Why can't the RW make up its mind about liberals? Are we snowflakes or are we unhinged and violent?

It's developed a new and decidedly less pleasant use as a disparaging term for a person who is seen as overly sensitive and fragile. Quite frankly, I don't know of any genre of people more fragile than right wingers.

Really?! The most overly sensitive and fragile lot on this planet are liberals. It is liberals who are always offended, it is liberals who want to sue over every little thing. It is liberals who are always protesting, demonstrating, rioting, obstructing, damaging property and hurting others.
You almost gotta laugh. The left wing (liberals) were smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day, threatening to "blow up the White House", "assassinate the President" and a middle aged white democrat (liberal) tried to murder republican congressmen and yet liberals spend time and posts worrying about what people think of them. Is that an indication of insanity?
I pity to fool who makes his moves on a calculation that ANYONE on the other side of a gun is actually "cowering."

A coward with a gun is the most dangerous.

As a prior service Marine?

I'll take that bet.
I was in a store when a robbery occurred. When the cops showed up, they didn't know good guys from bad guys, so they pointed their guns at everyone there. I was concerned, but not really afraid. Another time, a woman cop pulled me over for speeding. It was obviously her first solo stop, and she was shaking and sweating, and had her hand on her gun the entire time. Can you guess which one scared me more, and seemed more likely to shoot me?

I see.

So the more "dangerous" person behind a gun is the one that scares "you " the most by being scared and insecure themself.. and not about the one who could calmly and methodically take out dozens without letting their emotions get the best of them.

Paging Dr. FREUD!

Yes, a psychopath with a gun, and the intention to kill as many as possible would certainly be more dangerous. Thankfully, most gun nuts aren't psychopaths with guns. they are just run of the mill RWNJs with a dream of being rambo.

The LWNJ that recently shot up the baseball field and tried to kill a bunch of republicans.

Was he a coward too?
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol
We're BOTH...at the same time, because, well.....OBAMA!!!
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol

They take both sides depending on if they want to play the bully or victim. It's really amusing when they claim to be abused by people they call snowflakes. Must be emasculating.
Why can't the RW make up its mind about liberals? Are we snowflakes or are we unhinged and violent?

The term 'snowflake' inherently refers to a liberal. Not all liberals are unhinged and violent by most unhinged and violent people are liberal. Not sure where your confusion is?
Stop talking out of your ass...snowflake.

You just keep thinking that...
  • No, 'Snowflake' as a Slang Term Did Not Begin with 'Fight Club'
    • It's developed a new and decidedly less pleasant use as a disparaging term for a person who is seen as overly sensitive and fragile.
  • The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
    • It was a largely non-partisan slight — a mean, though not hateful, dig at millennials perceived to have an outsize sense of their own individuality and, by extension, importance. Helicopter parented to the hilt, millennials supposedly graduated from college (into a dismal economy with unprecedented mountains of student debt) too coddled for this cruel world, ill-equipped to face life’s indignities with dignity.

      But as 2016 dawned, snowflake made its way to the mainstream and, in the process, evolved into something more vicious. The insult expanded to encompass not just the young but liberals of all ages; it became the epithet of choice for right-wingers to fling at anyone who could be accused of being too easily offended, too in need of “safe spaces,” too fragile.
Quite frankly, I don't know of any genre of people more fragile than right wingers (RWS).
  • RWS want a savior of sorts who'll provide them with rote labor jobs like the ones their grandparents had. The rest of us are willing to develop the skills needed to perform the literally millions of available jobs.
  • RWS are the most vocal complainers about not being listened to and not being heard, yet in few instances have they anything worth saying; moreover, coherent utterances are anathema to them.
  • RWS, if one doesn't fawn all over them, get pissed off.
  • RWS inflexibly see the world in binary terms, and we all know that which is not flexible is easily broken.
  • RWS complain about what the press is saying about them rather than giving the press something different to talk about.
  • RWS see no difference between constructive criticism and castigatory invective.
  • RWS, when confronted with a criticism, resort to vulgar aspersions.
  • RWS, when faced with criticism, respond with tu quoque retorts, as if that were germane to the act/remarks about which the criticism was made.
The only reason RWS use the term "snowflake" is to preempt it being proffered of them.


BTW...I'm gonna be using that in the future.
They take both sides depending on if they want to play the bully or victim. It's really amusing when they claim to be abused by people they call snowflakes. Must be emasculating.
The M.O. of the average far rightwing Republican nutjob, is one that is suffering from emasculation.

It's more accute in Trump supporters.
Why can't the RW make up its mind about liberals? Are we snowflakes or are we unhinged and violent?

The term 'snowflake' inherently refers to a liberal. Not all liberals are unhinged and violent by most unhinged and violent people are liberal. Not sure where your confusion is?
Stop talking out of your ass...snowflake.


Thanks for proving my point!
Their are two types of LWNJ's: Snowflakes who cower in fear and unhinged losers who lash out violently to hide their fear.

When you cover your face, you are afraid.

The Berkley crowd was a bunch of cowards. Snowflakes all the way.
They take both sides depending on if they want to play the bully or victim. It's really amusing when they claim to be abused by people they call snowflakes. Must be emasculating.
The M.O. of the average far rightwing Republican nutjob, is one that is suffering from emasculation.

It's more accute in Trump supporters.

