Why did Jesus say that His people would be "hated by all" (Mt [?] and Mk 1313)

So you're Presbyterian?
There is only "one church", "There is only One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called (how are you called? by the word of God), in One Hope of your calling (One hope......the church has its doctrine found in the Word of God, any source outside this Word is not a true church), One Lord, One Faith, One baptism (water baptism), One God and Father of all who is above all and through all, and in you all." -- Eph 4: 4-5

That ONE faith exists only in one place...........the word of God. Anyone that follows these instructions found in the word of God are members of the ONE CHURCH.

Look for the church whose name is above all.......the one church that declares themselves the church of Christ. If Christ is the head of the church how should His church be titled? Those who enter the Kingdom of God, with the Christ setting in rule at the right hand of the father simply identify themselves as Christians.... there is no denominational ties with this church, there is no central head quarters, these members have local leadership, with each congregation answering only to the elders and local leaders....being totally autonomous, Just as it's found in the New Testament.

What are the requirements of being appointed an elder, some might call them a deacon. bishop..etc., as you have these elder leaders then you have the minister/preacher who is also appointed based upon certain perquisites. A bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sobor, of good behavior, given to hospitality, and apt to teach/instruct (1 Tim. 3:2) The church elders? Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father, and younger men as brothers (1 Tim. 1:5)

The preacher/minister? (1 Tim. 3:1-7) much like a bishop....with one difference, Women are forbidden from holding the office of minister (1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Tim. 2:11-12)

With Christ being the head and ruler of this church..........what would you call it? :dunno:

I read and studied myself into accepting this Faith......based upon Reason and Logic when compared to the word of God. I attempted to prove to myself there was no Christian God, as I have native American blood in my veins (My Grandfather came directly off the reservation......in order to teach in an area that his ancestors had been removed). Sad to say that because of his race there were no teaching jobs made available to him with no reservations in the area and no one willing to take a native America on the local board.......he purchased a farm and the rest is history, he met and married a women of German heritage, my grandmother.........on my father's side of the family both were of European descent)....thus with my PAPS as I called him, where I spent a great deal of time on his farm growing up.......I was engulfed in native American heritage and I was very religious in a naturalistic type of worship

When I went into the service......and witnessed the REAL WORD, my religion grew.....I began reading from the Holy Scriptues.......and I would laugh at some of the content. I vowed that I would disprove this Book, I read and read, the more I read the more I studied, and the longer I went without being able to find actual evidence of any mistruth, I was slowing reading myself into the One True Chruch, the church found in the New Scriptures.......and thus I was baptized therein and conveyed into the kingdom. And I have been defending the truth from that point on. This faith has saved me from making some terrible decisions more than once......especially while I was in the military.

I WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR PRESENTING OR DEFENDING THE TRUTH. Because where truth exists.........freedom reigns supreme.
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There is only "one church", "There is only One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called (how are you called? by the word of God), in One Hope of your calling (One hope......the church has its doctrine found in the Word of God, any source outside this Word is not a true church), One Lord, One Faith, One baptism (water baptism), One God and Father of all who is above all and through all, and in you all." -- Eph 4: 4-5

Look for the church whose name is above all.......the one church that declares themselves the church of Christ. If Christ is the head of the church what should how should His church be titled. Those who enter the Kingdom of God, with the Christ setting in rule at the right hand of the father simply identify themselves as Christians.... there is no denominational ties with this church, there is no central head quarters, these members have local leadership, with each congregation answering only the elders and local leaders....being autonomous, Just as it's found in the New Testament.

With Christ being the head and ruler of this church..........what would call it? :dunno:

So you don't go to any church?
So you don't go to any church?
You don't Go to church (the church is with you always, as we exist within God, Acts 17)...........you become members of /citizens/kingdom/church. If you are speaking about assembling to break bread in remembrance of Christ Jesus, we break bread and have communion on the first day of the week as was done by the church found in scripture. (Acts 20:7)
You don't Go to church (the church is with you always, as we exist within God, Acts 17)...........you become members of /citizens/kingdom/church. If you are speaking about assembling to break bread in remem
brance of Christ Jesus, we break bread and have communion on the first day of the week as was done by the church found in scripture. (Acts 20:7)

Did you ever go to church? I'm wondering how you came under the Scofield influence.
Did you ever go to church? I'm wondering how you came under the Scofield influence.
Its not Scofield..........its called Sola Scriptura. And the church as its origins found only in the word of God.

