Why are these "Gun Control" activists so violent towards Gun Owners?

Let's compare our "fantasies".

You "fantasize" about government collapse and getting to kill "traitors" with ridiculous automatic shotguns and swords.

I "fantasize" about Alex Jones getting beat up.

1) Are we supposed to go into a fetal position while organized gangs murder, rape and pillage us?

2) You fantasize about violence when it is not necessary.

3) You've walked into Part 2 of 2 of this trap thread for Gun Grabbers.
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Link the thread and post.


I don't need to, you outlined it yourself only a post ago.

I guaranteed it's preceded by a situation where the Constitution is suspended, and their rounding us up for martial law. Followers and enforcers of that scenario are no longer American citizens, they are traitors, as per Article 3, Section 3, of the United States Constitution.

There you are, perfectly outlining your fantasy.

But the difference is that YOU want to START the violence.

I want to DEFEND myself from YOU when YOU START the violence.

No, you really want there to be something to defend against. That's your fantasy.

Your fantasy is that you think I (or anyone else) have any desire to "start" violence against you, which would "justify" your real fantasy, which as far as I can tell is some sort of Call of Duty-like scenario you're clearly lovingly detailed.
Let's compare our "fantasies".

You "fantasize" about government collapse and getting to kill "traitors" with ridiculous automatic shotguns and swords.

I "fantasize" about Alex Jones getting beat up.

1) Are we supposed to go into a fetal position while organized gangs murder, rape and pillage us?

2) You fantasize about violence when it is not necessary.

You're not understanding. This scenario that you've come up with to justify your fantasy is part of your fantasy.

In reality, there are no roving gangs of rapists that you need to defend yourself from. They only exist in your fantasy.
which as far as I can tell is some sort of Call of Duty-like scenario you're clearly lovingly detailed.

What "call" to duty have I ever mentioned?

Yes, we citizens have a call to Duty to defend the Constitution.

I'm referring to Call of Duty, the video game series.

Never played it. I go to the range, in the real world.

However, it seems all these violent Liberals play them. Do you play it? Liberals love to play in fantasy worlds.

No, that's your fantasy of me.

It's funny, it's almost as if you fantasize that I'm going to assault you, and then you'll get to kill me.

This post of yours had nothing to do with me:

I think it would do Alex Jones some good to have the shit beaten out of him.

However, if you assaulted Alex Jones, I can guarantee you that Alex Jones would indeed kill you in self defense with his 0.38 revolver.

Also, are you claiming that police officers all have violent fantasies, since they learn how to defend themselves?
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No, that's your fantasy of me.

It's funny, it's almost as if you fantasize that I'm going to assault you, and then you'll get to kill me.

This post of yours had nothing to do with me:

I think it would do Alex Jones some good to have the shit beaten out of him.

However, if you assaulted Alex Jones, I can guarantee you that Alex Jones would indeed kill you in self defense with his 0.38 revolver.

I doubt it, but that's not the point. He'd just probably claim I was part of some conspiracy.

Also, are you claiming that police officers all have violent fantasies, since they learn how to defend themselves?

I'm sure some do.

But "learning how to defend yourself" isn't what I'm talking about. I know how to defend myself.

I'm talking about constantly thinking, talking and making threads about how much you really want to "defend yourself'.

No, that's your fantasy of me.

It's funny, it's almost as if you fantasize that I'm going to assault you, and then you'll get to kill me.

This post of yours had nothing to do with me:

However, if you assaulted Alex Jones, I can guarantee you that Alex Jones would indeed kill you in self defense with his 0.38 revolver.

I doubt it, but that's not the point. He'd just probably claim I was part of some conspiracy.

Also, are you claiming that police officers all have violent fantasies, since they learn how to defend themselves?

I'm sure some do.

But "learning how to defend yourself" isn't what I'm talking about. I know how to defend myself.

I'm talking about constantly thinking, talking and making threads about how much you really want to "defend yourself'.

Well, maybe the government shouldn't be constantly spying (Patriot Act), kidnapping (NDAA) and torturing (Gitmo) its citizens?
This post of yours had nothing to do with me:

However, if you assaulted Alex Jones, I can guarantee you that Alex Jones would indeed kill you in self defense with his 0.38 revolver.

I doubt it, but that's not the point. He'd just probably claim I was part of some conspiracy.

Also, are you claiming that police officers all have violent fantasies, since they learn how to defend themselves?

I'm sure some do.

But "learning how to defend yourself" isn't what I'm talking about. I know how to defend myself.

I'm talking about constantly thinking, talking and making threads about how much you really want to "defend yourself'.

Well, maybe the government shouldn't be constantly spying (Patriot Act), kidnapping (NDAA) and torturing (Gitmo) its citizens?

I agree that the government shouldn't be doing those things. For the most part, they're not.

But this has nothing to do with the post you responded to.
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