Why can't every state have it's act together like Florida?

LOL! So you are one of the stupid Moon Bats that live in South Florida?

That Miami metroplex is the shithole of Florida and there is where most of the crime in the state takes place because of all the goddamn Third Worlders, Negroes and all that shit from "upnorth" that has moved there.

I live in a great safe place in Central Florida. You have to go to the Democrat controlled shitholes of ghetto Tampa or Orlando where the Negroes, Moon Bats and Illegals hang out to see any significant crime.
Ah!!! So you admit that Republicans have zero experience running a big city. That's what I said. Republicans here used Fort Lauderdale as an example of a low crime big city that was run by Republicans. They were wrong? I thought so.

So basically, you are admitting that Republicans would do no better at running a big city where low income people live. The crime rate would be just as high. Thanks. Tell your idiot friends please.
2000 wasn't stolen and neither was 2020 you still haven't proved a damn thing other than being a partisan bullshitter.
2000 was stolen/rigged. Trump and Roger Stone tried to steal 2020 but it was such a blow out they couldn't get enough support from other Republicans and the Supreme Court.

It's great listening to my aunt talk bad about Trump and how he's destroying the Republican party. After 4 years of singing his praises. I don't tell her I told her so, but I did. LOL.
2000 was stolen/rigged. Trump and Roger Stone tried to steal 2020 but it was such a blow out they couldn't get enough support from other Republicans and the Supreme Court.

It's great listening to my aunt talk bad about Trump and how he's destroying the Republican party. After 4 years of singing his praises. I don't tell her I told her so, but I did. LOL.
You have offered no proof of 2000 being stolen, you are just as stupid as those that claim 2020 was stolen.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
What I find here in Florida is that Republicans down here know Global Warming is real. My aunt, a Republican with a lot of cognitive dissonance, was on Fox News website and there it said Florida Governor Disantis is going to pay for putting solar panels on your roof. Why I thought Republicans were against alternative sources of energy.

Anyways, meanwhile, down in Florida, they are preying on seniors. I click the link and type in my area code next thing I know they're calling me to sell me solar panels.

Anyways, what I'm learning down here in Florida is that Republicans in big cities are clueless and confused.
Why isn't Arkansas, Kentucky or Arkansas doing it exactly like Florida?

Oh yea, they don't have all the tourism. Yea, it's easy when you have all that tourism.

MI has manufacturing and the Great Lakes.

Oh, and we have abortion. Floridians, come to MI for your abortions. No sharks in the water. Or salt.

Nobody with any common sense moves from Florida to Michigan by choice. There is no comparison geographically or politically. I live in the South. Very, very few people move from Southern states TO Northern (yes, I consider MI Northern) states because they are a huge downgrade. I wouldn’t move to a large city in the NE for any less than 5 times my salary and even then I would be taking one for the team for a few years in hopes of saving up to get out of there. The thing is, they don’t pay 5 times in salary and you have to live in horrible weather and deal with woke policies. No thanks. Conversely, people from the North are routinely moving to the South for the same or even less salary for the lower tax rates and the weather. Those with a little more sense than the average Democrat, realize that the lower tax rates aren’t just by chance and vote accordingly.
Nobody with any common sense moves from Florida to Michigan by choice. There is no comparison geographically or politically. I live in the South. Very, very few people move from Southern states TO Northern (yes, I consider MI Northern) states because they are a huge downgrade. I wouldn’t move to a large city in the NE for any less than 5 times my salary and even then I would be taking one for the team for a few years in hopes of saving up to get out of there. The thing is, they don’t pay 5 times in salary and you have to live in horrible weather and deal with woke policies. No thanks. Conversely, people from the North are routinely moving to the South for the same or even less salary for the lower tax rates and the weather. Those with a little more sense than the average Democrat, realize that the lower tax rates aren’t just by chance and vote accordingly.
Been to Michigan several times and would never live up there, way too cold and flat. I like the Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico area better. Beautiful areas.
Nobody with any common sense moves from Florida to Michigan by choice. There is no comparison geographically or politically. I live in the South. Very, very few people move from Southern states TO Northern (yes, I consider MI Northern) states because they are a huge downgrade. I wouldn’t move to a large city in the NE for any less than 5 times my salary and even then I would be taking one for the team for a few years in hopes of saving up to get out of there. The thing is, they don’t pay 5 times in salary and you have to live in horrible weather and deal with woke policies. No thanks. Conversely, people from the North are routinely moving to the South for the same or even less salary for the lower tax rates and the weather. Those with a little more sense than the average Democrat, realize that the lower tax rates aren’t just by chance and vote accordingly.

