Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Well first of all, doctors are usually pretty law-abiding people so I'd say about 95-99% of doctors will stop on their own.

In the case of back-alley abortions, the doctor will get reported and discovered.

I'm not seeing why you think it's unenforceable. That opinion has no basis in reality.

In my personal opinion, it should be the mother's decision (or she can consent to have someone designated instead, since she probably couldnt make an unpressured decision during delivery) as to what do do in an extreme emergency (aka who do we save, the mother or the child).

done. easy. submit.

Self-induced abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are dozens of self induced abortion methods that happen all over the world probably on a daily basis.

I'm certain all those methods would just be done by people here if abortion became illegal, and they probably already happen because girls make a naive decision to do it on their own.

I'm pro-choice just as a full disclosure but I take no issue with people being pro-life, I just don't think laws would do much to stop them here in this country and it would seem to be very very hard to prove.

Well, if Wikipedia says it, it MUST be true. :lmao:

So you clicked on Wikipedias references and found them to be wrong, or did you just lazily type a silly sentence because the link said something you didn't wanna hear?
Well first of all, doctors are usually pretty law-abiding people so I'd say about 95-99% of doctors will stop on their own.

In the case of back-alley abortions, the doctor will get reported and discovered.

I'm not seeing why you think it's unenforceable. That opinion has no basis in reality.

In my personal opinion, it should be the mother's decision (or she can consent to have someone designated instead, since she probably couldnt make an unpressured decision during delivery) as to what do do in an extreme emergency (aka who do we save, the mother or the child).

done. easy. submit.

Self-induced abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are dozens of self induced abortion methods that happen all over the world probably on a daily basis.

I'm certain all those methods would just be done by people here if abortion became illegal, and they probably already happen because girls make a naive decision to do it on their own.

I'm pro-choice just as a full disclosure but I take no issue with people being pro-life, I just don't think laws would do much to stop them here in this country and it would seem to be very very hard to prove.

Our laws make all types of killing hard to prove.

Just ask OJ.

Even with perfect evidence, even with videotaping it happening, you often times couldn't prove it. If a woman fell on her stomach on purpose trying to abort, you'd have to prove she didn't trip on accident. She could even argue she didn't know she was pregnant.

And that'd be an instance of one of those rare 1 in a million instances where you had all the evidence possible.

You wouldn't even know about guttmacher if I hadn't schooled you about them:

"By 1965, the number of deaths due to illegal abortion had fallen to just under 200"

All those are soft numbers, incidentally. You obviously have missed the many disclaimers guttmacher seeds throughout its site, where they state the numbers are soft and they have no real way of knowing the true stats, since PP doesn't actually provide stats.

So what does that prove?

It proves you're talking out your ass if you are saying that there is this huge problem with women dying from illegal abortions. The numbers are not very high, and have been manipulated to such a degree that they're worthless. The number of women who died from abortions are roughly the same number as would have died giving birth.
You seem to forget that abortion was against the law before Roe v. Wade...and having the law itself stopped the vast majority of abortions. And when "doctors" did them, eventually someone reported some of them and they were put in jail.

Like was said above, you don't give up on a system of laws because you can't enforce them perfectly. The point is that the laws reflect our belief that human life is worth protecting.

If you change the law, the majority of abortions will stop.
You seem to forget that abortion was against the law before Roe v. Wade...and having the law itself stopped the vast majority of abortions. And when "doctors" did them, eventually someone reported some of them and they were put in jail.

Like was said above, you don't give up on a system of laws because you can't enforce them perfectly. The point is that the laws reflect our belief that human life is worth protecting.

If you change the law, the majority of abortions will stop.
Not according to gadawg and the other pro-abortionists.

According to them, not only are women too stupid to understand birth control, they're a criminal element who will ignore laws about abortion, and always will kill themselves obtaining illegal abortions or using coat hangers, rather than submit to the law.
Not according to gadawg and the other pro-abortionists.

According to them, not only are women too stupid to understand birth control, they're a criminal element who will ignore laws about abortion, and always will kill themselves obtaining illegal abortions or using coat hangers, rather than submit to the law.

and one thing we all know for certain, when Allie puts words in people's mouths she's always perfectly accurate....................................
"in the health interest of the mother"
How do you stop that?
What doctor is going to step forward and state it was not done in the best interest of the mother?
Do you know that is the standard in criminal court?
Real world.

