Why California is a SHITHOLE

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we have to wait and see how much good all that pot revenue will do.

Not to worry, California will flush that revenue down some toilet.
special interests got their share off the top. from my understanding, the rest goes to the general fund.

In my opinion, we should be driving up minimum wages by upgrading infrastructure whenever possible.

General fund typically seems to be government pension fund.
Solving simple poverty could solve this social dilemma at a known cost; a form of minimum wage for unemployment compensation.

Persons could stay poor on an at-will basis for as long as they want.
we have to wait and see how much good all that pot revenue will do.

Not to worry, California will flush that revenue down some toilet.
special interests got their share off the top. from my understanding, the rest goes to the general fund.

In my opinion, we should be driving up minimum wages by upgrading infrastructure whenever possible.

General fund typically seems to be government pension fund.
Solving simple poverty could solve this social dilemma at a known cost; a form of minimum wage for unemployment compensation.

Persons could stay poor on an at-will basis for as long as they want.

Not sure if you live in California or not. If you do, take a look around, California politicians definitely don't have a goal to solve poverty...not quite sure what simple poverty is. They may tell us they want to end poverty, but we've heard that for way too many years.
California has the nation’s highest poverty rate

I am not sure of that, but they do have the highest percentage of people taking government assistance of various kinds of all the states, about one third of their population gets some kind of welfare.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Another hater and jealous.....Poverty rate doesn't mean much otherwise Turkmenistan is better ranked better than the US and Germany for example.
Those who are poor in California are wealthy compared to most of the inhabitants of the flyover states.
Stop hating on us, we make most of the stuff you enjoy From shows, movies, technology, food, etc....Go to Church and follow the scripture of not being mean and hateful.
I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Mexifornia is a great place for filthy lowlifes...there's an anything goes free for all sort of vibe here that bottom feeders really love. Sure Hwy 1 and the immediate coastal areas are beautiful, where I live is beautiful, northern Cali is still beautiful....anywhere that wetbacks can't afford to be is still beautiful. Anywhere they can afford to be (packing three families to a three bedroom) has been completely beanerized and is a disgusting shithole....PERIOD! I live here, I own real estate here...I KNOW. Watching our local news here tells the tale...very few people interviewed can even speak basic English....we refer to our local news as Wetbacks Gone Wild...no bullshit. Good people can't send their kids to public schools as they're completely overwhelmed with silver tooth anchor babies. Little academics are taught as these kids get their parenting from teachers and the school...the curriculum is more about teaching kids English because they aren't taught it in their homes.
I live on the beach in south Orange County...thank God beaners can't even afford the gas in my area...I have friends that live on north Orange County beaches, Huntington and Newport where all the beaners go on weekends...the locals there walk the beach after the weekend picking up dirty diapers, Bud Light cans and the like left by wetbacks...nobody else does that shit.
Bottom line...if you're a filthy bottom feeding wetback, a drug addict, a general lowlife, a pole puffer, a man in a dress...etc you will probably fall in love with Southern Mexifornia.
I have read somewhere that California should be divided into two states, North Cali and South Cali. I agree that northern California is beautiful and relatively unaffected by the plight invited into the state by the loony government. Your post points out the fact that California is a good place for wealthy people to live and a bad place for paupers. The proliferation of poverty is the fault of the government, not the upstanding citizens that support the paupers through high taxes.

My intent is not to paint every square foot of California as a shithole. However, there is enough evidence to declare the general condition of the state to be a shithole.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Mexifornia is a great place for filthy lowlifes...there's an anything goes free for all sort of vibe here that bottom feeders really love. Sure Hwy 1 and the immediate coastal areas are beautiful, where I live is beautiful, northern Cali is still beautiful....anywhere that wetbacks can't afford to be is still beautiful. Anywhere they can afford to be (packing three families to a three bedroom) has been completely beanerized and is a disgusting shithole....PERIOD! I live here, I own real estate here...I KNOW. Watching our local news here tells the tale...very few people interviewed can even speak basic English....we refer to our local news as Wetbacks Gone Wild...no bullshit. Good people can't send their kids to public schools as they're completely overwhelmed with silver tooth anchor babies. Little academics are taught as these kids get their parenting from teachers and the school...the curriculum is more about teaching kids English because they aren't taught it in their homes.
I live on the beach in south Orange County...thank God beaners can't even afford the gas in my area...I have friends that live on north Orange County beaches, Huntington and Newport where all the beaners go on weekends...the locals there walk the beach after the weekend picking up dirty diapers, Bud Light cans and the like left by wetbacks...nobody else does that shit.
Bottom line...if you're a filthy bottom feeding wetback, a drug addict, a general lowlife, a pole puffer, a man in a dress...etc you will probably fall in love with Southern Mexifornia.
I live in Santa Monica myself and I love the fact we have Latinos here, great people.
To bad you guys are infested with regressives

