Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

Muslim radicals make for a better security concern in this country. AB are just portrayed as wackos, the Muslims are the Bogey men who will kill us in our sleep and wreak havoc in cities everywhere. Its called manufactured fear.....and the mainstream media is the factory that produces it

To me it is a matter of scale and motive. the AB is organized crime, pure and simple. Its motive is profit, which is far easier to predict than religous or political motives.

The AB has been on law enforcement radar, in particular corrections officer's radar for decades. They know all about the AB's attempts to take out guards, wardens, anyone who messes with thier in prison business. What seems to be happening is they are going "outside the walls" to go after the courts and other LEO's.

There are limits to what they can or will do, however, as thier motive is always profit. Large scale attacks like Oklahoma City or even 9/11 is not inline with making a profit, as it would bring every law enforcement and even military branch on them like hammers.

When your motivation is political and/or religous, however, those limits do not apply. The "big attack" is a more viable option, particularly when you are ready for the long fight.
Islamic fundementalists are far more dangerous in this repsect, because the continuation of thier "buisiness" is not thier concern. They are motivated by faith and a desire for power, not money.

You misunderstood me, please read my post below.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

I think you might be right in a very small number of cases (maybe lots on this board, of course).

But mostly I think people aren't much concerned because this is a criminal organization seeking to intimidate the law, rather than a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow the government.

How upset are you and concerned about terrorism are you by what the MAFIA does?

Same deal, I think.

Criminals acting like criminals..not revolutionaries
The Aryan Brotherhood is a prison gang. It is probably the largest prison gang in the prison system. Outside of prison it is nothing. The Aryan Brotherhood is what the press has concocted as the beneficiary of all their suspicions. The average ethnic gang has more street members and more structure than the Aryan Brotherhood. The liberal establishment needs white supremacists so they can stir up a little anti white furor. There is no proof that an organized white gang has done anything. Individual white ex-cons might have, but that doesn't mean that there is some organized concept in action.

What the suspicions really are, is that the mexican cartels have been recruiting in the prisons for nothing more than mercenaries who will act under their direction. White guys are in high demand. Muslims want them, the cartels want them. A white criminal could make a nice chunk of change selling out to the right criminal organization.

The systematic targeting of law enforcement groups, prosecutors, law enforcement, that's right out of the cartel playbook. They've been doing it in mexico for years. The surprise is that it took so long to come here. The same media blaming white supremacists won't say it, the public might get racist against hispanics and wonder when heads will start rolling around the floors of bars. Better to blame white people. It's okay to be racist against them.

MeatHead, I wasn't inferring that. Lets change this story up a little bit and say those perpetrators are Muslims. Would or would not be a different response to that?
You weren't inferring anything ffs! <I have no idea why people can't get that right.>

You were implying that the Aryan Brotherhood was not being taken seriously, which is a false premise. You clearly drew an analogy between the AB and Islamic terrorism and I explained that mass murder is not on the agenda of criminal organizations, whereas with terrorists it is. You cannot expect the same public reaction to targeted violence as with indiscriminate and wholesale violence.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.
The media is afraid to speak out against white racism because so many white people feel they are discriminated against.

I also don't support racism against whites, this really isn't about whites to me, but the general national concern and the journalists and media take a whole other opposite approach when it's comes from other perpetrators sadly.

It doesn't really matter if you support it or not. The AB runs gangs in prison and out which goes against the popular narrative that only blacks, Muslims, and Latinos are criminals. The media isn't going to touch this.
Editec, I wasn't trying to make that comparison though. It seems everyone thought so.
The media is afraid to speak out against white racism because so many white people feel they are discriminated against.

I also don't support racism against whites, this really isn't about whites to me, but the general national concern and the journalists and media take a whole other opposite approach when it's comes from other perpetrators sadly.

It doesn't really matter if you support it or not. The AB runs gangs in prison and out which goes against the popular narrative that only blacks, Muslims, and Latinos are criminals. The media isn't going to touch this.

That's unfortunately true, I've read a NYPD official quoting himself saying Ray Kelly I believe wanted to instigate fear into minorities in New York to keep them thinking police are always out there for them. It's pretty much systematic profiling. Sad.
MeatHead, I wasn't inferring that. Lets change this story up a little bit and say those perpetrators are Muslims. Would or would not be a different response to that?
You weren't inferring anything ffs! <I have no idea why people can't get that right.>

You were implying that the Aryan Brotherhood was not being taken seriously, which is a false premise. You clearly drew an analogy between the AB and Islamic terrorism and I explained that mass murder is not on the agenda of criminal organizations, whereas with terrorists it is. You cannot expect the same public reaction to targeted violence as with indiscriminate and wholesale violence.

No I didn't. And I did note it has gotten attention.
'White Guys are in high demand' ...

KatzNDogs, I'm not going to take you seriously if you actually meant that. Although thanks for the link.
If someone in prison is not in an ethnic prison gang, they are dead. They band together for safety, which is why the Aryan Brotherhood is largely unknown and ineffective outside of prisons. At least until they become politically useful and now they have.
That's a true statement, it seems all groups within prison are bound to be created or grow because the system there works that way. But this is something else.
'White Guys are in high demand' ...

KatzNDogs, I'm not going to take you seriously if you actually meant that. Although thanks for the link.

Muslim terrorists want white guys who can easily blend in. The cartels want white guys as paid mercenaries. After all, tens of thousands of mexican criminals have been killed in the cartel wars. A white thug willing to do anything for money will find no shortage of willing buyers.
That's a true statement, it seems all groups within prison are bound to be created or grow because the system there works that way. But this is something else.

Human nature works that way. The prison system accommodates it because such gangs help to keep the peace.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

Because up until now, the group was thought to be a prison organization.
This is typical of Americans. Be concerned not for a problem unless it crawls across your front lawn. Big mistake.
Unfortunately in this spineless weenie PC society we must wait until the damage is already done before anyone gets off their ass and acts.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.
The media is afraid to speak out against white racism because so many white people feel they are discriminated against.

Leave it to a flaming lib to create a class of victims..
The Aryan Brotherhood is a prison gang. It does not exist outside of prisons. What does exist outside of prisons are the criminals who join the AB for protection when they are in prison.

Incidentally, prison gangs are a direct result of prison integration in the 60s. The Aryan Brotherhood was formed to fight the Black Guerrilla Family. Another legacy of "civil rights".
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.
The media is afraid to speak out against white racism because so many white people feel they are discriminated against.

Leave it to a flaming lib to create a class of victims..

What do you mean by 'lib'?
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

I think you might be right in a very small number of cases (maybe lots on this board, of course).

But mostly I think people aren't much concerned because this is a criminal organization seeking to intimidate the law, rather than a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow the government.

How upset are you and concerned about terrorism are you by what the MAFIA does?

Same deal, I think.

Criminals acting like criminals..not revolutionaries

La Cosa Nostra has a strict code. Had this hit been done by them, the wife would have been unharmed.
Groups such as the AB, the Russian, Japanese, Columbian, Jamaican, mobs have no code. They will mow anyone down they can. Their goal is to spread fear among the public.

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