Why Do Atheists Insist That Atheism Is Not A Religion?

Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

Because religions all have a god, Atheism is the opposite no god, therefore it is simply a philosophy, which is all religions are anyway given that there isn't, nor ever was, a god in the first place.
Another dense supporter of Atheism.

By your above statement, religion does not exist. How stupid of you to equate philosophy and religion.

Atheism is simply a godless religion. You believe gods do not exist. Therefore, the churches of Atheism have no god.
Most devout Christians are atheists when it comes to everyone else's gods.

It's funny how so many Christians want to demonize atheists as non-believers, when Christians share about 99% of the atheists' disbelief.
Apparently you don't understand the terms. Belief in any one or more deities precludes one from being an Atheist. Belief that deities do not exist makes one an Atheist.

Christians and Jews certainly have the same God. They just attach different details to Him. Christians think the messiah is His son, Jesus and that God is a trinity. Jews have the same God but think the messiah is yet to come. Muslims have the same God also. They call him Allah and think that He had no son and that pedophile, Muhammed was their prophet.

All three believe God created everything.

You've been listening to your Atheist mentors haven't you?

I see neither you nor Hollie has sense enough to stick to the topic of this thread.

You elevate the possible existence of a God well beyond the possible existence of all other imaginations that anyone might have.

I don't consider it a religion that I do not believe that my mom is an alien being from an unnamed planet in another galaxy.

Should I?
Unless you consider her a deity, no. If you do, you're more demented than I first assumed.

Now, go play in traffic.

So according to you I'm a practitioner of the religion of 'My Mom is not an Alien'.

Yes, that IS how stupid you sound...
Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

I just thought of something. Even guys like boss admit that most atheists position on this debate about religion is that they are too busy with other things to even care.

I happen to be a rare atheist. I'm what theists call "militant" about my disbelief. For one reason, I just recently realized there is no god so like a new born again, I feel the need to spread the word. It's liberating. So I guess it is true I have changed my belief system, but that doesn't make my new belief a religion. I'm not going to go around being bad or good because there is no god. I'm not going to pray to no god. I'm not going to give 10% to no church. I'm not going to say in no god we trust.

So this windbag idiot is focusing on if atheism is a belief. He or she can't seem to get it that it is not believing, which is different. Perhaps he's not smart enough to see the difference? Maybe he doesn't get semantics.
Thanks for paying attention (not) to the OP. This thread is not to address whether Atheism is a religion or not. That is Carla's thread.

That you just recently came to realize there is no god is an admission that you believe none exist. All that does is tag you as an Atheist. Now give me a reason or reasons why Atheism would benefit from not being considered a religion. So far, there's been nothing but vitriol coming from Atheists concerning the issue of whether it is or is not a religion.


Atheists says all religions are full of shit.

Do we think we are full of shit? Check mate bitch.
Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

Because religions all have a god, Atheism is the opposite no god, therefore it is simply a philosophy, which is all religions are anyway given that there isn't, nor ever was, a god in the first place.
Another dense supporter of Atheism.

By your above statement, religion does not exist. How stupid of you to equate philosophy and religion.

Atheism is simply a godless religion. You believe gods do not exist. Therefore, the churches of Atheism have no god.

I don't believe that werewolves exist. What should I call that religion?
Oh, and btw, if preaching FOR one's religion is a meritorious exercise,

why shouldn't preaching against it be held in the same high regard?
Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

Because religions all have a god, Atheism is the opposite no god, therefore it is simply a philosophy, which is all religions are anyway given that there isn't, nor ever was, a god in the first place.
Another dense supporter of Atheism.

By your above statement, religion does not exist. How stupid of you to equate philosophy and religion.

Atheism is simply a godless religion. You believe gods do not exist. Therefore, the churches of Atheism have no god.

Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby.

Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

If we deconstruct the term ‘atheism’ we find ‘a – theism’ which means ‘without – theism’ which, in turn, means ‘without – belief in god(s)’. It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding any claims made by theists.

So our religion is we don't believe you or your church? That's all we talk about all week is how we don't believe anything you say?

Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

“To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask.” – Geoff Mather
Most devout Christians are atheists when it comes to everyone else's gods.

It's funny how so many Christians want to demonize atheists as non-believers, when Christians share about 99% of the atheists' disbelief.
Apparently you don't understand the terms. Belief in any one or more deities precludes one from being an Atheist. Belief that deities do not exist makes one an Atheist.

Christians and Jews certainly have the same God. They just attach different details to Him. Christians think the messiah is His son, Jesus and that God is a trinity. Jews have the same God but think the messiah is yet to come. Muslims have the same God also. They call him Allah and think that He had no son and that pedophile, Muhammed was their prophet.

All three believe God created everything.

You've been listening to your Atheist mentors haven't you?

I see neither you nor Hollie has sense enough to stick to the topic of this thread.
Well, let's be honest. This thread is another with which to promote your hate and intolerance.

It's been explained to you both repeatedly and tediously that atheism is not a religion. Yet, you continue to screech it is, while unwilling to acknowledge that rational and reasoned conclusions that your polytheistic gods as well as gods of others are inventions of man's imagination.

You really appear quite desperate.
We've been here before, Hollie. I am not attempting to argue in this thread whether or not Atheism is a religion. I keep getting interrupted by adolescent assholes trying to hijack the thread. If you don't understand what is in the OP, don't post in this thread. It is that fucking simple.

I have no hate or intolerance for Atheists. I do think your incessant attacks on those that believe in God are reprehensible, but I do not hate you....and I fail to see how you can interpret a request for a list of benefits to Atheism attributed to its being considered not a religion can be inferred by you to embody hatred.

You see, Hollie, the motive for all the threads started in this forum by Atheists appears to be hatred of religion. I think that's why you may consider this one to be based upon hatred. It is not. I am merely looking for information to help me understand why you object to Atheism being called a religion. What good will come of its being redefined not to be? That you and NYC cannot fathom that simple fact tells me you are seriously lacking in the intelligence so touted by leading Atheists. You two appear to have less intelligence than any 3 year old child.
Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

So yes I think this answers your question
Why Do Atheists Insist That Atheism Is Not A Religion?

If we think all religions are man made up/fake/not real/bullshit/lies, we most certainly are not including ourselves when we say all religions are made up, are we?

God had to be invented before atheists uninvented him. Before you guys made him up, we never gave him a second thought.

What if I said all religious people are assholes. Would that mean I'm an asshole too because my religion is atheism?

And what church do us agnostic atheists go to? We don't believe organized religions at all but we can not say we know for sure that something may or may not have made us, we just see no signs of it. We can't go to the same church as the atheists because we think they are wrong too. How can they know 100%? But we know that most people who call themselves atheists are really agnostic atheists. I"m one myself.
You have predefined your agenda. You insist that atheism is a religion when none of the trappings of religious belief are held by those who conclude your gods are of myth and legend.
What part of "Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion" do you not understand? All that is of interest here is what Atheists think they will gain by having Atheism declared not to be a religion.
You presuppose your question with an obvious agenda.

Conclusions rejecting your gods is not a "religion". Therefore there is no concern. Atheism being declared not a religion is your presumptive option that it is a religion. And of course, it's not.

You have no need to be angry about others concluding your gods are of human invention, as are all the gods which preceded your gods.
You still do not understand the question. I am not using this thread to argue that Atheism is a religion. I am asking for statement of any benefits that Atheists expect to receive should we determine logically that it is NOT a religion.
You are sidestepping the presumptive nature of your alleged "statement". It's not a statement at all but a vehicle to promote your hatreds and intolerance.

You're allowing your hate and intolerance to limit your ability to reach rational conclusions.

It's not surprising you limit yourself, but what you need to see is that by limiting yourself, you are not embracing knowledge, you are embracing a particular dogma. Knowledge is far broader than what has been written about your faith.

I am talking about the underlying principles of religion, specifically the Christian religion. It is fearful of real true knowledge-- it has made it man's primary sin and it has lauded faith over critical thinking. Believe because if you don't, you are condemned-- What did "he" say to the doubting Thomas? "Blessed are those who have not seen but believe"?