Where to start. I've been in Florida since December 24th. I'm sick of it. This guy from Ohio says it sucks here 8 months a year. But you don't have to put up with the cold. Yes, you Floridiots do not like the cold. We get it. It's the one thing you all have in common. But you don't realize it's only 3 months. The other 9 months are wonderful.

Everyone here is on drugs. Loveless marriages. And how is it the FREE state of Florida when you have to sneak around to smoke marijuana? This state is missing such a big opportunity to make it even better than it is by making pot legal.

My neighbor dishes all the gossip on all the neighbors. Doesn't sound like anyone is happy.

This state is the number one state for people who don't work. Trophy wives, retired people and losers who's parents or siblings pay their rent and they're on disability. Just disgusting. In my community in Metro Detroit we don't have white losers like we do here in Fort Lauderdale. The closest thing I can compare them to with Michiganders is ghetto blacks in our hoods.

White trash. Florida is the White Trash Capitol of the USA that's for sure.

But there is also a lot of wealth. If you are rich, it's a great place. I rode my Ebike from Boca to Hollywood. WOW! Very impressive. A lot of expensive homes on the intercoastal
Where to start. I've been in Florida since December 24th. I'm sick of it. This guy from Ohio says it sucks here 8 months a year. But you don't have to put up with the cold. Yes, you Floridiots do not like the cold. We get it. It's the one thing you all have in common. But you don't realize it's only 3 months. The other 9 months are wonderful.

Everyone here is on drugs. Loveless marriages. And how is it the FREE state of Florida when you have to sneak around to smoke marijuana? This state is missing such a big opportunity to make it even better than it is by making pot legal.

My neighbor dishes all the gossip on all the neighbors. Doesn't sound like anyone is happy.

This state is the number one state for people who don't work. Trophy wives, retired people and losers who's parents or siblings pay their rent and they're on disability. Just disgusting. In my community in Metro Detroit we don't have white losers like we do here in Fort Lauderdale. The closest thing I can compare them to with Michiganders is ghetto blacks in our hoods.

White trash. Florida is the White Trash Capitol of the USA that's for sure.

But there is also a lot of wealth. If you are rich, it's a great place. I rode my Ebike from Boca to Hollywood. WOW! Very impressive. A lot of expensive homes on the intercoastal
Someone from Detroit bitching about another place he chose to move to escape ghetto Detroit


LMAO even
Someone from Detroit bitching about another place he chose to move to escape ghetto Detroit


LMAO even
I'm sorry but are you beyond criticism because you have a negative attitude about Detroit? One that you don't have any idea what you are talking about? You haven't seen the progress Downtown Detroit has made. But it's such a big city and there is so much poverty, let's put it this way. You and DiSantis wouldn't have a clue what to do with Detroit.

I'm just vacationing, during the winter months. I hear it's hell here 8 months a year. It's wonderful in Metro Detroit. I would take Metro Detroit to Fort Lauderdale any day of the week. I'd rather live up north in the spring summer and fall. I live on a lake and we have 65 acres up north Michigan. It's fucking beautiful. We call it God's country. The only problem with up north Michigan is it's Trump country. Ignorant goobers.

