Why do atheists...


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
Faith in God gives hope..

God granting unalienable rights means man can not remove them.

IF you remove God you remove rights and hope... This leads those without hope and man granting rights to life and liberty, into slavery.

Removing GOD gives them POWER.....
Yes, Atheists oddly devote a lot of energy trying to convince others that when we die, there is nothing left. Why do they care?

Atheist morality is an illusion and a lie. An Atheist comes out against murder, not because he's against murder, but because he doesn't want to be murdered. So, his self-interest creates the illusion that he has a moral interest in protecting his neighbor's life. Atheists support murdering unborn babies because Atheists themselves are not at risk of being aborted. And, of course, Atheists lie and say they are moral, because it's in their self-interest to convince you that they are moral.

As immoral creatures, Atheists want to destroy the joy of faith in others. And, just in case there is a Hell, they want you there, too.

As immoral creatures, Atheists want to fully impose their will upon you, and while you have faith in God, you resist their tyranny.
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...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
Faith in God gives hope..

God granting unalienable rights means man can not remove them.

IF you remove God you remove rights and hope... This leads those without hope and man granting rights to life and liberty, into slavery.

Removing GOD gives them POWER.....
There is also the simple fact that the Devil, their lord and master, wants to lead as many astray as possible. For the Devil, as well as his followers, it is all about spitefulness and revenge.
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist?

Why does the existence of atheists trigger you, to the point where you felt the need to whine about a strawman? You don't sound very confident in your beliefs.

The bad behavior of theists is a big reason for the growth of atheism.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

On, no, RW! You have discovered our plot against you!
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

It's like knowing there is this really cool clubhouse down the street where things are GREAT inside, great food, great entertainment, partying to all hours, but you are not invited. So what do you do? You go around trying to tell others it isn't worth belonging just to hide your own butthurt!
I have spent no time trying to convince anyone of anything. On the other hand, if I had $5.00 for every time someone knocked on my door to talk about their religion or try to hand me a religious tract or attempted to convert or "save" me, I wouldn't have to work...
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

I have spent no time whatsoever trying to convince anyone else that God does not exist.

I have, however, spent a decent amount of time debunking ridiculous claims of many Christians concerning what atheists believe, what science (especially the Theory of Evolution) actual says, and generally arguing against the baseless claims made by those Christians.

But unlike the Christians with whom I have argued, I have tried to show respect for the beliefs, or lack thereof, of the people involved in the debate.
It's like knowing there is this really cool clubhouse down the street where things are GREAT inside, great food, great entertainment, partying to all hours, but you are not invited.

Oh. That's why you're butthurt about the atheists. You may not have understood you were projecting, but everyone else did.

Atheists have it good in that way. We aren't encouraged to lie badly about how deliriously happy about everything we are, because our belief system doesn't say anything about making those who believe it happy.

Theists like toobfreak, however, are very strongly encouraged to spin tales about how happy they are, because their religion claims to make its believers happy. However, being how they sound so miserable and hateful most all the time, nobody believes their claims about being happy, so those claims end up being another data point against religion.

For example, let's look at what toobfreak just wrote in another thread.

"Yep! Liberal TWATS. Pretty much says it all. Either you like Trump or you know where the door is. Don't want you. Don't need you. You're just weakening the country. Step One of Making America Great Again is to get all the liberal trash out of the country!"

Does that sound like a happy man?
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

Dear RWNJ atheists, nontheists and nonchristians have been attacked, harassed and abused religiously for not complying with Christian beliefs and church dogma,
they are still reacting against this as continuing backlash.

Similar to why LGBT advocates are so adamant about creating govt protections
because of a tradition of discriminating against people of those beliefs and
rituals such as gay marriage and gender transition.

In truth, everyone has been harassed and abused by others.
But as long as people can NAME "Christians" and BLAME
groups that reject either atheists, gays, etc. then complaints
can be made collectively to govt claiming the need and "compelling interest"
for govt intervention.

So this has become a backlash against Christian beliefs, practice and expression
citing "discrimination" and/or otherwise demanding removal of religious references,
displays or rituals from govt and public institutions.

It's the equal and opposite reaction to Christians having a history of
rejecting, judging and condemning people of beliefs involving rejection of
Christianity. When in fact people on either side of these conflicts
are rejecting each other. It's a mutual issue, but Christians are
blamed for implementing and enforcing their religious biases through govt,
and hypocritically this law isn't equally enforced for atheists or LGBT
that can impose their beliefs that aren't being counted as "religious" beliefs
when EVERY person's "beliefs" are equally "faith based" not just
members of organized religion. It's easier to sue Christian groups
that can be named as religions, while LGBT beliefs for example
are not treated as a beliefs that should be separated from govt.

Maybe after all the "backlash" back and forth is paid back
and comes out even, we can finally acknowledge and agree
that all these constitute BELIEFS and nobody should be abusing
govt to impose EITHER SIDE in a dispute. ALL should be REMOVED from govt
where govt remains neutral, and it should be left to PEOPLE to resolve their
own conflicts with each other directly, case by case, instead of abusing
govt to "legislate" or mandate a policy for all cases. it should be personal
responsibility of PEOPLE to resolve issues of conflicting beliefs
instead of imposing one side or the other through govt in violation of
the beliefs of the dissenting side. We'll learn this someday, after
we get tired of the backlash back and forth, and finally figure out that both sides are entitled to their own beliefs and none of this should be made the govt's business.
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.

