Why can't every state have it's act together like Florida?

Cool, but none of those have anything to do with Florida. One can say one thing is good without saying the other thing is bad. I found their level of GDP and growth surprising actually. one issue they have is the insurance problem - home and business, and the growth of stronger storms in the last decade.
I am not surprised that Florida is the perfect environment where Republicans could rule and it be a well run state. Lower crime, debt, plenty of opportunities, lots of tourism dollars, etc.

It's funny you guys brag when a Republican Governor does basically what Bill Clinton did. He had a surplus. He balanced his books. Sounds like DiSantis. Maybe he will do that when/if he wins.

I get the feeling the Republican crazies were defeated on Tuesday. The normal Republicans can now take back their party. The election deniers lost. Thank God. Now, if we have to have a Republican president next time that's fine. As long as no liberal Supreme Court Justices are planning on retiring. LOL
Is your neighbor a "douche bag" BECAUSE of the sign, or would he/she be a "douche bag" if there was no sign?

Then why do you write such nasty, bitter things about people you never met?
Why? Because it's a political message board silly.

Would he be a douche bag without the sign? Yes. Divorced. Wants to make it work but she just can't stand him. Must argue a lot. Came from money and was arrogant as fuck until he noticed my two nephews went to the most expensive private school in MI.

He's a nice enough guy. Just politically, he's a conservative idiot. Swallows all the bs.

My brother sometimes votes GOP. My nephew has been turned into a Republican up at Michigan State University. College is so liberal it drives any kid who leans right further to the right. LOL. He's a white man who wants to get into law school next year. So he wants Affirmative Action to go away. I don't blame him.

You Republicans aren't half bad. Only the half that denies elections and defends a criminal president for 4 years. That part of you guys is unacceptable. My nephew never tried to tell me he believed he election was rigged. He knows that's not true. Still he's going to vote GOP. That's a normal Republicans. Finally it seems the Nazi's don't run your party anymore I'm so happy. I can deal with Mike Pence and DiSantis.
Another stupid comment to Florida elections and processes. You can’t answer shit so you go into an irrelevant attack.
What he was trying to say, I believe, is while DiSantis was saving money, his infrastructure may have been crumbling. Now he's sucking off Biden's tit with that infrastructure money. And Biden even went down to help DiSantis out of a jam. He should have never done that. The photo op made DiSantis look presidential.

But maybe that's what Biden wanted. Get rid of Trump. Most Democrats would rather run against Trump but the thought of him winning again is too much. I'd rather lose to DiSantis than beat Trump in the general election.

You know what I mean. I'd rather beat Trump, but it would kill me if he was actually the nominee again. No fucking way papa! You guys can't nominate that criminal again PLEASE! It was a horrible 4 years. Fun. Exciting. Interesting. Every day you woke up to see what Trump said or did now. But we can't take anymore. Enough.

The man will already go down as the most infamous man in US history. Like Hitler to Germany. Or Pol Pot. Or Stalin. Not that evil but just as infamous.
You know nothing about Florida Moon Bat. You are always confused.

When the Democrats were in charge we had deficits just like other Democrat controlled states.

However, now we have surpluses, a booming economy due to DeSantis not shutting down the economy during the Pandemic. Our kids also did not lose a year of education because of the schools being shut down like they did in the Moon Bat states.

Most Floridians are not the rich but normal hard working Americans that have been devastated by Democrat policies at the Federal level. Like tremendous inflation, decreased family income and high cost of fuel. That doesn't even count the drain on resources from the goddamn Illegals that Potatohead allowed to flood into the country. DeSantis had done a lot to negate the damage like lowering taxes and growing the economy but Potatohead has fucked this country.

The stupid tourist industry generates a lot of tax revenue but it also produces a tremendous drain on government services . It is just about a wash.

Florida is the model for America so the question remains; Why can't every state have their act together like Florida?

Florida is a model? Why can't every state? Because we don't have an ocean you fucking retard.

Income tax makes up a large chunk of the revenue generated by individual states within the US. Not so in Florida, where they use indirect taxation to generate revenue and meet its expenses. Florida's indirect taxes include sales tax — which accounts for nearly 80% of the total revenue generated

Florida is one of the world's top travel destinations, thanks to its beautiful climate, rich culture, miles of sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. The country heavily relies on tourism to drive its economy than any other US state.

