Why can't every state have it's act together like Florida?

Florida was gerrymandered to a fare thee well which is why Republicans dominated the polls there.

Don't worry, that will all be undone before 2024.
My brother and I talked about this thread this weekend up at Deer Camp. Florida relies very heavily on tourism. Easy to not make the citizens pay taxes when you have that kind of revenue coming in from other states. We should all have oceans and beaches. But then why would we go to Florida?

2. Women from Florida will come to our states for abortions. It's just the beginning but already our abortion clinics are seeing women coming from places like Indiana and Florida.

3. Florida elections have been rigged since 2000.

4. Florida cops FUCK tourists. Go on vacation, leave on probation. Or just with a ticket from a camera on some dark street corner. They take a picture of your plate and send you a ticket. Big Brother making $$$ for Florida politicians

5. Toll roads. I don't want toll roads in MI. People in Florida must not travel so they don't mind. Tourists driving to Miami or Ft Lauderdale pay. And some Floridians. I guess they just bend over and take it.

6. I do love Florida still.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

Florida allows for mail-in voting, and allows for election workers to open the mail-in ballots prior to polls closing. That means the count can come in quicker. Other states like WI and PA do not allow this, so it takes longer to count.
Yea sure impeach away. We impeached Trump twice. How did that go for us?
That's what I'm saying. Control of the House now means endless impeachments for a president of the opposite party. It's an ugly reality that both parties are now content to wallow in the mud. Republicans used to avoid that sort of thing.
That's what I'm saying. Control of the House now means endless impeachments for a president of the opposite party. It's an ugly reality that both parties are now content to wallow in the mud. Republicans used to avoid that sort of thing.
It won't happen now. There was no red wave.

Trump deserved his 2 impeachments. Don't compare trump crimes with Biden's...what?
It won't happen now. There was no red wave.

Trump deserved his 2 impeachments. Don't compare trump crimes with Biden's...what?
It doesn't matter. All they need is the House and they can impeach Quid Pro for whatever they want. It's sad, really, the democrats opening that door like that.
It doesn't matter. All they need is the House and they can impeach Quid Pro for whatever they want. It's sad, really, the democrats opening that door like that.
You had a very corrupt president. Next time don't nominate and elect a criminal.

Ironic his first name is Don. He acted like one.
It doesn't matter. All they need is the House and they can impeach Quid Pro for whatever they want. It's sad, really, the democrats opening that door like that.
Yes it does matter. We impeached Trump and gambled that the American people would side with us he was guilty of doing what we accused him of. And it wasn't petty shit. He shouldn't be able to run for President again because of the last impeachment for starting an insurrection but Mitch came up with a bullshit reason not to convict. He wasn't the president anymore. That kept the door open for Trump to be able to run again. Mitch would have loved to impeach him but he didn't want death threats to come so from Trump thugs so......

Anyways, if you try and impeach, it'll be more pathetic than Ben Gazi or Fast and Furious. Nothing burgers. We will be able to point out when Trump had worse and you guys ignored. You'll look like hypocritical fools. Go ahead see how the liberal media spins it. LOL
Yes it does matter. We impeached Trump and gambled that the American people would side with us he was guilty of doing what we accused him of. And it wasn't petty shit. He shouldn't be able to run for President again because of the last impeachment for starting an insurrection but Mitch came up with a bullshit reason not to convict. He wasn't the president anymore. That kept the door open for Trump to be able to run again. Mitch would have loved to impeach him but he didn't want death threats to come so from Trump thugs so......

Anyways, if you try and impeach, it'll be more pathetic than Ben Gazi or Fast and Furious. Nothing burgers. We will be able to point out when Trump had worse and you guys ignored. You'll look like hypocritical fools. Go ahead see how the liberal media spins it. LOL
Ah, yes, we well expect to see the "But, but, but, TRUMP!" excuses to fly when Quid Pro gets impeached. After all, they've been flying since Quid Pro's sycophants couldn't defend or promote him without them in the campaign.
You had a very corrupt president. Next time don't nominate and elect a criminal.

Ironic his first name is Don. He acted like one.
We have a very corrupt president. Now we only need a non-corrupt House to investigate and reveal it.
Remember you were the joke of the nation because of the 2000 election? Glad you got your shit together.

I think Florida is great because it's a tourist destination. People from all over the world visit/move to Florida. Duh. No shit you have a lot of money.

Blue states tourism has picked up too. We get a lot of women from red states who come to get abortions. Stay in our hotel rooms. Fill up at our gas stations. They even come to our malls to shop because they don't have internet in your state nor are the malls nearly as big. You don't have these stores. Macy's. Nordstrum. You know, the classy stores. They don't have those in most red states. Florida does because

3.87% violent crime per 1000 residents. That's kind of high. Let me guess. This only happens in cities with Democratic Mayors?

Also, Florida has toll roads and cameras on every corner. You pay to drive on the roads and you get a ticket if you don't completely stop, turn on red, whatever. You see a camera flash and you get a ticket in the mail. And Florida gets a lot of revenue ticketing visitors. Everyone knows the saying Florida, come for vacation, leave on probation. LOL How much money does Florida make from this?
Florida was the joke of the Nation in 2000 because the basis for challenging the Election was based on hanging chads and complaints of voter oppression in Four Florida counties….. all run by Democrats.
Florida was the joke of the Nation in 2000 because the basis for challenging the Election was based on hanging chads and complaints of voter oppression in Four Florida counties….. all run by Democrats.

Nope. Let me prove it to you. First of all, they used hanging chads as an excuse to throw out those votes in "Democratic" run precincts. Nice spin.

