Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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It's not just YOUR BODY. If it were just YOUR BODY, you could drop it off a cliff for anyone cares. In fact, I'll be happy to give you a push if you want. The fetus is ANOTHER body, a DIFFERENT life. NOBODY should have the power of life and death over another innocent human being.
You know, pro-aborts are always wailing about how what we REALLY need to reduce the number of abortions is just more education. Yet we've been teaching biology in schools for how many years, and they STILL don't know that a fetus is not part of his mother's body. So much for THAT plan.

And what are you going to do about it? Put doctors and women in jail? To be consistent you must also forbid abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when the woman’s life is at risk.
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law? Require pregnant women to register with the state? Have doctors inform on their patients, turning in the names of women who ask about abortion or who don’t ‘seem happy’ with the pregnancy? Perhaps you’ll have neighbors and family members spy on pregnant women, with a criminal penalty for anyone ‘failing to report an abort.’

What we have, therefore, is not only the right advocating an un-Constitutional violation of privacy rights, but also the creation of a police-state apparatus threatening individual liberty.

Where are the small government conservatives? This certainly doesn’t sound like ‘individual liberty,’ indeed, it sounds exactly like the authoritarianism the right accuses liberals of constantly.

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

They are so fucking stupid they have no clue how to formulate an answer to your questions.
I am a small government conservative and have been so for 40 years.
These other clowns do not live in the REAL WORLD.
You're very welcome for the clarification for the English-impaired.
FROM the English-impaired, actually, but anyway....

Furthermore, she DID use evidence that backs it up.
No, she did not, as I have clearly laid out at least twice already.

I realize that you desperately want to pretend that the only studies including every year all the way back to the passage of Roe v. Wade will suffice (which will then, of course, be rejected as "no evidence" for some other pretext),
:rolleyes: Ignoring this what you think you know I would accept or reject silliness, I have no need to "desperately pretend it will suffice." I simply ask that when someone makes a claim of something being a fact, they actually back it up. She did not. She just spewed a lot of mindless vocal sewage that my young nephew would find lame. PS: that is not to say she is wrong per se. But again, she is the one making the claim; the onus of evidence/proof is on her and she has come nowhere near proving her point...in fact she wouldn't have even if she had evidence that child abuse has been on a steady increase since 1973 (which she does not) as (reported) child abuse could increase or decrease for any number of reasons.

but since what Allie is demonstrating is that widespread legalized abortion does nothing to decrease child abuse, ANY time period in which widespread legalized abortion has been available serves.
It might've been if she said that. For the last time I will again repeat what she said earlier that I'm referencing and she and you are conviently ignoring...here we go.........

"Why has the rate of child abuse and murder increased exponentially since we legalized it?"

Those are her words and a claim which she's backed up with brilliant gems like "you're a fucking retard" and "carry on idiot." Gee hard to argue that logic.

And yes, I realize that you didn't personally say those things. You're just defending them now that someone else said them.
? No I'm not.

So if you want better evidence from Allie, I think you're going to have to start ponying up some evidence of your own first,
:confused: Evidence of what? Of claims I'm not making?

Again, I am not the one making claims as fact and failing miserably to back them up.
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It's not just YOUR BODY. If it were just YOUR BODY, you could drop it off a cliff for anyone cares. In fact, I'll be happy to give you a push if you want. The fetus is ANOTHER body, a DIFFERENT life. NOBODY should have the power of life and death over another innocent human being.
You know, pro-aborts are always wailing about how what we REALLY need to reduce the number of abortions is just more education. Yet we've been teaching biology in schools for how many years, and they STILL don't know that a fetus is not part of his mother's body. So much for THAT plan.

And what are you going to do about it? Put doctors and women in jail? To be consistent you must also forbid abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when the woman’s life is at risk.

I do so love being lectured by people who not only support infanticide but actually try to claim moral superiority about it by calling it "compassion" on what I "must" do in order to be allowed to hold my own beliefs.

I tell you what, ass clown. You tell me who the fuck YOU are that I have to answer to you and justify my beliefs to you and get your permission to hold them because you have granted your almighty approval to them, and perhaps THEN we can move on to you POLITELY ASKING me what my beliefs are, rather than demanding how I'm going to do what YOU have already arrogantly decided I HAVE to do in your infinite wisdom.

