Why did Feinstein sit on the Kavanaugh letter?

If I were Kavanaugh, I'd tell McConnell if the vote isn't this week as scheduled, I'm withdrawing my name and going on a 50 state book tour to regain my reputation.
Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
"motherjones" isn't much of a reference at this point.
if he was "black out drunk" then you don't remember anything. in their rush to paint him in the worst way possible, they forget that if you're that drunk you're not going to remember a thing now are you? so how can he remember what happened 30 years ago as a blackout drunk high school student? if even true.

He called himself a black out drunk clown-nuts

On Friday, Judge told the Weekly Standard that no such incident took place. “It’s just absolutely nuts,” he said. “I never saw Brett act that way.”

But the school Judge has described in his books is a very different sort of place. In his 2005 book, God and Man at Georgetown Prep, which is now out of print, Judge apparently paints the school as overrun with gay priests who promote a form of liberalism that wrecks Catholic education. He also describes an institution where alcoholism was rampant, a theme he detailed in his 1997 addiction memoir, Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk.

The amount of drinking Judge describes himself undertaking might suggest that his memory of those days may not be entirely reliable.

Kavanaugh seems to make a cameo. Consider this passage:

“Do you know Bart O’Kavanaugh
Yes, he’s around here somewhere
I heard he puked in someone’s car the other night.
Yeah, he passed out on his way back from a party.”
You can buy the book here, assuming you're interested in a POS with two star reviews.
Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk by Mark Gauvreau Judge
Time to go.....

You losers on the left play the part better and better each day.

He'll be confirmed and she'll go away.......like she should.

Senate looking better for the GOP (where I am spending my time) each day.

When Ruth finally finishes the process of croacking......

Your left wing loser lives are really going to suck.
There is a reason western legal systems provide a statute of limitations. These third world red guards aren’t the same as us.
The statutes are there because (1) it is impossible to mount a defense from a decades old event (where were you aug 16 1996 at 4pm?) and (2) without a statute of limitations it is possible for the government to hold something over your head forever. As we see here.

But Democrats do not embrace our culture and traditions of freedom. They prefer third world systems and their supporters have educations at a third world level.
What a horrible, ugly time in this country's history.

And worse, there is no bottom to this in sight.
----------------------------------------------- yeah , no bottom is sight , i think that the USA is going to heck but that may be the plan .
Time to go.....

You losers on the left play the part better and better each day.

He'll be confirmed and she'll go away.......like she should.

Senate looking better for the GOP (where I am spending my time) each day.

When Ruth finally finishes the process of croacking......

Your left wing loser lives are really going to suck.

They suck already lol. And they have years more of saying “we got him now just you wait “

Plus they are ignorant of capitalism and missed out on huge gains while they whined.
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/----/ In case you missed it:
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

It was a dem. It was all good. Theyre hypocrites. It the Rs bow down to the dems on this, they can all get thrown out.

She'll be testifying. Collins, Corker, Heitkamp, Flake and others will insist on it prior to a vote.
Sorry, but for the ladies especially, not holding out on a vote prior to a hearing would be political suicide.

Its only up to McConnell to decide whether or not to have this broad testify before a vote.

Not up to any of the others.

BTW, they can still vote "no", if they like, even without this broad testifying. I don't have a problem with that.

McConnell is not on the committee. Try again.
The Rs will bow down like a wet paper bag to the dems.

Do you not understand that all it takes is ONE who holds out on a vote prior to a hearing that this woman is willing to give.
In this case, there are SEVERAL
Not a matter of paper bags, wet OR dry - It is political reality.

Yes, because they're weak R's that bow to the dems.

Ok check, so we'll take that to mean you believe Heitkamp, Collins and Murkowski could be reelected if they rammed through an attempted rapist who would in a heartbeat, vote to overturn Roe?

Get real
The woman didn’t want to go public with the accusation. And who can blame her. There is nothing ahead for her but attacks and abuse.
She changed her mind. She hoped he would be stopped some other way. When it didn’t happen, she went public.
The info keeps trickling in:

In the last weeks, her name (Ford) had been leaking from other sources. So Feinstein had no choice but to submit the letter to the FBI.
Ford then came forward to give her personal account of events instead of somebody else possibly warping it.

The timing is pathetic... as usual. Remember Comey coming back at the end of the campaign with the e-mail saga lol... that was fun ;)
Trump is still our President, so there is still hope.

I hope he considered this possibility- that the Liberals would pull a stunt like this- in advance and has a plan ready to execute.

President Trump is a very stable genius, this is more likely to turn out satisfactory than some pessimists might think
The one person the Fake Accuser cites as being a witness denies the incident took place.
----------------------------------------- i guess that that'd be Kavanaugh eh Boedicca ?? ---------------------- The woman brings 35 year old unprovable accusations and they should be disregarded . She should be pointed out and advertised as a poor citizen and role model for young people in public school and throughout USA Society .
Time to go.....

You losers on the left play the part better and better each day.
He'll be confirmed and she'll go away.......like she should.
Senate looking better for the GOP (where I am spending my time) each day.
When Ruth finally finishes the process of croacking......
Your left wing loser lives are really going to suck.

See ya .. Don't step on your tail! :D

There is a reason western legal systems provide a statute of limitations. These third world red guards aren’t the same as us.
The statutes are there because (1) it is impossible to mount a defense from a decades old event (where were you aug 16 1996 at 4pm?) and (2) without a statute of limitations it is possible for the government to hold something over your head forever. As we see here.

But Democrats do not embrace our culture and traditions of freedom. They prefer third world systems and their supporters have educations at a third world level.

On August 16, 1996, I was at work for AT&T in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a Friday and I was just getting back to work that week after burying my Dad. It was hot and it probably rained that afternoon. Why did you want to know? :D

You did an excellent job on that post!
Well why not take this approach, if they can't prove the allegations then vote him in. Then if they can later prove them impeach him.

You know, kinda like the Trump allegations.
Ok check, so we'll take that to mean you believe Heitkamp, Collins and Murkowski could be reelected if they rammed through an attempted rapist who would in a heartbeat, vote to overturn Roe?

Get real

Can they be reelected if they block Mr. Kavanaugh from being seated on the court, and it turns out this Palo Alto broad was lying?
Because Dr. Ford wasn't ready to go public.
yea, she had to clean up her profiles first. why is that?

also - do you believe 1 person over 65? if so, why?

those 65 women weren't in the room with her. AND she has documentation from 2012 thru medical records that it was discussed with her therapist

AND she took a polygraph test where the results said she was being truthful.
Her therapist said she said there were 4 people in on the attack.
Same thing with Roy Moores false accusers; as long as there is no downside to lying, they will continue lying
i feel sorry for us as a country. look what we're doing to each other with a "my side must be right, fuck them" attitude along the way? we've jaded ourselves close to a point of no return, if not there already.

Yes this is definitely a crisis. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Beyond partisanship, I think the 'checks and balances' of the Republic (free press and judiciary) will prevail even under heavy attack by the current White House.

Popping the pimple will take some time though lol
Because Dr. Ford wasn't ready to go public.
yea, she had to clean up her profiles first. why is that?

also - do you believe 1 person over 65? if so, why?

those 65 women weren't in the room with her. AND she has documentation from 2012 thru medical records that it was discussed with her therapist

AND she took a polygraph test where the results said she was being truthful.
Her therapist said she said there were 4 people in on the attack.

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