Why can't the GOP get anything done?

Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
Lets keep it real....the GOP is not a party of ideas or a party for the people; they're simply a party for the white man to feel in powered, in charge and superior to everyone else, that's it. There is no way in hell, hillbillies from the state of Ky. who rely heavily on government subsidies, who rank among the poorest counties in the country, who vote time and time again, anti government political leaders, such as Paul and Mitch, only for the fact, it makes these white mf's feel superior over everybody else. Cause they got nothing else to go on.
Because this isn't your father's GOP. They have caved to the leftist trash currently polluting our population.
The only thing polluting your population is white women who can't get enough of negro's and any race, but yours.
Let's leave Hillary and Nancy out of this one - shall we?
Deflect much? Com'on, your prized white trash would rather fuck a gold tooth fresh out of prison nigga, that swap sex juice with a college educated corn fed white boy from Kansas...own it and move on, sucker!!
It's July of 2017. Those dirty old Liberals are last years news, and the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House. It doesn't get much better than this if you are a Republican President, So, we're 6 months into this administration....why can't the GOP get anything done??

* No healthcare overhaul

* No tax reform

* No budget deal

* No infrastructure upgrades

* No wall on our southern boarder

* No national debt reduction

* No Keystone pipeline

The GOP won't be able to blame the Democrats this time around, the GOP has shut the Democrats out of any policy discussions. So, what's the problem Republicans?? :bye1:

P.S. 18 months until the midterms, and the clock is ticking.....

Keystone pipeline? Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama

You guys have to talk to your propaganda minster, they a fibbing to you.

How is that pipeline doing?

Last I heard, potential customers of the pipeline are backing out and it is becoming less economically feasible
Editorial: Keystone Pipeline Can't Overcome Basic Laws of Economic

Score one for Obama
Hows are the piplines doing? Doing great for America, see... shit for brains

It's July of 2017. Those dirty old Liberals are last years news, and the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House. It doesn't get much better than this if you are a Republican President, So, we're 6 months into this administration....why can't the GOP get anything done??

* No healthcare overhaul

* No tax reform

* No budget deal

* No infrastructure upgrades

* No wall on our southern boarder

* No national debt reduction

* No Keystone pipeline

The GOP won't be able to blame the Democrats this time around, the GOP has shut the Democrats out of any policy discussions. So, what's the problem Republicans?? :bye1:

P.S. 18 months until the midterms, and the clock is ticking.....
I see that you have not been keeping up with politics. The President has reduced the debt by billions, and the Keystones is on the way, and which I personally doesn't care for so much about that. And he has brought back thousands of jobs into this country. But here is a video of what is going on about the Healthcare issue and which I can see that a lot of people that is on this site doesn't care much about, because they are on some government assistance program and which they are exempted from paying into Obamacare. I knew when Hillary was talking about that crap, that it takes a village to raise a child. That she was pushing some agenda for the Establishment to get rich scheme.I wished that President Trump makes you all to do voluntary work by picking up trash around the cities or towns, that will help make America great again, in order to get your Food Stamps in the mail.

Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
Because this isn't your father's GOP. They have caved to the leftist trash currently polluting our population.
The only thing polluting your population is white women who can't get enough of negro's and any race, but yours.
Let's leave Hillary and Nancy out of this one - shall we?
Deflect much? Com'on, your prized white trash would rather fuck a gold tooth fresh out of prison nigga, that swap sex juice with a college educated corn fed white boy from Kansas...own it and move on, sucker!!
You sound like a racist.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
Trump will most likely nominate three maybe four Supreme Court justices… That is good for America
It's tough to govern when you're against government.

If the GOP is against government, then why do so many of them spend decades working in....government???
I've often made that argument....these people will spend millions upon millions to work in a job, that they loathe and want dismantled...but have no problems, as with McCain, benefiting from tax payer dollars and medical benefits. They don't want you to have gov. subsidies healthcare, but don't mind having it for themselves. They don't want you getting pay raises, but have no problems getting it for themselves..they don't want you relying on the gov. for anything, but have no issues getting their wealth from gov. contracts while in the private sector, I mean the hypocrisy is there.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
Trump will most likely nominate three maybe four Supreme Court justices… That is good for America
Listen, Hitler was good for Germany....until all hell broke lose. There will be eventually consequences for you nuts, I just hope I live long enough to wittness it.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.

Very true

Without his leadership of the Birther movement Trump never would have entered politics
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
Trump will most likely nominate three maybe four Supreme Court justices… That is good for America
Listen, Hitler was good for Germany....until all hell broke lose. There will be eventually consequences for you nuts, I just hope I live long enough to wittness it.
The federal government and the country are not one in the same… I root for the country. LOL
GOP can't get anything done because just as Obama couldn't unite America, Trump (or anybody for that matter) can't unite the Republican Party.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.