I won't hold my breath waiting for you to get that handled, pusbag.

How will you enforce your anti-abortion law? Require pregnant women to register with the state? Have doctors inform on their patients, turning in the names of women who ask about abortion or who don’t ‘seem happy’ with the pregnancy? Perhaps you’ll have neighbors and family members spy on pregnant women, with a criminal penalty for anyone ‘failing to report an abort.’

What "abortion law" is this that you are assigning me possession of and demanding explanations about? So far as I know, I have never mentioned any "anti-abortion law", of mine or anyone else's. I KNOW you aren't DARING to demand that I work out a detailed explanation of the workings of an abortion law YOU decided that I "must" support, because I KNOW that even YOU cannot be stupid and presumptuous enough to try to insert your foul, immoral thoughts into my head and try to call them mine.

You want to engage in mental rape? Do it with someone who can't intellectually kick your punk ass with half her brain cells tied behind her back.

What we have, therefore, is not only the right advocating an un-Constitutional violation of privacy rights, but also the creation of a police-state apparatus threatening individual liberty.

No, fucktard. What we have is the right saying, "Killing babies is wrong", and dishonest left-wing shitstains getting hysterical and screaming, "Well, then, YOU have to want to pass a law putting pregnant women and doctors in jail, and THAT'S a violation of privacy, and we've decided that the Constitution guarantees that privacy is a universal right and totally sacrosanct, never mind that it doesn't actually say so, it IS, and you're creating a police state and you hate liberty!"

They have meds for your condition. Try them.

Where are the small government conservatives? This certainly doesn’t sound like ‘individual liberty,’ indeed, it sounds exactly like the authoritarianism the right accuses liberals of constantly.

Where are the honest liberals who don't try to pretend that "small government" means "no government at all" and don't run around screaming, "Ohmigod, if you don't support the government handing out checks and telling businesses what products to sell and classifying childhood obesity as abuse, then you AREN'T ALLOWED TO WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ANYTHING! How DARE you think the government should protect people from being killed if you object to government-run healthcare? You HYPOCRITE!"

Do you actually expect this dishonest, hysterical horseshit to impress anyone who isn't already as stupid and dishonest and invested in defending infanticide in any way possible?

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

So, for those demanding plan details, try just asking next time, instead of trying to put words in my mouth and then conduct an Inquisition based on what you just told me I believe. I have no intention of discussing my plans to pass a law YOU invented, and implement a prosecution and punishment YOU are trying to force on me.

Once again, I don't cast pearls before swine.
And the incidence of child abuse continues to rise:

"The Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect Reports data from a representative sample of more than 5,600 professionals from 42 counties in the United States. The analysis examined the number of children harmed by abuse and neglect, child characteristics, family characteristics, perpetrator characteristics, report sources and CPS investigation. Significant increases were found in the number of abused and neglected children who were harmed, and at risk of harm, since the previous study in 1986. "

The National Incidence Study (NIS)

I think everybody has pretty much gotten onto the same page regarding abortion and child abuse...legal abortion does not decrease the incidence of child abuse. That is a complete myth. And the stats back it up.

And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys.
I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem.
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.
And the incidence of child abuse continues to rise:

"The Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect Reports data from a representative sample of more than 5,600 professionals from 42 counties in the United States. The analysis examined the number of children harmed by abuse and neglect, child characteristics, family characteristics, perpetrator characteristics, report sources and CPS investigation. Significant increases were found in the number of abused and neglected children who were harmed, and at risk of harm, since the previous study in 1986. "

The National Incidence Study (NIS)

I think everybody has pretty much gotten onto the same page regarding abortion and child abuse...legal abortion does not decrease the incidence of child abuse. That is a complete myth. And the stats back it up.

And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys.
I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem.
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.

you ought to try reading only the words that actually appear on your screen; it makes things a lot easier to figure out.

Did he not reference 30 years of interaction with boys as something that is pertinent to the topic?

Why yes, he did.

Perhaps you should take your own advice, Del..
Did he not reference 30 years of interaction with boys as something that is pertinent to the topic?

Why yes, he did.

