Why didn't Comey also say Trump was under FBI investigation before election?

if a student stole the answers to an upcoming exam and used them to cheat, and also shared them with a fellow classmate to use...

Is the fellow classmate also guilty of cheating, even though he did not do the actual theft of the answers?

That only works if Trump received information DIRECTLY from Russia. In the heat of the election race, candidates often use whatever they can to slander or diminish their opponent. A clear case of that is in 2008 the way Obama talked Hillary down.
Hillary's campaign started the birther issue. If Trumps campaign grabbed on to information floating around, it doesn't matter if it was leaked by the Russians, Trump wouldn't be responsible for that because the source of whatever leaks would not be clear at that time. It's time to get over it , Hillary lost because of her poor campaigning, if the Russians leaked true information about Hillary's deceptions, she's the one who needs to live with that.
Instead, we have the entire Democrat party interfering in the function of the US government.
if a student stole the answers to an upcoming exam and used them to cheat, and also shared them with a fellow classmate to use...

Is the fellow classmate also guilty of cheating, even though he did not do the actual theft of the answers?

That only works if Trump received information DIRECTLY from Russia. In the heat of the election race, candidates often use whatever they can to slander or diminish their opponent. A clear case of that is in 2008 the way Obama talked Hillary down.
Hillary's campaign started the birther issue. If Trumps campaign grabbed on to information floating around, it doesn't matter if it was leaked by the Russians, Trump wouldn't be responsible for that because the source of whatever leaks would not be clear at that time. It's time to get over it , Hillary lost because of her poor campaigning, if the Russians leaked true information about Hillary's deceptions, she's the one who needs to live with that.
Instead, we have the entire Democrat party interfering in the function of the US government.
Alot of what you say is true yarddog, campaigns and politics is scummy...

I disagree that it was not clear early on that it was the Russians...you guys were just following Trump saying it wasn't, but it was reported and KNOWN early on, with the meta data earmarks matching other known Russian hacker entities....

Russian Hackers of DNC Said to Nab Secrets From NATO, Soros

The only way the Trump team is in trouble, is if they coordinated with the hackers, to disseminate the stolen material in a timed manner to benefit Trump, and if they directed which emails for wikileaks to highlight and to come out with convoluted angles and fake news stories as the back up to the alleged wikileak emails that were highlighted for the releases...
How Nigel Farage connects Trump to Russia

The information was not at all true that they leaked on Hillary...they seeded articles in the media with corresponding emails and played the Bernie and Trump supporters like fools...with conjured up fake angles and fakkkkke stories like the Pizzagate pedophile ring stories that sadly, many voters believed and spread like wildfire on social media.

the Russians made up stories, fake stories,propaganda to go along with specific emails THEY CHOSE to release and made things look bad, that were not nearly as bad as the fake stories made out...

Here’s What the Leaked DNC Emails Actually Show
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO
Forget the Fake News BS about 'Russians hacked the election' because it didn't happen. The real scandal snowflakes should be pissed about is Comey F*ing Hillary by publicly exposing the 2 on-going Hillary investigations while keeping the FBI's and NSA's investigations of Trump out of the news.

What looks like should have happened was for BOTH of these candidates to be forced out of the campaign / election.
Comey must be held accountable for what he did to Hillary - after he nails Trump.


(BTW, both Comey / the FBI and the NSA have been on this 'fishing expedition' since July 2016 and haven't come up with anything yet..., as opposed to the Felony crimes of ESPONAGE perpetrated by the Democrats / Obama hold-overs. Comey, meanwhile declared yesterday that he will NOT assure the American people that he will investigate those crimes and bring those responsible to justice... yet another reason to fire Comey.)
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO
Forget the Fake News BS about 'Russians hacked the election' because it didn't happen. The real scandal snowflakes should be pissed about is Comey F*ing Hillary by publicly exposing the 2 on-going Hillary investigations while keeping the FBI's and NSA's investigations of Trump out of the news.

What looks like should have happened was for BOTH of these candidates to be forced out of the campaign / election.

Of course Russia hacked the election. They hacked private and proprietary information from the DNC and used that information to hurt Hillary and help Trump. They gave Trump billions of dollars worth of free negative advertising against Hillary. They only way it could have been reasonably fair is if Russia had also hacked private and proprietary information from the RNC and also publicized that information like they did with the DNC information.
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO
Forget the Fake News BS about 'Russians hacked the election' because it didn't happen. The real scandal snowflakes should be pissed about is Comey F*ing Hillary by publicly exposing the 2 on-going Hillary investigations while keeping the FBI's and NSA's investigations of Trump out of the news.

What looks like should have happened was for BOTH of these candidates to be forced out of the campaign / election.

Of course Russia hacked the election. They hacked private and proprietary information from the DNC and used that information to hurt Hillary and help Trump. They gave Trump billions of dollars worth of free negative advertising against Hillary. They only way it could have been reasonably fair is if Russia had also hacked private and proprietary information from the RNC and also publicized that information like they did with the DNC information.

Hacking e-mails - especially those to which Debbie Wasserman Schultz was giving access to a Pakistani spy who was banned from the House and was under criminal investigation - is not 'hacking the election'. But you keep pushing that narrative because the accusation that Trump did anything wrong is all you have. NO EVIDENCE.

Why don't you snowflakes ask Tony Podesta what happened - he was working for the Russian spy agency that DID THE HACKING. :p
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO
Forget the Fake News BS about 'Russians hacked the election' because it didn't happen. The real scandal snowflakes should be pissed about is Comey F*ing Hillary by publicly exposing the 2 on-going Hillary investigations while keeping the FBI's and NSA's investigations of Trump out of the news.

What looks like should have happened was for BOTH of these candidates to be forced out of the campaign / election.

