Why did 145 House Republicans vote against this bill?

Seriously,is it Recess time yet? We all definitely need a break from Reid & Pelosi. I think many people are with me on that.
I don't. I have a low tolerance for stupidity. Especially from those that identify themselves with my own party.

Sorry, I was kidding. My bad. It's my SOP response to the 'shut up' phrase.

At least you didn't neg me. Unlike a couple of others.
Well, I pos repped. I agree that the talking points are boring. They add little to the discussion.

If folks saw the worth of a little bit of brainstorming, regardless of ideology, answers can be found more efficiently.
The Government creates most of the problems and then proposes that they will fix those problems. The cycle never ends. They keep on breaking stuff and then tell us they're gonna fix everything. Less Government is the answer. I'm actually surprised so few see this.
The Government creates most of the problems and then proposes that they will fix those problems. The cycle never ends. They keep on breaking stuff and then tell us they're gonna fix everything. Less Government is the answer. I'm actually surprised so few see this.
I agree. But the point of the thread is to come up with ideas as to why this bill was voted down, specific to this bill. It seemed like an honest question.
The Government creates most of the problems and then proposes that they will fix those problems. The cycle never ends. They keep on breaking stuff and then tell us they're gonna fix everything. Less Government is the answer. I'm actually surprised so few see this.
I agree. But the point of the thread is to come up with ideas as to why this bill was voted down, specific to this bill. It seemed like an honest question.

Okay there have been a lot of good comments on this thread so far. But whenever I hear of opposition to what seems like a good slam dunk of an idea, I am always reminded that the devil is always in the details. So many many pieces of legislation have noble, high sounding, magnificent titles that anybody with a brain would respond favorably to. But at the end of the day, they contain provisions that have unintended negative consequences. Some of these can be really ugly.

I could put this in my own words, but it's so much easier to post the opposition's press release. Note the groups who opposed this legislation at the end:

March 3, 2010
CONTACT: Alexa Marrero
or Ryan Murphy
(202) 225-4527

Kline Statement on House Passage of H.R. 4247

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4247, the Keeping All Students Safe Act. This legislation establishes new federal requirements and limitations for the use of seclusion or restraints in schools and comes in response to a 2009 Government Accountability Office (GAO) analysis of incidents in which students suffered injury or death as a result of abuse of these practices. While there is widespread agreement that states should provide training and guidelines to help school personnel safely use these techniques to protect student safety, the bill has drawn opposition from key school groups for being premature and overly broad.

“There is no doubt that the safety and security of our nation’s students must be priority number one for parents, teachers, and school administrators,” said Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. “However, this legislation offers a one-size-fits-all federal solution that may actually make it more difficult for teachers and school leaders to keep our classrooms safe. With this bill, Congress is taking steps to prematurely regulate, at the federal level, issues that have not been fully investigated or reviewed. This is not a prudent course of action.”

Federal regulations under H.R. 4247 would supersede action already taken by 46 states to enact or begin development of seclusion and restraint policies in public schools and extend that regulatory authority to private schools as well. By creating a federal framework for regulating these practices, rather than relying on states and local schools to take the lead, the legislation will result in a two year delay before safeguards are fully implemented. This may cause local administrators to suspend their current efforts and wait for government action.

“It would do a disservice to the safety of our children and their teachers for Congress to hastily take action that either undercuts existing efforts at the local level or delays implementation of state-based reforms. While ignoring the warnings reported by the GAO is not an option, taking action before we have all the facts is equally problematic,” said Kline. “There are dangers to federal overreach, including this bill’s abandonment of longstanding precedent that prevents federal education mandates from being imposed on private schools.”

NOTE: Key education groups have come out in opposition to H.R. 4247, including the American Association of School Administrators, the Council for American Private Education, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, among others.
Commitee on Education and Labor, Republicans :: Press Release :: Kline Statement on House Passage of H.R. 4247
There was a time on this board when the merits of this bill and the reasons for its passing would have been debated. Now all we get is Glenn Beck talking points and random conjecture about the evils of the GOP. Sad really.

And dont forget....Sarah Palin, Bush, and the latest target, Scot Brown.