Perhaps you should take your own advice, Del..

he said nothing about *man/boy love* nor did he imply that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility.

your inability to drag what passes for your mind from the gutter aside, maybe you should put down the crack pipe?

Yes, he did. I suggest you read again and actually read the words that are on the screen:

"And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys."

He brought it up, not me.

I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem. "

Maybe dividing it up like that will help.....
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.
Yes, he did. I suggest you read again and actually read the words that are on the screen:

"And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys."

He brought it up, not me.

I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem. "

Maybe dividing it up like that will help.....
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

and that equates to man/boy love and girls being stupid, how, exactly?

you really are fucked in the head, allie.
It's not just YOUR BODY. If it were just YOUR BODY, you could drop it off a cliff for anyone cares. In fact, I'll be happy to give you a push if you want. The fetus is ANOTHER body, a DIFFERENT life. NOBODY should have the power of life and death over another innocent human being.
You know, pro-aborts are always wailing about how what we REALLY need to reduce the number of abortions is just more education. Yet we've been teaching biology in schools for how many years, and they STILL don't know that a fetus is not part of his mother's body. So much for THAT plan.

And what are you going to do about it? Put doctors and women in jail? To be consistent you must also forbid abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when the woman’s life is at risk.
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law?...

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

Since we already have laws on the books that deal with illegal killing, I am not sure why we wouldn’t just apply those same laws to the person who did the abortion.

Also, I’ve always assumed that the “child abuse” argument stemmed from a logic that goes, if they are killed before they are born, they will not be around to be abused later on. But, the more I think about it, even THAT does not make sense because abused children are the product of parents who made an active choice not to have an abortion in the first place.

So, as long as the population increases, the number of people who have abortions will increase but so will the number of people who have children. And, likewise, so will the number of parents who abuse those children.

So abortion really has nothing to do with it unless we are claiming we should have more abortions so we can bring our child-abuse numbers under control. And that’s the part of that argument I could really never get my head around.
Yes, he did. I suggest you read again and actually read the words that are on the screen:

"And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys."

He brought it up, not me.

I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem. "

Maybe dividing it up like that will help.....
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

and that equates to man/boy love and girls being stupid, how, exactly?

you really are fucked in the head, allie.

I only work with what's given me, and the idiot that is Gadawg brought it up, not me.

He's the one that said that teaching boys will prevent girls from getting pregnant.

It's a shame you don't recognize a woman hater when you see one. You're seeing one in gadawg.
It's not just YOUR BODY. If it were just YOUR BODY, you could drop it off a cliff for anyone cares. In fact, I'll be happy to give you a push if you want. The fetus is ANOTHER body, a DIFFERENT life. NOBODY should have the power of life and death over another innocent human being.
You know, pro-aborts are always wailing about how what we REALLY need to reduce the number of abortions is just more education. Yet we've been teaching biology in schools for how many years, and they STILL don't know that a fetus is not part of his mother's body. So much for THAT plan.

And what are you going to do about it? Put doctors and women in jail? To be consistent you must also forbid abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when the woman’s life is at risk.
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law?...

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

Since we already have laws on the books that deal with illegal killing, I am not sure why we wouldn’t just apply those same laws to the person who did the abortion.

Also, I’ve always assumed that the “child abuse” argument stemmed from a logic that goes, if they are killed before they are born, they will not be around to be abused later on. But, the more I think about it, even THAT does not make sense because abused children are the product of parents who made an active choice not to have an abortion in the first place.

So, as long as the population increases, the number of people who have abortions will increase but so will the number of people who have children. And, likewise, so will the number of parents who abuse those children.

So abortion really has nothing to do with it unless we are claiming we should have more abortions so we can bring our child-abuse numbers under control. And that’s the part of that argument I could really never get my head around.

That's because it makes no sense and has no basis in fact.

