Why didn’t the ABC debate moderators bring up the assassination attempt of Trump?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

Why? There isn't anybody running that was in favor of shooting him, even in the ear. What would they debate about it?
Jan 6 is different, as Trump was trying to overthrow a free and fair election, over two months after the people had decided, and he had lost all attempts in the courts and state houses to overthrow the results. He was and is just a sore loser, and it was part of his duty to the constitution to accept the results and work for a peaceful transition. He didn't.
Why? There isn't anybody running that was in favor of shooting him, even in the ear. What would they debate about it?
Jan 6 is different, as Trump was trying to overthrow a free and fair election, over two months after the people had decided, and he had lost all attempts in the courts and state houses to overthrow the results. He was and is just a sore loser, and it was part of his duty to the constitution to accept the results and work for a peaceful transition. He didn't.

Because it’s the biggest news story of the entire year. Democrat, Senator Richard Blumenthal also said the American people will be shocked once they get the report on the attempted assassination of Trump. Hats off to Blumenthal by the way a Democrat. Seems like he’s being very forthright and honest about this thing.

But it is obvious that the media is on the side of Harris. If somebody tried to clip Harris , one of the first questions to Trump would’ve been what he felt about it.

So they bring up January 6. By the way, this is a completely different point. It is much much worse that somebody would attempt to assassinate the presidential candidate. That is the definition of silencing the opposition party by killing them. As for January 6, it was nothing compared to the BLM riots. Why didn’t the ABC moderators bring up the vicious BLM riots that Democrats either supported encouraged or did not denounce?

You’re providing an opinion on January 6, that’s fine. Nobody was killed on that day except for an innocent Trump protester. The media is trying to brainwash you with hyperbole. You know it , I know it anf anyone with common sense knows there would’ve never been any possibility of those protesters overtaking the government for chrissakes. Come on man. Even Biden said that they would’ve had to have military Jets and tanks and perhaps millions of troops. Come on.

Now the fact that you would bring up January 6 and not bring up the BLM riots is very interesting. Because the BLM riots were literally by the stats worse. Many more people died, More government institutions were actually attacked some destroyed..lit on fire. Regardless of our opinion on January 6 you need to ask yourself why the ABC moderators did not bring up the BLM riots? And more importantly, why did they not bring up the assassination attempt of Trump.
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Why? There isn't anybody running that was in favor of shooting him, even in the ear. What would they debate about it?
So far, I am in broad agreement. But now:
Jan 6 is different, as Trump was trying to overthrow a free and fair election, over two months after the people had decided, and he had lost all attempts in the courts and state houses to overthrow the results. He was and is just a sore loser, and it was part of his duty to the constitution to accept the results and work for a peaceful transition. He didn't.
Darn. White just had to go leftard on us. Again.

That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

If Trump thought that he was going to get a fair shake on creepy Disney as he did on CNN, where exposing Biden was probably part of the agenda; than perhaps some of his detractors are right about his judgement.

He has run his political campaign poorly.
If Trump thought that he was going to get a fair shake on creepy Disney as he did on CNN, where exposing Biden was probably part of the agenda; than perhaps some of his detractors are right about his judgement.

He has run his political campaign poorly.
The week before the debate all he could do was post about how unfair ABC is going to be to him...

He was well aware....yet did not prepare, at all for it....
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

LOL You mean ABC should have shit made up like Trump claiming that Cruz's father helped JFK's assassin?

Nah, we leave that to you MAGA retards to spout stuff without proof. Let me know if you are still confused.

Because it’s the biggest news story of the entire year. Democrat, Senator Richard Blumenthal also said the American people will be shocked once they get the report on the attempted assassination of Trump. Hats off to Blumenthal by the way a Democrat. Seems like he’s being very forthright and honest about this thing.

But it is obvious that the media is on the side of Harris. If somebody tried to clip Harris , one of the first questions to Trump would’ve been what he felt about it.

