Why aren't people taking the Aryan Brotherhood seriously?

Katz, I think people generally know what the organization was and is about. But this discussion isn't really about that.
The Aryan Brotherhood is a prison gang. It is probably the largest prison gang in the prison system. Outside of prison it is nothing. The Aryan Brotherhood is what the press has concocted as the beneficiary of all their suspicions. The average ethnic gang has more street members and more structure than the Aryan Brotherhood. The liberal establishment needs white supremacists so they can stir up a little anti white furor. There is no proof that an organized white gang has done anything. Individual white ex-cons might have, but that doesn't mean that there is some organized concept in action.

What the suspicions really are, is that the mexican cartels have been recruiting in the prisons for nothing more than mercenaries who will act under their direction. White guys are in high demand. Muslims want them, the cartels want them. A white criminal could make a nice chunk of change selling out to the right criminal organization.

The systematic targeting of law enforcement groups, prosecutors, law enforcement, that's right out of the cartel playbook. They've been doing it in mexico for years. The surprise is that it took so long to come here. The same media blaming white supremacists won't say it, the public might get racist against hispanics and wonder when heads will start rolling around the floors of bars. Better to blame white people. It's okay to be racist against them.

Borderland Beat: Mexican Drug Cartels Tied to U.S. White Supremacists

I'm pretty sure the Mexican Mafia (La Eme) is the biggest prison gang in the system.
The Aryan Brotherhood is a prison gang. It does not exist outside of prisons. What does exist outside of prisons are the criminals who join the AB for protection when they are in prison.

Incidentally, prison gangs are a direct result of prison integration in the 60s. The Aryan Brotherhood was formed to fight the Black Guerrilla Family. Another legacy of "civil rights".

The Aryan Brotherhood does have members on the outside Katz. You don't get throw off your membership when you get out, its AB for life. Same with BGF, you still have obligations when you get out of prison.
Leave it to a flaming lib to create a class of victims..

What do you mean by 'lib'?

Ravi is a card carrying liberal.

Racial profiling does exist though. It happened to my own family, in the Canada US border everything was fine until we came back to the US and they told my Mom to step out and they pointed guns at her. When we got in the room or whatever you want to call it there were about 30 people seated and they all were Arabic(Christian and Muslim), Israeli and Hindu(Indians). I'm sorry but it was racial profiling and they took everyone's vehicles and made as all sit for 4 hours. Everyone was later released and they weren't given a reason other than maybe a made up lie.
Katz, I think people generally know what the organization was and is about. But this discussion isn't really about that.

It sure is! It's about an organization and the members of that organization. The organization itself has been manufactured by the media and press. Why? What purpose is served by creating this construct?
You see, if you actually stuck to your own words and were consistent maybe I would accept that statement. But you have a double standard with these things.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

I think you might be right in a very small number of cases (maybe lots on this board, of course).

But mostly I think people aren't much concerned because this is a criminal organization seeking to intimidate the law, rather than a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow the government.

How upset are you and concerned about terrorism are you by what the MAFIA does?

Same deal, I think.

Criminals acting like criminals..not revolutionaries

La Cosa Nostra has a strict code. Had this hit been done by them, the wife would have been unharmed.
Groups such as the AB, the Russian, Japanese, Columbian, Jamaican, mobs have no code. They will mow anyone down they can. Their goal is to spread fear among the public.

We'd be better off if the MAFIA was in charge rather than the democrats. New York in the 50s was better run than today. Las Vegas in the 60s was safer and far more fun than it is today. At least the MAFIA has a few hundred years of experience in running things.

A businessman could pay protection money to the Mob and his business really would be protected. A businessman can pay ten times that in taxes and still won't get any kind of protection. Not only that, but the democrat mob in charge will make sure he can't even protect his own business.
Please don't turn this into a democrat republican thing. This was not why I created this thread.
You would think after killing 4 government officials it would spark some kind of controversy but also discussion, while it has appeared on the media, it isn't the way it should be. If they were Muslims we would be outraged and would set measures so high for security and awareness and make a giant deal out of it. But it seems like this won't reach that climax. A Texas prosecutor dropped out after citing security concerns in a case regarding the Aryan Brotherhood. So it definitely is a big concern. But people don't want to get fired up about it unless its the way they want it and the people they want.