FYI: I am a member of no denomination, I do not belong to any Lutheran or Protestant Group......I believe you are attempting to pigeon hole someone and define them as something they are not. I believe the "pigeon" that you are looking for is CAMPBELL. Just a little help........you would have allowed your fingers to surf until you found that pigeon anyway. For reference......Campbell did not establish this church either. Its easy to refute in scripture. Campbell simply went back to the source of all Christian Doctrine, the Holy Bible that was written centuries before the birth of Campbell.

This one true church as existed since Peter preached its first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2)
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Its not Scofield..........its called Sola Scriptura. And the church as its origins found only in the word of God.

FYI: I am a member of no denomination, I do not belong to any Lutheran or Protestant Group......I believe you are attempting to pigeon hole someone and define them as something they are not. I believe the "pigeon" that you are looking for is CAMPBELL. Just a little help........you would have allowed your fingers to surf until you found that pigeon anyway. For reference......Campbell did not establish this church either. Its easy to refute in scripture. Campbell simply went back to the source of all Christian Doctrine, the Holy Bible that was written centuries before the birth of Campbell.

This one true church as existed since Peter preached its first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2)

I don't know what Campbell means.

Do you use the KJV Scofield Reference Bible?
I don't know what Campbell means.

Do you use the KJV Scofield Reference Bible?

do those three years, christian bibles, cover all eternity ... howbout the formula for the fist physiological cell on planet Earth and its spiritual content.

- up to the 1st century excluding middleast jews - was there a guiding light for anything or anyone - else. that of course was real. like theirs. and baby jesus.
do those three years, christian bibles, cover all eternity ... howbout the formula for the fist physiological cell on planet Earth and its spiritual content.

- up to the 1st century excluding middleast jews - was there a guiding light for anything or anyone - else. that of course was real. like theirs. and baby jesus.
The Holy Scriptures have existed since the 1st century........if not they would not exist today. Do you comprehend the meaning of Sola Scriptura? The Christ promised the word of God would last until the end of the earth, the scriptures lives and endures (1 Peter 1:23) Thus far they remain unbroken as evidence by the fact that Christianity has consumed over 1/3 the worlds population in one form or another.

"but........the word of the Lord abideth forever." -- 1 Peter 1:24-25

Contrast the words of Homer with the Holy Scriptures.......Homer is accepted as being written by Homer even though there is not one complete copy of Homer's poetry dated before the 13th century. By way of contrast the Bible, through being of the most opposed works of literature in history is reflected in thousands of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and even today remains the world's best selling work of literature.

Christianity after the resurrection of Christ engulfed the Roman Empire, it spread like wildfire among those who had formally practiced paganism. After decades of this Christian influence upon the Empire......Rome decided that Christianity was a threat to the security of the Empire........a determined effect was undertaken by the Roman ruler Valerious Diocletian to eradicate the religion of Christ.

Diocletian occupied the Imperial Throne from 284-305 AD. He persecuted everyone that was considered to be worshiping the Christ. Then came Constantine who supposedly was converted to Christianity in 306 AD. He made the Empire complete again (not consisting of 2 different factions) when he defeated Maxentius 132 AD. The following year the Roman church was born and a legal decree came from the Empire that protected Christians throughout the Empire.

Then came the nephew of Constantine's rule. He attempted to go back to paganism and attempted to make war on the Holy Bible........the source of the Christian Doctrine (361 AD)

So you can see........copies of the Bible have been in existence (complete and bound together as one Book) since before the days of Constantine.......in the 200s ......the council of Nicaea did not take place until 326. You can see........these manuscripts at least have preexisted any Roman influence. There are 1000s of these manuscripts in Hebrew and Greek......before any Latin corruption which did not occur until the 8th century.

The CAMPBELL that you cannot find is Alexander Campbell.......who reformed the church to its original format of Doctrine, taking as doctrine only that which can be found to exist in the Holy Scriptures, "Quoted": "Where the scriptures speak, we speak, where the scriptures are silent we are silent."

