Why do atheists...

Being very Calvinist even when I was an atheist I always thought it was absurd that preachers claimed Jesus was quietly waiting for my permission to save me. I still feel the same way. If the Capo de tutti Capi (lord of lords in Sicilian) wants you, you will get an offer you cannot refuse. Why is it so easily forgotten that the most common Biblical image of Jesus is Him being chest deep in the blood of his enemies?
That's funny. I thought the most common Biblical image of Jesus was His love and humility, not to mention His willing sacrifice to save us from a fate worse than death.

To people of church and scriptural authority
Jesus means SALVATION.
To people of civil and natural law authority
JUSTICE is the universal goal that Jesus represents.

both paths are supposed to lead to peace and harmony.
So any conflict preventing unity is against Christ.

Jesus as meaning Equal Justice
is very different from Jesus meaning spiritual salvation.

The end result of PEACE is the same,
but the path to get there, one is by establishing
truth and agreement by scriptural laws of the church,
the other is establishing truth and consensus
by civil laws of the state and natural laws of science.

We need all paths to be fulfilled in order to
establish Truth Justice and Peace. while
our paths and process are diverse as we are as people,
tribes and nations, the spirit of Jesus as Justice
and the Holy Spirit as Peace is the same end goal
even though we call these by different terms and symbols.
Have you tried Superman yet?

Dear Moonglow
do you mean
Truth Justice and the American Way?
That also aligns with the meaning of the Trinity.

Where the "American Way" is to share with others
out of CHARITY to bring world peace.

So yes that is consistent, and just a creative
way of symbolizing the same goals.
Yeah that's the propaganda they used when I was a kid..
I think that we are all lucky that Superman's rocket landed in "America's heartland" (Iowa?), instead of Havana, where he would have spent his life fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Cuban Way". I suspect that his image would have suffered if, among other things, he was always flying around with a cigar in his mouth.
It's like knowing there is this really cool clubhouse down the street where things are GREAT inside, great food, great entertainment, partying to all hours, but you are not invited.

Oh. That's why you're butthurt about the atheists. You may not have understood you were projecting, but everyone else did.

Atheists have it good in that way. We aren't encouraged to lie badly about how deliriously happy about everything we are, because our belief system doesn't say anything about making those who believe it happy.

Theists like toobfreak, however, are very strongly encouraged to spin tales about how happy they are, because their religion claims to make its believers happy. However, being how they sound so miserable and hateful most all the time, nobody believes their claims about being happy, so those claims end up being another data point against religion.

For example, let's look at what toobfreak just wrote in another thread.

"Yep! Liberal TWATS. Pretty much says it all. Either you like Trump or you know where the door is. Don't want you. Don't need you. You're just weakening the country. Step One of Making America Great Again is to get all the liberal trash out of the country!"

Does that sound like a happy man?

No toobfreak does not sound happy at all. He is spending his time in the club of endless partying and hating every minute of it. That is what happens to people who think life is just one big party, they don't live in reality.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

Why do conservatives spend so much time attacking liberals?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

Dear RWNJ atheists, nontheists and nonchristians have been attacked, harassed and abused religiously for not complying with Christian beliefs and church dogma,
they are still reacting against this as continuing backlash.

Similar to why LGBT advocates are so adamant about creating govt protections
because of a tradition of discriminating against people of those beliefs and
rituals such as gay marriage and gender transition.

In truth, everyone has been harassed and abused by others.
But as long as people can NAME "Christians" and BLAME
groups that reject either atheists, gays, etc. then complaints
can be made collectively to govt claiming the need and "compelling interest"
for govt intervention.

So this has become a backlash against Christian beliefs, practice and expression
citing "discrimination" and/or otherwise demanding removal of religious references,
displays or rituals from govt and public institutions.

It's the equal and opposite reaction to Christians having a history of
rejecting, judging and condemning people of beliefs involving rejection of
Christianity. When in fact people on either side of these conflicts
are rejecting each other. It's a mutual issue, but Christians are
blamed for implementing and enforcing their religious biases through govt,
and hypocritically this law isn't equally enforced for atheists or LGBT
that can impose their beliefs that aren't being counted as "religious" beliefs
when EVERY person's "beliefs" are equally "faith based" not just
members of organized religion. It's easier to sue Christian groups
that can be named as religions, while LGBT beliefs for example
are not treated as a beliefs that should be separated from govt.

Maybe after all the "backlash" back and forth is paid back
and comes out even, we can finally acknowledge and agree
that all these constitute BELIEFS and nobody should be abusing
govt to impose EITHER SIDE in a dispute. ALL should be REMOVED from govt
where govt remains neutral, and it should be left to PEOPLE to resolve their
own conflicts with each other directly, case by case, instead of abusing
govt to "legislate" or mandate a policy for all cases. it should be personal
responsibility of PEOPLE to resolve issues of conflicting beliefs
instead of imposing one side or the other through govt in violation of
the beliefs of the dissenting side. We'll learn this someday, after
we get tired of the backlash back and forth, and finally figure out that both sides are entitled to their own beliefs and none of this should be made the govt's business.
Oh, come on! Do you really believe that atheists need a reason to go after Christians? Seriously? That's what your saying, isn't it. They are reacting to attacks from Christians? Give me one example? When have Christians ever tried to use government to enforce their will on others?

