Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

So, it follows that you would never blame Republicans for anything bad that's happened during the Obama years, otherwise you would be a total hypocrite, correct...Sheesh, I guess I should check your posts over the past 6 1/2 + years...

again, are you some kind of retard?

I blame Bush for WHAT HE WAS IN CHARGE OF. What his policies caused or did.

I mean, I know you guys want to think Barney Frank caused the housing meltdown because 20 years ago he had the gay sex with someone who worked at Fannie Mae.

But it was Bush and his appointees that were in charge when the car slammed into the wall.

You're hopeless
Why do blacks vote Democratic? I think maybe for the same reasons Latinos, Asians, Jews, LBGT'ers and almost 60% of women vote for the Democratic party: because they value equality and personal freedom.

The fallacious meme by our Republican friends is that they're the only ones who stand for freedom. In reality, when we elect Republicans, we soon discover that unlimited freedom is only for them and their corporate overlords, not the rest of us.

Republicans talk such a good game of freedom that it's perfectly tempting to buy into it until they get elected and start passing laws restricting a woman's freedom to access an abortion if she so chooses, or stupid laws that say who can get married to whom and that business owners should be able to discriminate against anyone of their choosing should their values not be perfectly in sync.

Democrats have their corporate influences now too, but it's not in their plan to stick it to the poor or the middle class because they understand a country can only be as strong as how well those two groups are doing.

White men are the only majority of any set of voters that vote Republican. It is understandable to me why wealthier men would vote to keep their taxes low. That's their right to fight for that if they want it. I just don't understand why Joe the Plumber types vote Republican, since what they wish to do is to make their middle class and poorer base of voters carry the brunt of the country's sacrifice.

My Republican family are all nice, middle class people. An uncle is an electrician. He works hard and does reasonably well, but pays a tax rate that is just a smidge over twice the amount that Mitt Romney does. That's because Romney has the privilege of earning all his money through his investments, which are only taxed at 15%.

President Reagan was right to find that situation flat wrong. My uncle actually works for a living while the other man is afforded a huge and unfair advantage in the tax code. It ain't stickin' it to the rich to have them paying a more fair tax rate, particularly on capital gains. If making money is your actual job, then that's your job and it should be taxed what that amount is taxed as a real job.

If you agree with that, that's probably the greatest thread through the hugely diverse tent that is today's Democratic party. Basic economic fairness coupled with individual liberty. Those are what gives the Democrats their greatest chance to win their 6th popular vote in the last 7 presidential elections.
Yup blame Boooosh, you fool. Bush tried to rein in Freddy and Fannie, His Secretary of the Treasury tried, Fed Chairman Greenspan tried and John McCain tried.
Barney Frank and Chuch Schumer said Fannie and Freddy were fine and blocked GOP legislation that may have prevented the collapse.

Fannie and Freddie weren't the problem. The problem was the private banks and the Wall Street investors who gamed the market.

And Bush thought everyone buying houses was just fine. He called minority home ownership the hallmark of his administration.
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?



4....that's right...4.
We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?

I figure you have experienced memory loss of Bush's welcoming...:laugh:

Granted, you glory in being an imbecile now-a-days.
I remember Bushs welcome very well. He was given the typical new president good will when he became President
He was also given 80% approval after 9-11 and was allowed to do anything he wanted in the name of fighting terrorism. Bush was also given Democratic support during the economic collapse. Democrats supported TARP and Stimulus under Bush. Republicans refused the same courtesy for Obama
You should read Joe's posts and try again. (damn, this is too easy.)
Fail on your part...try again

Democrats supported Bush when he needed it, still waiting for a single Obama initiative that was not opposed by Republicans
Hell...they pissed and moaned when OBL was finally taken out.
Because Dems offer them today's equivalent to 40 acres and a mule, and tell them the GOP will eat their children.
In other words.... the Dems lie and the blacks are too incurious to see it.
Because Dems offer them today's equivalent to 40 acres and a mule, and tell them the GOP will eat their children.
In other words.... the Dems lie and the blacks are too incurious to see it.
Dems offer a safety net, education,healthcare,jobs programs, small business initiatives

All republicans offer is threats,insults and more prisons
So, it follows that you would never blame Republicans for anything bad that's happened during the Obama years, otherwise you would be a total hypocrite, correct...Sheesh, I guess I should check your posts over the past 6 1/2 + years...

again, are you some kind of retard?

I blame Bush for WHAT HE WAS IN CHARGE OF. What his policies caused or did.

I mean, I know you guys want to think Barney Frank caused the housing meltdown because 20 years ago he had the gay sex with someone who worked at Fannie Mae.

But it was Bush and his appointees that were in charge when the car slammed into the wall.
Yup blame Boooosh, you fool. Bush tried to rein in Freddy and Fannie, His Secretary of the Treasury tried, Fed Chairman Greenspan tried and John McCain tried.
Barney Frank and Chuch Schumer said Fannie and Freddy were fine and blocked GOP legislation that may have prevented the collapse.

Watch and feel free to eat your words.

Here is a new study that reinforces the fact that the CRA and Democrat policies were the cause of the collapse.

New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies - National Conservative Examiner.com

New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies

A new study from the widely respected National Bureau of Economic Research released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left's race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act--enacted under Carter, made shockingly more aggressive under Clinton) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy.

The study painstakingly sorted through failed home loans that caused the housing market collapse and identified an overwhelming connection between them and CRA mortgages.
Here is a new study that reinforces the fact that the CRA and Democrat policies were the cause of the collapse.