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
As long as we don't have the racists so called conservatives we are good.
That's your only way to be in a permanent safe space.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Another hater and jealous.....Poverty rate doesn't mean much otherwise Turkmenistan is better ranked better than the US and Germany for example.
Those who are poor in California are wealthy compared to most of the inhabitants of the flyover states.
Stop hating on us, we make most of the stuff you enjoy From shows, movies, technology, food, etc....Go to Church and follow the scripture of not being mean and hateful.
I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Mexifornia is a great place for filthy lowlifes...there's an anything goes free for all sort of vibe here that bottom feeders really love. Sure Hwy 1 and the immediate coastal areas are beautiful, where I live is beautiful, northern Cali is still beautiful....anywhere that wetbacks can't afford to be is still beautiful. Anywhere they can afford to be (packing three families to a three bedroom) has been completely beanerized and is a disgusting shithole....PERIOD! I live here, I own real estate here...I KNOW. Watching our local news here tells the tale...very few people interviewed can even speak basic English....we refer to our local news as Wetbacks Gone Wild...no bullshit. Good people can't send their kids to public schools as they're completely overwhelmed with silver tooth anchor babies. Little academics are taught as these kids get their parenting from teachers and the school...the curriculum is more about teaching kids English because they aren't taught it in their homes.
I live on the beach in south Orange County...thank God beaners can't even afford the gas in my area...I have friends that live on north Orange County beaches, Huntington and Newport where all the beaners go on weekends...the locals there walk the beach after the weekend picking up dirty diapers, Bud Light cans and the like left by wetbacks...nobody else does that shit.
Bottom line...if you're a filthy bottom feeding wetback, a drug addict, a general lowlife, a pole puffer, a man in a dress...etc you will probably fall in love with Southern Mexifornia.
I have read somewhere that California should be divided into two states, North Cali and South Cali. I agree that northern California is beautiful and relatively unaffected by the plight invited into the state by the loony government. Your post points out the fact that California is a good place for wealthy people to live and a bad place for paupers. The proliferation of poverty is the fault of the government, not the upstanding citizens that support the paupers through high taxes.

My intent is not to paint every square foot of California as a shithole. However, there is enough evidence to declare the general condition of the state to be a shithole.
If California is a shithole what's Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri and basically the rest of the US? Just because those states have more whites doesn' mean they are not living in shitholes. You could offer to pay me to visit those states and I wouldn't I rather go to Africa or Asia instead. Stay where you are California is the best state.
we have to wait and see how much good all that pot revenue will do.

Not to worry, California will flush that revenue down some toilet.
special interests got their share off the top. from my understanding, the rest goes to the general fund.

In my opinion, we should be driving up minimum wages by upgrading infrastructure whenever possible.

General fund typically seems to be government pension fund.
Solving simple poverty could solve this social dilemma at a known cost; a form of minimum wage for unemployment compensation.

Persons could stay poor on an at-will basis for as long as they want.

Not sure if you live in California or not. If you do, take a look around, California politicians definitely don't have a goal to solve poverty...not quite sure what simple poverty is. They may tell us they want to end poverty, but we've heard that for way too many years.
we could do it on an at-will basis; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

Not true. High cost of living due to excessive taxation. Low quality of education. Expensive healthcare.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Mexifornia is a great place for filthy lowlifes...there's an anything goes free for all sort of vibe here that bottom feeders really love. Sure Hwy 1 and the immediate coastal areas are beautiful, where I live is beautiful, northern Cali is still beautiful....anywhere that wetbacks can't afford to be is still beautiful. Anywhere they can afford to be (packing three families to a three bedroom) has been completely beanerized and is a disgusting shithole....PERIOD! I live here, I own real estate here...I KNOW. Watching our local news here tells the tale...very few people interviewed can even speak basic English....we refer to our local news as Wetbacks Gone Wild...no bullshit. Good people can't send their kids to public schools as they're completely overwhelmed with silver tooth anchor babies. Little academics are taught as these kids get their parenting from teachers and the school...the curriculum is more about teaching kids English because they aren't taught it in their homes.
I live on the beach in south Orange County...thank God beaners can't even afford the gas in my area...I have friends that live on north Orange County beaches, Huntington and Newport where all the beaners go on weekends...the locals there walk the beach after the weekend picking up dirty diapers, Bud Light cans and the like left by wetbacks...nobody else does that shit.
Bottom line...if you're a filthy bottom feeding wetback, a drug addict, a general lowlife, a pole puffer, a man in a dress...etc you will probably fall in love with Southern Mexifornia.
I live in Santa Monica myself and I love the fact we have Latinos here, great people.
To bad you guys are infested with regressives

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
As long as we don't have the racists so called conservatives we are good.
Rasism is using race instead of character to make decisions or policy... That is precisely what the regressive sjw do... .... Sad that you have to project

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
Not to worry, California will flush that revenue down some toilet.
special interests got their share off the top. from my understanding, the rest goes to the general fund.

