Why did Donald Trump lie to his supporters at the insurrection pep rally?

You’re right we did need it. We needed to avoid a depression and massive unemployment.
That was easy. Stop shutting down every business and job! Bravo, Donald!

But don’t be a fool and assume that just because we needed it that it didn’t have the negative effects that massive spending and a shut down has on an economy
If spending money we NEEDED to spend to avert a depression caused inflation, is it any wonder the shape we are in now after Joe blowing trillions we DIDN'T need to spend?

More pie-eyed democrats: I remember when running Joe promised free college, forgiven student loans and free solar panels for everyone on every roof!

So far, I haven't see a single bridge repaired. So much for Joe's infrastructure plan.
everybody knows except for any sort of law enforcement or judicial entity where claims like this get proven and people held accountable.
That's a lie. Everyone DOESN'T know and courtrooms are where laws are adjudicated as written, not where anything is proven other than to meet or satisfy legal requirements assuming the judge isn't a dick biased against you! And few if any laws are written to decipher THE TRUTH much less be a crucible of FACTS.
That was easy. Stop shutting down every business and job! Bravo, Donald!

If spending money we NEEDED to spend to avert a depression caused inflation, is it any wonder the shape we are in now after Joe blowing trillions we DIDN'T need to spend?

More pie-eyed democrats: I remember when running Joe promised free college, forgiven student loans and free solar panels for everyone on every roof!

So far, I haven't see a single bridge repaired. So much for Joe's infrastructure plan.
Both trumps spending and Bidens spending contributed to the same thing. Inflation. Just because your partisan blinders make you think all Trumps moves were needed while all of Bidens weren’t, that’s doesn’t make those statements true
Agreed. I guess he thought that they were his last chance.

What do you think he was thinking at 2:24pm, when knowing that it had become violent, he once again tweeted inflammatory things about Pence? Do you think he was consciously wanting them to escalate the attack, pouring gas on a fire?

You know, I can't decide if he was actually hoping for overt violence all along, or if he just suddenly became drunk on his own testosterone when he saw it on TV. But I think it had suddenly occured to him that his life long dream to be a dictator and claim a crown for himself might actually be at hand. I kind of imagine him sitting there like a 13 year old who got a hold of porn for the first time, muttering to himself "They really to love me."
That's a lie. Everyone DOESN'T know and courtrooms are where laws are adjudicated as written, not where anything is proven other than to meet or satisfy legal requirements assuming the judge isn't a dick biased against you! And few if any laws are written to decipher THE TRUTH much less be a crucible of FACTS.
Idiot. I was repeating another posters claim that “everybody knows”… that wasn’t a claim I was making. Read slower. And courts are a place for evidence to be presented and adjudicated. You all are claiming a rigged and stolen election. That means crimes. Yet no evidence of crimes can be presented in court, even to judges appointed by Trump. So all you have is skewed conspiracy theories that right wing media propagandists push and a retarded movie made by a pardoned Trumpster. It’s just comical
You know, I can't decide if he was actually hoping for overt violence all along, or if he just suddenly became drunk on his own testosterone when he saw it on TV. But I think it had suddenly occured to him that his life long dream to be a dictator and claim a crown for himself might actually be at hand. I kind of imagine him sitting there like a 13 year old who got a hold of porn for the first time, muttering to himself "They really to love me."
Yeah, wow. So you mix his desperate need to be loved with the adrenaline of the moment. I can see that.
You know, I can't decide if he was actually hoping for overt violence all along, or if he just suddenly became drunk on his own testosterone when he saw it on TV. But I think it had suddenly occured to him that his life long dream to be a dictator and claim a crown for himself might actually be at hand. I kind of imagine him sitting there like a 13 year old who got a hold of porn for the first time, muttering to himself "They really to love me."
Wavy flags and baby carriages. The violence was furnished by you Dims.
More hate, insults and trolling. Shame on you.
At least you got out of answering my question that you’ve been dodging since last night. Call me a liar then completely hide from backing it up. You troll I will call you a troll. You make idiotic statements I will call you an idiot. If you take issue with anything I say, I will back it up… unlike yourself. Take notes
On the morning of January 6th Donald was calling Pence a wimp and a vaggy. Later that afternoon Donald was telling the prep rally that Pence was a great guy. Why was Donald lying?

Also, Donald clearly and unquestionably knew that the Vice President wasn't going to do what Donald wanted him to do, so why did Donald pretend that it might happen?

Was Donald performing? Was he saying the publicly acceptable thing? Or was he really and actually hoping the mob would put pressure on Mike Pence?

Donald Trump called Mike Pence 'the P-word', 'wimp' in 'heated' January 6 call
Why does any politician lie to their supporters? Because its what they want to hear.
What a stupid thread.
Prove it?!?!
So you can't prove it. Just another lie I guess.

You need me to prove how injecting trillions of dollars into an economy causes inflation.
It merely supplanted trillions that were missing due to the shutdowns. It kept us above water. But now, before we had a chance to recover and get back on our feet, Joe has pushed us off the cliff with his mad lust for spending to attract votes. Remember: EVERYTHING democrats say and do is only about getting votes.
You talking about Quantum Efficiency? Quantum Electrodynamics? Or Quantitative Easing?

The first two are real, but the third is just another failed leftwing economic theory that doesn't work.
Then why did Trump beg for even MORE?

And why did Trump say nothing when the NY Fed poured in an EXTRA $2 TRILLION to unfreeze his short term credit markets?

Oh, that's right. THAT'S DIFFERENT.


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