Of course Russia hacked the election. They hacked private and proprietary information from the DNC and used that information to hurt Hillary and help Trump. They gave Trump billions of dollars worth of free negative advertising against Hillary. They only way it could have been reasonably fair is if Russia had also hacked private and proprietary information from the RNC and also publicized that information like they did with the DNC information.

Hacking e-mails - especially those to which Debbie Wasserman Schultz was giving access to a Pakistani spy who was banned from the House and was under criminal investigation - is not 'hacking the election'. But you keep pushing that narrative because the accusation that Trump did anything wrong is all you have. NO EVIDENCE.

Why don't you snowflakes ask Tony Podesta what happened - he was working for the Russian spy agency that DID THE HACKING. :p

Your NaziCon conspiracy theories are sadly funny - and un-American. All honorable American patriots should be outraged that a hostile foreign government illegally influenced our presidential election.
Why was the Ex-President of the United States ILLEGALLY spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS so insignificant as to be ignored, as Democrats / snowflakes claimed it was, but Russians (who the brother of Hillary's campaign manager worked for) hacking some insignificant DNC e-mails a matter of 'national security'?

The former definitely seems like a much bigger, more CRIMINAL deal than the latter.
Your NaziCon conspiracy theories are sadly funny - and un-American. All honorable American patriots should be outraged that a hostile foreign government illegally influenced our presidential election.

It is an excuse for their candidate - the worst Presidential candidate in US history - losing.

The fact that the Democrats rigged their election - info leaked from their e-mails - was NOT more damaging / impactful than the already known FACT that Hillary violated both FOIA and the Federal Records Act with her un-authorized, un-encrypted server...the one from which she let her MAID have access and print off classified documents for her.

The fact that Democrats were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was NOT more impactful / damaging than Hillary being publicly exposed as being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations. As pointed out, at the time democrats were on TV making crude sexist remarks and calling successful black conservatives 'mediocre negroes'.

What was exposed in their e-mails was in no way more impactful than what was already exposed / what was already in the media about Hillary and the DNC.

What was exposed was 'anti-climactic' at best.

The Russians did not hack Hillary - but the snowflakes don't want you to think of that. The DNC was not running for President - Hillary was. So how did exposing the fact that Donna Brazile is a sexist / racist cost HILLARY the election? IT DIDN'T!

There is NO SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE to support the false narrative that what was exposed from their e-mails made any impact to the election. Again, the claim is just a snowflake excuse to explain the monumental, historic, record-setting 2nd straight DNC election ass-kicking.

Articles have already been posted about how the worst candidate in history ran one of the worst campaigns in US history.

It has already been reported how she had an ass-load of baggage.

It has already been discussed how had she have been a Republican she would have been forced out of the election once it was discovered she was under multiple on-going investigations -- If it had been revealed Trump was also under multiple investigations the media and snowflakes would have been hypocritically rabidly been at Trump's throat to get him to drop out. THE TRUTH IS BOTH OF THERM SHOULD HAVE BEEN FORCED TO DROP OUT OF THE RACE DUE TO BOTH OF THEIR MULTIPLE ON-GOING INVESTIGATIONS!

So this on-going false, fake news, BS narrative that the insignificant hacked and released DNC e-mails cost Hillary the election is just one huge sore-loser, sour grapes, butt-hurt snowflake EXCUSE!
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Before the election, why didn't Comey tell us that Trump had been under investigation since July 2016? He poisoned the election for Hillary - but not Trump.
He saved Hillary from indictment / prison, preserving her ability to even be on the ballot.

Every American already knew who Hillary was / is before / without all of her 'persinal server crimes having been exposed....which had little impact once revealed...
Before the election, why didn't Comey tell us that Trump had been under investigation since July 2016? He poisoned the election for Hillary - but not Trump.

From the OP link:

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


03/20/2017 11:58 AM EDT

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump.
Three years later and we still have:

Before the election, why didn't Comey tell us that Trump had been under investigation since July 2016? He poisoned the election for Hillary - but not Trump.

From the OP link:

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


03/20/2017 11:58 AM EDT

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump.
Why? Because Comey is a liar and he wanted a SC to look into Donnie. He got his wish.
Would you rather be poor in the world of today or rich but live 2,000 years ago?

I originally said "rich 2,000 years ago," but then I remembered indoor plumbing. The Ancient Romans had some indoor plumbing, so I guess this question should include where you would live, too. But those public baths? EVERYONE went there. Even people with rashes.

But then, who cares if you're smelly or even itchy if you could roll around in gold coins and precious jewels and stuff? Put on purple robes and feast for hours on grapes and tiny fishes and sweet cakes and lots of WINE.

Do I get to know everything I knew when I was 25-30 years of age and am I only going to be that age if I go back? If so make it around 5000 B.C. if I go back.



You want to be a hunter gatherer? 30 was about the max back then. How about 18?

If you lived in Rome or Greece you might see fifty...

I mean what is there to do after forty?

Seen it, done it and damn how am I still alive?

Ancient Greece might be cool, although you'd have to go back a bit more than 2,000 years. Lots of interesting gods; I'd love to have seen the Oracle at Delphi in full swing. Socrates not so much. We had a highly eccentric teacher here for awhile that used the Socratic method to answer questions and it drove me absolutely nuts. The clothing looks pretty comfortable. I like olives and olive oil. What could go wrong?

DOJ Watchdog: Comey’s Disclosure Of Trump Memos Violated Policy

Comey also violated the 60-day rule of not disclosing investigations prior to major elections - like he did with Hillary. Why didn't the Inspector General comment on that?

You ever consider it was a big middle finger to Hillary for threatening him for investigating her?

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