Thus, Sola Scriptura. All doctrine comes from just one source, the Holy Scriptures. That's why we never apologize, we simply present scripture. As the Holy Bible has just the same right of self defense as would any.......to speak on its own behalf.
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The Holy Scriptures have existed since the 1st century........if not they would not exist today. Do you comprehend the meaning of Sola Scriptura? The Christ promised the word of God would last until the end of the earth, the scriptures lives and endures (1 Peter 1:23) Thus far they remain unbroken as evidence by the fact that Christianity has consumed over 1/3 the worlds population in one form or another.

"but........the word of the Lord abideth forever." -- 1 Peter 1:24-25

Contrast the words of Homer with the Holy Scriptures.......Homer is accepted as being written by Homer even though there is not one complete copy of Homer's poetry dated before the 13th century. By way of contrast the Bible, through being of the most opposed works of literature in history is reflected in thousands of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and even today remains the world best selling work of literature.

Christianity after the resurrection of Christ engulfed the Roman Empire, it spread like wildfire among those who had formally practiced paganism. After decades of this Christian influence upon the Empire......Rome decided that Christianity was a threat to the security of the Empire........a determined effect was undertaken by the Roman ruler Valerious Diocletian to eradicate the religion of Christ.

Diocletian occupied the Imperial Throne from 284-305 AD. He persecuted everyone that was considered to be worshiping the Christ. Then came Constantine who supposedly was converted to Christianity in 306 AD. He made the Empire complete again (not consisting of 2 different factions) when he defeated Maxentius 132 AD. The following year the Roman church was born and a legal decree came from the Empire that protected Christians throughout the Empire.

Then came the nephew of Constantine's rule. He attempted to go back to paganism and attempted to make war on the Holy Bible........the source of the Christian Doctrine (361 AD)

So you can see........copies of the Bible have been existence (complete and bound together as one Book) since the days of Constantine.......in the 200s ......the council of Nicaea did not take place until 326. You can see........these manuscripts at least have preexisted any Roman influence.

Christians were meeting and worshipping long before the Bible... Long before the first gospel was written.
Christians were meeting and worshipping long before the Bible... Long before the first gospel was written.
And? The letters (manuscripts) existed before they were formally canonized into to ONE BOOK format. This was the main source of communication during that time period. There are historical records of these manuscripts being copied and re--copied long before any council of Nicaea. In fact another source that confirms some of the text in the Bible would be the Dead Sea Scrollls which were dated scientifically around 150 BC. BC. Parts of the manuscripts from the scrolls confirm passages in such places like the Book of Daniel found in the Bible that exists today. In fact Jesus is quoted as using passages from these scrolls in Greek. A book called the Septuagint translation. Ex. 3:6 (Matthew 22:32), These texts were translated into the universal language of the day...........GREEK, Konie Greek.

The Roman Church corrupted the Bible when they begin forbidding the lay person from having access to the language found in the Bible....only the clergy was allowed to read the Bible in a dead language format. Latin. It was illegal for the common man to even to be in possession of the Holy Bible......they were often placed to death as enemies of the church.

That's how the crusades and the inquisitions came about. It was not about truth with the Roman Empire it was about power and wealth.......and what better way to control this power and wealth from the Vatican than to attempt spread the church though WAR and the spoils of war that were directly controlled by the church? Who had their marching orders from Rome.
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And? The letters (manuscripts) existed before they were formally canonized into to ONE BOOK format. This was the main source of communication during that time period. There are historical records of these manuscripts being copied and re--copied long before any council of Nicaea. In fact another source that confirms some of the text in the Bible would be the Dead Sea Scrollls which were dated scientifically around 150 BC. BC. Parts of the manuscripts from the scrolls confirm passages in such places like the Book of Daniel found in the Bible that exists today. In fact Jesus is quoted as using passages from these scrolls in Greek. A book called the Septuagint translation. Ex. 3:6 (Matthew 22:32), These texts were translated into the universal language of the day...........GREEK, Konie Greek.

The Roman Church corrupted the Bible when they begin forbidding the lay person from having access to the language found in the Bible....only the clergy was allowed to read the Bible in a dead language format. Latin. It was illegal for the common man to even to be in possession of the Holy Bible......they were often placed to death as enemies of the church.

