Why are the NSA and CIA not involved in the Trump investigation?

what proof?

If trump says he declassified them, they are declassified.

If Trump declassifies something and nobody knows it, is it Declassified?

Trump must go through a formal declassification process
That was not done
If Trump declassifies something and nobody knows it, is it Declassified?

Trump must go through a formal declassification process
That was not done
A president, using powers granted by the Constitution, is able to declassify essentially anything..in fact, all Presidents have the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process.
A president, using powers granted by the Constitution, is able to declassify essentially anything..in fact, all Presidents have the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process.

Doesn’t work like that

A President may declassify something……But after that, it must be declassified
EVERYONE who has that information must be notified that it is no longer classified information

Trump seems to want to declassify stuff just so he doesn’t have to protect it.
what proof?

If trump says he declassified them, they are declassified.

The laws in question have nothing to do with classification ... it's about government property ...

Hey STUPID ... security classifications, in the general case, is governed by Executive Order 13526 ... not Congress, not the courts ... to wit:

Sec. 3.7. National Declassification Center. (a) There is established within the National Archives a National Declassification Center to streamline declassification processes, facilitate quality-assurance measures, and implement standardized training regarding the declassification of records determined to have permanent historical value. There shall be a Director of the Center who shall be appointed or removed by the Archivist in consultation with the Secretaries of State, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence.

(b) Under the administration of the Director, the Center shall coordinate:

(1) timely and appropriate processing of referrals in accordance with section 3.3(d)(3) of this order for accessioned Federal records and transferred presidential records.

(2) general interagency declassification activities necessary to fulfill the requirements of sections 3.3 and 3.4 of this order;

(3) the exchange among agencies of detailed declassification guidance to enable the referral of records in accordance with section 3.3(d)(3) of this order;

(4) the development of effective, transparent, and standard declassification work processes, training, and quality assurance measures;

(5) the development of solutions to declassification challenges posed by electronic records, special media, and emerging technologies;

(6) the linkage and effective utilization of existing agency databases and the use of new technologies to document and make public declassification review decisions and support declassification activities under the purview of the Center; and

(7) storage and related services, on a reimbursable basis, for Federal records containing classified national security information.

(c) Agency heads shall fully cooperate with the Archivist in the activities of the Center and shall:

(1) provide the Director with adequate and current declassification guidance to enable the referral of records in accordance with section 3.3(d)(3) of this order; and

(2) upon request of the Archivist, assign agency personnel to the Center who shall be delegated authority by the agency head to review and exempt or declassify information originated by their agency contained in records accessioned into the National Archives, after consultation with subject-matter experts as necessary.

(d) The Archivist, in consultation with representatives of the participants in the Center and after input from the general public, shall develop priorities for declassification activities under the purview of the Center that take into account the degree of researcher interest and the likelihood of declassification.

(e) Agency heads may establish such centralized facilities and internal operations to conduct internal declassification reviews as appropriate to achieve optimized records management and declassification business processes. Once established, all referral processing of accessioned records shall take place at the Center, and such agency facilities and operations shall be coordinated with the Center to ensure the maximum degree of consistency in policies and procedures that relate to records determined to have permanent historical value.

(f) Agency heads may exempt from automatic declassification or continue the classification of their own originally classified information under section 3.3(a) of this order except that in the case of the Director of National Intelligence, the Director shall also retain such authority with respect to the Intelligence Community.

(g) The Archivist shall, in consultation with the Secretaries of State, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, provide the National Security Advisor with a detailed concept of operations for the Center and a proposed implementing directive under section 5.1 of this order that reflects the coordinated views of the aforementioned agencies.

"If the President does it, that means it's not illegal." -- Richard M. Nixon
Doesn’t work like that

A President may declassify something……But after that, it must be declassified
EVERYONE who has that information must be notified that it is no longer classified information

Trump seems to want to declassify stuff just so he doesn’t have to protect it.
That's exactly how it works. You'd know that if you did ANY research on the subject.

Risch said, "The minute the president speaks about it to someone, he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process."

We found broad agreement that a president, using powers granted by the Constitution, is able to declassify essentially anything."

That's exactly how it works. You'd know that if you did ANY research on the subject.

Risch said, "The minute the president speaks about it to someone, he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process."

We found broad agreement that a president, using powers granted by the Constitution, is able to declassify essentially anything."

