Why didn't Comey also say Trump was under FBI investigation before election?

Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.
Moot? You idiots allowed your candidate for President to download and share top secret information.
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.
Moot? You idiots allowed your candidate for President to download and share top secret information.

Really? Who did Hillary share "top secret information" with? However, that's not what the thread title is about. Focus...
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
Investigations don't happen without being authorized by someone. So who gave the authorization?
Who cares?
it was announced last year, that the FBI was investigating the CRIMINAL DNC hack...are you actually implying the Justice dept can not investigate any crimes without the President giving the nod? REALLY???
Who cares? A lot of your fellow citizens.
Hutch, post the evidence. That was a typical response to gun running to drug lords and the arming and financing of terrorists under Obama.

Why do you guys have a problem with the reply feature?
I have no idea which of my posts you're responding to unless you respond directly.
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
When did the DNC allow the FBI to examine the DNC servers? Where is that report?
When was that required or requested?
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.

It isn't relevant. The NaziCons trolls are just trying to divert.
Can't blame them really. They've had a rough couple of days. Some day they'll get tired of losing and wise up.
When did the DNC allow the FBI to examine their servers? It is a simple question. They made unverified claims and ran away from law enforcement.
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
Investigations don't happen without being authorized by someone. So who gave the authorization?
Who cares?
it was announced last year, that the FBI was investigating the CRIMINAL DNC hack...are you actually implying the Justice dept can not investigate any crimes without the President giving the nod? REALLY???

Bank alarm on 5th and main.
Call the White House.

I sure hope the Trump campaigners that they were concerned with their Russian operative agent connections were under surveillance! Seems like they would be derelict in their duties if they hadn't...?

And NOTE! That has nothing to do with Trump's accusations via tweet claiming his trump tower home and offices were being wiretapped or under surveillance... by Obama.

It's all poltical theatre and it's getting old and tiresome. Time to move on, America doesn't need this BS
Nah, this ain't going away anytime soon.

Funniest part is that Trump has no one but himself to blame for making it the focus of the nation by falsely tweeting how Obama wiretapped his phones.
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.
Moot? You idiots allowed your candidate for President to download and share top secret information.

What are you saying?

You aren't a native speaker are you?

Did they call you in from the pacific rim for the late shift?
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
Investigations don't happen without being authorized by someone. So who gave the authorization?
Who cares?
it was announced last year, that the FBI was investigating the CRIMINAL DNC hack...are you actually implying the Justice dept can not investigate any crimes without the President giving the nod? REALLY???
Who cares? A lot of your fellow citizens.
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO

Comey said he started investigating the Trump campaign in July. That's when the RNC convention was held. When J.D. Gordon met with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland and they installed in the Republican platform that they will not arm Ukranians against Russian Separatists.
Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

I imagine right there and then is when a 6 station fire alarm bell went off in the Justice Department, and the investigation on the Trump campaign started.

Now you're asking and rightfully so. Comey made certain we knew all about the emails, and his LIPS were GLUED shut throughout the campaign regarding this investigation into Trump and his surrogates continual contact with not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence officials also.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Clearly FBI Director Comey deliberately interferred into this election, by violating long standing DOJ protocol of not realising information within 60 days of an election. He was even warned by the DOJ to not send a letter to congress and did it anyway, 11 days before the election. Millions of people voted during those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Which is why Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his malefeasance and interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Personally, I think it was out of gender bias that Comey did this. I believe he was a person that just couldn't stand the thought of the 1st woman President. Comey has lost all respect & credibility by doing what he did. His former peers steam rolled him over it. He put a enormous black eye on the FBI in this country.. More than 1/2 of this country thinks of him as another Mudd--a traitor to his badge, influenced by his own partisan politics. He'll never recover from this.

I also noted in one of his comments about Trump that was very peculiar. When Comey was in front of congress being asked if he concurred that the Russians had hacked into the DNC database, and would he investigate it thouroughly. Comey stated of course & I would expect that the President (Trump) would demand it. I about fell out of my chair over that comment. The very last thing Trump would do is demand that there was a Russian investigation into the hacking of DNC databases.


I believe Comey was wholly in the tank for Donald Trump. That's why he cannot be trusted with this current Russian investigation.

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When did the DNC allow the FBI to examine their servers? It is a simple question. They made unverified claims and ran away from law enforcement.
they didn't need to examine the DNC server when they got copies of the server FROM the expert cyber security firm that was hired to initially investigate ...and not just the FBI, but two additional private cyber security firms examined the copied server, and ALL coming to the same conclusions that it was two Russian /Kremlin entities that hacked the DNC, both searching and stealing the exact same emails using the same parameter guidelines.
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO

Comey said he started investigating the Trump campaign in July. That's when the RNC convention was held. When J.D. Gordon met with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland and they installed in the Republican platform that they will not arm Ukranians against Russian Separatists.
Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

I imagine right there and then is when a 6 station fire alarm bell went off in the Justice Department, and the investigation on the Trump campaign started.