Of course. Because critical thinking and the evidence here points away from the religious claims. And for most of its history, the religious entities could not allow themselves to lose such all-encompassing power.
Please do not try to spoil this thread with gibberish. More simply put for your edification, the question is WHY DO ATHEISTS INSIST THAT ATHEISM IS NOT A RELIGION? Don't argue whether it is or isn't. If you don't understand the question, please refrain from posting in this thread.

All you care about is why we insist? Because we aren't and it's annoying being compared with people who believe in unbelievable stories when all we do is simply not believe those stories. My new religion is to hate you.
Most devout Christians are atheists when it comes to everyone else's gods.

It's funny how so many Christians want to demonize atheists as non-believers, when Christians share about 99% of the atheists' disbelief.
Apparently you don't understand the terms. Belief in any one or more deities precludes one from being an Atheist. Belief that deities do not exist makes one an Atheist.

Christians and Jews certainly have the same God. They just attach different details to Him. Christians think the messiah is His son, Jesus and that God is a trinity. Jews have the same God but think the messiah is yet to come. Muslims have the same God also. They call him Allah and think that He had no son and that pedophile, Muhammed was their prophet.

All three believe God created everything.

You've been listening to your Atheist mentors haven't you?

I see neither you nor Hollie has sense enough to stick to the topic of this thread.
Well, let's be honest. This thread is another with which to promote your hate and intolerance.

It's been explained to you both repeatedly and tediously that atheism is not a religion. Yet, you continue to screech it is, while unwilling to acknowledge that rational and reasoned conclusions that your polytheistic gods as well as gods of others are inventions of man's imagination.

You really appear quite desperate.
We've been here before, Hollie. I am not attempting to argue in this thread whether or not Atheism is a religion. I keep getting interrupted by adolescent assholes trying to hijack the thread. If you don't understand what is in the OP, don't post in this thread. It is that fucking simple.

I have no hate or intolerance for Atheists. I do think your incessant attacks on those that believe in God are reprehensible, but I do not hate you....and I fail to see how you can interpret a request for a list of benefits to Atheism attributed to its being considered not a religion can be inferred by you to embody hatred.

You see, Hollie, the motive for all the threads started in this forum by Atheists appears to be hatred of religion. I think that's why you may consider this one to be based upon hatred. It is not. I am merely looking for information to help me understand why you object to Atheism being called a religion. What good will come of its being redefined not to be? That you and NYC cannot fathom that simple fact tells me you are seriously lacking in the intelligence so touted by leading Atheists. You two appear to have less intelligence than any 3 year old child.

If we believe religions are bad, made up, stupid, used to control people and a lie, why would we want to be lumped in with "religions"? We don't like religions. So the benefit for us would be not to be considered one of you.

Jewish is a religion, islam, christianity, scientology, etc. These are all religions. An atheist isn't just another religion. Atheists say ALL OF YOU are full of shit. We are above religion.

Hope this helps you find the answer you are looking for. I don't hate people. I hate religion. And I dislike a lot of religious people. Maybe they should be good people too and maybe I'll like them better. See honey, it isn't enough to just be religious.

Just like theists tell us it isn't good enough to just be a good person you have to convert or be saved. We say it's the other way around. It doesn't matter if you are saved. What matters is are you a good person.
Most devout Christians are atheists when it comes to everyone else's gods.

It's funny how so many Christians want to demonize atheists as non-believers, when Christians share about 99% of the atheists' disbelief.
Apparently you don't understand the terms. Belief in any one or more deities precludes one from being an Atheist. Belief that deities do not exist makes one an Atheist.

Christians and Jews certainly have the same God. They just attach different details to Him. Christians think the messiah is His son, Jesus and that God is a trinity. Jews have the same God but think the messiah is yet to come. Muslims have the same God also. They call him Allah and think that He had no son and that pedophile, Muhammed was their prophet.

All three believe God created everything.