That's how the crusades and the inquisitions came about. It was not about truth with the Roman Empire it was about power and wealth.......and what better way to control this power and wealth from the Vatican than to attempt spread the church though WAR and the spoils of war that were directly controlled by the church? Who had their marching orders from Rome.

- not one word written in the christian bible or any manuscripts is written by the hand of the 1st century itinerant the scriptures claim to represent.

seriously clyde - "This was the main source of communication during that time period" - really ... religion from the beginning of time to the present is passed primarily orally where the vast majority haven't a clue the written text of any documents. sadly, including all three desert religions for them to be taken as credible.

how is it with all their "documents" not one thought to capture their likeness in an etching or statue. as their not being forgeries than what truly were the events of the 1st century and the extent of that one individual's involvement.
- not one word written in the christian bible or any manuscripts is written by the hand of the 1st century itinerant the scriptures claim to represent.

seriously clyde - "This was the main source of communication during that time period" - really ... religion from the beginning of time to the present is passed primarily orally where the vast majority haven't a clue the written text of any documents. sadly, including all three desert religions for them to be taken as credible.

how is it with all their "documents" not one thought to capture their likeness in an etching or statue. as their not being forgeries than what truly were the events of the 1st century and the extent of that one individual's involvement.
Scribes were often used to write and copy manuscripts, much like a modern secretary. This does not take away from the context, content nor subject matter. "So shall My Word be that goes from My mouth: It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing in which I sent it." -- Isa. 55:11

As evidence to the truth of that passage; its contained in history. A religion that started with One Carpenters Son and 12 close friends now contains about 265 BILLION members. And that WORD that did not go out in vain? Is the best selling work of literature in the civilized world.

As pointed out these manuscripts went through a process of Comparative contextual Analysis in order to be canonized into Book Format, those that were deemed Original Manuscripts were bound........those that were obvious fakes, such as some of the Old Testament books like Enoch, and others, around 14 books were not included because they could not stand up to the comparative analysis. The Old Testament had already been subject to a canon by the Hebrews years before the New Testament Canon Processes that ranged over centuries in order to be complete in standing up to critical anaylsis.

As some in the secular world would have us accept as truth.....There was not a group of Romans sitting around drinking wine at several meetings, declaring this book stays, this one is trash because it does not fit our agenda.

Its historically evident that these manuscripts went through several analysis' from Jews to Christians to Romans, and the scriptures remained UNBROKEN as evidenced by the growth of the church.....like a wildfire. People seeking HOPE.........nothing more.

One of the first New Testament canons (sacred) comes from the 2nd century heretic "Marcion" (era 85-160AD. The early church leaders denounced him because of his obsession with Paul the Apostle who he deemed the only true Apostle of Christ.

Its a most difficult thing to claim these manuscripts did not exist before the 1st council of Nicaea when they were being canonized (nade sacred) centuries before. Marcion of Sinope - Wikipedia

As usual the leftist attempts to attack the messenger instead of dealing with the message that he/she can't refute. :popcorn:
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Depends on what is considered "hate". For a lot of American Evangelicals hate is when you don't bend your knees to them and let them lord over and dominate you.
Depends on what is considered "hate". For a lot of American Evangelicals hate is when you don't bend your knees to them and let them lord over and dominate you.
Sounds like you are in severe need of the Christ's teachings. You can taste the "bigotry" in that sentence. I agree, some of the TV evangelists are nothing but grifters looking to make a profit off widows and the poor who can least afford to waste what little they have on false hope. Avoid these grifters like the plague. There is one sure test that exposes them. If they say in their sermon, "God loves you...........but......send your donation to my address.........." yeah, we have a problem. Or they make a promise.........."if you donate 10 dollars God will return it 10 fold, who can't afford not to donate?" Its called the old Law of Prosperity grift, the only one making a return is the one that you give the money, when he takes it to the bank to draw interest)....give and it shall return to you 10fold. But the scriptures declare that you are to give to those in need with a willing heart. Meaning you expect nothing in return.