No Shit Sherlock

But it must actually be declassified at that point or it remains classified

There is NO EVIDENCE any of Trumps TOP SECRET documents had been declassified
No Shit Sherlock

But it must actually be declassified at that point or it remains classified

There is NO EVIDENCE any of Trumps TOP SECRET documents had been declassified
If Trump said he declassified them while he was President, then they were declassified. It is the ABSOLUTE right of the President to declassify anything and he doesn't need anyone's permission. So go get a tissue and cry.
If Trump said he declassified them while he was President, then they were declassified. It is the ABSOLUTE right of the President to declassify anything and he doesn't need anyone's permission. So go get a tissue and cry.

Wrong ... the President is allowed to write the Executive Order governing the declassification process ... which Trump didn't do ... E.O. 13526 from the Obama Administration is still in effect ...

This has already been said ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ... special kind of stupid not being able to learn ...
Wrong ... the President is allowed to write the Executive Order governing the declassification process ... which Trump didn't do ... E.O. 13526 from the Obama Administration is still in effect ...

This has already been said ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ... special kind of stupid not being able to learn ...
Wow, here's a clown that thinks an Executive Order trumps a law...what a fool
What law? ... only an uninformed idiot would think that ... c'mon lil' fool, which law? ... try DoD Instruction 5200 for some clues, moron ...
You can't do your own research? Ok before you become a memory who's been consigned to ignoreland, here's a law that applies:

Now enjoy being ignored
You can't do your own research? Ok before you become a memory who's been consigned to ignoreland, here's a law that applies:

Now enjoy being ignored

Am I on your ignore list now ... cool, filing another notch on the top of my computer screen ...

Your link doesn't mention classified information, not once ... you're a special kind of STUPID to not notice that ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
If Trump declassifies something and nobody knows it, is it Declassified?

Trump must go through a formal declassification process
That was not done

If the document is marked as classified, then it has to be treated as classified ... the stupid part is Trump could have re-written that rule anytime he wanted to ... without Congress' permission ...

I have a declassified document in my hands right now ... there's a big black line through the bold red letters "Confidential" ... underneath in big blue letters is now "For Official Use Only", the name of the person who declassified this document and a statement as to the regulation that allows this document to be declassified ... I said FIOA request earlier, upon further review it was a Privacy Act request ... sorry for the mix-up ....

Unfortunately, the laws that Trump broke have nothing to do with classifications ... even as unclassified documents, they all still belong to the government ... Trump just can't steal government property ...
If Trump said he declassified them while he was President, then they were declassified. It is the ABSOLUTE right of the President to declassify anything and he doesn't need anyone's permission. So go get a tissue and cry.

I 100% support the idea that the FPOTUS can put the whole issued to bed, all he needs to do is produce the documentation created while the active President that lists specifically what information was declassified by him.

I doesn't change the law his illegal possession of government property, but it would remove the whole discussion about "classification".


Presidential Records (44 U.S.C. Chapter 22

Actually the Presidential Records Act of 1978 provides for the FPOTUS some degree of discretion on the public release of Presidential Records. This is how it works:

#1 The President turns over to the NARA all Presidential Records (which are all the property of the US Government BTW) to the National Archivist.

#2 Access to those records are restricted by law for 5-years from the date of leaving office.

#3 However, prior to leaving office, the departing President can request that certain records remain restricted from public access for up to 12-years. That is how a former President is required, by law, to exercise "Executive Privilege" over Presidential records.
Important points:
  • Records must still be turned over to the NARA.
  • The outgoing President must designate in writing those records that are to be restricted PRIOR to leaving office.
  • No where does the law allow the outgoing President to take personal ownership of Presidential records to keep in his basement of personal desk draw at his/her personal residence.
  • Once the President term who is ending becomes the FPOTUS, they no longer have the power to exert "Executive Privilege" held by the Executive Branch to restrict access to that Executive Branch. They can request it, but it is the responsibility of the current President to exercise it. In other words the FPOTUS can claim Executive Privilege to keep Executive Documents from the Executive Branch as the FPOTUS is now just a private citizen.

Hope this helps.

Actually the Presidential Records Act of 1978 provides for the FPOTUS some degree of discretion on the public release of Presidential Records. This is how it works:

#1 The President turns over to the NARA all Presidential Records (which are all the property of the US Government BTW) to the National Archivist.
And the bolded was NOT done

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