You've been listening to your Atheist mentors haven't you?

I see neither you nor Hollie has sense enough to stick to the topic of this thread.
Well, let's be honest. This thread is another with which to promote your hate and intolerance.

It's been explained to you both repeatedly and tediously that atheism is not a religion. Yet, you continue to screech it is, while unwilling to acknowledge that rational and reasoned conclusions that your polytheistic gods as well as gods of others are inventions of man's imagination.

You really appear quite desperate.
We've been here before, Hollie. I am not attempting to argue in this thread whether or not Atheism is a religion. I keep getting interrupted by adolescent assholes trying to hijack the thread. If you don't understand what is in the OP, don't post in this thread. It is that fucking simple.

I have no hate or intolerance for Atheists. I do think your incessant attacks on those that believe in God are reprehensible, but I do not hate you....and I fail to see how you can interpret a request for a list of benefits to Atheism attributed to its being considered not a religion can be inferred by you to embody hatred.

You see, Hollie, the motive for all the threads started in this forum by Atheists appears to be hatred of religion. I think that's why you may consider this one to be based upon hatred. It is not. I am merely looking for information to help me understand why you object to Atheism being called a religion. What good will come of its being redefined not to be? That you and NYC cannot fathom that simple fact tells me you are seriously lacking in the intelligence so touted by leading Atheists. You two appear to have less intelligence than any 3 year old child.
For someone who claims that he not attempting to argue whether or not Atheism is a religion, you're spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same nonsense that atheism is a religion.

And BTW way, why are you suggesting that I'm "attacking " your polytheistic gods? I no more attack gods than I attack leprechauns or Bigfoot. If you feel so intimidated by those who conclude your gods are inventions of man, find some better gods.
Most devout Christians are atheists when it comes to everyone else's gods.

It's funny how so many Christians want to demonize atheists as non-believers, when Christians share about 99% of the atheists' disbelief.
Apparently you don't understand the terms. Belief in any one or more deities precludes one from being an Atheist. Belief that deities do not exist makes one an Atheist.

Christians and Jews certainly have the same God. They just attach different details to Him. Christians think the messiah is His son, Jesus and that God is a trinity. Jews have the same God but think the messiah is yet to come. Muslims have the same God also. They call him Allah and think that He had no son and that pedophile, Muhammed was their prophet.

All three believe God created everything.

You've been listening to your Atheist mentors haven't you?

I see neither you nor Hollie has sense enough to stick to the topic of this thread.
Well, let's be honest. This thread is another with which to promote your hate and intolerance.

It's been explained to you both repeatedly and tediously that atheism is not a religion. Yet, you continue to screech it is, while unwilling to acknowledge that rational and reasoned conclusions that your polytheistic gods as well as gods of others are inventions of man's imagination.

You really appear quite desperate.
We've been here before, Hollie. I am not attempting to argue in this thread whether or not Atheism is a religion. I keep getting interrupted by adolescent assholes trying to hijack the thread. If you don't understand what is in the OP, don't post in this thread. It is that fucking simple.

I have no hate or intolerance for Atheists. I do think your incessant attacks on those that believe in God are reprehensible, but I do not hate you....and I fail to see how you can interpret a request for a list of benefits to Atheism attributed to its being considered not a religion can be inferred by you to embody hatred.

You see, Hollie, the motive for all the threads started in this forum by Atheists appears to be hatred of religion. I think that's why you may consider this one to be based upon hatred. It is not. I am merely looking for information to help me understand why you object to Atheism being called a religion. What good will come of its being redefined not to be? That you and NYC cannot fathom that simple fact tells me you are seriously lacking in the intelligence so touted by leading Atheists. You two appear to have less intelligence than any 3 year old child.
For someone who claims that he not attempting to argue whether or not Atheism is a religion, you're spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same nonsense that atheism is a religion.

And BTW way, why are you suggesting that I'm "attacking " your polytheistic gods? I no more attack gods than I attack leprechauns or Bigfoot. If you feel so intimidated by those who conclude your gods are inventions of man, find some better gods.