The problem with Fort Lauderdale if you have money like we do, is you have to live among people who are scum. A lot of mommys girls and daddy's boys who their parents pay all their bills. Loser rich kids on drugs. Only their as old as 60!!

I'll give FL this. They age well. People who are 60 look 50. People who are 90 look 80. Something's in the water.

On Mountain Men one of the guys lives in Montana. His family showed him all the best stuff here in Florida and like me, he wanted to go home. It's fucking beautiful here but it's all fake. Even the people. They aren't Floridians. Everyone is from somewhere else. Then you call us northerners? Dude, you were probably a northerner. LOL.

I'm thinking about buying a place here. Is the market here going to go down? Most realitors think so. And hurricane insurance. OMG. Will Florida be here in 20 years?

And funny I don't hear Floridians denying global warming and fighting alternative energy sources. Florida is the best red state in the nation.
Someone from Detroit bitching about another place he chose to move to escape ghetto Detroit


LMAO even
This is where I live

I wonder if it's frozen yet. I mean enough to walk on.

Don't think that I live in Detroit. EW! We got out of Detroit when I was in 4th grade. We moved out to the suburbs where it's fucking amazing. Michigan has so many lakes and we don't have alligators in them. Or shark. Or Cottonmouth snakes. Or poisonous toads and spiders that kill dogs.

My parents retired and got a place right on the tip of the thumb in MI. Port Austin. Lake Huron. They could have gotten a cheaper place in Florida and they could have left MI from Jan 1 to April 1. They didn't because it's kind of gross down here right? I hate salt water. I like Fresh water.

I love going to restaurants on the inter coastal. Reminds me of me on my lake pulling up to the Tiki Bar for dinner and drinks. Or the Draftwood or Lakeview. MI is great! How dare you.
This is where I live
View attachment 746770
I wonder if it's frozen yet. I mean enough to walk on.

Don't think that I live in Detroit. EW! We got out of Detroit when I was in 4th grade. We moved out to the suburbs where it's fucking amazing. Michigan has so many lakes and we don't have alligators in them. Or shark. Or Cottonmouth snakes. Or poisonous toads and spiders that kill dogs.

My parents retired and got a place right on the tip of the thumb in MI. Port Austin. Lake Huron. They could have gotten a cheaper place in Florida and they could have left MI from Jan 1 to April 1. They didn't because it's kind of gross down here right? I hate salt water. I like Fresh water.

I love going to restaurants on the inter coastal. Reminds me of me on my lake pulling up to the Tiki Bar for dinner and drinks. Or the Draftwood or Lakeview. MI is great! How dare you.
You typed two responses to 1 comment and I didn't read either of your ramblings. I think you're the one on drugs
You typed two responses to 1 comment and I didn't read either of your ramblings. I think you're the one on drugs
I'm taking it all in. It's kind of gross in Fort Lauderdale. It's where homeless people come to live. What is the governor doing about that? Just like crime, nothing. I don't think they accurately report their crimes here.

And the only people working are latinos.
I'm taking it all in. It's kind of gross in Fort Lauderdale. It's where homeless people come to live. What is the governor doing about that? Just like crime, nothing. I don't think they accurately report their crimes here.

And the only people working are latinos.
And again someone from Detroit bitching about crime and homeless


Blue states are far worse look at California
And again someone from Detroit bitching about crime and homeless


Blue states are far worse look at California
I'm not in Detroit. I'm in Metro Detroit. Suburbs of Detroit. You must be slow.

This morning going for coffee I see what looks like a homeless couple yelling at another homeless man. All white. The couple are telling the guy what a piece of shit he is. I don't know what he did but the guy with the woman said, "say something again and I'll make you bleed so bad..." I'm sitting at a light with rush hour morning traffic hoping they start to fight. But the light changed and I missed what happened after.

If you want to compare white floridians to people from Michigan, yes, I would say compare them to Detroiters. But Metro Detroiters would say white floridians are white trash garbage.