Now you're asking and rightfully so. Comey made certain we knew all about the emails, and his LIPS were GLUED shut throughout the campaign regarding this investigation into Trump and his surrogates continual contact with not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence officials also.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Clearly FBI Director Comey deliberately interferred into this election, by violating long standing DOJ protocol of not realising information within 60 days of an election. He was even warned by the DOJ to not send a letter to congress and did it anyway, 11 days before the election. Millions of people voted during those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Which is why Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his malefeasance and interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Personally, I think it was out of gender bias that Comey did this. I believe he was a person that just couldn't stand the thought of the 1st woman President. Comey has lost all respect & credibility by doing what he did. His former peers steam rolled him over it. He put a enormous black eye on the FBI in this country.. More than 1/2 of this country thinks of him as another Mudd--a traitor to his badge, influenced by his own partisan politics. He'll never recover from this.

I also noted in one of his comments about Trump that was very peculiar. When Comey was in front of congress being asked if he concurred that the Russians had hacked into the DNC database, and would he investigate it thouroughly. Comey stated of course & I would expect that the President (Trump) would demand it. I about fell out of my chair over that comment. The very last thing Trump would do is demand that there was a Russian investigation into the hacking of DNC databases.


I believe Comey was wholly in the tank for Donald Trump. That's why he cannot be trusted with this current Russian investigation.

Reportedly, Comey was also surrounded by Hillary Clinton haters in the FBI. I certainly don't trust Comey.
Why only Hillary? Trump has been under FBI investigation since last July 2016.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO

Comey said he started investigating the Trump campaign in July. That's when the RNC convention was held. When J.D. Gordon met with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland and they installed in the Republican platform that they will not arm Ukranians against Russian Separatists.
Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

I imagine right there and then is when a 6 station fire alarm bell went off in the Justice Department, and the investigation on the Trump campaign started.

Now you're asking and rightfully so. Comey made certain we knew all about the emails, and his LIPS were GLUED shut throughout the campaign regarding this investigation into Trump and his surrogates continual contact with not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence officials also.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Clearly FBI Director Comey deliberately interferred into this election, by violating long standing DOJ protocol of not realising information within 60 days of an election. He was even warned by the DOJ to not send a letter to congress and did it anyway, 11 days before the election. Millions of people voted during those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Which is why Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his malefeasance and interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Personally, I think it was out of gender bias that Comey did this. I believe he was a person that just couldn't stand the thought of the 1st woman President. Comey has lost all respect & credibility by doing what he did. His former peers steam rolled him over it. He put a enormous black eye on the FBI in this country.. More than 1/2 of this country thinks of him as another Mudd--a traitor to his badge, influenced by his own partisan politics. He'll never recover from this.

I also noted in one of his comments about Trump that was very peculiar. When Comey was in front of congress being asked if he concurred that the Russians had hacked into the DNC database, and would he investigate it thouroughly. Comey stated of course & I would expect that the President (Trump) would demand it. I about fell out of my chair over that comment. The very last thing Trump would do is demand that there was a Russian investigation into the hacking of DNC databases.


I believe Comey was wholly in the tank for Donald Trump. That's why he cannot be trusted with this current Russian investigation.

Reportedly, Comey was also surrounded by Hillary Clinton haters in the FBI. I certainly don't trust Comey.

I understand that most people in intelligence like the FBI are Republicans. But they are supposed to be non-partisan when it comes to their judgement and strickly go by protocol and the law. What is fascinating in all of this is what Comey was looking to find in the thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails that he looked through, he committed himself to doing with one single letter and one email.

1. Knowledge of wrongdoing. (he was warned not to do it, and informed about DOJ protocol and sent the letter to congress anyway.
2. Intent--when his staff questioned his judgment. He sent them an email --no pun intended (He specifically stated it was to keep the American public informed.)--which is a YUUUGE violation of standard law enforcement protocol.

So he followed law enforcement protocol by never mentioning that Trump & his surrogates have been under investigation since last July, but he didn't follow it with Hillary Clinton.


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Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.

No one threw the election for anyone. The entire Democratic party has become a party of Dumb asses. They need to change the logo. if Russia interfered in our election, they would have done it regardless of Trump. In todays world thats what happens. These countries interfere in each others elections. Lets see, Israel? Haiti? ring a bell anyone? who interfered in those elections? Who interfered in Egypt and nearly turned that place into a hell hole with the Muslim brotherhood? you got it.

Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.

No one threw the election for anyone. The entire Democratic party has become a party of Dumb asses. They need to change the logo. if Russia interfered in our election, they would have done it regardless of Trump. In todays world thats what happens. These countries interfere in each others elections. Lets see, Israel? Haiti? ring a bell anyone? who interfered in those elections? Who interfered in Egypt and nearly turned that place into a hell hole with the Muslim brotherhood? you got it.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to intefere into an American election is TREASON. Regardless if it swayed a single vote one way or another, changed the outcome of an election or not.

This isn't going away.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com
if a student stole the answers to an upcoming exam and used them to cheat, and also shared them with a fellow classmate to use...

Is the fellow classmate also guilty of cheating, even though he did not do the actual theft of the answers?

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