Why did Jesus say that His people would be "hated by all" (Mt [?] and Mk 1313)

I was having a senior moment and gave you the wrong dates for the writing of the Book of Daniel ..It was written in 168 BC.

When Was the Bible Assembled? - Learn Religions

We can say with some certainty that the first widespread edition of the Bible was assembled by St. Jerome around A.D. 400. This manuscript included all 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament in the same language: Latin. This edition of the Bible is commonly referred to as The Vulgate. Jerome wasn't the first to select all 66 books we know today as the Bible. He was the first to translate and compile...
Strange that the dead sea scrolls contained parts of the Book of Daniel with some of the scrolls dated at 300 BCE, that predates the Roman calendar.
Strange is it not that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a record of the Book of Daniel.......150BC a record that can be found in all modern Bibles that match the content, context and subject matter when a comparative analysis is conducted. The Bible even has Jesus referencing the text found in a Greek Translation...........from 150BC

As referenced from "The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts" -- Phillip Comfort and David Barrett important manuscripts that speak of the divinity of Jesus preexisted Constantine by hundreds of years.

Other sources that prove the existence of New Testament manuscripts speaking of the divine Nature of Jesus was recorded long before any council of Nicaea.

Ignatius (1973 reprint) "Espistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, "The anti Nicene Fathers", Irenaeus (1973) "Espistle Ignatius to the Romans", Ignatius (1973), Justin Martyr ( 1973) "The first apology of Justin", Lucian, (1905 reprint), "The death of Peregrine, "The works of Lucian Samosats, translated, H.W. Flower and F.G.Folwer, Pilny (1935 reprint), Letters...Translated William Melmoth,(Cambridge, Harvard, University Press.), Polycrap (1973 reprint), "The espitle of Polycrap to the Philippians" The Anit Nicene Fathers (published Grand Rapids, MI; Erdmans)

Reality: numerous copies of the various New Testament documents and quotations from those documents by early Christian writers (scribes) predate the time of Constantine 100-200 years. Constantine did not write or embellish passages such as John 1:1 ".....in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the word was God." Speaking of the divine nature of Jesus........as copies of this passage found in manuscripts are "designated" to the late 2nd and early 3rd century....Before any council of Nicaea.

Another passage found in a fragmented manuscript contain the passage of John 10:30, "I and My Father are One...", along with a passage that stated, "The Jews recognition that Jesus made Himself, not just a man, BUT GOD." John 10:33. this passage to the church at Philippi in which he affirms Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not think it robbery to be equal with God, existed long before Constantine's supposed "embellishment" of of the nature of Jesus. (Page 46)

as their not being forgeries than what truly were the events of the 1st century and the extent of that one individual's involvement.
there is no corroboration by the 1st century religious itinerant in any form for what is attributed to them by the 10000 page christian bible
The Bible even has Jesus referencing the text found in a Greek Translation...........from 150BC

of everything you have pointed out, not one word was written by the 1st century religious itinerant -

the bible's "referencing" is near more exact for the 1st century itinerant than a present day - live, recorded interview w/ video ... only the most sincere propagandist could truly appreciate - and, one would think, a normal person with an ounce of sensibility. the forgeries and fallacies of the christian bible.

sadly left out - the liberation theology the itinerant willingly gave their life for. self determination, the spoken and prescribed religion of antiquity - admission to the Everlasting.
We are all a bunch of wretched, miserable sinners. Anyone who tells us the truth, we hate. The fact that we know we are being told the truth is what hurts us. It seems that being drenched in the blood of Christ is the only solution.
of everything you have pointed out, not one word was written by the 1st century religious itinerant -

the bible's "referencing" is near more exact for the 1st century itinerant than a present day - live, recorded interview w/ video ... only the most sincere propagandist could truly appreciate - and, one would think, a normal person with an ounce of sensibility. the forgeries and fallacies of the christian bible.

sadly left out - the liberation theology the itinerant willingly gave their life for. self determination, the spoken and prescribed religion of antiquity - admission to the Everlasting.
Yeah.........you debunked the heck out these famous historical people with just a little ad hominem subjectivity. :abgg2q.jpg: The evidence that the scriptures are unbroken is the FACT that the scriptures are the world's best selling literature and have converted over 1/3 the world's population. In fact about 93% of the world's population realize there is a creator in one form or another, while about 7% like you believe in NOTHING. Thus the score. God 93 Your guild 7 I can understand the panic and the grasping at straws in making accusations void of any type of evidence.