Its getting really hard to debate the left when the special kids on the right are yelling over my shoulder. :lol:

My apologies.
This is why we need to immediately disband the Department of Education and burn what's left of it to the ground

Half our high school graduates can't identity when the War of 1812 occurred and can't name three Founding fathers even if you spot them George Washington.
George Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy, twice, using reconciliation, that cost us 1.8 trillion dollars. 1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Where was the outrage from the republicans then?
Give me a "Do Nothing Congress" over an Over-Reaching Congress anytime. Doing nothing is the right thing in many cases. Too bad the Socialists in both parties can't grasp this concept.
Give me a "Do Nothing Congress" over an Over-Reaching Congress anytime. Doing nothing is the right thing in many cases. Too bad the Socialists in both parties can't grasp this concept.

I'll follow that with a resounding AMEN!
Why did 145 House Republicans vote against this bill?

I cannot speak for 145 different folks, nor for the Democrats that joined them, but I am glad that they did.

This sort of thing, and its punishments should rightfully fall under the purview of the states, not some new, sweeping national law.
Why did 145 House Republicans vote against this bill?

I cannot speak for 145 different folks, nor for the Democrats that joined them, but I am glad that they did.

This sort of thing, and its punishments should rightfully fall under the purview of the states, not some new, sweeping national law.

Thank You!!

Why do we even have "states" anymore?
George Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy, twice, using reconciliation, that cost us 1.8 trillion dollars. 1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Where was the outrage from the republicans then?

Perhaps if you hadn't been educated under the oversight of the U.S. Dept. of Education, you would have read the thread title for this thread more carefully and would have made your post on a more appropriate thread.
George Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy, twice, using reconciliation, that cost us 1.8 trillion dollars. 1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Where was the outrage from the republicans then?


Got anything on the topic of the thread?
This bit
(3) require states and local educational agencies (LEAs) to ensure that a sufficient number of school personnel receive state-approved crisis intervention training and certification in first aid and certain safe and effective student management techniques;

Is ANOTHER unfunded federal mandate which will make it even harder for school districts to actually make ends meet. That alone is reason enough to vote against the bill as it stands.
So it costs too much?

Define 'too much'. If you're have $10 in your pocket, and you want to buy something that costs $10.50, do you buy it? No.

I know it is harsh but our national financial situation is so bad that personally, I don't think we should be spending one damned cent. Yea, that would hurt but it is the only way out of the mess that we allowed our government to create.
If you owe $1,000,000. do you ask for a cut in salary?
That's how Cons figure tax cuts will help the economy. GHW Bush called it VooDoo economics.
So it costs too much?

Define 'too much'. If you're have $10 in your pocket, and you want to buy something that costs $10.50, do you buy it? No.

I know it is harsh but our national financial situation is so bad that personally, I don't think we should be spending one damned cent. Yea, that would hurt but it is the only way out of the mess that we allowed our government to create.
If you owe $1,000,000. do you ask for a cut in salary?
That's how Cons figure tax cuts will help the economy. GHW Bush called it VooDoo economics.

If you want to increase sales of something, do you raise prices? If you raise prices to generate more revenue, but sales then fall off so that revenues are below what they were before, wouldn't it be smart to rethink your sales strategy?

That analogy is just as valid as yours.

IF cutting taxes will enable more people to get back to work, be more productive, invest more, take more calculated risks and thereby reduce the strain on unemployment insurance and other social services while generating new revenues for the treasury, tax cuts can be a brilliant strategy.

And if passing legislation intended to protect kids will actually put kids at greater risk for an extended period, it is probably smart to rethink that too.
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Give me a "Do Nothing Congress" over an Over-Reaching Congress anytime. Doing nothing is the right thing in many cases. Too bad the Socialists in both parties can't grasp this concept.
Now is not the time to do nothing. Now is the time to do much to reverse current policy. Sitting on our asses letting things continue down the same path is utter stupidity. We must act to increase American manufacturing, we must act to deincentivize outsourcing, we must act to secure our borders, we must act to purge the Fed of waste and corruption, we must act to cut Federal involvement with the States' affair!

To do nothing is to effectively act to continue this destruction of the Republic!
Why did 145 House Republicans vote against this bill?
I cannot speak for 145 different folks, nor for the Democrats that joined them, but I am glad that they did.

This sort of thing, and its punishments should rightfully fall under the purview of the states, not some new, sweeping national law.

So federal laws against assault should not exist?
Just send this worst U.S. Congress in history home on an early recess. Haven't they done enough damage? Recess = Peace & Tranquility. I think more & more Americans are agreeing with me on this.

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