Why Did Democrats Kill the Amendment to Have Joe’s New IRS Auditors Only Audit the Rich?

Four hundred fucking thousand dollars a year in income exempt from audits? Really? Do you folks make over $100k?
The government could take every dollar from every rich person in the USA and still not have enough money to run our government for a year... the bulk of the money is in the middle class.... that's who will be audited.... ever write off a tool or a roll of paper towels?... better fix that....
Last year the rich gained $6 trillion in net worth. We could run the government just in what they gained in wealth.

Four hundred fucking thousand dollars a year in income exempt from audits? Really? Do you folks make over $100k?
These guys still believe in the welfare queens. Going after poor people was their policy platform under Reagan.
Last year the rich gained $6 trillion in net worth. We could run the government just in what they gained in wealth.

don’t worry xiden fixed that problem for you by making the first 6 months of 2022 one of the worst in market history. The xiden recession and xiden inflation is harming all of us
How much does it cost to run the US government for one year?

How much does the government spend and where does the money go? How does this affect the national debt? The federal government collected $4.1 trillion in revenue in fiscal year 2021 (FY2021) — or $12,294 per person. The federal government spent $6.8 trillion in FY2021 — or $20,634 per person.

Biden's bill is an insult to every working American and a slap in the face to the poor and elderly....
Its time to call your congressman and tell them to stop this joke of a bill... tell them you ain't stupid and they should stop voting like we are....
Democrats are the party of the rich.

Because they KNOW they're lying to the American people! Those 80,000 new IRS agents will go after the Middle Class because that's where the money is! Wealthy people have tax specialists to hide their capital from the government. So who do you think all of those IRS agents are going to end up auditing? That's right...they'll be coming for us!
If you have been using an on-line tax preparing website you had better gather up your returns and let a certified tax accountant look it all over fast....

if you have never listened to what I've said listen to this advice!....

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