Why can't you produce evidence, except that which comes from inside the head of other atheists? Its a difficult position, hoping to prove a negative. Attempting to disprove the existence of God is like attempting to disprove wind. Its a hopeless cause for you hopeless individuals. You can surf the web and pretend to be smart....smarter than God.....but as evidenced all you can produce is subjective ad hominem rhetoric.

Its almost food stamp day.
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Yeah.........you debunked the heck out these famous historical people with just a little ad hominem subjectivity. :abgg2q.jpg: The evidence that the scriptures are unbroken is the FACT that the scriptures are the world's best selling literature and have converted over 1/3 the world's population. In fact about 93% of the world's population realize there is a creator in one form or another, while about 7% like you believe in NOTHING. Thus the score. God 93 Your guild 7 I can understand the panic and the grasping at straws in making accusations void of any type of evidence.

Why can't you produce evidence, except that which comes from inside the head of other atheists? Its a difficult position, hoping to prove a negative. Attempting to disprove the existence of God is like attempting to disprove wind. Its a hopeless cause for you hopeless individuals. You can surf the web and pretend to be smart....smarter than God.....but as evidenced all you can produce is subjective ad hominem rhetoric.

Its almost food stamp day.
of everything you have pointed out, not one word was written by the 1st century religious itinerant -

what famous people ... there are no original copies for any of the earlier text or timely accounts of what you claim is the 1st century - christian "religion" - the desert scrolls are copies of originals that somehow were not (preserved).

with all the photo realistic conversations presented in the c bible why is there no likeness of the itinerant claimed by that book to be the creator of the universe - because that claim and most all else presented in that book is contrived forgeries and fallacies to suit the state religion of the roman empire and is the opposite for why the person that was crucified willingly gave their life - the religion of antiquity, liberation theology and self determination.
In so much of human history after the first century, Christianity and Christians have enjoyed much reverence and appreciation in the world. Not hated at all.
Not true. What YOU believe to be the church, issued an edict at that time to PUNISH those (christians) caught "Judaizing on the Sabbath"

There was/is Satan's COUNTERFEIT church and it has ALWAYS persecuted Christ's Little Flock. It still does to this day

Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.
what famous people ... there are no original copies for any of the earlier text or timely accounts of what you claim is the 1st century - christian "religion" - the desert scrolls are copies of originals that somehow were not (preserved).

with all the photo realistic conversations presented in the c bible why is there no likeness of the itinerant claimed by that book to be the creator of the universe - because that claim and most all else presented in that book is contrived forgeries and fallacies to suit the state religion of the roman empire and is the opposite for why the person that was crucified willingly gave their life - the religion of antiquity, liberation theology and self determination.
You can present all the ad hominem subjective "opinions" you wish.........but history and reality have validated the fact that Christianity has grown to a point that almost 3 billion people have accepted the content of the Holy Scriptures as truth, to the point the Bible is the best selling work of literature in the world. Why? Because its sources can be documented as far back as the Dead Sea Scrolls around 300 BCE.

There's an old secular method that attempts to deal with the fact they can't refute the SUBJECT MATTER........you attack the messenger or even the grammatical method by which the subject matter is delivered. In the end.......all you have is personal opinion. Much like the THEORY (found only between the ears) of evolution that cannot find the empirical evidence required of a Physical Law. :popcorn:

CIRCULAR REASONING: A logical fallacy in which a person attempts to prove something using circular logic, using the "conclusion" as evidence that their argument is true. In a child's language. "Its true cause I SAY SO................."
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OK, I know what I think about it.. now I would like to have the thoughts of others..

esp: Do they feel hated much when standing up for Christ's ways/words?
Few even listen to Jesus. This world hates the truth he brought. They as well reject this worlds ways. That is why they are hated. That is less than 1% on earth who do listen to Jesus. Very sad.
Several religious recognize Jesus as a prophet rather than as a messiah.

Could it be they're right?

After all, he did foretell the growth of Communistic Liberalism in America. A country that didn't even exist when he spoke.

As to teachings, I like the one that is most often misquoted:

Do Unto Others BEFORE the bastards Do Unto You!

