Why Are We A Democracy?

Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia

Though technically NOT an "appointment" is was de facto one.

Florida counted the votes, Bush won. Florida recounted the votes, Bush won. The Florida legislature had created the laws for certifying the election. The Florida Executive branch followed those laws.

How on earth can even in your partisan Democrat mind do you find "appointed" or "de facto" appointed out of that?

Im not a dem u dope. You deny it all you want. Its history. But you ignore history...yeah.
Says the Socialist, unironically.

Oh, so, pumpkin...you agree? g h w b was NOT appointed by the supreme court. Lol.
Meant the history comment, since to be a Socialist, you have to reject history and logic in the first place. All I know about Bush being elected is that he was the chosen Establishment shill from the start.

So,...your a socialist?...and yes. He was. Just as obama was and now that lying bitch is. hey are not liberal.
The derps that claim America isn't a democracy. These are people that try to sound smart but only make the adults around them uncomfortable with the ignorance they have to witness. Representative Democracy is a subset of Democracy. It is a form of democracy.

The derps though claim 'it's a sweater'.

That's all good and all except we are a representative Republic.

Why is this so hard for you people.

You dorks do know anyone can do a search and come up with a million websites for all the colleges in the world that describe exactly all the various forms of government and what a democracy is.

The alt-rgt has this never ending penchant for trying to elevate bullshit to fact. It only works in con bubble land.
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Uncle terrie?...your a child and believe as a child. Your ignorance is only personified by your continued posting. Now, go back to playing with your little pee pee like children do.

Still hiding? Explain your scenario where Gore wins and show where the court erred

What are you arguing? All Im saying is....ghwb was appointed by the supreme court. Hewas NOT elected. Thats all.

Uncle terrie?...your a child and believe as a child. Your ignorance is only personified by your continued posting. Now, go back to playing with your little pee pee like children do.

Still hiding? Explain your scenario where Gore wins and show where the court erred

What are you arguing? All Im saying is....ghwb was appointed by the supreme court. Hewas NOT elected. Thats all.

Winning the count and the recount isn't being elected? How does one get elected then?

Only a Democrat shill says what you do
The derps that claim America isn't a democracy. These are people that try to sound smart but only make the adults around them uncomfortable with the ignorance they have to witness. Representative Democracy is a subset of Democracy. It is a form of democracy.

The derps though claim 'it's a sweater'.

That's all good and all except we are a representative Republic.

Why is this so hard for you people.

You are uneducated and ignorant. Not a crime, but you trying to argue nonsense only betrays your ignorance. Just because Alex Jones says something doesn't make it so.

The alt-rgt has this never ending penchant for trying to elevate bullshit to fact. It only works in con bubble land.

No. Hes NOT full of shit. You are. Your trying to get rid of the mechanism that you know checks capitalism. That what a Republic and Democracy does. It protects the people from corporate and gov. You hate that.
Full Definition of democracy
  1. 1a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majorityb : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

We're a Republic


See above: We're a Republic.

Try "Schoolhouse Rock" or some Elementary school introductory book to the US Government

Uncle terrie?...your a child and believe as a child. Your ignorance is only personified by your continued posting. Now, go back to playing with your little pee pee like children do.

Still hiding? Explain your scenario where Gore wins and show where the court erred

What are you arguing? All Im saying is....ghwb was appointed by the supreme court. Hewas NOT elected. Thats all.

Winning the count and the recount isn't being elected? How does one get elected then?

Only a Democrat shill says what you do

Lmao. Im NOT a dem. Lol. Im an advocate for A Constitutional Democratic Republic.
Why Are We A Democracy?
We are not a democracy....Bush Jr. didn't win the popular vote in 2000, the Supreme Court overruled the popular vote.

What is this ignorance? The popular vote was never going to determine that election. Electoral votes determine the presidency. And George Bush won them no matter how many times democrats demanded recounts.

The popular vote wont matter this election. For example Gary Johnson may come in third in the popular vote. But if McMullin is the only third party candidate with electoral votes, when this race goes to the House to will be between Clinton, Trump, and McMullin instead of Johnson.

And its very possible Clinton could win the popular vote and not become president.

Really? Then why did gb have to be appointed by the supreme court?

He wasn't
Full Definition of democracy
  1. 1a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majorityb : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

We're a Republic


See above: We're a Republic.

Try "Schoolhouse Rock" or some Elementary school introductory book to the US Government

Wow frank...how can I argue with THAT? ...and...you didnt answer the question. You dont know the answer, do you?
Derps, republic is a subset of democracy. You might as well argue humans aren't primates.
You DO know that george bush 2 was appointed by the supreme court, dont you? Maybe your daddy should come back and continue your ridicules posts.

This a perfect example of what's wrong with people. Its not that people are stupid. Its just that they know so many things that are just wrong
You DO know that george bush 2 was appointed by the supreme court, dont you? Maybe your daddy should come back and continue your ridicules posts.

This a perfect example of what's wrong with people. Its not that people are stupid. Its just that they know so many things that are just wrong

Lol, yeah...and you remember that after you find the meaning.
You DO know that george bush 2 was appointed by the supreme court, dont you? Maybe your daddy should come back and continue your ridicules posts.

This a perfect example of what's wrong with people. Its not that people are stupid. Its just that they know so many things that are just wrong

This is one of the phenomena about politics that I find fascinating:the ability of thinking people to ignore the truth and facts and allow themselves to be ruled by emotion.

Uncle terrie?...your a child and believe as a child. Your ignorance is only personified by your continued posting. Now, go back to playing with your little pee pee like children do.

Still hiding? Explain your scenario where Gore wins and show where the court erred

What are you arguing? All Im saying is....ghwb was appointed by the supreme court. Hewas NOT elected. Thats all.

Winning the count and the recount isn't being elected? How does one get elected then?

Only a Democrat shill says what you do

Lmao. Im [sic] NOT a dem. Lol. Im [sic] an advocate for A Constitutional Democratic Republic.

It's pretty clear to everyone reading this what you really are.

Uncle terrie?...your a child and believe as a child. Your ignorance is only personified by your continued posting. Now, go back to playing with your little pee pee like children do.

Still hiding? Explain your scenario where Gore wins and show where the court erred

What are you arguing? All Im saying is....ghwb was appointed by the supreme court. Hewas NOT elected. Thats all.

Winning the count and the recount isn't being elected? How does one get elected then?

Only a Democrat shill says what you do

Lmao. Im NOT a dem. Lol. Im an advocate for A Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Yet you still can't explain how a guy who won the count and the recount didn't win the election. And he was certified following Florida law. It was the Democrat dominated Florida Supreme Court who ignored the law because they could and they wanted to.

BTW, I voted for Harry Browne, not either of the crappy major party candidates
uncle terrie. Re read my posts...they're fact. I dont talk or post bull shit.

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