Why are these "Gun Control" activists so violent towards Gun Owners?

Next time you Rightyloons wonder why people think you're idiots remember these posts.
No, it doesn't.

Jesus fucking Christ.

It means nothing more than exactly what I said: that I think it would do him some good.

Like the liberals Stalin and Mao, you have urges to commits acts of violence against your opposition.

You really need to learn that it's time to give up when all you've got left as arguments are claims about what I "really mean".

You're not going to convince me that I meant something other than what I meant.

It's not you that needs convincing, it's everyone else who views you own words.

Iniquum est aliquem suae rei esse judicium.
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And this is what's called a "straw man".

It's your own words:
I think it would do Alex Jones some good to have the shit beaten out of him.

Your reading comprehension skills need work.

Try reading exactly what I said, rather than trying to put words into my mouth.

I think that it would do some good for Alex Jones to get beaten. That's what I said, and that's what I mean.

I don't have any desire to do it myself, or even for it to happen at all (I don't particularly care if Alex Jones regains his sense or not). But I think the end results would be good for him.
Enough with the back peddling, you can't undo what you said. You were advocating violence against Jones and you know it.
It's your own words:

Your reading comprehension skills need work.

Try reading exactly what I said, rather than trying to put words into my mouth.

I think that it would do some good for Alex Jones to get beaten. That's what I said, and that's what I mean.

I don't have any desire to do it myself, or even for it to happen at all (I don't particularly care if Alex Jones regains his sense or not). But I think the end results would be good for him.
Enough with the back peddling, you can't undo what you said. You were advocating violence against Jones and you know it.

I'm not "backpedalling". I'm repeating the exact words that I said.

The fact that you misinterpreted them to mean something else is on you, not me.
I see that your gun grabbing bills were stopped by the majority of the American people, so apparently they do care much more about what we think than what you think.

Name one "gun-grabbing" bill.

You can't.

They were aimed at people who should not have guns. Like you?

And: remember that gun-nuts are violent, not anti-gun nuts.

Your reading comprehension skills need work.

Try reading exactly what I said, rather than trying to put words into my mouth.

I think that it would do some good for Alex Jones to get beaten. That's what I said, and that's what I mean.

I don't have any desire to do it myself, or even for it to happen at all (I don't particularly care if Alex Jones regains his sense or not). But I think the end results would be good for him.
Enough with the back peddling, you can't undo what you said. You were advocating violence against Jones and you know it.

I'm not "backpedalling". I'm repeating the exact words that I said.

The fact that you misinterpreted them to mean something else is on you, not me.
There was no ambiguity in what you said. It was very direct and to the point. Nothing left up to interpretation, it can only be taken one way.
Enough with the back peddling, you can't undo what you said. You were advocating violence against Jones and you know it.

I'm not "backpedalling". I'm repeating the exact words that I said.

The fact that you misinterpreted them to mean something else is on you, not me.
There was no ambiguity in what you said. It was very direct and to the point. Nothing left up to interpretation, it can only be taken one way.

I thought so too, but apparently not.

Let's parse it word-for-word.

That implies that everything following is my opinion.

it would do Alex Jones some good

This means that Alex Jones would have some aspect of himself improved.

to have the shit beaten out of him.

...by having the shit kicked out of him.

Now, I'd love it if you could point out where I said:

1. That I want Alex Jones to be beaten up by someone.

2. That I personally want to beat Alex Jones up.


3. That I fantasize about Alex Jones being beaten up.
I'm not "backpedalling". I'm repeating the exact words that I said.

The fact that you misinterpreted them to mean something else is on you, not me.
There was no ambiguity in what you said. It was very direct and to the point. Nothing left up to interpretation, it can only be taken one way.

I thought so too, but apparently not.

Let's parse it word-for-word.

That implies that everything following is my opinion.

it would do Alex Jones some good

This means that Alex Jones would have some aspect of himself improved.

to have the shit beaten out of him.

...by having the shit kicked out of him.

Now, I'd love it if you could point out where I said:

1. That I want Alex Jones to be beaten up by someone.

2. That I personally want to beat Alex Jones up.


3. That I fantasize about Alex Jones being beaten up.
Your implied threat is there for all to see, no matter how hard you try to change the meaning of your words. But keep back peddling, it's fun watching you squirm.
There was no ambiguity in what you said. It was very direct and to the point. Nothing left up to interpretation, it can only be taken one way.

I thought so too, but apparently not.

Let's parse it word-for-word.

That implies that everything following is my opinion.

This means that Alex Jones would have some aspect of himself improved.

to have the shit beaten out of him.

...by having the shit kicked out of him.

Now, I'd love it if you could point out where I said:

1. That I want Alex Jones to be beaten up by someone.

2. That I personally want to beat Alex Jones up.


3. That I fantasize about Alex Jones being beaten up.
Your implied threat is there for all to see, no matter how hard you try to change the meaning of your words. But keep back peddling, it's fun watching you squirm.

"implied threat"


And you guys whine that liberals are overly sensitive.
I thought so too, but apparently not.

Let's parse it word-for-word.

That implies that everything following is my opinion.

This means that Alex Jones would have some aspect of himself improved.

...by having the shit kicked out of him.

Now, I'd love it if you could point out where I said:

1. That I want Alex Jones to be beaten up by someone.

2. That I personally want to beat Alex Jones up.


3. That I fantasize about Alex Jones being beaten up.
Your implied threat is there for all to see, no matter how hard you try to change the meaning of your words. But keep back peddling, it's fun watching you squirm.