By the way: Be wary of any ancient document whose author started with a date like: April 3, 200 B.C.
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Strange that the dead sea scrolls contained parts of the Book of Daniel with some of the scrolls dated at 300 BCE, that predates the Roman calendar.

Antiochus was Greek and most of the Dead Sea scrolls were from about 200-150 BC.

Antiochus IV was a Seleucid king of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom who reigned from 175 to 164 BC. You can't understand Daniel if you don't know about Antiochus.
Antiochus was Greek and most of the Dead Sea scrolls were from about 200-150 BC.

Antiochus IV was a Seleucid king of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom who reigned from 175 to 164 BC. You can't understand Daniel if you don't know about Antiochus.
Yeah.......as stated, 300 BC (E).....which is dated up to the advent of the Roman Calendar.

Why can't you understand the Book of Daniel when its translated from the original Hebrew, into Greek, into English......especially when Jesus used the Greek Translation to reference the Book of Daniel? Are you suggesting that God in the flesh cannot understand a book of His Holy Scriptures void of some other source directing Him? :dunno:

God did not reveal the Holy Scriptures that require some "special" education in order to comprehend the message being delivered. The Bible is to be used as THE one and only source of righteous doctrine. It does not take a special education or EXTRA sources to understand the word of God.

Its simple. One of the characteristics of God is the fact that God is Rational. The God of creation is inherently Logical, Rational and Reasonable. He is the God of Truth. He created humans in His own image (in a spirital fashion...i.e.., the human mind), which includes the capacity to function rationally. When God communicates with man this feature is presupposed. The Bible is in human language, and it is written in such a way that it assumes that its intended meanings may be understood correctly.

Within the Bible itself, beginning with the Old Testament, are found the "hermeneutical" principles (dating back to 360 BCE) by which the reader may understand the intended meanings.

These are not new principles recently developed by modern man and unable to be known and utilized by ancient man. Rather they are embedded in the Old Testament Scriptures thousands of years ago for all who willing to dig deeply enough into God's word to understand them.

Have you not read in the scriptures, ".......the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of the Law." -- Deut. 29:29

If you have to go to sources external to the Holy Bible..........you are serving the wrong god.
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You can present all the ad hominem subjective "opinions" you wish.........but history and reality have validated the fact that Christianity has grown to a point that almost 3 billion people have accepted the content of the Holy Scriptures as truth, to the point the Bible is the best selling work of literature in the world. Why? Because its sources can be documented as far back as the Dead Sea Scrolls around 300 BCE.

There's an old secular method that attempts to deal with the fact they can't refute the SUBJECT MATTER........you attack the messenger or even the grammatical method by which the subject matter is delivered. In the end.......all you have is personal opinion. Much like the THEORY (found only between the ears) of evolution that cannot find the empirical evidence required of a Physical Law. :popcorn:

CIRCULAR REASONING: A logical fallacy in which a person attempts to prove something using circular logic, using the "conclusion" as evidence that their argument is true. In a child's language. "Its true cause I SAY SO................."

nothing subjective -

of everything you have pointed out, not one word was written by the 1st century religious itinerant -
what famous people ... there are no original copies for any of the earlier text or timely accounts of what you claim is the 1st century - christian "religion" - the desert scrolls are copies of originals that somehow were not (preserved).

in reference to your extended posts.

your own book implies the more narrow, least traveled path being more difficult may lead to the greatest benifits - so much for your christian multitudes,
OK, I know what I think about it.. now I would like to have the thoughts of others..

esp: Do they feel hated much when standing up for Christ's ways/words?
Cone on man. The whole thing is a con job. You can't take that crap seriously, surely.
We are all a bunch of wretched, miserable sinners. Anyone who tells us the truth, we hate. The fact that we know we are being told the truth is what hurts us. It seems that being drenched in the blood of Christ is the only solution.
hmmm... interesting. You are the only one I have seen mention this kind of thing...

Most people have too much pride to admit they are ... "wretched.. sinners"

it seems most people just want to let everyone think they are just great... just as they are.e.. Nobody buys it but they keep doing it anyway...
Quite true. Jesus didn't tell you or me that the world would hate us. He told his disciples that.
oh... we are not his disciples..

ok, whatever..

I guess me being hated is just on me... I am simply hated because I don't look or act like... one of the elites of society... a movie star... a popular politician...

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