...The problem isn't how do you enforce a law like this...it's getting people to value human life when they can't see it hidden away in a woman's womb.

I could not agree more.


Self-induced abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are dozens of self induced abortion methods that happen all over the world probably on a daily basis.

I'm certain all those methods would just be done by people here if abortion became illegal, and they probably already happen because girls make a naive decision to do it on their own.

I'm pro-choice just as a full disclosure but I take no issue with people being pro-life, I just don't think laws would do much to stop them here in this country and it would seem to be very very hard to prove.

Well, if Wikipedia says it, it MUST be true. :lmao:

So you clicked on Wikipedias references and found them to be wrong, or did you just lazily type a silly sentence because the link said something you didn't wanna hear?

Actually, I found the subject of them utterly fucking irrelevant, and I find "Look, my source is a website whose content can be changed by ANYONE" to be laughable.
Well, if Wikipedia says it, it MUST be true. :lmao:

So you clicked on Wikipedias references and found them to be wrong, or did you just lazily type a silly sentence because the link said something you didn't wanna hear?

Actually, I found the subject of them utterly fucking irrelevant, and I find "Look, my source is a website whose content can be changed by ANYONE" to be laughable.

So you didn't click on the references, thanks for the honesty in your laziness.

I have no idea how it could be irrelevent, a woman wants an abortion, can't get one at the doctor, of course there's going to be instances where she tries to do it on her own.

I'm not even saying the idea that a law would essentially be near impossible to enforce is even a reason to not want the law on the books. All we were talking about is the feasibility of being able to arrest women for performing abortions on themselves if abortions were made illegal.
Nobody will ever stop a woman from choosing to have an abortion. Ever. Its HER BODY.

I hate this thread.

You're entitled to your opinion of course, but the BABY HAS ITS OWN BODY. I hope this thread helps people realize that.
Nobody will ever stop a woman from choosing to have an abortion. Ever. Its HER BODY.

I hate this thread.

You're entitled to your opinion of course, but the BABY HAS ITS OWN BODY. I hope this thread helps people realize that.

Y'all can scream and wave your tiny fists in fury all you fucking want. Its THE WOMANS BODY. PERIOD. Nothing you say. No pics you show. No scientific evidence. No demands that a coma shaped being to be allowed to be hosted against the hosts will. The religious aspects. The fighting about rights of a sperm that got in the egg. NOTHING you say will EVER change the fact that as women, WE CHOOSE. Period. End of story. So yell, holler, stamp your little feetsies all you want. Won't change a damn thing.

Now I'm out of here because this thread SUCKS.
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But before I leave...I DEMAND that if your doctors ever tell you that you have a fucking tape worm...IT HAS RIGHTS. You are to LEAVE it there and let it FEED off you. After all. Its alive, aint it? And yes, I am comparing a fetus to a tape worm. Don't like it? Tough shit.

But before I leave...I DEMAND that if your doctors ever tell you that you have a fucking tape worm...IT HAS RIGHTS. You are to LEAVE it there and let it FEED off you. After all. Its alive, aint it? And yes, I am comparing a fetus to a tape worm. Don't like it? Tough shit.


I'm pro choice but that was maybe the dumbest analogy I've ever read.
Whats the difference? Those against abortion want to force someone else to host a living being. FORCE is the key word here.
And they will bicker and fight and stamp their feet and wave their fists because they want the government to control what we CHOOSE to do with our bodies when it comes to hosting another human being.
Dumb analogy maybe, but it fits with MY opinion, to which I am entitled just like the rest of the BULLSHIT going on in here.

Like I said..tough shit.

*backs up, kicks dirt on thread, spits again*
Whats the difference? Those against abortion want to force someone else to host a living being. FORCE is the key word here.
And they will bicker and fight and stamp their feet and wave their fists because they want the government to control what we CHOOSE to do with our bodies when it comes to hosting another human being.
Dumb analogy maybe, but it fits with MY opinion, to which I am entitled just like the rest of the BULLSHIT going on in here.

Like I said..tough shit.

*backs up, kicks dirt on thread, spits again*

We are all entitled to our opinions.

Why so angry? I've read your posts and you will no more convince those who value the life of the unborn any more than we will convince you to value it.
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