Hollie. I have this guy here with me he is 6'2, beautiful, loves you and wants to take care of you for the rest of your life. He is a perfect 10. All you have to do is believe in him. And if you don't, you'll burn in hell.

Now, get on a plane and come to me to meet him. If you don't, I'll ask you why you have rejected him.
What part of "Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion" do you not understand? All that is of interest here is what Atheists think they will gain by having Atheism declared not to be a religion.
You presuppose your question with an obvious agenda.

Conclusions rejecting your gods is not a "religion". Therefore there is no concern. Atheism being declared not a religion is your presumptive option that it is a religion. And of course, it's not.

You have no need to be angry about others concluding your gods are of human invention, as are all the gods which preceded your gods.
You still do not understand the question. I am not using this thread to argue that Atheism is a religion. I am asking for statement of any benefits that Atheists expect to receive should we determine logically that it is NOT a religion.
You are sidestepping the presumptive nature of your alleged "statement". It's not a statement at all but a vehicle to promote your hatreds and intolerance.

You're allowing your hate and intolerance to limit your ability to reach rational conclusions.

It's not surprising you limit yourself, but what you need to see is that by limiting yourself, you are not embracing knowledge, you are embracing a particular dogma. Knowledge is far broader than what has been written about your faith.

I am talking about the underlying principles of religion, specifically the Christian religion. It is fearful of real true knowledge-- it has made it man's primary sin and it has lauded faith over critical thinking. Believe because if you don't, you are condemned-- What did "he" say to the doubting Thomas? "Blessed are those who have not seen but believe"?

Of course. Because critical thinking and the evidence here points away from the religious claims. And for most of its history, the religious entities could not allow themselves to lose such all-encompassing power.
Please do not try to spoil this thread with gibberish. More simply put for your edification, the question is WHY DO ATHEISTS INSIST THAT ATHEISM IS NOT A RELIGION? Don't argue whether it is or isn't. If you don't understand the question, please refrain from posting in this thread.

All you care about is why we insist? Because we aren't and it's annoying being compared with people who believe in unbelievable stories when all we do is simply not believe those stories. My new religion is to hate you.

I reject your religion. My new religion is to love everyone. Except for asaratis.
Because it's not you jackalope it's the absence of religion. It is stuff like this that made me take a hiatus from this site.

An active belief that there is no deity is a religious belief. Agnosticism, not caring if there is a deity or not is closer to not being a religion than atheism.

"An active belief"?? That's heelarious.

lol, if atheism is a religion then the constitutional separation of church and state would dictate that both prayer and not saying a prayer would have to be banned from schools.

Exactly. It makes no sense. Atheism is a religion in the same way that bald is a hair color or off is a tv channel.
Would think that if it's considered legally a religion, then the very religions atheists are trying to get out of law will remain there along with themselves. Whereas if they insist it's not a religion, then religions protected by law will be less likely protected in the future.
Thanks for an honest answer. It seems a bit after the fact though. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has already said Atheism is legally a religion. I follow you in that if it is a religion, it is entitled to the same protections as other religions. I do not follow the thinking that if it is not a religion that religions currently protected will lose their protection in the future.

Is it part of the dogma of Atheism to remove constitutional protections from religion?

I'm sure there are multiple end-games from atheist groups. But you gotta assume if an atheist is legally activistic about it, they long to have religions removed from protected status eventually. Otherwise why not just be content in your disbelief and let other be content in their beliefs?

I'm areligious. I'm against all religions, but not deities. I'll believe in a deity when I shake it's hand. But religions are from people, not deities. As such, and devoid of scientific support for their assertions I'm against them. But I'm content to remain low-stress and not meddle in other people's delusions. That's a fulltime job and not one I'm likely to get paid for. :)

You ask why so I'll try to answer best I can. For one reason, I truly don't think this lie is good for people. I know religions do a lot of good but they also do a lot of bad, and you may agree or disagree with that, but it is my opinion and why I care. I think religion is unnecessary and holds people back mentally/scientifically. I watch those religious shows, see how religion is used to control people, see how slave owners and Pharoahs and Kings used it to control the masses, I talk to hypocrite theists who confirm religion doesn't necessary work, notice that there are 999 other religions all claiming they are the truth and the other ones are not, etc. So these are reasons why I speak up.

