aryan Assholes are coming out of the woodwork and many Americans are going "meh" because, as you pointed out, the Left has diluted use of racism to the point it is meaningless.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

The businessmen behind the news services are not a unified group that sets ideological policy.

The right doesn't do that.

THe Left is the side the convinces itself that those that oppose it have negative qualities that should be kept out of their work place.

Thus the Left tends to drive out conservatives where they can.
The businessmen behind the news services are responsible to the shareholders. In the end, it's all about the money.

And they take that responsibility seriously and act accordingly.

The liberals is the press, on the other hand are so closed minded that they believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid or evil.

THus, in their mind, it is justifiable to not hire, not promote, exclude, fire, drive out, those people.

And they do.

And then they abuse their position to advance their political agenda, as we have seen for decades, more and more clearly as their power grows.
Yeah. I just don't see a bridge being built - as terribly important as that is - unless and until the groups above are somehow culturally marginalized.

They're both so noxious that I honestly wonder about their agendas. I see no indication that either of them is trying to heal or improve anything.

Maybe they like things like this.

There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.
And they take that responsibility seriously and act accordingly.

The liberals is the press, on the other hand are so closed minded that they believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid or evil.

THus, in their mind, it is justifiable to not hire, not promote, exclude, fire, drive out, those people.

And they do.

And then they abuse their position to advance their political agenda, as we have seen for decades, more and more clearly as their power grows.
Yes, authoritarian, highly partisan assholes abuse their power. Much of what you wrote could easily have been written by a LWer. The agenda and issues are different, but the abuse of power and desire to dominate the culture remains the same. Frankly, I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people minded their own fucking business.
There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are a coalition party with huge percentages of Hispanics, blacks, gays, and the educated.

Tell us how white supremacists would feel comfortable in such a party.
The nation is 74% white, dude. Canada is even whiter. While I agree the white supremacists drift right, the black supremacists drift left along with most other non-white radical groups.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

They actually are poorer. Having less stuff is what it means to be poor. I also dispute your theory that prices will skyrocket. A lot of agriculture is highly mechanized. There are only a few crops that need to be harvested by hand, and engineers are already working on machines to handle these crops as well. The produce section is the only place you would see a significant increase in prices. A lot of our produce comes from overseas, and cutting immigration would have no effect here.
Agriculture is a massive industry that has other industries that feed into it. For example, when the auto industry collapsed, many other industries were damaged, such as parts suppliers and the various service industries that supported it. When oil prices collapsed, feeder industries were damaged. No large industry exists in an economic vacuum. I haven't done the research yet, and I'd sure as hell have to for my clients if this happens, but there will be a ripple effect. The question is to what degree. This is the same conversation I have with lefties on minimum wage: There are always rings in the pond.

Regarding being "poor", I think that's also up for debate. If seeing our standard of living decrease to where we have 48" teevees instead of 60" teevees, an iPhone™ that's more than six months old, a regular-sized car instead of a Hummer™, and fewer hoards of fat people stumbling out of a Cheesecake Factory™, I'm not convinced that's necessarily a bad thing.
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There are not enough "aryan assholes" to make a difference.

The vast majority of what the Left calls racism is really just White people NOT wallowing in White Guilt.

Or complete bullshit.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
And they take that responsibility seriously and act accordingly.

The liberals is the press, on the other hand are so closed minded that they believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be stupid or evil.

THus, in their mind, it is justifiable to not hire, not promote, exclude, fire, drive out, those people.

And they do.

And then they abuse their position to advance their political agenda, as we have seen for decades, more and more clearly as their power grows.
Yes, authoritarian, highly partisan assholes abuse their power. Much of what you wrote could easily have been written by a LWer. The agenda and issues are different, but the abuse of power and desire to dominate the culture remains the same. Frankly, I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people minded their own fucking business.

Those of the right do NOT generally consider that anyone that disagrees with them must be stupid or evil.

The behavior of the majority of the groups are different, and you can see the results.

I've met a liberal that was welcome to WORK at Fox News, because the Righties in Fox News do not assume that someone that disagrees with them must be stupid or evil.

That does not go both ways. And we see the results.
Incorrect. There clearly is an "alt-right". OTOH, they are a fringe group of extremists, not in the mainstream. The LWers have worn out the Race Card from years of abuse and overuse, so they are using "Alt-Right" as their new race card.
I agree that the illegal immigrants in this country who have been convicted of crimes need to go and it is not "racist" to want that. I agree that the government needs to protect us from radical Islamic terrorists, and that is not racist, either. Trump doesn't have a very good way of explaining stuff, or he's afraid he'll lose us if he puts too fine a point on it, I don't know which. But neither of those stances is racist and shouldn't be called racist.

Anyone who stands against open borders, will be called a racist not matter how politely he phrases it.

Everyone I knew stand against borders like myself but it depends on how you interpret or express yourself Correll. I can name lots of members here that are just pure racist not only against Mexicans but other minorities. This even Trump became a candidate.

It does not matter how you express yourself.

Slandering and smearing their enemies works better for the Left than honestly debating the issue.

Stepping back from the politics of this, if possible, and looking at what that would look like:

The cost of doing business would necessarily skyrocket in the food/agricultural industry, and we'd see an immediate and pretty spectacular hike in the price of both the food itself and associated industries. So I hope that, while we're gleefully cleaning out the fields of illegals and replacing them with much higher-salaried workers with benefits, we're ready for this within our macroeconomic system. Currently, we are not.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. We'd look at lot more like Europe, ironically. I have a brother who lives in England, and he visited recently. He was stunned by the size of meal portions, saying "this would feed three of us". He's not poor or emaciated or anything. They just have less stuff over there, including food at meals. And they're perfectly content.

Mac. The Illegal population exceeded the Migrant Farm Worker Niche decades and millions of workers ago.

There are multiple ways that that issue can be dealt with. It is not a reason to NOT deport the illegals.
I'm just pointing out the bigger picture. I see a lot of political rhetoric that's pretty two-dimensional, and my natural impulse is to look down the road a bit.
Why are the Alt Right, The White Nationalist and White Supremacists so happy that Trump was elected President.
Anti-Trumpsters feel it is because Trump espouses their racist philosophies.

Why do pro-Trumpsters feel these groups are so happy about Trump being elected President.

Trump from the very beginning was endorsed by every white hate group in this country, including the KKK. Trump attracted them with his own hateful racist rhetoric and they came a running. It doesn't matter that he disavows them now, they were very instrumental in getting him nominated and then elected, even making robo calls for him.

You just demonstrated why your ilk deserves the epithet "douche bag." You can't argue your agenda, so instead you resort to cheap despicable smears. The mafia has better ethics than your average leftwinger. You're a scumbag - a piece of shit. The stuff I scrape off my shoe is more appealing.
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