Second, here' is the proof Florida was stolen. Who was the woman in charge of Florida elections? I can't remember her name. Not Katherine Harris. She helped steal Florida too. But the woman she and Jeb put in charge was a Republicans in 1996 and she switched parties and then Jeb put her in charge? Nothing fishy there.

It's like Trump. He tried many different ways to steal the election. Bush didn't just rely on the Supreme Court giving him the victory. It came down to that. Republicans did a lot of shady shit in 2000. Here's one.

As Secretary of State for the State of Florida (and co-chair of George W. Bush's election efforts in Florida), Harris was a central figure in the 2000 US presidential election in Florida. She was involved in purging 173,000 individuals from the state's voter rolls,[15] the results of hiring a firm, "Choice Point," that provided Florida with an extremely inaccurate list of those supposed felons who became disenfranchised via misidentification. The list was derived from, for instance a Texas felons' list which included common names that were used to strike Florida voters from the rolls. [15] Thousands, including a disproportionate number of Blacks, were prevented from casting ballots.
Nope. Let me prove it to you. First of all, they used hanging chads as an excuse to throw out those votes in "Democratic" run precincts. Nice spin.

Second, here' is the proof Florida was stolen. Who was the woman in charge of Florida elections? I can't remember her name. Not Katherine Harris. She helped steal Florida too. But the woman she and Jeb put in charge was a Republicans in 1996 and she switched parties and then Jeb put her in charge? Nothing fishy there.

It's like Trump. He tried many different ways to steal the election. Bush didn't just rely on the Supreme Court giving him the victory. It came down to that. Republicans did a lot of shady shit in 2000. Here's one.

As Secretary of State for the State of Florida (and co-chair of George W. Bush's election efforts in Florida), Harris was a central figure in the 2000 US presidential election in Florida. She was involved in purging 173,000 individuals from the state's voter rolls,[15] the results of hiring a firm, "Choice Point," that provided Florida with an extremely inaccurate list of those supposed felons who became disenfranchised via misidentification. The list was derived from, for instance a Texas felons' list which included common names that were used to strike Florida voters from the rolls. [15] Thousands, including a disproportionate number of Blacks, were prevented from casting ballots.
Your retort opens up a lot of questions abd is speculative at best. For instance, why and how were people prevented from casting ballots? Did they align with voting requirements?

Here’s a thought, if the Democrat candidate had won his own state Florida would not have been the deciding factor.
Nope. Let me prove it to you. First of all, they used hanging chads as an excuse to throw out those votes in "Democratic" run precincts. Nice spin.

Second, here' is the proof Florida was stolen. Who was the woman in charge of Florida elections? I can't remember her name. Not Katherine Harris. She helped steal Florida too. But the woman she and Jeb put in charge was a Republicans in 1996 and she switched parties and then Jeb put her in charge? Nothing fishy there.

It's like Trump. He tried many different ways to steal the election. Bush didn't just rely on the Supreme Court giving him the victory. It came down to that. Republicans did a lot of shady shit in 2000. Here's one.

As Secretary of State for the State of Florida (and co-chair of George W. Bush's election efforts in Florida), Harris was a central figure in the 2000 US presidential election in Florida. She was involved in purging 173,000 individuals from the state's voter rolls,[15] the results of hiring a firm, "Choice Point," that provided Florida with an extremely inaccurate list of those supposed felons who became disenfranchised via misidentification. The list was derived from, for instance a Texas felons' list which included common names that were used to strike Florida voters from the rolls. [15] Thousands, including a disproportionate number of Blacks, were prevented from casting ballots.
When your "proof" consists of, "Well, there's this person over here, and he/she was appointed by that person", you don't have proof, you have innuendo and supposition. That's not proof. Proof would be a recount actually naming Algore the winner. That didn't happen. in fact, the re-re-re-counts after the election all named Bush the winner, as he was on election day.
If you removed all the wealth brought to Florida by retirees, and other wealthy people who go there just for the weather, then you removed the tourism, Florida would be an economic disaster area.

When all your money comes from outside the state, you can afford to be stupid. Which is why Republicans keep winning in Florida.
If you removed all the wealth brought to Florida by retirees, and other wealthy people who go there just for the weather, then you removed the tourism, Florida would be an economic disaster area.

When all your money comes from outside the state, you can afford to be stupid. Which is why Republicans keep winning in Florida.
Retirees, weather, tourism. What you are saying is that the Florida government figured out how to maximize their natural resources to attract the maximum amount of wealth, which sounds pretty smart to me. Stupid would be creating a bottomless money pit of a nanny state for the poor and raising state taxes so high that only the uber-wealthy could afford to live there, then watch the middle class pack up and leave and do nothing about it. That would be stupid.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

It takes time to manufacture votes
When your "proof" consists of, "Well, there's this person over here, and he/she was appointed by that person", you don't have proof, you have innuendo and supposition. That's not proof. Proof would be a recount actually naming Algore the winner. That didn't happen. in fact, the re-re-re-counts after the election all named Bush the winner, as he was on election day.
I know I can't believe how hard I have to look for her name. I used to easily be able to find it. Give me a second. How about the rest of what I showed you? Pretty shady shit huh?

Trump tried stealing 5 states using many of the tactics Republicans used in 2000 to steal Florida. Or 2004 when they stole Ohio. Lots of different shady tactics. In 2004 Ken Blackwell hurried up and certified the Ohio vote for Bush before Kerry could ask for re count. And sorry, but Ohio law says once certified, it's a done deal. Oh shucks golly gee. Oopsy.

Did you know Diebold Voting Machines in Florida who helped Bush steal that state, the owner was the head of the Re Elect Bush in Ohio 2004? Interesting? It would be if it were Biden and Hunter was the governor right?

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