Again, I'm not talking about the people here with money. I'm talking about the average person in Florida. Broke, angry, stupid, etc.

But at least it's warm right?

Now is when you say those white trash are not from Florida. They came here from Michigan. Well, I don't know very many Floridians who were born here so that may be true.
I'm not in Detroit. I'm in Metro Detroit. Suburbs of Detroit. You must be slow.

This morning going for coffee I see what looks like a homeless couple yelling at another homeless man. All white. The couple are telling the guy what a piece of shit he is. I don't know what he did but the guy with the woman said, "say something again and I'll make you bleed so bad..." I'm sitting at a light with rush hour morning traffic hoping they start to fight. But the light changed and I missed what happened after.

If you want to compare white floridians to people from Michigan, yes, I would say compare them to Detroiters. But Metro Detroiters would say white floridians are white trash garbage.

Again, I'm not talking about the people here with money. I'm talking about the average person in Florida. Broke, angry, stupid, etc.

But at least it's warm right?

Now is when you say those white trash are not from Florida. They came here from Michigan. Well, I don't know very many Floridians who were born here so that may be true.
"Hurr Durr I'm not from Detroit I'm from the burbs of Detroit"

Detroit is all one big ghetto from the burbs to the inner city. Either move or quit bitching
"Hurr Durr I'm not from Detroit I'm from the burbs of Detroit"

Detroit is all one big ghetto from the burbs to the inner city. Either move or quit bitching

So is Fort Lauderdale really. Unless you are down by the water. That's true here in MI too. So the only differences is in FL the trash is mostly white and it's cold in MI.
"Hurr Durr I'm not from Detroit I'm from the burbs of Detroit"

Detroit is all one big ghetto from the burbs to the inner city. Either move or quit bitching

Yes if you go to some parts of Detroit you'll see crazy and violent any time of the day. But that's true here in Fort Lauderdale. No one goes to the beaches at night because the bums live on the beach. And they wake up cranky. Usually from all the drugs they did that night. The bums down here rule the night when you're ducked in your bed. The neighbor over here is doing fentynol.

Holy shit I rode my ebike to Deerfield Beach

"Hurr Durr I'm not from Detroit I'm from the burbs of Detroit"

Detroit is all one big ghetto from the burbs to the inner city. Either move or quit bitching

So my quick observations.

Florida is a mini USA. It has everything. Libs, cons, blacks, rich poor, religous, non religious.

I think the Free state of Florida is stupid for not legalizing marijuana. MIssing a great $ opportunity. MI is proof it's not a big deal. And it's coming to Florida mark my words.

The white trash there are funny. They are shameless.

But then I saw a bunch of blacks in Georgia acting the same way. Only there I was afraid gun shots were going to ring out.

In Georgia whites don't like Towl heads and Koreans don't like blacks. Or was that Lexington, KY? Both I believe.

But white women act like women in GA, TN and OH. Not white trash women like in Florida.

Remember DiSantis thought it was cute to send immigrants to Martha's Vinyard? We will take those hard working people all day long. And we will start sending you our poor. Because I see the bums on the beach in Fort Lauderdale have it good. They own the beaches at night. Don't go to the beach at night. And in the day you see them crawling or biking back to wherever they hole up until dark. They sleep during the day and eat, smoke pot and drink all night. And prostitute. And steal. And if you think the cops report it when you car window gets smashed, forget about it.

All in all, I would still like to live in Fort Lauderdale 3 months a year. $400K for a small place on the intercoastal and bring my pontoon from MI.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
One thing I like about Disantis. He isn't denying that man made global warming is real. Not like the Republican governor before him.

Scott had been famous for forbidding the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to use the words "climate change" and "global warming" in any official communication, but DeSantis took a different approach. Wasting no time, he signed an executive order during his first week in office addressing a series of environmental issues and appointing a chief science officer to "prioritize scientific data, research, monitoring, and analysis. He also announced the creation of the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection to help communities deal with rising sea levels.

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