"implied threat"


And you guys whine that liberals are overly sensitive.
Well, coming from you it's not really a threat. More like a fantasy. LOL
Your implied threat is there for all to see, no matter how hard you try to change the meaning of your words. But keep back peddling, it's fun watching you squirm.

"implied threat"


And you guys whine that liberals are overly sensitive.
Well, coming from you it's not really a threat. More like a fantasy. LOL

It's really funny watching you try to be all macho and manly while simultaneously whining about how mean I'm being to Alex Jones.
Well, coming from you it's not really a threat. More like a fantasy. LOL

It's really funny watching you try to be all macho and manly while simultaneously whining about how mean I'm being to Alex Jones.
Me? You're the one talking about beating the shit out of Alex Jones, Mr. Tough Guy.

I made my position fairly clear. I have no desire to beat Alex Jones up. Pretending that I've said anything differently is starting to get old.

On the other hand, it is entertaining to watch people who shout about "political correctness" getting their panties in a bunch over my "implied threats".

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They get more violent with every minute!

Gun Control Useful Idiots are Losing - YouTube

And it's their narrow minded and violent attitude that is more responsible for shootings than gun rights.

Every time there is a shooting, the left automatically blames gun owners and, especially, the NRA.

Look back decades and realize that these shootings at schools and theaters were not an issue at all. Even now, thankfully, such shootings are rare, though most likely to happen in gun free zones. That would cover all schools and the one theater in Aurora, CO. that had a gun free sign.

Has anyone heard liberals express concern for the gangs and drug dealers roaming the streets? They are becoming more prevalent, spreading like cancer, along with a mentality that doesn't value human life.

Gun rights have been around for a few hundred years. What has changed in the last 30 years or so that escalated brutal murders of innocents? While we've always been plagued with psychopathic people, there seem to be a sharp increase in senseless murders at the hands of criminals. It's those criminals that pose the greatest risk, yet the left continues to focus on the more rare incidents just because they fit their agenda.

Gangs kill over territory or other ridiculous reasons. Drug cartels are known for killing anyone who even mildly crosses them.

I suppose political correctness rules the day for liberals when it comes to talking candidly about the number of murders in the country. How they can get away with ignoring thousands of murders while making a huge issue out of a few is just wrong. Of course, if the media is being paid to keep focus off certain things, it starts to make more sense why the sheeple among us remain ill informed. It's by design.

Recently, ICE officials were forced to released violent criminals in the name of the DREAM act. Child molesters, rapists and other dangerous criminals that were set for deportation were sprung on an unsuspecting public. Yet, the paid state media only rushes to cover those stories that can be twisted into making the right, particularly 2nd amendment advocates, look bad. If the media were to take to the streets of Chicago or some border towns and honestly covered the violence there, liberal policies would not pass the sniff test.

If public safety was their real concern, they would have done things much differently. Considering they refuse to even discuss the real problems in the country proves that the real motive behind their current agenda would not be popular. Nothing they've done and nothing they are proposing would make even the slightest different when it comes to saving lives. The big secret is that liberals want population control, not population preservation. They launch vicious attacks to divert attention away from what they are really up to.

The left knows the root of the problem with gun violence is decay in our culture. Those who refuse to hold certain groups responsible for their actions are part of the problem. An ever increasing population of dumbed-down people angered by the divisive rhetoric are one of this country's biggest threats. Look at the death threats that came from some groups after the Zimmerman verdict. No one in the state media or the administration came out and condemned them. Why would they when they had worked so hard to get people riled in the first place?

The deaths of innocents are merely tools to push their controlling agenda. Nothing more. They know criminals will still have guns and they will eventually do something about those criminals- after they've eliminated many people and are no longer useful.

When facts are not on your side and your entire platform is built on propaganda, all that is left is a vicious attack on your enemy to impugn them. It's pure Alinsky.

The same Alinsky plan that is slowly taking down capitalism, freedom and liberty instructs the future tyrants that a disarmed public must be part of the deal or the takeover cannot be completed.

Obamacare, social security, welfare, income taxes, encouraging government dependency, dumbing down students and indoctrinating them with skewed facts, ignoring immigration laws and a constant push for gun control is all Alinsky. Obama learned well the lessons of the radical commies and he's the latest comrade in a long string of leftwing radicals who are making their dreams a reality. Obama claims to have studied the constitution, and he has or he wouldn't hate it so much, but he taught Alinsky's rules. Shredding the constitution using old dictator's tactics is Obama's real area of expertise.

That is all there is to it. The obedient, perhaps threatened media, is dutifully carrying out a carefully planned stream of propaganda to aid in the destruction of our rights. For years, the American people vehemently rejected the leftwing ideas. The left has fought against true Americans by slowly increasing the population of useful idiots. We are at the danger point where these idiots have increased in population to the point where they will soon outnumber the patriots.

When you hear liberal teachers making wild claims, like students were traumatized by the sight of a tiny plastic toy gun or that children required counseling after a kid took a paper gun out of their pocket, you know they are the most dangerous and useful idiots of all. They are teaching a whole new generation to be mindless leeches who will do nothing but worship a tyrannical government and do whatever they are told in exchange for being taken care of. By the time many of the koolaid drinkers realize what they've done, it will be too late.
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