The hysterical posturing about how illegal abortion will result in untold deaths, increased child abuse incidence, and an upsurge in crime is just that..hysterical posturing meant to hide the fact that there's no good reason for legalized abortion. Just as the claims that if abortion is illegal women will die when they're *forced* to bear killer mutant babies is a fantasy..del thinks I have a sick mind, what sort of sick fuck thinks up these psycho scenarios to justify scaring women into killing their children...after telling them that they have a *right* to pursue every sexual whim?
And the incidence of child abuse continues to rise:

"The Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect Reports data from a representative sample of more than 5,600 professionals from 42 counties in the United States. The analysis examined the number of children harmed by abuse and neglect, child characteristics, family characteristics, perpetrator characteristics, report sources and CPS investigation. Significant increases were found in the number of abused and neglected children who were harmed, and at risk of harm, since the previous study in 1986. "

The National Incidence Study (NIS)

I think everybody has pretty much gotten onto the same page regarding abortion and child abuse...legal abortion does not decrease the incidence of child abuse. That is a complete myth. And the stats back it up.

And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys.
I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem.
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.

Dumbass, I coached football and there are no girls that play football so how could I mentor them?
As we have pointed out dozens of times you and your looney tunes have not produced ONE idea on how you would police your prohbition on abortion and how that would work in each individual state.
As a result of those failings you have not offered any defense to the simple fact that NO LAW ever stops legal abortions at will just about anywhere in the United States and NO LAW ever has or ever will.
Try again.
And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys.
I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem.
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.

you ought to try reading only the words that actually appear on your screen; it makes things a lot easier to figure out.


:lol::lol: Gummint workers do not need to compete for their job so sloppiness is the norm.
It's not just YOUR BODY. If it were just YOUR BODY, you could drop it off a cliff for anyone cares. In fact, I'll be happy to give you a push if you want. The fetus is ANOTHER body, a DIFFERENT life. NOBODY should have the power of life and death over another innocent human being.
You know, pro-aborts are always wailing about how what we REALLY need to reduce the number of abortions is just more education. Yet we've been teaching biology in schools for how many years, and they STILL don't know that a fetus is not part of his mother's body. So much for THAT plan.

And what are you going to do about it? Put doctors and women in jail? To be consistent you must also forbid abortion in cases of rape, incest, and when the woman’s life is at risk.
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law?...

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

Since we already have laws on the books that deal with illegal killing, I am not sure why we wouldn’t just apply those same laws to the person who did the abortion.

Also, I’ve always assumed that the “child abuse” argument stemmed from a logic that goes, if they are killed before they are born, they will not be around to be abused later on. But, the more I think about it, even THAT does not make sense because abused children are the product of parents who made an active choice not to have an abortion in the first place.

So, as long as the population increases, the number of people who have abortions will increase but so will the number of people who have children. And, likewise, so will the number of parents who abuse those children.

So abortion really has nothing to do with it unless we are claiming we should have more abortions so we can bring our child-abuse numbers under control. And that’s the part of that argument I could really never get my head around.

So if a doctor aborts a baby because of "the safety and health of the mother" then you would charge the doctor with murder the same as the laws on the books?
And I stated my 30 years work with The Boys Club, Youth football, basketball, baseball, and soccer coaching young boys without fathers in their lives and you stated that I did it because I am attracted to little boys.
I do it because right wing loons like you ignore the fact that is the absence of men and them being responsible that causes the problem.
Teach these boys how to be responsible and less women get pregnant.

Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.

Dumbass, I coached football and there are no girls that play football so how could I mentor them?
As we have pointed out dozens of times you and your looney tunes have not produced ONE idea on how you would police your prohbition on abortion and how that would work in each individual state.
As a result of those failings you have not offered any defense to the simple fact that NO LAW ever stops legal abortions at will just about anywhere in the United States and NO LAW ever has or ever will.
Try again.

I don't care if you love boys, Gadawg. Again, you're the one bringing it up and dragging it around with you. Moron.

And you bet laws stop abortion. And legalization still doesn't stop illegal ones, btw, nor does it reduce the numbers of deaths caused by abortion.

Unless you're implying that every woman who gets a legal abortion is a criminal who would get an abortion regardless of whether or not it's legal. That would go with your assertion that they're too stupid to be responsible for birth control...
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law?...

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

Since we already have laws on the books that deal with illegal killing, I am not sure why we wouldn’t just apply those same laws to the person who did the abortion.

Also, I’ve always assumed that the “child abuse” argument stemmed from a logic that goes, if they are killed before they are born, they will not be around to be abused later on. But, the more I think about it, even THAT does not make sense because abused children are the product of parents who made an active choice not to have an abortion in the first place.