Blue laws? YOu still can't buy alcohol on Sunday in many states. Other places have severe restrictions on stores that can be open on Sunday.

Roy Moore's entire career was predicated on his faith and forcing it on others. From his placement of the 10 Commandment monument as the only decoration allowed in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby to his ordering state judges not to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
I am an atheist
I don't spend any time trying to convince people there is no God

I just assume they are morons believing in magic creatures. Why waste my time?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
I am an atheist
I don't spend any time trying to convince people there is no God

I just assume they are morons believing in magic creatures. Why waste my time?

Why waste your time? Have you never seen a ghoul rob the dead? An army of zombies on their way to work? A demon with a legion of captives blindly following like sheep on their way to the slaughter house? What about the Jabberwocky? :shock:

Have you never heard the muffled screams of people who had been swallowed by it crying out from inside its belly?

Sure, its all fun and games, magic and make believe...... until someone loses their mind. For good.
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I am an atheist
I don't spend any time trying to convince people there is no God

I just assume they are morons believing in magic creatures. Why waste my time?

I am a person of faith. I don't spend any time trying to convince people God is. I do spend time with people of faith and atheists alike explaining God is not a Genii; God does not perform magic.

Try not to skip over the part that people of faith believe individuals are made of body, mind, and spirit. I believe it is the spirit that takes information fed to it from the mind and body and is the ultimate maker of decisions which help build who I am. Atheists in my family understand this perspective but believe humans are made up of body and mind--that the mind argues with itself until a decision is reached.

Because I believe in spirit (that the body and its mind return to dust, but the spirit returns to the Supreme Spirit), I spend time in prayer, learning about God, and endeavoring to know Him. This is far from magic.
It's like knowing there is this really cool clubhouse down the street where things are GREAT inside, great food, great entertainment, partying to all hours, but you are not invited.

Oh. That's why you're butthurt about the atheists. You may not have understood you were projecting, but everyone else did.

Atheists have it good in that way. We aren't encouraged to lie badly about how deliriously happy about everything we are, because our belief system doesn't say anything about making those who believe it happy.

Theists like toobfreak, however, are very strongly encouraged to spin tales about how happy they are, because their religion claims to make its believers happy. However, being how they sound so miserable and hateful most all the time, nobody believes their claims about being happy, so those claims end up being another data point against religion.

For example, let's look at what toobfreak just wrote in another thread.

"Yep! Liberal TWATS. Pretty much says it all. Either you like Trump or you know where the door is. Don't want you. Don't need you. You're just weakening the country. Step One of Making America Great Again is to get all the liberal trash out of the country!"

Does that sound like a happy man?

That is what happens to people who think life is just one big party, they don't live in reality.

True Dat.

I am an atheist
I don't spend any time trying to convince people there is no God

I just assume they are morons believing in magic creatures. Why waste my time?

I am a person of faith. I don't spend any time trying to convince people God is. I do spend time with people of faith and atheists alike explaining God is not a Genii; God does not perform magic.

Try not to skip over the part that people of faith believe individuals are made of body, mind, and spirit. I believe it is the spirit that takes information fed to it from the mind and body and is the ultimate maker of decisions which help build who I am. Atheists in my family understand this perspective but believe humans are made up of body and mind--that the mind argues with itself until a decision is reached.

Because I believe in spirit (that the body and its mind return to dust, but the spirit returns to the Supreme Spirit), I spend time in prayer, learning about God, and endeavoring to know Him. This is far from magic.
Good for you

Atheists don't try to force their views on others. But they do stand up to stop others from forcing their views on them and their children
Good for you

Atheists don't try to force their views on others. But they do stand up to stop others from forcing their views on them and their children

People talk about their beliefs. That is not forcing those beliefs on others. Wiccans talked to my children about their beliefs, which I did not take as Wiccans forcing their beliefs on my children. We have atheists in the family who talked to them about their beliefs. Again, talking about one's beliefs and even laying out why they think those beliefs are correct is not forcing others into those same beliefs.
Good for you

Atheists don't try to force their views on others. But they do stand up to stop others from forcing their views on them and their children

People talk about their beliefs. That is not forcing those beliefs on others. Wiccans talked to my children about their beliefs, which I did not take as Wiccans forcing their beliefs on my children. We have atheists in the family who talked to them about their beliefs. Again, talking about one's beliefs and even laying out why they think those beliefs are correct is not forcing others into those same beliefs.

RW is not talking about family philosophical discussions. He is talking about the people who demand that the "...judeo-Christian tradition of this country" being codified into law.
Good for you

Atheists don't try to force their views on others. But they do stand up to stop others from forcing their views on them and their children

People talk about their beliefs. That is not forcing those beliefs on others. Wiccans talked to my children about their beliefs, which I did not take as Wiccans forcing their beliefs on my children. We have atheists in the family who talked to them about their beliefs. Again, talking about one's beliefs and even laying out why they think those beliefs are correct is not forcing others into those same beliefs.

