why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
It's not as if we have a shortage of people or we humanoids are in danger of going extinct any time soon.
Not just abortion though.

There have always been meddlers who think they should have a say in other people's business. There have always been people looking over the back fence, Peeping Tom's who disprove of what goes on in other people's bedroom and they have always had excuses for why they should have control of others.

Interesting to me is that they will tell you they want smaller government but in fact, they want very invasive laws controlling almost everything we do.

To me, most important is that we keep government and religion out of our private lives.
I think it is to belittle liberals, thinking they are some how superior, just like liberal professors think they are superior to conservatives and try to belittle the idea of a higher power, tit for tat and the ones caught in the middle is young woman, no wonder why most don't vote republican because they vote for social issues not economic ones.

Cons are dumb get off the abortion issue, many con Daughters had them.
Luddly Neddite I understand The bedroom thing, but please elaborate more in how you feel conservatives want to contol peoples lives? Because I always think it is the liberals
Abortions would not be necessary if, the large majority of the time, the two parties involved took the necessary steps to prevent an unintended pregnancy.
Generally, by the age of 11, most preteens know the birds and the bees and the consequences of the action. And they learn more as they and their friends explore their sexual identity.

I believe abortion is morally wrong but would concede to a woman seeking an abortion in the first trimester.
If a woman hasn't made up her mind in the first 12 weeks, then she probably struggled with the moral dilemma of the action.

I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong.

I also find it difficult to comprehend how my very liberal and staunchly Catholic cousins (I'm agnostic) can support a woman's right to abortion when it is categorically against Catholic doctrine.
Luddly Neddite I understand The bedroom thing, but please elaborate more in how you feel conservatives want to contol peoples lives? Because I always think it is the liberals

First, I don't think its Conservatives, with an upper case C. Its rabid fundie RWs who want invasive laws controlling women's bodies via birth control and abortion, as well as marriage equality.

There are surely liberals who want to make abortion, bc, gay marriage illegal but I don't know of any. No, its the right that wants invasive laws based on religion aka sharia law.
Luddly Neddite I understand The bedroom thing, but please elaborate more in how you feel conservatives want to contol peoples lives? Because I always think it is the liberals

First, I don't think its Conservatives, with an upper case C. Its rabid fundie RWs who want invasive laws controlling women's bodies via birth control and abortion, as well as marriage equality.

There are surely liberals who want to make abortion, bc, gay marriage illegal but I don't know of any. No, its the right that wants invasive laws based on religion aka sharia law.
The ACA seems pretty invasive to me.

I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?

Abortions would not be necessary if, the large majority of the time, the two parties involved took the necessary steps to prevent an unintended pregnancy.
Generally, by the age of 11, most preteens know the birds and the bees and the consequences of the action. And they learn more as they and their friends explore their sexual identity.

I believe abortion is morally wrong but would concede to a woman seeking an abortion in the first trimester.
If a woman hasn't made up her mind in the first 12 weeks, then she probably struggled with the moral dilemma of the action.

I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong.

I also find it difficult to comprehend how my very liberal and staunchly Catholic cousins (I'm agnostic) can support a woman's right to abortion when it is categorically against Catholic doctrine.

"I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong."

I don't know that that is true but I don't believe you can legislate morality.

I have never known or heard of anyone being in favor of abortion. It is not a matter of convenience, not used in lieu of bc. Its the unalienable right to control one's own reproduction.
Why do you infer that most abortions are performed on 'scared young girls'?
Yea I said that post wrong thats why I deleted it, when it came tI my comment thats what I remember 30 years ago, from my friends (I had a lot of girls as friends back then who got themselves in hot water)
Abortions would not be necessary if, the large majority of the time, the two parties involved took the necessary steps to prevent an unintended pregnancy.
Generally, by the age of 11, most preteens know the birds and the bees and the consequences of the action. And they learn more as they and their friends explore their sexual identity.

I believe abortion is morally wrong but would concede to a woman seeking an abortion in the first trimester.
If a woman hasn't made up her mind in the first 12 weeks, then she probably struggled with the moral dilemma of the action.

I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong.

I also find it difficult to comprehend how my very liberal and staunchly Catholic cousins (I'm agnostic) can support a woman's right to abortion when it is categorically against Catholic doctrine.

"I'm curious as to why liberals don't find it morally wrong."

I don't know that that is true but I don't believe you can legislate morality.

I have never known or heard of anyone being in favor of abortion. It is not a matter of convenience, not used in lieu of bc. Its the unalienable right to control one's own reproduction.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
Children and narcissists all hold to the idea that if it does not personally affect me, why should I care.

Yet, every time we kill a baby, a little bit more of our humanity dies with it.

Already, we have entire sectors of our population rationalizing away a human life, in fact, de-humanizing an imagined enemy, all for the sake of, "I can't do that right now."

I could make a smart ass comment as well. But in the face of so much death, it wouldn't be appropriate.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.
Its a good question

Why are conservatives so concerned with abortion?

Why are you so obsessed with the first 12 weeks of life and so callous when it comes to the rest of their lives?

I know abortion is a moral issue, but isn't caring for the sick and the poor as big a moral issue?

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.

So you have now changed your previous stance on food stamps and welfare for poor children.


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