So, as long as the population increases, the number of people who have abortions will increase but so will the number of people who have children. And, likewise, so will the number of parents who abuse those children.

So abortion really has nothing to do with it unless we are claiming we should have more abortions so we can bring our child-abuse numbers under control. And that’s the part of that argument I could really never get my head around.

So if a doctor aborts a baby because of "the safety and health of the mother" then you would charge the doctor with murder the same as the laws on the books?

Another lie. Nobody has ever proposed this scenario.

Nice try though.
Let no opportunity for self-aggrandization slip by...

trying really hard to figure out how your 30 years of man/boy love experience and out of wedlock births are related to each other, or the incidence of child abuse..

But carry on with your crazy musings anyway.

I especially like the implication that women are too stupid to be taught responsibility, and that we reduce the rate of pregnancy by educating boys only.

Dumbass, I coached football and there are no girls that play football so how could I mentor them?
As we have pointed out dozens of times you and your looney tunes have not produced ONE idea on how you would police your prohbition on abortion and how that would work in each individual state.
As a result of those failings you have not offered any defense to the simple fact that NO LAW ever stops legal abortions at will just about anywhere in the United States and NO LAW ever has or ever will.
Try again.

I don't care if you love boys, Gadawg. Again, you're the one bringing it up and dragging it around with you. Moron.

And you bet laws stop abortion. And legalization still doesn't stop illegal ones, btw, nor does it reduce the numbers of deaths caused by abortion.

Unless you're implying that every woman who gets a legal abortion is a criminal who would get an abortion regardless of whether or not it's legal. That would go with your assertion that they're too stupid to be responsible for birth control...

That is all you have so you keep coming back with it time and time again.
You are too ignorant to come up with any rational thoughts so all you have are gutter insults.
But a few weeks ago a fatherless young man I coached years ago was drafted in the first round in the NBA draft.
You can ask his mother about the work we did mentoring him as a youth, the times no other coach would pick him in the rec leagues because he was such a discipline problem.
Sadly Allie, you and your kind that live in the gutter are PART OF THE PROBLEM we have in America. You are a so called social worker and you make things far worse than make them better.
Instead of offering help and guidance to the problem you condemn the very people you are paid to help, turn your arrogant back on them and collect your pay.
Typical government emplpyee.
But go ahead and insult me all you want. Sticks and stones.
I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. I love these debates with defenseless folks like you.
Since we already have laws on the books that deal with illegal killing, I am not sure why we wouldn’t just apply those same laws to the person who did the abortion.

Also, I’ve always assumed that the “child abuse” argument stemmed from a logic that goes, if they are killed before they are born, they will not be around to be abused later on. But, the more I think about it, even THAT does not make sense because abused children are the product of parents who made an active choice not to have an abortion in the first place.

So, as long as the population increases, the number of people who have abortions will increase but so will the number of people who have children. And, likewise, so will the number of parents who abuse those children.

So abortion really has nothing to do with it unless we are claiming we should have more abortions so we can bring our child-abuse numbers under control. And that’s the part of that argument I could really never get my head around.

So if a doctor aborts a baby because of "the safety and health of the mother" then you would charge the doctor with murder the same as the laws on the books?

Another lie. Nobody has ever proposed this scenario.

Nice try though.

Fool, that is what EVERY DOCTOR did when abortion was "illegal".
You are too stupid to know any better.
How will you enforce your anti-abortion law?...

So, for those wishing to ban abortion, document in detail your plan, exactly how you’d go about investigating, prosecuting, and punishing those ‘guilty’ of your new crime.

Once again, it’s time for the right to put up or shut up.

Well first of all, doctors are usually pretty law-abiding people so I'd say about 95-99% of doctors will stop on their own.

In the case of back-alley abortions, the doctor will get reported and discovered.

I'm not seeing why you think it's unenforceable. That opinion has no basis in reality.

In my personal opinion, it should be the mother's decision (or she can consent to have someone designated instead, since she probably couldnt make an unpressured decision during delivery) as to what do do in an extreme emergency (aka who do we save, the mother or the child).

done. easy. submit.
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