2. A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes people feel.

3. I don't like being told I'm going to hell.

4. Did you see the poll that the least electable person was the atheist? A pot smoking phylanderer has a better chance. I'm here to change perception. I remember being a theist. I thought atheist were the devil. Now I know better and I think others should too.

5. It is unnecessary and not even all that effective. Lots of religious assholes and look how religion makes gays feel guilty about themselves.

Anyways, that's my feelings, and I don't necessarily care if they get the protected status. They should have to prove their charitable works though. Do churches have to give so much to charity? They should. Otherwise it leaves the door open to all the con artists.

I watch that guy on tv ask people to send in $70 x 10 months and a miracle will happen. I wonder how much of that goes to charity and they don't pay taxes?

And if there is a god and he actually cares about you he would reward your intelligence.

I hear you on USMB all the time stating your opinion. Why do you do it? Aren't you meddling in other people's delusions just by posting the things you write? I agree with the things you write, I'm just saying. Don't act like you don't get some satisfaction explaining to people why you think they are wrong. Why do you do it?
You're coming close now. Thank you.

To keep from using a shitload of quote commands, the bold text below is copied from your post. My replies are in lower case.

You ask why so I'll try to answer best I can. For one reason, I truly don't think this lie is good for people. I know religions do a lot of good but they also do a lot of bad, and you may agree or disagree with that, but it is my opinion and why I care. I think religion is unnecessary and holds people back mentally/scientifically. I watch those religious shows, see how religion is used to control people, see how slave owners and Pharoahs and Kings used it to control the masses, I talk to hypocrite theists who confirm religion doesn't necessary work, notice that there are 999 other religions all claiming they are the truth and the other ones are not, etc. So these are reasons why I speak up.
Okay. I agree with you here. Many evangelical preachers and televangelists are off their rockers. Benny Hinn is my prime example of ostentatious bullshit. The "prayer clothes", the staged "healings", the limos, the diamond studded Rolex watches, the golden cathedrals, the silk suits and such are all bullshit.

2. A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes people feel.

Again, I agree.

3. I don't like being told I'm going to hell.

I'm almost certain that the dogma of an Atheist religion would not include the existence of hell or any afterlife whatsoever. If you don't believe in a deity, how can you believe in a hell or a heaven? Not to worry. An Atheist Minister (and they do exist) would not say that you're going to hell.

4. Did you see the poll that the least electable person was the atheist? A pot smoking phylanderer has a better chance. I'm here to change perception. I remember being a theist. I thought atheist were the devil. Now I know better and I think others should too.

I haven't seen the poll. Be patient though. We've already elected a black Muslim sympathizer if not a black Muslim.

Perhaps you were misled by a radical, fire and brimstone Baptist preacher. I know better than that myself.

I grew up a Methodist, married a gem of a Baptist girl, saw no sense in our belonging to separate denominations and became a Baptist. After several years of attending church, I was ordained a Baptist deacon, got involved in the Evangelism Explosion wherein we'd go out in pairs and try to convince no-churchgoers to join our church. The instructions were to always ask the questions to the family member that was considered more likely to say "yes". I questioned the leader of the group by asking if this was simply a ploy to manipulate the minds of the other members. He answered affirmatively. I quit the program. I later divorced my wife and became the black sheep of a large Baptist clan of what you might call "bible thumpers". I was also the black sheep of the local church...one which had its fair share of ostentatious trappings. I'm still a Christian but I do not try to push my religious beliefs on others.

5. It is unnecessary and not even all that effective. Lots of religious assholes and look how religion makes gays feel guilty about themselves.

By the same token, gays are lovingly accepted in many churches. That is likely so in all of the existing Atheist churches.

Anyways, that's my feelings, and I don't necessarily care if they get the protected status. They should have to prove their charitable works though. Do churches have to give so much to charity? They should. Otherwise it leaves the door open to all the con artists.