The examiner isn't a credible source.

Fuck, even the BANKING INDUSTRY isn't trying to blame the CRA for the collapse.

Most of the banks that collapsed didn't even make CRA loans. They made loans to middle class folks to buy McMansions they couldn't afford on the hope of flipping them some day.
Here is a new study that reinforces the fact that the CRA and Democrat policies were the cause of the collapse.

The examiner isn't a credible source.

Fuck, even the BANKING INDUSTRY isn't trying to blame the CRA for the collapse.

Most of the banks that collapsed didn't even make CRA loans. They made loans to middle class folks to buy McMansions they couldn't afford on the hope of flipping them some day.

You need to learn to read.

The Examiner did not do the study but quoted the study by National Bureau of Economic Research. It has been around since 1920 and is well respected.

You don't want to believe because you are a Moon Bat and it points the finger at the damage done by the Democrats.

The CRA put government pressure on lending institutions to give credit for social justice reasons to asssholes that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the money and then let the lenders know that if there were losses then the government would cover it. What could possibly go wrong with that?

About the NBER

About the NBER
Founded in 1920, the National Bureau of Economic Research is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research in a scientific manner, and without policy recommendations, among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community.

NBER History
Over the years the NBER's research agenda has encompassed a wide variety of issues that confront our society. Early research focused on the aggregate economy, examining in detail the business cycle and long-term economic growth. Simon Kuznets' pioneering work on national income accounting, Wesley Mitchell's influential study of the business cycle, and Milton Friedman's research on the demand for money and the determinants of consumer spending were among the early studies done at the NBER. A summary of the NBER's early development can be found at:
Toward a Firmer Basis of Economic Policy: The Founding of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Solomon Fabricant, 1984

National Bureau of Economic Research - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is an American private nonprofit research organization "committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community."[1] The NBER is well known for providing start and end dates for recessions in the United States.

The NBER is the largest economics research organization in the United States.[2] Many of the American winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences were NBER Research Associates. Many of the Chairmen of the Council of Economic Advisers have also been NBER Research Associates, including the former NBER President and Harvard Professor, Martin Feldstein.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.

You've got a lot of gall to crap on Obama voters since you jerks elected W twice.

Obama has spent most of his time in office cleaning up W's mess.

W will go down in history as the worst President ever, there is no doubt about it. Given a balanced budget and a stable economy, he destroyed jobs, nearly bankrupted the economy, and took the world's economy down with it, and uselessly attacked Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East.

And now Republicans are lining up offering to cut taxes and take on ISIS, if elected.

Stupid to the nth degree.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.

You've got a lot of gall to crap on Obama voters since you jerks elected W twice.

Obama has spent most of his time in office cleaning up W's mess.

W will go down in history as the worst President ever, there is no doubt about it. Given a balanced budget and a stable economy, he destroyed jobs, nearly bankrupted the economy, and took the world's economy down with it, and uselessly attacked Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East.

And now Republicans are lining up offering to cut taxes and take on ISIS, if elected.

Stupid to the nth degree.

I know "hope and change" is supposed to be identified with O'bama but for me the guy that really represents "hope" is George W. Bush.

Because if we can survive a freaking moron like that, we can survive anything.

Why do people vote democrat?

Because people like you refer to them by the color of their skin, implying that skin pigment is all they are. Maybe African Americans don't vote because of their skin color. Maybe they're more intelligent and complex than you give them credit for. Maybe they aren't even a group at all. Maybe each person who votes - black, white, tall, short - is an individual who thoughtfully considers the issues. Why assume that they're dupes? Why assume that they can't evaluate and analyze the policies of both parties? Why assume that they can't cast a vote based on enlightened self interest?

(Now do you understand why a voter might be turned off by your party?)
"Why do Blacks vote Democrat?"

They vote democratic because, unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party is inclusive, not hostile to change, diversity, and dissent, and defends the protected liberties of all Americans.

Funny how all the diversity is on the side of the GOP, or did it somehow escape your attention that we have more women and ethnic minorities that Democrats?

You all are the party of old, white racists...and the funny thing is, you always have been.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.

Conservatives don't hate Black people or anybody else.

However, they have no respect for shithead Moon Bats that elect dumbass Left Wingers that screw up the country. You know, like the 97% of voting Blacks that voted for that idiot Obama.

You've got a lot of gall to crap on Obama voters since you jerks elected W twice.

Obama has spent most of his time in office cleaning up W's mess.

W will go down in history as the worst President ever, there is no doubt about it. Given a balanced budget and a stable economy, he destroyed jobs, nearly bankrupted the economy, and took the world's economy down with it, and uselessly attacked Iraq and destabilized the entire Middle East.

And now Republicans are lining up offering to cut taxes and take on ISIS, if elected.

Stupid to the nth degree.

I know "hope and change" is supposed to be identified with O'bama but for me the guy that really represents "hope" is George W. Bush.

Because if we can survive a freaking moron like that, we can survive anything.
Liberals like to forget that the Democratic Party sponsored the housing bubble by being warned about it and willing to do nothing, voting against legislation that would have at least reduced the effects. Then they turn around in cowardice and put all the blame on Bush. He certainly wasn't a great President but compared to Obama he certainly was.
Because Republicans prove on a daily basis that they hate black people. Same reason most Hispanics, Jews, women, etc. vote for dems. You have pedos and the kkk on your side so don't worry about it.
Pure bullshit and race baiting.

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