The next grift. "All you have do is pray with me and you will be saved........." Nothing mentioned about water baptism (its hard to baptize someone on TV so that requirement is omitted).........the scriptures declare, You must be Born of water and the spirit.
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Scribes were often used to write and copy manuscripts, much like a modern secretary. This does not take away from the context, content nor subject matter. "So shall My Word be that goes from My mouth: It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing in which I sent it." -- Isa. 55:11

As evidence to the truth of that passage; its contained in history. A religion that started with One Carpenters Son and 12 close friends now contains about 265 BILLION members. And that WORD that did not go out in vain? Is the best selling work of literature in the civilized world.

As pointed out these manuscripts went through a process of Comparative contextual Analysis in order to be canonized into Book Format, those that were deemed Original Manuscripts were bound........those that were obvious fakes, such as some of the Old Testament books like Enoch, and others, around 14 books were not included because they could not stand up to the comparative analysis. The Old Testament had already been subject to a canon by the Hebrews years before the New Testament Canon Processes that ranged over centuries in order to be complete in standing up to critical anaylsis.

As some in the secular world would have us accept as truth.....There was not a group of Romans sitting around drinking wine at several meetings, declaring this book stays, this one is trash because it does not fit our agenda.

Its historically evident that these manuscripts went through several analysis' from Jews to Christians to Romans, and the scriptures remained UNBROKEN as evidenced by the growth of the church.....like a wildfire. People seeking HOPE.........nothing more.

One of the first New Testament canons (sacred) comes from the 2nd century heretic "Marcion" (era 85-160AD. The early church leaders denounced him because of his obsession with Paul the Apostle who he deemed the only true Apostle of Christ.

Its a most difficult thing to claim these manuscripts did not exist before the 1st council of Nicaea when they were being canonized (nade sacred) centuries before. Marcion of Sinope - Wikipedia

As usual the leftist attempts to attack the messenger instead of dealing with the message that he/she can't refute. :popcorn:

"So shall My Word be that goes from My mouth: It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing in which I sent it." -- Isa. 55:11
as their not being forgeries than what truly were the events of the 1st century and the extent of that one individual's involvement.

As pointed out these manuscripts went through a process of Comparative contextual Analysis in order to be canonized into Book Format, those that were deemed Original Manuscripts were bound.......

there is no corroboration by the 1st century religious itinerant in any form for what is attributed to them by the 10000 page christian bible - most as a manufactured composite made 400 years after the event reflecting someone that never existed and used against who actually was crucified and willing to die for the liberation theology they believed in.
there is no corroboration by the 1st century religious itinerant in any form for what is attributed to them by the 10000 page christian bible - most as a manufactured composite made 400 years after the event reflecting someone that never existed and used against who actually was crucified and willing to die for the liberation theology they believed in.
Strange is it not that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a record of the Book of Daniel.......150BC a record that can be found in all modern Bibles that match the content, context and subject matter when a comparative analysis is conducted. The Bible even has Jesus referencing the text found in a Greek Translation...........from 150BC

As referenced from "The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts" -- Phillip Comfort and David Barrett important manuscripts that speak of the divinity of Jesus preexisted Constantine by hundreds of years.

Other sources that prove the existence of New Testament manuscripts speaking of the divine Nature of Jesus was recorded long before any council of Nicaea.

Ignatius (1973 reprint) "Espistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, "The anti Nicene Fathers", Irenaeus (1973) "Espistle Ignatius to the Romans", Ignatius (1973), Justin Martyr ( 1973) "The first apology of Justin", Lucian, (1905 reprint), "The death of Peregrine, "The works of Lucian Samosats, translated, H.W. Flower and F.G.Folwer, Pilny (1935 reprint), Letters...Translated William Melmoth,(Cambridge, Harvard, University Press.), Polycrap (1973 reprint), "The espitle of Polycrap to the Philippians" The Anit Nicene Fathers (published Grand Rapids, MI; Erdmans)

Reality: numerous copies of the various New Testament documents and quotations from those documents by early Christian writers (scribes) predate the time of Constantine 100-200 years. Constantine did not write or embellish passages such as John 1:1 ".....in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the word was God." Speaking of the divine nature of Jesus........as copies of this passage found in manuscripts are "designated" to the late 2nd and early 3rd century....Before any council of Nicaea.