True. There have been all too many corrupt church leaders piling up cash and possessions for themselves, turning their non-profit church into their own personal cash cow. I think churches should be required to give all but the costs of real estate, maintenance thereof and negotiated staff salaries to charities, either philanthropic or medical research charities or directly to the homeless and needy people living around their own community.

I watch that guy on tv ask people to send in $70 x 10 months and a miracle will happen. I wonder how much of that goes to charity and they don't pay taxes?

Again I concur. Asking people to donate any particular amount is ludicrous. There's a parable about that in the NT, I think...where a poor beggar gave all she had...or something like that. I've also heard of some preachers that will say to a member of their congregation something like "I had a revelation from God last night and He said you should donate $500.00." This is nothing more than extortion.

One of the existing Atheist churches has a donation block on their website complete with the little credit card symbols for Visa, Mastercard and Amex. They say that you are welcome to donate but they don't expect you to.

And if there is a god and he actually cares about you he would reward your intelligence.

Not sure about that. I've heard that God takes care of fools and babies. I interpret that to mean that NOBODY is going to hell when this shit is over.

I hear you on USMB all the time stating your opinion. Why do you do it? Aren't you meddling in other people's delusions just by posting the things you write? I agree with the things you write, I'm just saying. Don't act like you don't get some satisfaction explaining to people why you think they are wrong. Why do you do it?

I do post a lot of opinion on USMB. Some of what I post is pure and simply factual. A lot of it is conjecture and speculation. Some of that is to argue against opposing political views. Some of it is to express my considered opinion regarding something that might be unsubstantiated by the poster to whom I reply.

'The real question is "why is it that virtually without exception, the only people claiming atheism is a religion are fundie Christians".'

The nonsense that those free from faith 'practice religion' is a manifestation of the arrogance common to most theists in general and fundamentalist Christians in particular.
Wrong, Dufus. I am far from a fundie Christian. All Christians are not fundies.
For someone who claims that he not attempting to argue whether or not Atheism is a religion, you're spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same nonsense that atheism is a religion.

And BTW way, why are you suggesting that I'm "attacking " your polytheistic gods? I no more attack gods than I attack leprechauns or Bigfoot. If you feel so intimidated by those who conclude your gods are inventions of man, find some better gods.
Pay attention, you less-than-intelligent poster. The digressions in this thread to arguing whether Atheism is or is not a religion have been initiated by you and others lacking in comprehension of what is in the OP.

All you care about is why we insist? Because we aren't and it's annoying being compared with people who believe in unbelievable stories when all we do is simply not believe those stories. My new religion is to hate you.
Carry on with the hatred. It does not hurt me one bit....just makes you a bitter person.
For someone who claims that he not attempting to argue whether or not Atheism is a religion, you're spending an inordinate amount of time repeating the same nonsense that atheism is a religion.

And BTW way, why are you suggesting that I'm "attacking " your polytheistic gods? I no more attack gods than I attack leprechauns or Bigfoot. If you feel so intimidated by those who conclude your gods are inventions of man, find some better gods.
Pay attention, you less-than-intelligent poster. The digressions in this thread to arguing whether Atheism is or is not a religion have been initiated by you and others lacking in comprehension of what is in the OP.

It's not really a digression at all. They're explaining why atheists insist that atheism is not a religion, just what you asked for. Maybe you should have phrased the question as "Why do atheists hold the delusional belief that atheism is not a religion?", and stipulated that the unquestionable premise of the argument was that atheism is, in fact, a religion.
Putting aside the question of whether it is or is not a religion, what benefits do Atheists expect to gain by having it declared not to be a religion?

Additionally, what harm comes to Atheists in having it declared to be a religion?

Please do not argue here whether or not Atheism is a religion.

I can only guess that if someone were to turn this around and ask, "Why do Christians insist that Christianity is a religion?", and insist that arguments about whether or not Christianity is a religion were not to be discussed, you would treat it with the scorn or laughter it would deserve.

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