Can you pull your head out of your ass before you post ?
They take both sides depending on if they want to play the bully or victim. It's really amusing when they claim to be abused by people they call snowflakes. Must be emasculating.
The M.O. of the average far rightwing Republican nutjob, is one that is suffering from emasculation.

It's more accute in Trump supporters.

Can you pull your head out of your ass before you post ?

I doubt it.
Ive noticed that the rightwing will pick a description of the left when it conveniently fits their narrative about a political issue. They don't seem smart enough to realize how much these narratives contradict one another lol

They are not mutually exclusive, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand that.
Why can't the RW make up its mind about liberals? Are we snowflakes or are we unhinged and violent?

The term 'snowflake' inherently refers to a liberal. Not all liberals are unhinged and violent by most unhinged and violent people are liberal. Not sure where your confusion is?
Stop talking out of your ass...snowflake.


It's all you ever do Mr. Angry Black Man.
And here we have the exact plight of the Liberal, generously supplied by Marc, Another Triggered Liberal.

Screen Shot 2017-07-07 at 12.03.19 PM.png

The modern liberal goes through life with his head up his ass, put there as a way of ducking out from reality. It's difficult to breathe up there, so they immediately feel the victim of a lack of air, put there by conservatives who told them to use their own ass, after trying to stick their head up the ass of others because liberals feel it is their lot in life to run other's business. Once there, they soon lose sight of where they actually are and quickly begin to see their own rectum as the world around them, much like a goldfish in a bowl. It is not a nice place, kinda stinky, but wrongly identifying it as the world that Conservatives created and put them in, they go through life very angry and always just a little bit triggered. . . . .

So Democrats invent butt creme as a government supplied program to help them deal with sphincter constriction cutting off their airway to make life just a little bit easier, while Conservatives try over and over to offer them a way out of their own ass. But fearful, they see it as Conservatives trying to remove them from the world they have come to know and love, warm, dark, always just a bit moist, so they steadfastly refuse to budge, keeping their head planted in the one place they know for sure and can call home.
It's developed a new and decidedly less pleasant use as a disparaging term for a person who is seen as overly sensitive and fragile. Quite frankly, I don't know of any genre of people more fragile than right wingers.

Really?! The most overly sensitive and fragile lot on this planet are liberals. It is liberals who are always offended, it is liberals who want to sue over every little thing. It is liberals who are always protesting, demonstrating, rioting, obstructing, damaging property and hurting others.
It is liberals who are always offended,
That's to be expected seeing as conservatives are so often offensive.

it is liberals who want to sue over every little thing.
  • Trump's 3,500 lawsuits
  • Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
  • News Analysis: Will Trump break record for most litigious president in U.S. history?
  • Donald Trump: Three decades 4,095 lawsuits
      • More than 100 lawsuits, disputes over taxes tied to Trump and his companies
        • Ignored New York bills -- In New York, there are dozens of tax warrants against Trump businesses. Tax warrants are filed only after the state has exhausted all other options to collect what’s owed.
        • Trump-related companies have become embroiled in disputes over sales taxes owed to New York state and New York City. Tax warrants on file in New York County court found that over the past 27 years, Trump entities owed about $300,000 in back taxes, which were eventually paid.
    • Some, but obviously not all or most, of these matters stem from the dichotomy between Trump's public attestations about property basis values and what he attests they are on the forms he submits with tax returns. Such discrepancies are similar in nature to things such as:
      • Trump’s boasts about his wealth have sometimes undercut his attempts to slash his taxes. In 1985, Trump scooped up Mar-a-Lago, the opulent estate built by Marjorie Merriweather Post in Palm Beach, Fla., for $10 million, bragging in his 1989 book, The Art of the Deal, that it was a sweet deal, worth far more than he paid. When the property was assessed at $11.5 million and later $17 million, Trump objected. Litigation dragged on until 1993 over the tax bills.
      • In Jupiter, Fla., Trump bought the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club and Spa in 2012 for a reported $5 million, then renovated it. For the past three years, his team has appealed the assessed value, of $13.7million as of 2015. In his financial disclosure forms, Trump claims that the course on 285 acres is worth “more than $50 million” and that it throws off more than $12 million in revenue.
      • In Westchester County, N.Y., Trump has taken an aggressive approach toward the town of Ossining regarding the taxable value of Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor. The battle gained national prominence, after an investigation in September 2015 into the club’s attempt to slash its taxable value by 90%. Town Assessor Fernando Gonzalez valued the 140-acre complex at $14.3 million (a valuation since increased to $15.1 million) — but Trump’s team countered that it was worth $1.4 million. For perspective, a three-bedroom villa built at Trump National’s 16th hole on a separate tax parcel sold in 2005 for $2.4 million and was recently on the market for almost $2 million.
  • 1,863 CASINO CASES
Trump's lawsuits notwithstanding, on what do you base your assertion?
Their are two types of LWNJ's: Snowflakes who cower in fear and unhinged losers who lash out violently to hide their fear.

Oh, I see. Kinda like gun nuts who cower behind their guns, but strike out at the first chance to play Rambo.
Like this guy?

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4 government mind controlled assets who carried out false flag attacks in order to advance the left's citizen infringement agenda

If they would have just worn one of those stylish tinfoil hats, like you do, those government gamma waves wouldn't have been able to control their minds.

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