Very true

Without his leadership of the Birther movement Trump never would have entered politics
Obama never have the interests of those opposing him in mind, and I don't blame him. But elections have consequences, who said that?
The policies Obama believed in and passed obviously did not work for millions of people that elected Trump as president… Now you know how The other side felt when Obama was president… shit happens
Because this isn't your father's GOP. They have caved to the leftist trash currently polluting our population.

So what do you think Republicans need to do to actually get things done?

My fathers GOP had liberal members of the party like Rockefeller and Jacob Javits. The shift to the right is a recent event
They won't get anything done. Its the party of bad ideas vs the party of no ideas.
Why is the right wing getting equal pay for inferior work?
It's July of 2017. Those dirty old Liberals are last years news, and the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House. It doesn't get much better than this if you are a Republican President, So, we're 6 months into this administration....why can't the GOP get anything done??

* No healthcare overhaul

* No tax reform

* No budget deal

* No infrastructure upgrades

* No wall on our southern boarder

* No national debt reduction

* No Keystone pipeline

The GOP won't be able to blame the Democrats this time around, the GOP has shut the Democrats out of any policy discussions. So, what's the problem Republicans?? :bye1:

P.S. 18 months until the midterms, and the clock is ticking.....
The more laws, regulations and legislation passed means less freedoms for the country… Fact
lol. The right wing doesn't do facts, or they would end the drug war.
Republicans have functioned as the Party of No for ten years. It is easy to vote No because you just oppose anything that comes up for a vote

Voting Yes is hard. You have to reach an agreement on what to vote Yes on. That means you have to be willing to compromise with the factions in your party. Republican mindset is...If I don't get everything I want, then nobody gets anything

The result is they haven't passed a single significant bill in 2 1/2 years of being in power
It is a good thing that those fuck ups in Washington can't get anything done, because more laws and regulations means less freedoms for the country… fact

I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
No, you need introspection, it is the democrat party that keeps the Republicans in power. Hillary got Trump elected how sweet is that? Trump has had time to stack the SCOTUS, you know the SCOTUS that made law with gay marriage and wrote law with the Obamacare decisions.

So funny you folks, no voter fraud by lots of unproven voter suppression.
I know....EVERYONE in Washington is a fuck up and is incapable of getting things done

That is why we got stuck with Trump. The idea was to bring a great businessman, great negotiator like Trump in to show those Washington fuck ups how things get done

So, what has happened by bringing in a political outsider?
Trump is embroiled in scandal
Trump is incapable of forging a deal within his own party
Trumps has appointed people who likewise do not know how to function in congress
First, of all there would be no trump if there was no Obama...
Second, Trump is a bull in a China shop, the more distraction/damage that happens in Washington DC the better.
Third, The death of the GOP establishment while most likely will not happen would be a good thing.
The only thing that keeps the GOP in power, are gerrymandered districts, voter suppression, the DNC's failure to back qualified candidates, and a stacked supreme court!!!
Trump will most likely nominate three maybe four Supreme Court justices… That is good for America
Listen, Hitler was good for Germany....until all hell broke lose. There will be eventually consequences for you nuts, I just hope I live long enough to wittness it.
The federal government and the country are not one in the same… I root for the country. LOL
We the People created the Federal Goovernment
It's July of 2017. Those dirty old Liberals are last years news, and the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House. It doesn't get much better than this if you are a Republican President, So, we're 6 months into this administration....why can't the GOP get anything done??

* No healthcare overhaul

* No tax reform

* No budget deal

* No infrastructure upgrades

* No wall on our southern boarder

* No national debt reduction

* No Keystone pipeline

The GOP won't be able to blame the Democrats this time around, the GOP has shut the Democrats out of any policy discussions. So, what's the problem Republicans?? :bye1:

P.S. 18 months until the midterms, and the clock is ticking.....
I see that you have not been keeping up with politics. The President has reduced the debt by billions, and the Keystones is on the way, and which I personally doesn't care for so much about that. And he has brought back thousands of jobs into this country. But here is a video of what is going on about the Healthcare issue and which I can see that a lot of people that is on this site doesn't care much about, because they are on some government assistance program and which they are exempted from paying into Obamacare. I knew when Hillary was talking about that crap, that it takes a village to raise a child. That she was pushing some agenda for the Establishment to get rich scheme.I wished that President Trump makes you all to do voluntary work by picking up trash around the cities or towns, that will help make America great again, in order to get your Food Stamps in the mail.

Nothing but propaganda and rhetoric? Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

End the drug war to pay for health care, right wingers.

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