In my opinion, we should be driving up minimum wages by upgrading infrastructure whenever possible.

General fund typically seems to be government pension fund.
Solving simple poverty could solve this social dilemma at a known cost; a form of minimum wage for unemployment compensation.

Persons could stay poor on an at-will basis for as long as they want.

Not sure if you live in California or not. If you do, take a look around, California politicians definitely don't have a goal to solve poverty...not quite sure what simple poverty is. They may tell us they want to end poverty, but we've heard that for way too many years.
we could do it on an at-will basis; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.

WTF is an at-will basis? People can choose whether they want to live in poverty? Anyone can make that choice now.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Key Findings
  • Richer states take on more debt – There is a fairly strong positive correlation between incomes and debt, even in relative terms. The top 10 states with the most debt (i.e. the highest debt-to-income levels) have an average income of $31,832. The 10 states with the least debt (i.e. the lowest debt-to-income ratios) have an average income of $26,754.
States With the Most Debt - SmartAsset
I have never been in California-------all I know is of that state is of grapes and luxurious mansions.
Are there slums?

California is not perfect. I traveled all over the country and other part of the world where I live here and there temporarily because of business and personal interest.

My standards of living is very high. California is the only place in the world where I want live.

Good for you! I hope you're happy.

Just don't look at the rest of the country to bail you out when California is forced to declare bankruptcy and pay all the exorbitant retirement benefits your governments have promised to pay themselves down the road.

Oh! I’m very happy here. No complain at all.

Maybe if we cut off the $360 billions we donate to federal taxes each year. Problem solve.
Alabama has a hookworm epidemic.....the biggest shithole for sure.

You never been to Mississippi, Detroit or east saint Louis...its obvious

Yes, I have. Worked quite a bit around the country and traveled. Detroit is getting much nicer, tough town, and suburbs are nice. Auburn Hills contains many automotive companies, Dearborn has nice museums.

Alabama is a pedo state, has hookworms and the worst racist of them all. Only if the mothers spit a few of these deporables out would that area be much nicer. Thanks for playing.:biggrin:

What an idiot ...

Your Mom should of spit you out when she had a chance.
Alabama has a hookworm epidemic.....the biggest shithole for sure.

You never been to Mississippi, Detroit or east saint Louis...its obvious

Yes, I have. Worked quite a bit around the country and traveled. Detroit is getting much nicer, tough town, and suburbs are nice. Auburn Hills contains many automotive companies, Dearborn has nice museums.

Alabama is a pedo state, has hookworms and the worst racist of them all. Only if the mothers spit a few of these deporables out would that area be much nicer. Thanks for playing.:biggrin:

What an idiot ...

Your Mom should of spit you out when she had a chance.

Your mom should of swallowed you.
California has the nation’s highest poverty rate

Do you really need to lie? This is the problem with you people. And you’ve been here since 2009??

List of U.S. states and territories by poverty rate - Wikipedia

California is number 35
Florida is number 37


Even politifact admits it

TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate

TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate, when factoring in cost-of-living
By Chris Nichols on Friday, January 20th, 2017 at 3:11 p.m.

California’s job and economic growth has outpaced much of the nation in recent years. That growth, however, has not eliminated one of the state’s biggest challenges: poverty.

This week, State Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes called poverty California’s No. 1 priority during a forum of legislative leaders in Sacramento.

Mayes, who represents parts of San Bernardino and Riverside counties, claimed the state’s poverty rate is higher than any state in the nation when considering factors such as cost-of-living.

"If you look at the official poverty measure in California, we’re about average with the rest of the country," Mayes said. "But if you use the supplemental poverty measure, we are in the lead. We have the highest poverty rate in the nation -- higher than New Mexico, higher than any of the southern states, Louisiana, Alabama, higher than Idaho."

special interests got their share off the top. from my understanding, the rest goes to the general fund.

In my opinion, we should be driving up minimum wages by upgrading infrastructure whenever possible.

General fund typically seems to be government pension fund.
Solving simple poverty could solve this social dilemma at a known cost; a form of minimum wage for unemployment compensation.

Persons could stay poor on an at-will basis for as long as they want.

Not sure if you live in California or not. If you do, take a look around, California politicians definitely don't have a goal to solve poverty...not quite sure what simple poverty is. They may tell us they want to end poverty, but we've heard that for way too many years.
we could do it on an at-will basis; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.

WTF is an at-will basis? People can choose whether they want to live in poverty? Anyone can make that choice now.
an employment relationship recognized at law.
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