So it's safe to say a lot of tourists are paying your taxes for you stupid!

So I guess what Arkansas needs to do is get themselves an ocean and sandy beach and they'll be all set right? LOL
Why? Because it's a political message board silly.

Would he be a douche bag without the sign? Yes. Divorced. Wants to make it work but she just can't stand him. Must argue a lot. Came from money and was arrogant as fuck until he noticed my two nephews went to the most expensive private school in MI.

He's a nice enough guy. Just politically, he's a conservative idiot. Swallows all the bs.

My brother sometimes votes GOP. My nephew has been turned into a Republican up at Michigan State University. College is so liberal it drives any kid who leans right further to the right. LOL. He's a white man who wants to get into law school next year. So he wants Affirmative Action to go away. I don't blame him.

You Republicans aren't half bad. Only the half that denies elections and defends a criminal president for 4 years. That part of you guys is unacceptable. My nephew never tried to tell me he believed he election was rigged. He knows that's not true. Still he's going to vote GOP. That's a normal Republicans. Finally it seems the Nazi's don't run your party anymore I'm so happy. I can deal with Mike Pence and DiSantis.
Oh, I get that, it's the ignorance of the extremists that sour everybody to a party. We're still waiting for the extremist wave in the democrat party, for example, to crest and begin to ebb. Bring back the old school democrats that we could actually disagree with but know they put the best interests of the country first.
I am not surprised that Florida is the perfect environment where Republicans could rule and it be a well run state. Lower crime, debt, plenty of opportunities, lots of tourism dollars, etc.

It's funny you guys brag when a Republican Governor does basically what Bill Clinton did. He had a surplus. He balanced his books. Sounds like DiSantis. Maybe he will do that when/if he wins.

I get the feeling the Republican crazies were defeated on Tuesday. The normal Republicans can now take back their party. The election deniers lost. Thank God. Now, if we have to have a Republican president next time that's fine. As long as no liberal Supreme Court Justices are planning on retiring. LOL
Clinton signed the bill that the Republican Hose told him to sign. Without the House and them keeping Clinton honest, the spending would have been a lot worse. That is why I like a Republican Congress and a Democratic Party President, just like we will have now.
Oh, I get that, it's the ignorance of the extremists that sour everybody to a party. We're still waiting for the extremist wave in the democrat party, for example, to crest and begin to ebb. Bring back the old school democrats that we could actually disagree with but know they put the best interests of the country first.
You'll be surprised to know NPR was calling out Democrats yesterday. Republican politicians don't stay in office nearly as long as Democrats do. And tenure matters in the Democratic party. The longer you've been around the more power you have. It's hard for younger Democrats to beat the older ones in the primaries.

And most Americans think the age of our politicians is a problem. Too old.

I truly feel like we have a fresh start. Republicans have razor thin majority in both houses and the Supreme Court for the next generation. We have the White House. I hope a Democrat wins in 2024 White House or if DiSantis wins, I hope Democrats control one or both houses.
You'll be surprised to know NPR was calling out Democrats yesterday. Republican politicians don't stay in office nearly as long as Democrats do. And tenure matters in the Democratic party. The longer you've been around the more power you have. It's hard for younger Democrats to beat the older ones in the primaries.

And most Americans think the age of our politicians is a problem. Too old.

I truly feel like we have a fresh start. Republicans have razor thin majority in both houses and the Supreme Court for the next generation. We have the White House. I hope a Democrat wins in 2024 White House or if DiSantis wins, I hope Democrats control one or both houses.

Divided power usually works the best. Quite frankly, government gridlock is not always a bad thing.
But I hope the Dems keep the Senate. Don't want you guys trying to impeach Biden just to pay us back for not allowing Trump to be a criminal president.
Doesn't matter if you keep the Senate or not, impeachment happens in the House, the Senate only convicts or not, and it requires 67 votes to convict. That being said, the House in the hands of Republicans means that Quid Pro can be impeached as often as they like, on whatever grounds they like. Him being removed from office won't happen, though, because:

1. There aren't enough votes to convict (Quid Pro could kiss Xi's butt on the front lawn of the White House while fondling a girl and democrats wouldn't vote to remove him).
2. No one with a room temperature IQ wants Cackles anywhere close to the Oval Office without a visitor's pass.