To people of church and scriptural authority
Jesus means SALVATION.
To people of civil and natural law authority
JUSTICE is the universal goal that Jesus represents.

both paths are supposed to lead to peace and harmony.
So any conflict preventing unity is against Christ.

Jesus as meaning Equal Justice
is very different from Jesus meaning spiritual salvation.

The end result of PEACE is the same,
but the path to get there, one is by establishing
truth and agreement by scriptural laws of the church,
the other is establishing truth and consensus
by civil laws of the state and natural laws of science.

We need all paths to be fulfilled in order to
establish Truth Justice and Peace. while
our paths and process are diverse as we are as people,
tribes and nations, the spirit of Jesus as Justice
and the Holy Spirit as Peace is the same end goal
even though we call these by different terms and symbols.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

Dear RWNJ atheists, nontheists and nonchristians have been attacked, harassed and abused religiously for not complying with Christian beliefs and church dogma,
they are still reacting against this as continuing backlash.

Similar to why LGBT advocates are so adamant about creating govt protections
because of a tradition of discriminating against people of those beliefs and
rituals such as gay marriage and gender transition.

In truth, everyone has been harassed and abused by others.
But as long as people can NAME "Christians" and BLAME
groups that reject either atheists, gays, etc. then complaints
can be made collectively to govt claiming the need and "compelling interest"
for govt intervention.

So this has become a backlash against Christian beliefs, practice and expression
citing "discrimination" and/or otherwise demanding removal of religious references,
displays or rituals from govt and public institutions.

It's the equal and opposite reaction to Christians having a history of
rejecting, judging and condemning people of beliefs involving rejection of
Christianity. When in fact people on either side of these conflicts
are rejecting each other. It's a mutual issue, but Christians are
blamed for implementing and enforcing their religious biases through govt,
and hypocritically this law isn't equally enforced for atheists or LGBT
that can impose their beliefs that aren't being counted as "religious" beliefs
when EVERY person's "beliefs" are equally "faith based" not just
members of organized religion. It's easier to sue Christian groups
that can be named as religions, while LGBT beliefs for example
are not treated as a beliefs that should be separated from govt.

Maybe after all the "backlash" back and forth is paid back
and comes out even, we can finally acknowledge and agree
that all these constitute BELIEFS and nobody should be abusing
govt to impose EITHER SIDE in a dispute. ALL should be REMOVED from govt
where govt remains neutral, and it should be left to PEOPLE to resolve their
own conflicts with each other directly, case by case, instead of abusing
govt to "legislate" or mandate a policy for all cases. it should be personal
responsibility of PEOPLE to resolve issues of conflicting beliefs
instead of imposing one side or the other through govt in violation of
the beliefs of the dissenting side. We'll learn this someday, after
we get tired of the backlash back and forth, and finally figure out that both sides are entitled to their own beliefs and none of this should be made the govt's business.
Oh, come on! Do you really believe that atheists need a reason to go after Christians? Seriously? That's what your saying, isn't it. They are reacting to attacks from Christians? Give me one example? When have Christians ever tried to use government to enforce their will on others?
Tell you guys what. As soon as the Catholics and the Protestants make peace in ireland, the Jews and the Muslims make peace in the Middle East, the Jews and the Protestants and Catholics make peace in most of the rest of the world, and the Muslims and the Hindus make peace in the Asia Subcontinent, then let me know about your wonderful club that I supposedly want to join, so badly. Until then, I will just let you fight it out until the last man, and hang out with other people like myself, who think that you are all equally deluded....
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.
Yet we die anyway..
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.

To people of church and scriptural authority
Jesus means SALVATION.
To people of civil and natural law authority
JUSTICE is the universal goal that Jesus represents.

both paths are supposed to lead to peace and harmony.
So any conflict preventing unity is against Christ.

Jesus as meaning Equal Justice
is very different from Jesus meaning spiritual salvation.

The end result of PEACE is the same,
but the path to get there, one is by establishing
truth and agreement by scriptural laws of the church,
the other is establishing truth and consensus
by civil laws of the state and natural laws of science.

We need all paths to be fulfilled in order to
establish Truth Justice and Peace. while
our paths and process are diverse as we are as people,
tribes and nations, the spirit of Jesus as Justice
and the Holy Spirit as Peace is the same end goal
even though we call these by different terms and symbols.
Have you tried Superman yet?
Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.

To people of church and scriptural authority
Jesus means SALVATION.
To people of civil and natural law authority
JUSTICE is the universal goal that Jesus represents.

both paths are supposed to lead to peace and harmony.
So any conflict preventing unity is against Christ.

Jesus as meaning Equal Justice
is very different from Jesus meaning spiritual salvation.

The end result of PEACE is the same,
but the path to get there, one is by establishing
truth and agreement by scriptural laws of the church,
the other is establishing truth and consensus
by civil laws of the state and natural laws of science.

We need all paths to be fulfilled in order to
establish Truth Justice and Peace. while
our paths and process are diverse as we are as people,
tribes and nations, the spirit of Jesus as Justice
and the Holy Spirit as Peace is the same end goal
even though we call these by different terms and symbols.
Have you tried Superman yet?

Dear Moonglow
do you mean
Truth Justice and the American Way?
That also aligns with the meaning of the Trinity.

Where the "American Way" is to share with others
out of CHARITY to bring world peace.

So yes that is consistent, and just a creative
way of symbolizing the same goals.

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