Why didn't this woman get help? She was pregnant and had her baby on the floor of her cell.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This story is a crazy-maker. Ellis County Jailers ought to be whipped for ignoring her pleas for help. She was in jail for drug issues, she was pregnant, and her cries for help were ignored, because the jailers decided she was faking it, then they said she forced the delivery. I don't care. She was in the wrong facility in the first place, She had a drug problem that needed to be stopped, and nobody's there to help pregnant women who are addicted to drugs. The baby is a mess, born premature, no matter how it was born, it took her hours to even have someone come around and assist her, there was no doctor on hand to check her, and I don't think that unborn child deserved to be born on a damn jail cell floor. Lord have mercy.

This story comes from USA Today:

DALLAS — A woman, who was five months pregnant, said officials at a Texas jail ignored her repeated pleas for help while she was in labor last week, which resulted in her giving birth to her son alone in jail cell.

"I delivered a 1-pound, 2-ounce baby in that single cell screaming for hours, begging them to come and help me," said Shaye Bear. "The guards would walk by and tell me they wouldn't do nothing for me until I had that baby in that cell."

Bear, 25, was in an Ellis County, Texas, jail Thursday when she went into labor.

“I had my baby in my hands,” she said.

The premature baby she named Cashh now clings to life in Cook’s Children Medical Center in Fort Worth.

The Texas Rangers are investigating the circumstances surrounding Cashh’s birth. A spokesman declined to comment on the ongoing investigation. ~ USA Today
That baby deserved better and so did its mother, I don't care what the moral issue people had with her, she was with child, and she was in agonizing labor for hours. It's her third kid, according to the story. I think the Ellis County system owes this woman first-rate drug addiction cure, and give her the friends who will insure that she remains drug free until that child of hers graduates from high school. If she can't, and if she prefers, she could be sterilized if she elects not to reform her drug use and her children put into state custody, not family, because that did not work before. Look at the outcome. It takes professionals to deal with a person like Mrs. Bear, if they have to keep her under lock and key for 18 years. She needs care, education or re-education, and the ability to develop self-esteem that will get her through life. Somewhere along the line of her life, she took a wrong turn. And drug (including alcohol and cannabis) addiction is the biggest fiend in the world, and has the consequence of producing newborns who are addicted to their mother's substances.

If it fails, it's not help.
its a triple tragedy-------no reason to play a blame game
I can see where someone wouldn't agree. But there are also factors around this particular woman that led her on to a life of self-deprication to the point she'd take drugs while pregnant. There's been a war on the war on drugs, and politicians of both parties have failed the addicted people, because their parents are generally second- to tenth-generation addicts to one form of mind-altering substance or another. Drugs have a history of addicting their users, whether by street purchase, OTC (over-the-counter) or prescriptions ordered by a physician. In fact, drugs do inspire blame, and usually, the blame goes onto the addict. But how did that addict acquire that drug? One administration bans the sale of illicit drugs, another works in tandem with Congress to ban illicit drug laws and adopt permissive use and acquiescence to all reason.

In the middle of all this flurry is the person who can't say no to friends, and falls in with the happy-go-lucky drug folks, many of whom have wealthy families who accept their self-destruction and back off in order to keep the child coming back home for life. That does not help the child that is cast out by parents who are sick and tired of being blamed for all their child's irreverant complaining about having uncool parents. They're still left out in the middle, and they want someone to care for them, but fight anyone who stands between them and their drug as long as they extened their immaturity against society's expectations.

Something needs to be done for this particular post-partem depressed and drug-addicted mother whose baby needs a mother now. And I know not everyone can be redeemed. But two addicted children, maybe three tells a story about this problem--that the mother should be forced to either go off cold turkey and never go back to her drugs or get sterilized and complete her sentence, never to return to a jail pregnant again.

Three-strikes and you're out sterilization doesn't seem wrong, considering how bad does this society need to support this woman's future drug-addicted children who are sure to follow in their mother's footprints?
This is happening all over the place:

Surveillance video from inside a Michigan jail shows an inmate giving birth on the floor of her cell, after she claims her requests to go to the hospital were ignored. Jessica Preston says she was arrested for driving with a suspended license and then couldn't make bond to get released. She was eight months pregnant at the time and says the staff at the Macomb County Jail didn't believe her when she told them she was in labor.