So they bring up January 6. By the way, this is a completely different point. It is much much worse that somebody would attempt to assassinate the presidential candidate. That is the definition of silencing the opposition party by killing them. As for January 6, it was nothing compared to the BLM riots. Why didn’t the ABC moderators bring up the vicious BLM riots that Democrats either supported encouraged or did not denounce?

You’re providing an opinion on January 6, that’s fine. Nobody was killed on that day except for an innocent Trump protester. The media is trying to brainwash you with hyperbole. You know it , I know it anf anyone with common sense knows there would’ve never been any possibility of those protesters overtaking the government for chrissakes. Come on man. Even Biden said that they would’ve had to have military Jets and tanks and perhaps millions of troops. Come on.

Now the fact that you would bring up January 6 and not bring up the BLM riots is very interesting. Because the BLM riots were literally by the stats worse. Many more people died, More government institutions were actually attacked some destroyed..lit on fire. Regardless of our opinion on January 6 you need to ask yourself why the ABC moderators did not bring up the BLM riots? And more importantly, why did they not bring up the assassination attempt of Trump.
Oh, you wanted a news show, not a debate on policy, and what the two candidates are trying to sell as what they stand for. I guess you will have to stick to FOX or TicTok.
So far, I am in broad agreement. But now:

Darn. White just had to go leftard on us. Again.

Look, I can see Trump would be the guy against Republicans shooting him at campaign rallies, but who would have taken the side to support it? It simply was not a debatable topic.
Look, I can see Trump would be the guy against Republicans shooting him at campaign rallies, but who would have taken the side to support it? It simply was not a debatable topic.
Inguess there might have been some “debate” about the Secret Service performance that day, but no. People of liberal, conservative, Democrat, and Republican Party affiliations all agree that the Secret service was disgraceful. No disagreement again; nothing to debate.
Why? There isn't anybody running that was in favor of shooting him, even in the ear. What would they debate about it?
Jan 6 is different, as Trump was trying to overthrow a free and fair election, over two months after the people had decided, and he had lost all attempts in the courts and state houses to overthrow the results. He was and is just a sore loser, and it was part of his duty to the constitution to accept the results and work for a peaceful transition. He didn't.
lol ! look at the commie deflecting ... you don't think a near assassination attempt was worth bringing up in the the debate being held at a Marxist venue eh ?? the communists don't want to bring up have brave Trump was when he stood and shouted fight fight ! cant have that can we commie ..
Why? There isn't anybody running that was in favor of shooting him, even in the ear. What would they debate about it?
Jan 6 is different, as Trump was trying to overthrow a free and fair election, over two months after the people had decided, and he had lost all attempts in the courts and state houses to overthrow the results. He was and is just a sore loser, and it was part of his duty to the constitution to accept the results and work for a peaceful transition. He didn't.
Oh, they might ask if democrats demonizing trump could have motivated the shooter

Or when the FBI report will be released
That should’ve been one of the first questions if not, the first question asked to Harris. What she felt about an attempt to silence Trump by killing him. She should’ve been directly asked what she felt about the would be assassin trying to silence Trump.

The moderators brought up Jan 6 tho. It’s just ridiculous. It’s obvious that they were on the side of Harris.

if somebody tried to take out Obama in 2012, it would be on the news nonstop…. and they would’ve brought it up to a would be Republican candidate immediately at the debate.

It was a disgruntled Trumper that shot at Trump. Crooks couldn't take Trump's lies anymore.
Those 2 amateur fucks would have argued with President Trump about where the bullet hit him and then probably spilled the beans with a "Hey Kumala, what do you think about us missing the shot?"

I know I could feel the inflation coming down when one of them was reading some kind of scripted apology for cat eaters.... the party that likes to fuck kids can read a room like no one else....
Because the entire staged event was to destroy Trump and rig the election for Harris. Most FAKE debate of my lifetime.
Wow that must be frustrating (at least it would be if it were true)....

Are you embarrassed that you're not doing anything about this?

I mean...you're powerless.
You're helpless.
You can't stop it.

Don't you feel inadequate and impotent?

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