Why can't every state have it's act together like Florida?

When your "proof" consists of, "Well, there's this person over here, and he/she was appointed by that person", you don't have proof, you have innuendo and supposition. That's not proof. Proof would be a recount actually naming Algore the winner. That didn't happen. in fact, the re-re-re-counts after the election all named Bush the winner, as he was on election day.
Here you go

Theresa LePore is a former Supervisor of Elections for Palm Beach County, Florida. She designed the infamous "butterfly ballot" used in the 2000 presidential election.

In 1996 LePore changed her political party registration to Democratic after deciding to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections.

How convenient!!! Can't blame a Republican. Bush appointed a "Democrat". LOL. DINO maybe.
Here you go

Theresa LePore is a former Supervisor of Elections for Palm Beach County, Florida. She designed the infamous "butterfly ballot" used in the 2000 presidential election.

In 1996 LePore changed her political party registration to Democratic after deciding to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections.

How convenient!!! Can't blame a Republican. Bush appointed a "Democrat". LOL. DINO maybe.
That's a pretty long stretch for a conspiracy theory to go. Tell us, how did Bush know 4 years ahead of the election that he was going to need to install her in that position?
I know I can't believe how hard I have to look for her name. I used to easily be able to find it. Give me a second. How about the rest of what I showed you? Pretty shady shit huh?

Trump tried stealing 5 states using many of the tactics Republicans used in 2000 to steal Florida. Or 2004 when they stole Ohio. Lots of different shady tactics. In 2004 Ken Blackwell hurried up and certified the Ohio vote for Bush before Kerry could ask for re count. And sorry, but Ohio law says once certified, it's a done deal. Oh shucks golly gee. Oopsy.

Did you know Diebold Voting Machines in Florida who helped Bush steal that state, the owner was the head of the Re Elect Bush in Ohio 2004? Interesting? It would be if it were Biden and Hunter was the governor right?
Again, you don't have proof, you have theory, "maybe" and supposition. None of that is proof, it's only belief. In short, you're no more convincing here than are the guys running around with "proof" that Quid Pro stole his election. I'm sure there was cheating and trickery aplenty, but I don't have proof so don't insist I do.
That's a pretty long stretch for a conspiracy theory to go. Tell us, how did Bush know 4 years ahead of the election that he was going to need to install her in that position?
Google PNAC. Bush and his team planned the Iraq war in the 90's. And they also planned what if 2000 came down to Florida.

Bush would have lost Florida in 2000 if Jeb wasn't his brother.
Again, you don't have proof, you have theory, "maybe" and supposition. None of that is proof, it's only belief. In short, you're no more convincing here than are the guys running around with "proof" that Quid Pro stole his election. I'm sure there was cheating and trickery aplenty, but I don't have proof so don't insist I do.

I think 100 years from now the history books will say 2000 was stolen. Enough shady shit happened. It's a black eye on America so it's not talked about. Even Gore just rolled his eyes and bent over and took the ass raping he got in 2000. What can you do. The Supreme Court had spoken. What should he have done told us to go riot?

Interesting fact. Roger Stone was a big part of stealing 2000. Google Brooks Brother Riots. He takes credit for starting them.

Fast forward to 2020. He was involved in the riot to stop the government from certifying Biden as president. Not the exact same move but similar. Start a riot to stop the process. Then have the Supreme Court decide. Or have each Senator vote. I believe that was another angle Trump tried. Very slick.
Again, you don't have proof, you have theory, "maybe" and supposition. None of that is proof, it's only belief. In short, you're no more convincing here than are the guys running around with "proof" that Quid Pro stole his election. I'm sure there was cheating and trickery aplenty, but I don't have proof so don't insist I do.
I have proof of the things I said. What proof do you need? Proof of what? What are you denying happened?
I have proof of the things I said. What proof do you need? Proof of what? What are you denying happened?
The ballots were counted multiple times, and every time Bush was the winner. That's pretty definitive. Face it, if Algore could have won his own state, FL wouldn't have been an issue.
I think 100 years from now the history books will say 2000 was stolen. Enough shady shit happened. It's a black eye on America so it's not talked about. Even Gore just rolled his eyes and bent over and took the ass raping he got in 2000. What can you do. The Supreme Court had spoken. What should he have done told us to go riot?

Interesting fact. Roger Stone was a big part of stealing 2000. Google Brooks Brother Riots. He takes credit for starting them.

Fast forward to 2020. He was involved in the riot to stop the government from certifying Biden as president. Not the exact same move but similar. Start a riot to stop the process. Then have the Supreme Court decide. Or have each Senator vote. I believe that was another angle Trump tried. Very slick.
The recounts done after the dust settled confirmed Bush as the winner.
The recounts done after the dust settled confirmed Bush as the winner.
No they didn't. The Supreme Court decided who won Florida. Don't you remember?

And if you did, it's because you tossed out enough black votes because of hanging chads, butterfly ballots or because they didn't sign exactly the right way.

Just know 2020 wasn't stolen. 2000 was. Stupid.
No they didn't. The Supreme Court decided who won Florida. Don't you remember?

And if you did, it's because you tossed out enough black votes because of hanging chads, butterfly ballots or because they didn't sign exactly the right way.