After hours in labor, pregnant inmate gives birth alone in jail cell. Broward County jailers disallowed the inmate's mother to visit her, according to the baby's grandmother who was very upset. Inhumane, outrageous, and unconscionable.

In a Denver, Colorado, jail cell, Diana Sanchez was ignored for hours, and finally, delivered the baby by herself, before they called an ambulance, an hour after her water broke. How callous is that? :evil:
If the mother is not married, we need to define the father as being culpable for everything from prenatal care to college graduation of that child. So if DNA tests are necessary, every male in the USA should have his DNA on file so the true father can be matched up.

It's a sorry world that allows sex outside marriage. It creates fatherless babies, it creates impoverished children as they are growing up, and it creates welfare mothers. I can't think of a sadder thing than a mother having to do the doctor's job of delivering her own baby onto a jail cell floor, toilet, or bed. For every youtube I've posted above there are ten more similar postings at YouTube. That erases the child's privacy, even if the mother approves it.

This is a great problem for jailers, who may not be sympathetic to inmates.

And no mother should have to be ignored when it's time for her baby to be born, even if it is premature. Nothing about her child's future is going to be good without a proud father.

In a Denver, Colorado, jail cell, Diana Sanchez was ignored for hours, and finally, delivered the baby by herself, before they called an ambulance, an hour after her water broke. How callous is that? :evil:

water breaking does not mean that the baby is going to pop out
in ten seconds. Maybe they did not believe her REPORTED symptoms---
and then----water broke----ok ---time to call the doctor. ---ambulance----
generally they did have time------but she was LEFT LYING ON THE FLOOR ---now
that is gross

In a Denver, Colorado, jail cell, Diana Sanchez was ignored for hours, and finally, delivered the baby by herself, before they called an ambulance, an hour after her water broke. How callous is that? :evil:

water breaking does not mean that the baby is going to pop out
in ten seconds. Maybe they did not believe her REPORTED symptoms---
and then----water broke----ok ---time to call the doctor. ---ambulance----
generally they did have time------but she was LEFT LYING ON THE FLOOR ---now
that is gross

Thank you, Rosie. I know a lot of incorrigible women are in jail, and we may never find a way to deal with those deep into enjoying and perpetrating crimes of every form. Even so, a baby has a chance of a good life if he does not get indoctrinated into the same rut his mother followed and may continue to follow, and you couldn't be righter about avoiding a blame game. But sometimes under the scrutiny of a non-involved judge and jury, true negligence was practiced at the time the baby was dropped onto a jail cell floor.

Even so, if the woman has become pregnant 3 times under the influence of drugs or alcohol, she has already provided her unborn baby(ies) with being born addicted to whatever their mother was taking during her maternal carriage of another human being.

Women who are pregnant should not even be in a conventional jail, they should be incarcerated in a mercy facility that will find who deals best with pregnant inmates according to lowest recidivism rates, and develop centers of incarceration especially for expectant mothers that deal with the crimes they committed, with high crimes (such as murder, seduction, embezzlement, and extortion), separated from low crimes (low iq, drug addiction, shoplifting, minor crimes caused by mental illness) such that someone incarcerated for getting high is not in a facility with a serial murderess or participated in the takedown of a business that used to hire hundreds of people, but failed due to her insidious embezzlement that closed business doors.

Teach alternative methods of relaxing that do not include drugging up. (2) Have 4-5 smaller states team up with other small states one site of mercy to deal with the issues with expenses dispersed as needed. 5 facilities costs a lot more than 1 shared among 5 states who will be called upon to oversee mothers in trouble with the law so long as we have borders so porous that drug lords and their in-pocket politicians profit so immensely.

Male jailers should not be allowed, and no lesbians should be allowed to oversea the pregnant woman due to the same reason as for not having male jailers, which by no means is prejudicial, it is just plain common sense.
The woman is a druggie who deserved everything that happened to her. If women do not want to deliver babies on the floor of a jail cell they can stop doing drugs. Their choice.

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