Why did Donald Trump lie to his supporters at the insurrection pep rally?

So you can't prove it. Just another lie I guess.

It merely supplanted trillions that were missing due to the shutdowns. It kept us above water. But now, before we had a chance to recover and get back on our feet, Joe has pushed us off the cliff with his mad lust for spending to attract votes. Remember: EVERYTHING democrats say and do is only about getting votes.
Trillions didn’t go missing from our money supply, it just wasn’t circulating. Injecting trillions adds to the money supply so once the circulation starts again you have a greater abundance of currency and inflation is a result.
And you had just called it "failed leftwing economic policy that doesn't work."

Yep. Time and place are everything. Trump made it work. Joe can't. Joe's an utter failure. Trump has been a leader all his life. Joe has never been anything but a follower.

Now go shine that knob of yours.
Ah yes, the pretend it didn't happen explanation.

You know what's really sad about these people? They're not convincing the history books. And they know they're not. A hundred years from now school books will look back to the January insurrection with disdain, and the people will remember everyone who defended it with contempt. Here, in the present, those who defend the insurrection know the truth. But they do it anyway because they would rather be wrong than admit they were wrong.

Notice you didn't address his post at all maybe you can't because you made it up?
Trillions were lost in lost revenue from businesses closed and people not working. Wealth is GENERATED, not circulated, Ace.

No charge though for that economic fact.
Wealth?! Why are you all of a sudden talking about wealth? We are talking about currency and the value of that currency. When you add more to the supply it gets devalued and causes inflation. How do you not know this basic principle?
How do you not know this basic principle?
Who said I don't? Another lie of yours again. But I also know that when people are forced outta work due to shutdowns, lockouts, governor-mandated orders or for just failing to get a flu shot that YOU CAN'T CASH OR LIVE ON someone else's floating currency.

How the fuck did you miss that basic principle, Ace?
You know, I can't decide if he was actually hoping for overt violence all along, or if he just suddenly became drunk on his own testosterone when he saw it on TV. But I think it had suddenly occured to him that his life long dream to be a dictator and claim a crown for himself might actually be at hand. I kind of imagine him sitting there like a 13 year old who got a hold of porn for the first time, muttering to himself "They really to love me."

It's the mindset of a successful businessman. None of them like to lose anything. That's how they became successful in the first place.

Trump never wanted any violence. That's why he offered to have the National Guard there. But Trump loved being President. He not only did the job for free, but lost a billion dollars of net worth to do the job. He was good at it, he knew it, and he also knew that without this mail-in voting BS, he would have been easily reelected for a second term. He was pissed and flew off the handle.
Both trumps spending and Bidens spending contributed to the same thing. Inflation. Just because your partisan blinders make you think all Trumps moves were needed while all of Bidens weren’t, that’s doesn’t make those statements true

Under Trump inflation stayed at it's normal 2% range his entire term. It's much more than spending. Dementia created an environment where people lost interest to work. Industry had to compete with government to attract workers so wages were raised dramatically. All businesses pass their costs onto us, the consumer. Add in the never ending price increases of fuel, and you have all the makings for out of control inflation.
Because Trump is a liar.

Because Trump is dishonest.

Because Trump is a grifter.

Because Trump has contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the American people.

But you knew that already.
Oh no, now Clayton is up from his nap and all upset cuz theres no formula again. Stormy got him all upset.
As the hearings have shown, Trump knew he lost. He knew the election was not rigged. He was told by everyone around him. He willfully ignored them and decided to pursue illegal means to win, and he brought in batshit crazy people to help him do it.

He wanted Pence to overthrow the election illegally. That has fuck-all to do with Gore or Clinton or Kerry.

Trump got his recounts. Several. And they ALL told him he lost. Again and again and again. Over and over and over.

So then Trump decided to go with a coup and have Pence illegally throw out the CERTIFIED results.


Those are all legal actions, not overthrowing an election.
Lefties went ape just because Donald couldn't magically pull a Covid cure out of his ass! They say that's what got Donnie voted out! Can you imagine if he had wrecked the economy, left 30 billion in weapons to a terror organization pulling out of Afghan completely botching it, been more concerned for his time than dead soldiers, dragged us into a war that don't even concern us, been laughed at and ignored by leaders the world over, sent us into a recession, hyper inflation, shit himself in front of the Pope, farted loudly in an ambassador's face, had three work days a week from 11AM to 2PM, had to read cards to answer questions, get permission from his mom, can't talk for shit, made $5.00 gasoline and babies starving from empty shelves, sent the FBI to harass moms, invited millions of undocumented illegals across a wide open border, and a hundred other dreadful, incompetent, horrid, seditious things???

If a non-existent cure to Covid got Donnie kicked out, then what Biden has done ought to be good for impeachment, eviction, criminal prosecution, then being drawn and quartered and FED TO HOGS.
If Trump had done even 20% as much damage Biden has Dems would be demanding his resignation and the fake news would be ripping him 24/7.
Who said I don't? Another lie of yours again. But I also know that when people are forced outta work due to shutdowns, lockouts, governor-mandated orders or for just failing to get a flu shot that YOU CAN'T CASH OR LIVE ON someone else's floating currency.

How the fuck did you miss that basic principle, Ace?
I didn’t miss that principle bucko. I’ve been saying that all along. You said that the trillions supplanted trillions that were lost due to shut downs. But the money wasn’t lost, just the flow of it. By injecting trillions into the money supply it was a direct cause of inflation. Both Trump and Biden were responsible for it
Under Trump inflation stayed at it's normal 2% range his entire term. It's much more than spending. Dementia created an environment where people lost interest to work. Industry had to compete with government to attract workers so wages were raised dramatically. All businesses pass their costs onto us, the consumer. Add in the never ending price increases of fuel, and you have all the makings for out of control inflation.
Trumps spending wasn't realized as inflation until the economy started flowing again. These things don’t happen over night. You don’t inject trillions into an economy and not expect inflation… unless you’re an idiot
Trumps spending wasn't realized as inflation until the economy started flowing again. These things don’t happen over night. You don’t inject trillions into an economy and not expect inflation… unless you’re an idiot
We had been waiting for inflation to kick in since QE started in 2009. Money poured into the economy like a freakin' dam had burst. Of course, the former guy and his rubes were bragging about an economy that had been massively stimulated by several trillion Fed dollars.

The former guy even begged the Fed to add even MORE stimulus and to lower interest rates even MORE. What finally brought on the inflation? The broken global supply chains that virtually no one saw coming, just as demand popped. Inflation began exploding in April 2020.

They know none of this, even though this is not information that is exactly hiding from them. They are willfully, arrogantly ignorant.
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I challenge you to directly quote the alleged lie and provide a logical rational reasoned argument that proves it is a lie.

If you cannot do that, and you cowardly run away from that challenge with your slimy tail between your legs, then obviously you are simply an easily brainwashed by fake news TDS afflicted moron.
Trump hss been lying about a "stolen election" from the day he realized he got his ass beat.

He's a whiny lttle shitbag not man enough to admit he lost.
Hell, he was whining during the campaign.

He whined that the Emmys were rigged when he didn't win.
Actually, The Former Guy back in 2016 hinted at the election, if he lost was rigged.

The bastard has been planning this in his demented head for years.

Trump is one evil fucker.

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