Another passage found in a fragmented manuscript contain the passage of John 10:30, "I and My Father are One...", along with a passage that stated, "The Jews recognition that Jesus made Himself, not just a man, BUT GOD." John 10:33. this passage to the church at Philippi in which he affirms Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not think it robbery to be equal with God, existed long before Constantine's supposed "embellishment" of of the nature of Jesus. (Page 46)
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There is only "one church", "There is only One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called (how are you called? by the word of God), in One Hope of your calling (One hope......the church has its doctrine found in the Word of God, any source outside this Word is not a true church), One Lord, One Faith, One baptism (water baptism), One God and Father of all who is above all and through all, and in you all." -- Eph 4: 4-5

That ONE faith exists only in one place...........the word of God. Anyone that follows these instructions found in the word of God are members of the ONE CHURCH.
Jesus established ONE Church and that is the Catholic Church. It is a good thing to stick to the Words of the Bible, esp the NT

but that is not all Jesus wants for His Church on Earth.. If it were, then Jesus could be said to be totally OK with the 40,000 or more denominations there are in the world, all teaching different doctrines, beliefs, practices...

but God is not the author of confusion... He founded ONE Church... The Catholic Church is admittedly corrupt in some ways... but we have the Promise of Christ Himself

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" Mt 1618
And? The letters (manuscripts) existed before they were formally canonized into to ONE BOOK format. This was the main source of communication during that time period. There are historical records of these manuscripts being copied and re--copied long before any council of Nicaea. In fact another source that confirms some of the text in the Bible would be the Dead Sea Scrollls which were dated scientifically around 150 BC. BC. Parts of the manuscripts from the scrolls confirm passages in such places like the Book of Daniel found in the Bible that exists today. In fact Jesus is quoted as using passages from these scrolls in Greek. A book called the Septuagint translation. Ex. 3:6 (Matthew 22:32), These texts were translated into the universal language of the day...........GREEK, Konie Greek.

The Roman Church corrupted the Bible when they begin forbidding the lay person from having access to the language found in the Bible....only the clergy was allowed to read the Bible in a dead language format. Latin. It was illegal for the common man to even to be in possession of the Holy Bible......they were often placed to death as enemies of the church.

That's how the crusades and the inquisitions came about. It was not about truth with the Roman Empire it was about power and wealth.......and what better way to control this power and wealth from the Vatican than to attempt spread the church though WAR and the spoils of war that were directly controlled by the church? Who had their marching orders from Rome.

I was having a senior moment and gave you the wrong dates for the writing of the Book of Daniel ..It was written in 168 BC.

When Was the Bible Assembled? - Learn Religions

We can say with some certainty that the first widespread edition of the Bible was assembled by St. Jerome around A.D. 400. This manuscript included all 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament in the same language: Latin. This edition of the Bible is commonly referred to as The Vulgate. Jerome wasn't the first to select all 66 books we know today as the Bible. He was the first to translate and compile...
Jesus established ONE Church and that is the Catholic Church. It is a good thing to stick to the Words of the Bible, esp the NT

but that is not all Jesus wants for His Church on Earth.. If it were, then Jesus could be said to be totally OK with the 40,000 or more denominations there are in the world, all teaching different doctrines, beliefs, practices...

but God is not the author of confusion... He founded ONE Church... The Catholic Church is admittedly corrupt in some ways... but we have the Promise of Christ Himself

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" Mt 1618
Strange then that Catholicism was not created until 1054AD, centuries after Jesus gave the "keys to the kingdom/church" to Peter (Matt. 16: 13-19).

Just a little "documented history": The Catholic Church claims to have its beginnings when Jesus spoke to Peter In Matthew 16:18, But Jesus actually built His church on the truth that Peter stated when he was asked by Jesus who Peter thought He was.....Peter answered with the truth, THOU ART THE CHRIST; THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. (16:16). It was the truth presented by Peter that the church of Christ was built. Jesus is the Son of the living God, the Messiah of Prophecy.

Catholics claim that Peter is the ROCK........in reality, it was TRUTH that was the Rock on which the church was constructed. Not upon any one man....but upon Truth. Truth that church members are to be sanctified in (John 17:17) Jesus is the Christ, God incarnate.