I saw the interviews of the prosecutor before he got killed. He ran his mouth and threatened people. He paid for it with his life. Prosecutors should just do thier jobs and not try to be big shots on the TV. The AB is dangerous. He clearly underestimated the lengths they will go to defend thier people in incarceration.
I never saw that interview but I'm speaking of a different prosecutor who's alive.
I agree though, people need to be careful with their tone and actions. I know someone who was asked by a cop if they could use his one of his cabs to chase a drug dealer. This person refused the cop and and he got a call from the drug dealers telling this person that he did a good thing and protected his family.
I agree though, people need to be careful with their tone and actions. I know someone who was asked by a cop if they could use his one of his cabs to chase a drug dealer. This person refused the cop and and he got a call from the drug dealers telling this person that he did a good thing and protected his family.

Sounds like a hispanic drug gang. They write notes. If it was Italian or Russian mob, the cabbie would have gotten a cash gift too.
I agree though, people need to be careful with their tone and actions. I know someone who was asked by a cop if they could use his one of his cabs to chase a drug dealer. This person refused the cop and and he got a call from the drug dealers telling this person that he did a good thing and protected his family.

Sounds like a hispanic drug gang. They write notes. If it was Italian or Russian mob, the cabbie would have gotten a cash gift too.

I thought the Russians were just thuggish assholes.
It was the cab company owner who was asked. And I believe they are a mix. I'm not gonna get into it that much. The owner is my Dad. So I don't want to speak to much about it.
I agree though, people need to be careful with their tone and actions. I know someone who was asked by a cop if they could use his one of his cabs to chase a drug dealer. This person refused the cop and and he got a call from the drug dealers telling this person that he did a good thing and protected his family.

Sounds like a hispanic drug gang. They write notes. If it was Italian or Russian mob, the cabbie would have gotten a cash gift too.

I thought the Russians were just thuggish assholes.

I agree though, people need to be careful with their tone and actions. I know someone who was asked by a cop if they could use his one of his cabs to chase a drug dealer. This person refused the cop and and he got a call from the drug dealers telling this person that he did a good thing and protected his family.

Sounds like a hispanic drug gang. They write notes. If it was Italian or Russian mob, the cabbie would have gotten a cash gift too.

I thought the Russians were just thuggish assholes.

Not so much. If you really want thuggish, and a penchant for mindless cruelty, it would have to be the Irish gangs. They are the worst of the worst. If you knew the history of the Irish gangs, you would understand why the Irish were so discriminated against. There was good reason for those signs saying "No Irish allowed". The Aryan Brotherhood started off as an Irish prison gang in San Quentin called The Bluebird. My husband was from Chicago when Chicago was still habitable. The Russians stayed away from the Irish. Without a doubt, the mexican cartels for all their torture and beheadings, could take lessons from the Irish.
Sounds like a hispanic drug gang. They write notes. If it was Italian or Russian mob, the cabbie would have gotten a cash gift too.

I thought the Russians were just thuggish assholes.

Not so much. If you really want thuggish, and a penchant for mindless cruelty, it would have to be the Irish gangs. They are the worst of the worst. If you knew the history of the Irish gangs, you would understand why the Irish were so discriminated against. There was good reason for those signs saying "No Irish allowed". The Aryan Brotherhood started off as an Irish prison gang in San Quentin called The Bluebird. My husband was from Chicago when Chicago was still habitable. The Russians stayed away from the Irish. Without a doubt, the mexican cartels for all their torture and beheadings, could take lessons from the Irish.

I have heard stories about the Irish, the Westies in particular. I read the book about Mickey Featherstone and Jimmy Coonan.
I thought the Russians were just thuggish assholes.

Not so much. If you really want thuggish, and a penchant for mindless cruelty, it would have to be the Irish gangs. They are the worst of the worst. If you knew the history of the Irish gangs, you would understand why the Irish were so discriminated against. There was good reason for those signs saying "No Irish allowed". The Aryan Brotherhood started off as an Irish prison gang in San Quentin called The Bluebird. My husband was from Chicago when Chicago was still habitable. The Russians stayed away from the Irish. Without a doubt, the mexican cartels for all their torture and beheadings, could take lessons from the Irish.

I have heard stories about the Irish, the Westies in particular. I read the book about Mickey Featherstone and Jimmy Coonan.

Ya... We Irish can be a little testy sometimes. :lol: Best not to disturb the hive if ya don't want to get stung.

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