Why can't the RW make up its mind about liberals? Are we snowflakes or are we unhinged and violent?

Y'all are like little kids, if you don't get your way. You cry like bitches. Then when that doesn't work y'all throw a violent tantrum.
Y'all are like little kids, if you don't get your way. You cry like bitches. Then when that doesn't work y'all throw a violent tantrum.

Yep... here's how it transgresses...

  • We won, fuck you, sit down and shut up!
  • Majority rules in our system!
  • We would've won if you hadn't cheated!
  • You won by fooling stupid people!
  • Our system gives the minority a voice!
  • We'll win the next election in a landslide!
  • BOTH sides suck!
  • Can't we just get along?
  • Why can't we work together?
  • Fuck it, let's burn it all to the ground!
It's really not about right or wrong. It's just that most conservatives are jerks 24/7.

I know a hundred "conservatives," and none of them are jerks! It takes two to tango, you know, maybe something to consider in how you interact with them as well. Maybe if you change your attitude towards them a little, they might become less of a jerk in response. In quantum physics, they call two particles affecting each other spooky action at a distance. ; ^ )
It's really not about right or wrong. It's just that most conservatives are jerks 24/7.

I know a hundred "conservatives," and none of them are jerks! It takes two to tango, you know, maybe something to consider in how you interact with them as well. Maybe if you change your attitude towards them a little, they might become less of a jerk in response. In quantum physics, they call two particles affecting each other spooky action at a distance. ; ^ )
It takes two to tango, you know,

When it comes to one's being offensive, it does not. One can do that unilaterally.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
You are a snowflake. There are some violent faithful democrats out there, as witnessed in Virginia. It's possible to have both types of morons in the same party. Hope that clears it up for you.

Btw.... has anyone noticed which leftist nut job stopped posting after the Virginia assassination attempt?
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
Maybe it's because liberals can be schizophrenic and conflicting and ambiguous, this coming from a old school liberal reborn as a pragmatist.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol

When it comes to accepting the outcome of an election? definately snowflake which is probably a coping mechanism from back in the teenage years when it could be used to get their way with mom and dad.
When the coping mechanism fails they then begin making tragic assumptions which then leads to violent tendencies. You nailed it. Liberals are complicated.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
You're a snowflake, Billy. That's a fact you'll need to accept. :)
When it comes to one's being offensive, it does not. One can do that unilaterally.

Ah come on now, you can't seriously intend for us to believe that offense is all one-sided?! It takes TWO to be offended------ the person making the offense and the person TAKING the offense. In other words, anything can be taken offensively by someone; being "offensive" comes in the context of a widely-established societal norm, such as talking about the Nazi Holocaust to Jews, or talking about slavery to Blacks, but being /offended/ comes from how the second person receives or takes the behavior.

What one person takes as offensive another might take as being funny. So, fundamentally, "offense" is in the eye of the beholder.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
You're a snowflake, Billy. That's a fact you'll need to accept. :)
It's interesting this term is so new to the rightwing lexicon. If leftists are such obvious wusses as you suggest, why isn't this term decades older?

The problem with you cons is that anytime someone whines about things they find offensive on the internet, you just assume they are a typical liberal. Conservatives whine about stupid crap all the time on the internet. Remember when the crybaby cons threw a tantrum because a football player didn't stand for the pledge of allegiance? Oh the horror!

You also wrongly assume leftists just agree with what liberal college students whine about. I'll agree with you - liberal college students are complete snowflakes. But most liberals are not like that. I didn't give a shit Milo or Coulter were going to speak publically. Those Berkeley protestors were such pussies.
When it comes to one's being offensive, it does not. One can do that unilaterally.

Ah come on now, you can't seriously intend for us to believe that offense is all one-sided?! It takes TWO to be offended------ the person making the offense and the person TAKING the offense. In other words, anything can be taken offensively by someone; being "offensive" comes in the context of a widely-established societal norm, such as talking about the Nazi Holocaust to Jews, or talking about slavery to Blacks, but being /offended/ comes from how the second person receives or takes the behavior.

What one person takes as offensive another might take as being funny. So, fundamentally, "offense" is in the eye of the beholder.
I disagree! With your motto, that is. Liberals are like more like hemorrhoids. A pain in the ass that won't go away.
When it comes to one's being offensive, it does not. One can do that unilaterally.

Ah come on now, you can't seriously intend for us to believe that offense is all one-sided?! It takes TWO to be offended------ the person making the offense and the person TAKING the offense. In other words, anything can be taken offensively by someone; being "offensive" comes in the context of a widely-established societal norm, such as talking about the Nazi Holocaust to Jews, or talking about slavery to Blacks, but being /offended/ comes from how the second person receives or takes the behavior.

What one person takes as offensive another might take as being funny. So, fundamentally, "offense" is in the eye of the beholder.
you can't seriously intend for us to believe that offense is all one-sided?

That's not what I said, so, there's no reason for you to think I intend for folks to believe I think that's the case.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol

/---- You are both. The terms are not mutually exclusive

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Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
They're still thinking about it. They'll have to check with Rush to give an official answer.

/---- you only wish that was true.

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when you get mad that we refuse to use the fake word 'ze' in reference to people, you're a snowflake.

when you beat someone to death with pipes, start riots, attempt mass murder, assault people at rallies, you are unhinged kooks.

not sure how hard this is for you to grasp.
Only one candidate advocated violence at his rallies.

/--- That would be Obama who said we bring a gun to a knife fight and told his peeps to get in their face.

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when you get mad that we refuse to use the fake word 'ze' in reference to people, you're a snowflake.

when you beat someone to death with pipes, start riots, attempt mass murder, assault people at rallies, you are unhinged kooks.

not sure how hard this is for you to grasp.
So you're saying anyone on the left is unhinged and violent one day and a snowflake the next? Wow. That's quite a feat.

/----- Snowflakes are unhinged. You don't have to participate in violence to support it.

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Liberals are the worse, they are both.

A snowflake in that if they don't get their way they pout.

And they become violent as they stew in their not understanding how they keep on being losers. So what do they do when they pout and don't get their way and they think that the only way they are not getting their way is that it is be stolen? They lash out like good little snowflakes usually in the most cowardly of way.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
Snowflakes? Unhinged? Violent? All of the above for some, one or more for others. They're a very curious assortment to say the least.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol

Snowflake maps to how sensitive and thinned skinned the Left is. Because of this, it causes the Left to be unhinged and violent. Case in point, it was a snowflake that did not accept that Elections have consequences so he decided to shoot up a baseball field full of Republicans.

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