RW is not talking about family philosophical discussions. He is talking about the people who demand that the "...judeo-Christian tradition of this country" being codified into law.

Didn't he also deny that Christians do that?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

I think that you have this flipped around. I've never had an "atheist" try to convince me of anything. It's the morons from the religious so-called "Christian" right who are in our faces all the time trying to recruit us into their cult. The "religious" right are the ones who try to equate their fractured theology with believing in a Supreme Being. One can believe in a supreme being without believing that common trash like dobson and graham and "focus on the family" and moore and rick perry represent this being. These people are the worst of the worst. It's not the people who don't believe in the existence of a supreme being who are the problem.
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?
I am an atheist
I don't spend any time trying to convince people there is no God

I just assume they are morons believing in magic creatures. Why waste my time?

Why waste your time? Have you never seen a ghoul rob the dead? An army of zombies on their way to work? A demon with a legion of captives blindly following like sheep on their way to the slaughter house? What about the Jabberwocky? :shock:

Have you never heard the muffled screams of people who had been swallowed by it crying out from inside its belly?

Sure, its all fun and games, magic and make believe...... until someone loses their mind. For good.

Dear hobelim
Even though you were clearly being sarcastic,
both things are true: people HAVE seen demons and been oppressed by
these forces and it DOES cause them to lose control of the minds and will.

Making fun of this is tragic given that the very experts in diagnosing
demonic oppression also have effective proven means of removing the causes
so that people can return to normal healing and health as the mind and body are
intended to be self-healing.

If you read books by Scott Peck, "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie"
he first mocked and rejected demonic influences and deliverance as delusion,
but once he observed the stages and cure of schizophrenic patients using
exorcism methods, he found that even "incureable" patients were able to
recover control of their minds and comply and receive successful treatment,
when before their personalities were overtaken and out of control with
inhuman voices and impulses that rendered them mentally ill if not criminally dangerous.

How many lives and minds could be saved hobelim if
we followed the advice of doctors such as Dr. Peck,
Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt and Dr. Phillip Goldfedder,
and promoted further R&D on these methods instead of mocking them?

see sources of reputable healing therapy
that has been formally studied, documented and published:
"HEALING" by Francis MacNutt edition 1999 or later
also see

If it saves lives, by curing people of demonic personalities obsessions and voices,
and preventing people from harming or killing anyone out of criminal insanity,
why not research and develop these therapies medically as with any other deadly
diseases that have a cause and a cure?
...spend so much time and effort trying to convince others that God does not exist? Think about it. What's their motivation? What's in it for them? And why are some of them so afraid that someone might decide to believe in God, when it doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever?

You mean other than your desire to make laws to please your imaginary friend in the sky?

Here's why we need to be rid of religion.


Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.
RW is not talking about family philosophical discussions. He is talking about the people who demand that the "...judeo-Christian tradition of this country" being codified into law.

Those are political views, not religious ones. I know of no religious group that demands a law be made for everyone to follow a particular religion. I believe you may be complaining about Lobbyists? I am in favor of disbanding them all.
Dear hobelim
Even though you were clearly being sarcastic,

no, Emily, I was not being sarcastic.

All of those imaginary creatures that I mentioned all have real life counterparts.

Even the mythological bad boy of the universe, satan, is an imaginary being that depicts an actual human archetype.

People who "hear voices" or 'see demons' are suffering the effects of s disintegrating mind directly related to false teachings and irrational beliefs about disembodied demons and devils.

What happens is that people are taught irrational things, for instance, Jesus is God, or bacon can defile you, or god wants you on your knees five times a day, whatever, and then they teach that any resistance or objection to their professed beliefs and ridiculous practices is a demonic attack, pure evil. Consequently the mind is set against itself, usually at a very early age, and any rational thought or intelligent objection to what is false that might arise in their own mind is identified as a malevolent disembodied satanic assault on their faith.. The more their faith increases and they defeat the devil in their mind by adopting pretense and rejecting rationality itself the more their perceptions are distorted, the more perverse they become. Without the constraints of reason they begin to hear voices, see ghosts, or suffer demonic attacks and panic because they can't run from or defend themselves against the false thoughts and irrational perceptions generated by their own defiled and contaminated mind that have been externalized and morphed into what appears to them a very real invisible self-negating monster that sucks any semblance of sanity right out of their existence..

Thats why the more faith a person has according their unrestrained imagination they nuttier they appear to everyone else.

Meanwhile the real devil who fucked up their minds, the Satan that actually exists, remains invisible to believers and unbelievers alike, even while openly peddling bullshit and prancing around in the guise of a holy man with blood on his hands and legions of corpses under his feet.
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Those are political views, not religious ones. I know of no religious group that demands a law be made for everyone to follow a particular religion. I believe you may be complaining about Lobbyists? I am in favor of disbanding them all.

Really? So when Hobby Lobby insists on the right to deny their employees birth control becuase that makes Baby Jesus cry, that's not a political act?

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