So there's that.
Doesn't matter if you keep the Senate or not, impeachment happens in the House, the Senate only convicts or not, and it requires 67 votes to convict. That being said, the House in the hands of Republicans means that Quid Pro can be impeached as often as they like, on whatever grounds they like. Him being removed from office won't happen, though, because:

1. There aren't enough votes to convict (Quid Pro could kiss Xi's butt on the front lawn of the White House while fondling a girl and democrats wouldn't vote to remove him).
2. No one with a room temperature IQ wants Cackles anywhere close to the Oval Office without a visitor's pass.

So there's that.
Excellent! So you don't get to set up your Kangaroo Courts. Plus I think they know the American people won't have it and they'll lose again in 2024. If Trump liars won, you'd be acting a lot differently because you'd be catering to that base.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
Other states are run by Demnazis like Whittmer or violence deniers like Hochul.
I am not surprised that Florida is the perfect environment where Republicans could rule and it be a well run state. Lower crime, debt, plenty of opportunities, lots of tourism dollars, etc.

It's funny you guys brag when a Republican Governor does basically what Bill Clinton did. He had a surplus. He balanced his books. Sounds like DiSantis. Maybe he will do that when/if he wins.

I get the feeling the Republican crazies were defeated on Tuesday. The normal Republicans can now take back their party. The election deniers lost. Thank God. Now, if we have to have a Republican president next time that's fine. As long as no liberal Supreme Court Justices are planning on retiring. LOL
You are confused Moon Bat.

Slick Willy was a scumbag and a Libtard but he was also politically astute.

He knew his economy was going to tank after that stupid tax increase and he also knew America was pissed at him for the oppressive assault weapons ban. The fact that he lost Congress in 1994 was an eye opener for him.

He knew he he needed to turn the economy over to the Newt and the Republicans and he did. Newt kept Slick Willy's administration from being a disaster.

By the way dumbass, Slick Willy did not have a surplus like you dumbasses think he did. At the end of his administration the US was $300 billion more in debt than it was at the beginning. Not as bad as the $10 trillion in debt that The Worthless Negro did but not a surplus like you lying Moon Bats say.

DeSantis has a real surplus of revenue.

Also, Slick Willy would have never been reelected had the Monica story broke a month earlier.
Excellent! So you don't get to set up your Kangaroo Courts. Plus I think they know the American people won't have it and they'll lose again in 2024. If Trump liars won, you'd be acting a lot differently because you'd be catering to that base.
You don't understand. All they need is the House and they can impeach Quid Pro as much as they want.
Florida is the third most populous state with 22 million people.

On election day we had results an hour after the polls closed. Most districts reporting in the 90+%.

Not only do we have fast reporting of results but the voting process is secure even with mail in ballots. Unlike other states nobody is stealing our elections.

Then of course the big one. We have a Super Majority of Republicans in the State Legislature, no Democrats in state wide offices, the best Governor in the nation, two Republican Senators and we kicked a bunch of House Democrats out of office.

Why is it that the great majority of Americans say they are disappointed in the way the the Democrats are running the country but yet they didn't kick them out of office like we did here in Florida? Isn't the definition of being crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

Florida was gerrymandered to a fare thee well which is why Republicans dominated the polls there.

Don't worry, that will all be undone before 2024.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Slick Willy was a scumbag and a Libtard but he was also politically astute.

He knew his economy was going to tank after that stupid tax increase and he also knew America was pissed at him for the oppressive assault weapons ban. The fact that he lost Congress in 1994 was an eye opener for him.

He knew he he needed to turn the economy over to the Newt and the Republicans and he did. Newt kept Slick Willy's administration from being a disaster.

By the way dumbass, Slick Willy did not have a surplus like you dumbasses think he did. At the end of his administration the US was $300 billion more in debt than it was at the beginning. Not as bad as the $10 trillion in debt that The Worthless Negro did but not a surplus like you lying Moon Bats say.

DeSantis has a real surplus of revenue.

Also, Slick Willy would have never been reelected had the Monica story broke a month earlier.
You don't know the difference between debt and deficit dummy. How can I have a conversation with someone so stupid?

Bush used Clinton's surplus to give rich people tax breaks. He said it's their money we should give it back. And you cons agreed. I'm not confused you have no memory.

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