Just know 2020 wasn't stolen. 2000 was. Stupid.
Nope. There were recounts done after the election was decided. In none of them was Algore the winner. That's usually how it works, you know. A recount rarely changes the outcome. Tell you what, find me a recount that showed Algore was the winner and we can talk about it.
Nope. There were recounts done after the election was decided. In none of them was Algore the winner. That's usually how it works, you know. A recount rarely changes the outcome. Tell you what, find me a recount that showed Algore was the winner and we can talk about it.
WRONG! If you wikipedia the events and look into them, you'll see shady shit all over the place.

How about Diebold Voting Machines? The owner of that company was in charge or getting Bush re elected in 2004 in Ohio. Nothing shady went on with Diebold voting machines right? WRONG!

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Bottom line is Roger Stone and Republicans purposely disrupted the recount to get it stopped. You don't do that when you're confident your guys going to win.

And then there's the infamous Fox called Florida for Gore and Carl Rove made them take it back??? So much shadiness. Embarrassing to the USA that's why it will never be in the history books.

Only one problem. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. So we had Trump trying to use many of Karl Rove's tactics from 20 years ago.

And isn't it ironic Roger Stone was involved in both riots 20 years apart? Interesting.

And then there's madam butterfly. A Republican in 1996 but changes to Democrat and Jeb a Republican puts this DINO in charge of Florida elections

Please don't insult my intelligence or reveal your lack of.
WRONG! If you wikipedia the events and look into them, you'll see shady shit all over the place.

How about Diebold Voting Machines? The owner of that company was in charge or getting Bush re elected in 2004 in Ohio. Nothing shady went on with Diebold voting machines right? WRONG!

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Bottom line is Roger Stone and Republicans purposely disrupted the recount to get it stopped. You don't do that when you're confident your guys going to win.

And then there's the infamous Fox called Florida for Gore and Carl Rove made them take it back??? So much shadiness. Embarrassing to the USA that's why it will never be in the history books.

Only one problem. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. So we had Trump trying to use many of Karl Rove's tactics from 20 years ago.

And isn't it ironic Roger Stone was involved in both riots 20 years apart? Interesting.

And then there's madam butterfly. A Republican in 1996 but changes to Democrat and Jeb a Republican puts this DINO in charge of Florida elections

Please don't insult my intelligence or reveal your lack of.
Yes, I remember the media calling Florida for Algore before the polls in the panhandle closed. It was a transparent attempt to induce Republicans to stay home who hadn't voted yet. And, of course, the recounts established that, despite Algore's transparent attempt to ONLY count the counties where he thought he could pick up votes, Bush won.
Yes, I remember the media calling Florida for Algore before the polls in the panhandle closed. It was a transparent attempt to induce Republicans to stay home who hadn't voted yet. And, of course, the recounts established that, despite Algore's transparent attempt to ONLY count the counties where he thought he could pick up votes, Bush won.
Fox wanted you to stay home? I don't think so.

You must be either really dumb or you're being obtuse.

Bottom line. Republicans rioted to stop the recount and send the decision off to the Supreme Court. Not the Florida Supreme Court the Federal Supreme Court.

If 2020 was closer Trump's riot might have accomplished the same thing. He tried but it didn't work. It was too much of an ass whoopin. But Florida 2000 was close enough to steal.

Fuck off liar or idiot. You're one or the other.
Fox wanted you to stay home? I don't think so.

You must be either really dumb or you're being obtuse.

Bottom line. Republicans rioted to stop the recount and send the decision off to the Supreme Court. Not the Florida Supreme Court the Federal Supreme Court.

If 2020 was closer Trump's riot might have accomplished the same thing. He tried but it didn't work. It was too much of an ass whoopin. But Florida 2000 was close enough to steal.

Fuck off liar or idiot. You're one or the other.
You obviously are not aware that multiple recounts after the election was settled established Bush as the winner. It's funny how you call a handful of people insisting the re-re-recounts not be done behind closed doors a "riot to stop the recount". Are you sure you were paying attention during that time?
You obviously are not aware that multiple recounts after the election was settled established Bush as the winner. It's funny how you call a handful of people insisting the re-re-recounts not be done behind closed doors a "riot to stop the recount". Are you sure you were paying attention during that time?
Not true but that's how you want to remember it.
Not true but that's how you want to remember it.
No, you are once again confused Moon Bat.

There was no count that ever put that loony tune shithead Gore ahead. Not the originial election day count or the offical recount.

That is why the dishonest Democrat filth wanted to do the chad determination thingy. They wanted two Democrats and one Republican sitting at a table in a Democrat control county to look at a previously cast ballot and vote on the intent of the voter. Guess how that would have gone if the Supremes hadn't put an end to it?
That's what happened.
What I enjoyed the most was you guys who denied 2000 was stolen were so willing to believe Democrats did those very same things to steal 2020 (without proof)

We had PLENTY of proof we got politically fucked in 2000. Gore rolled his eyes and as VP (Like Mike Pence did for Biden remember?) But Gore rolled his eyes and named Bush POTUS. For the sake of the country. Even though he knew he got fucked. What are you going to do? Start a insurrection? Storm the Capitol? Call his home state of Tennessee and ask them to find him more votes?

We didn't know Gore had the power that Trump thought Pence had.

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