Why didn't Comey also say Trump was under FBI investigation before election?

The fact that a Trump computer was active only a few days ago with a Russian bank is leading the intelligence community to believe hacking is active.

FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization - CNNPolitics.com
Last week the Russian bank asked for help from the US. The connection was flagged by them as a spoofed hack. In other words they believed a hacker was trying to make it look like a legitimate connection. This is interesting, considering the leak regarding the abilities of the CIA. Keep in mind the previous connection was already cleared up the Obama administration.

Russia's Alfa Bank Says Cyberattacks Falsely Tie It to Trump
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My guess is that this was a different situation as he hadn't already told those in Congress that he would update them if the situation changed as he promised with the Clinton crimes. In general, they don't want to update anyone on investigations unless it is such a specific case of government demanding transparency and specifics.

Updates are strategic as well. The weight of any update will only be known later.

The update on Clinton carried relatively no weight in hindsight.

One could surmise that in a time where the director was trying to wrap up the email thing at the same time the hacking/Trump thing was breaking that he had to make a choice.

Which has legs?

In hindsight he made the right choice. Clinton's case was concluding and Trump's was ramping up and the election was looming.

What to do?

Let Clinton take the soft hit in favor of developing a real case on Trump.

That strategy is now playing out.
Investigation ongoing Comey can't bring premature evidence, not collated, to the table, especially in an open hearing... He must answer as he did. Unfortunately the danger is that we read too much into a statement that must be so for a variety of reasons.

As you have.
Hutch Stasky, I have to take issue with what you said about 'Comey having to keep the best interest of America in mind'. For better or worse (which is subjective) he must follow the law which is not supposed to be subjective. Even if in his calculation it will hurt the economy or a group of people he is sworn to follow the law not the tugging of his heart strings...

He did. Unless you can show otherwise.

In the future, you really should simply use the reply function.
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?
Copies of what you dumb fucking rube? If you like, PM me and I'll google up some therapists that can help you get over your Hillary addiction.
Hillary addiction? Lol. You are the jackass that nominated her for President.
Hutch, post the evidence. That was a typical response to gun running to drug lords and the arming and financing of terrorists under Obama.
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
When did the DNC allow the FBI to examine the DNC servers? Where is that report?
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
Investigations don't happen without being authorized by someone. So who gave the authorization?
Comey is Lying and Telling The Truth at the same time.

He is a professional liar as is everyone involved in intelligence and who deal with classified information.

There was Surveillance, it may not have specifically been wiretapping.

It could have been eavesdropping, remote audio surveillance, microwave surveillance, laser surveillance, packet capture, header swapping, satellite signal tar pitting, electronics pirating, cellular cloning, or plain old bugging through placed bugs or any electronic device, but not specifically the act of "wire tapping"!

These methods I named in common terms but I can explain each one of these techniques if you like plus the various methods of actual wire tapping.

Was it "Ordered" by Obama?

Funny word ..."Ordered".

If I ask you for a glass of water am I actually ordering you to get me a glass of water?

If I ask someone to ask you on my behalf if I can have a glass of water I neither ordered you to get me a glass of water, nor did I ask you directly for a glass of water.

If you are automatically giving glasses of water to everyone that walks in through your door 24-7 nobody asks or orders a glass of water yet everyone still gets a glass of water.

Do you follow me?

Tree, what are your thoughts on Comey saying "no information to support Trump tweets" Obviously a lot are reading into that on face value though we know that there is plenty of evidence yet to be collated on FISA NSA sec. 702 raw data...
You need a 12 steps program to release you from your affliction where you can't let go with the reality that there is no evidence with your orange cheeto's ridiculous claim that Obama wire tapped him.
It's over. You lost. But more signicantly people in this country and all around the world are questioning Trump's sanity. Yours is already shot but you're not important.
We have a full fledge lunatic with the nuclear codes and him sending out Tillerson to threaten North Korea.
That's probably the next step for the unhinged one.
To start a war to save his presidency.
Might ALSO take the attention away from the CIA investigating his traitorous ass.
Maybe he didn't know how incompetent and embarrassing Trump would turn out to be when he decided to throw the election for him.
Didn't happen. What did happen was a lunatic leftist decided to download top secret info to her home brewed server and then allowed that information to be accessed by a predator that was married to her confidant.
Uh... no :cuckoo:
So you are claiming Weiner didn't have copies on his laptop that he shared with Humma? So the FBI lied again?

Why is that relevant in any way. There was nothing new there. It's moot.

It isn't relevant. The NaziCons trolls are just trying to divert.
The question remains......Who ordered Trump to be investigated starting last July, before he was even the nominee?
no one, but investigating the DNC Hack was requested as it should have been,, which lead then in to Russian interference...which then lad to the Trump Campaign's connections to the Russian operatives and Kremlin...
Investigations don't happen without being authorized by someone. So who gave the authorization?
Who cares?
it was announced last year, that the FBI was investigating the CRIMINAL DNC hack...are you actually implying the Justice dept can not investigate any crimes without the President giving the nod? REALLY???

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