Why would Jesus name His Church...........Roman Catholic? :dunno: Jesus is the one sitting on the Throne......not the Pope.

The church that Jesus built was established after Christs' resurrection about A.D. 30, on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem (Acts 2). Peter used the Keys to the Kingdom to demonstrate the prerequisites to enter the Kingdom/church with the first gospel sermon every preached in the church of Christ. To be born again one must be born of the Water and the Spirit. One is conveyed into the kingdom through water baptism. The kingdom and the church are synonymous as defined in scripture, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." -- Col. 1:13

After the church was created in A.D. 30, over the next few years several local churches were formed in the 1st century in cities all around the Roman Empire, including Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Colosse, Philippi and Thessalonica. These churches were New Testament churches, each independent and self-governing. They were not protestant or Catholic.

In the 2nd century changes began to be made in how churches were to be organized. Even though the Apostles of Christ were dead, some began claiming they were themselves successors to the apostles. Finally, a man by the name of Boniface claimed to be a UNIVERSAL BISHOP in 608 A.D. The Latin word "papa" or pope was used to refer to the one man who would rule over all the churches on earth.

A big split in A.D 1054. The eastern churches became known as Greek Orthodox, while the western churches became what is now known as the Roman Catholic Church.

Again: Why would Christ name his church........anything other than the church of Christ, as He is One Son spoken of in scriptures and His church is the One Faith, His Father is the One Father.......and the One Baptism is the one Water Baptism.
Strange then that Catholicism was not created until 1054AD, centuries after Jesus gave the "keys to the kingdom/church" to Peter (Matt. 16: 13-19).

Just a little "documented history": The Catholic Church claims to have its beginnings when Jesus spoke to Peter In Matthew 16:18, But Jesus actually built His church on the truth that Peter stated when he was asked by Jesus who Peter thought He was.....Peter answered with the truth, THOU ART THE CHRIST; THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. (16:16). It was the truth presented by Peter that the church of Christ was built. Jesus is the Son of the living God, the Messiah of Prophecy.

Catholics claim that Peter is the ROCK........in reality, it was TRUTH that was the Rock on which the church was constructed. Not upon any one man....but upon Truth. Truth that church members are to be sanctified in (John 17:17) Jesus is the Christ, God incarnate.

Why would Jesus name His Church...........Roman Catholic? :dunno: Jesus is the one sitting on the Throne......not the Pope.

The church that Jesus built was established after Christs' resurrection about A.D. 30, on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem (Acts 2). Peter used the Keys to the Kingdom to demonstrate the prerequisites to enter the Kingdom/church with the first gospel sermon every preached in the church of Christ. To be born again one must be born of the Water and the Spirit. One is conveyed into the kingdom through water baptism. The kingdom and the church are synonymous as defined in scripture, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." -- Col. 1:13

After the church was created in A.D. 30, over the next few years several local churches were formed in the 1st century in cities all around the Roman Empire, including Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Colosse, Philippi and Thessalonica. These churches were New Testament churches, each independent and self-governing. They were not protestant or Catholic.

In the 2nd century changes began to be made in how churches were to be organized. Even though the Apostles of Christ were dead, some began claiming they were themselves successors to the apostles. Finally, a man by the name of Boniface claimed to be a UNIVERSAL BISHOP in 608 A.D. The Latin word "papa" or pope was used to refer to the one man who would rule over all the churches on earth.

A big split in A.D 1054. The eastern churches became known as Greek Orthodox, while the western churches became what is now known as the Roman Catholic Church.

Again: Why would Christ name his church........anything other than the church of Christ, as He is One Son spoken of in scriptures and His church is the One Faith, His Father is the One Father.......and the One Baptism is the one Water Baptism.

Jesus didn't name his church. Jesus was a Jew.

Have you been to Petra?

The name Peter (Gk., Petros) means “rock” or “rock-man.” In the next phrase Christ used petra (upon this rock), a feminine form for “rock,” not a name. Christ used a play on words.

Catholic tradition considers that the Catholic Church is a continuation of the early Christian community established by the Disciples of Jesus long before there was a Bible.

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