Why are Trump’s crowds so big!!!

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Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I’ve also noticed that Elizabeth Warren will continue to talk maybe full minute of “your time is up” many many times. The 2nd show actually got 40% less views than the first. Not a good sign at all. I also believe they already lost a lot of moderates at this point. Just my 2 cents

I noticed that she was one of those who kept talking, but there were others, and the moderators kept it all going and did not allow the candidates to speak over top of each other. I must say that I do like her for her well-thought-out positions and her ability to articulate them. The rule that each candidate must remain behind his or her podium absolutely must continue, though. It gives each candidate in turn an opportunity to speak on a specific issue without muddying the waters with theatrical shenanigans.I hate debates in general. I prefer to read explanations of their policies (and not just tweets, I need something solid).

I disagree. Debates show the candidates grasp of the issues, the depth of their knowledge, how in touch they are with voters, and their ability to think on their feet. All very important skills and qualities in a president.

Yes, "[d]ebates show the candidates grasp of the issues, the depth of their knowledge, how in touch they are with voters, and their ability to think on their feet. All very important skills and qualities in a president." What is there to disagree with? I'm just saying that candidates should be required to remain behind their podiums and abide by time limitations, to eliminate stage theatrics and stalking around the stage replacing substance. As the field of candidates is winnowed down, this need for this will become clearer. By the time that we are down to two or three candidates, these rules will be increasingly important. Remember Roberts Rules of Order.
Americans are enjoying his presidency. Their indigenous opponents, on the other hand, are quite upset.

Over half are not. We know he is a arrogant pathetical liar, who is enriching himself and his family who think they above the law

You got it!!! Trump probably is enriching himself. I bet you by time his Presidency is done he'll be a billionaire and he'll be able to afford to live in a high rise in downtown Manhattan!
Americans are enjoying his presidency. Their indigenous opponents, on the other hand, are quite upset.

Over half are not. We know he is a arrogant pathetical liar, who is enriching himself and his family who think they above the law

You got it!!! Trump probably is enriching himself. I bet you by time his Presidency is done he'll be a billionaire and he'll be able to afford to live in a high rise in downtown Manhattan!
Hell he may even be so rich that he can afford to work for free! But wait! Oh yeah that's right, he already does.
Americans are enjoying his presidency. Their indigenous opponents, on the other hand, are quite upset.

Americans are enjoying his presidency? I think you might want to rethink that Trump tard.

It must suck living in a bubble.....

It must suck being brain washed.

At least he has a brain...

And I fully admit washing it of liberal propaganda on a daily basis.
Americans are enjoying his presidency. Their indigenous opponents, on the other hand, are quite upset.

Americans are enjoying his presidency? I think you might want to rethink that Trump tard.

It must suck living in a bubble.....

It must suck being brain washed.

At least he has a brain...

We all know you don't

Says the guy who doesn't know how to use punctuation.
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.

A opposed to your candidates willingness to give free healthcare to illegals while Americans are dying in tent camps.
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.

BULLSHIT! That's the demodummie message.
I mean... the number of people might be large, but none of those guys is individually as "big" as they would like to be. Let's be real here...
I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.
I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

You mean woken?
Might be useful to look up the def of liberal.
Latin, liber, free
Yup plenty of zero college rube cult.
Actually 10000 in a state of 5000000 isn't really that many.
Ever seen a brown face there?
I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.

Wait a minute...
Surely you know of kaitlin Bennett.
I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.

Wait a minute...
Surely you know of kaitlin Bennett.

First time I have laid...er...is that the right word? Eyes on that delicious dish.

I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.

Wait a minute...
Surely you know of kaitlin Bennett.

First time I have laid...er...is that the right word? Eyes on that delicious dish.


Just found out she's engaged.....:aargh:
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.

A opposed to your candidates willingness to give free healthcare to illegals while Americans are dying in tent camps.

I never heard Gary Johnson mention anything about healthcare but I suppose he could have and I haven't watch the debates on the left yet this year. But anyone and I mean anyone with an IQ over 50 can figure out what one proposes or says on campaign trail may never become law, has to go through congress fool.
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.

BULLSHIT! That's the demodummie message.
Springsteen sells out everywhere he goes, including in other countries.

I saw one of these these trump supporters interviewed the other day. He was so incoherent that it was hard to pick out exactly what he was trying to say. The people who attend these rallies seem to be unaware of what is happening to the coal miners and farmers, as well as others, and they don't seem to be concerned about health care, the fact that our infrastructure is in awful disrepair, the destruction of our international reputation, and our lack of preparation to compete globally. It's hard to tell what they are concerned about.

If you attacking character of Trump supporters being stupid and the left being intelligent you’ve already lost the battle.

I'm saying that they don't seem to be aware of what is going on or have any real vision for the country. They are not up to speed. It's all repeating slogans, and chanting, finding someone else to blame, and a sea of generalities. There seems to be a lack of people on their end who can intelligently present policies with supporting evidence, and their "president" just runs, hides, and cannot explain his policies in any detail whatsoever. He just spills whatever comes into his pea brain at the moment, fact-based or not, and just leads chanting.

In any event, I hope that the format used in the current debates among the Democratic presidential candidates, in which each candidate must stay behind his or her podium and wait for the other to finish, instead of this nonsense of allowing the candidates to strut around the stage. This disciplined approach allows for a much clearer picture of each candidate's thinking.

I've watch most of his rally's and common theme is "Get rid of everyone who does not think like us" period. It's like a Jim Jones rally.

BULLSHIT! That's the demodummie message.

Oh lookie it's little dick.
I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.

Wait a minute...
Surely you know of kaitlin Bennett.

First time I have laid...er...is that the right word? Eyes on that delicious dish.


Just found out she's engaged.....:aargh:

Figures. Always a boner late and a day light....er...or something like that.

I’ve been to one of his rallies I had to go to the next state and wait in that line and was blessed on getting in. It’s an amazing sight when you see how many people of the truck. Man you Libs are in for another four years maybe one day you’ll get woke

Wow, she's a doll.

Oh and yeah....big crowds and all that.

Wait a minute...
Surely you know of kaitlin Bennett.

First time I have laid...er...is that the right word? Eyes on that delicious dish.


Pretty good vid of her start and of Palmetto armory.
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