why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help

Bud light?

For Christs sake....Its Christmas

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week

To say conservatives don't care about children after they are born is a lie. The fact of the matter is, we care more about them than liberals do. Liberals way of dealing with children born into poverty is to throw money at them (more often not their own money). I guess is makes them feel charitable and good about themselves but it does nothing in the long term. The conservative way is to encourage and reward success, to encourage people to make better decisions. Having children out of wedlock raises the chances of and young girl and her children living in poverty. Handing out condoms jus

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.

So you have now changed your previous stance on food stamps and welfare for poor children.


um no

Not surprising that you still think children should starve in the streets and that women should not have control of their own bodies.

Bet you would think differently if it was your reproduction in question.

Don't flatter yourself. You have no idea what I think.
No one cares On the right anymore about food stamps and such but we care about is abuse

My coworker gave me the best compliment I have ever had last night at work

Sparky told me this " these $30 dollar mold technicians hate you, they can not out bullshit you on these molding machines and robotics, but they can me"

Most people on welfare try to out bullshit you libs
Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Now, reread My reply.

If you think that the ONLY way to care about someone is to give them something of monetary value, "wraped gifts", "Shelter", "food", then you really don't understand what true caring is about. Those things are temporary.

Tell Me, where did she go with her kids? Is she still dependent for their survival and her own on the kindness of strangers? Where will her an her children's next meal come from? How will they remain warm in the cold days ahead?

A temporary fix to make you feel good is in no way My definition of caring.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week
Do you really think that handing out money, even your own, is what caring is all about?

They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.

We are completely consistent.

Murder an unborn = wrong.

Murder a baby = wrong.


If it were true that RWs care about children, they would fight to make sure that no child was hungry, homeless or uneducated. Instead, they consistently want cuts made to food stamps and other social programs.

Its the very definition of the right.

Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Now, reread My reply.

If you think that the ONLY way to care about someone is to give them something of monetary value, "wraped gifts", "Shelter", "food", then you really don't understand what true caring is about. Those things are temporary.

Tell Me, where did she go with her kids? Is she still dependent for their survival and her own on the kindness of strangers? Where will her an her children's next meal come from? How will they remain warm in the cold days ahead?

A temporary fix to make you feel good is in no way My definition of caring.
So let me guess your trying to feel some how superior to me and talk down? Typical liberal, I suggest you watch a movie perhaps " a wonderful life?"

Every person you touch could set in motion a path to greatness, some people just need a nudge of kindness, who knows her daughters could be millionares by now :)

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week
Do you really think that handing out money, even your own, is what caring is all about?

They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.

We are completely consistent.

Murder an unborn = wrong.

Murder a baby = wrong.


If it were true that RWs care about children, they would fight to make sure that no child was hungry, homeless or uneducated. Instead, they consistently want cuts made to food stamps and other social programs.

Its the very definition of the right.

Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Now, reread My reply.

If you think that the ONLY way to care about someone is to give them something of monetary value, "wraped gifts", "Shelter", "food", then you really don't understand what true caring is about. Those things are temporary.

Tell Me, where did she go with her kids? Is she still dependent for their survival and her own on the kindness of strangers? Where will her an her children's next meal come from? How will they remain warm in the cold days ahead?

A temporary fix to make you feel good is in no way My definition of caring.
So let me guess your trying to feel some how superior to me and talk down? Typical liberal, I suggest you watch a movie perhaps " a wonderful life?"

Every person you touch could set in motion a path to greatness, some people just need a nudge of kindness, who knows her daughters could be millionares by now :)
Yeah, that's it. I must be a liberal.

Talk down to you eh? Huh.

Sorry, I just get tired of the same old bullshit about you only care about things if you throw cash at it.

Go on with your bad self then.

Me, I'll continue to work for permanent solutions to problems of the like you describe.

Have a nice day.
What would of happen if I didn't turn around? Sleeping in a van cold and alone

So shove it dumb ass

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?
Again dumb ass I turned around

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I could have said fuck it go home, play my Genesis and drink my beer in peace

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?

Who formed the KKK?..... Who was a member of Congress for 50years?


I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week
Do you really think that handing out money, even your own, is what caring is all about?

They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.

We are completely consistent.

Murder an unborn = wrong.

Murder a baby = wrong.


If it were true that RWs care about children, they would fight to make sure that no child was hungry, homeless or uneducated. Instead, they consistently want cuts made to food stamps and other social programs.

Its the very definition of the right.

Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Now, reread My reply.

If you think that the ONLY way to care about someone is to give them something of monetary value, "wraped gifts", "Shelter", "food", then you really don't understand what true caring is about. Those things are temporary.

Tell Me, where did she go with her kids? Is she still dependent for their survival and her own on the kindness of strangers? Where will her an her children's next meal come from? How will they remain warm in the cold days ahead?

A temporary fix to make you feel good is in no way My definition of caring.
So let me guess your trying to feel some how superior to me and talk down? Typical liberal, I suggest you watch a movie perhaps " a wonderful life?"

Every person you touch could set in motion a path to greatness, some people just need a nudge of kindness, who knows her daughters could be millionares by now :)
Yeah, that's it. I must be a liberal.

Talk down to you eh? Huh.

Sorry, I just get tired of the same old bullshit about you only care about things if you throw cash at it.

Go on with your bad self then.

Me, I'll continue to work for permanent solutions to problems of the like you describe.

Have a nice day.

I also help individuals and families.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think of it as the starfish story -

The guy walks along the beach, throwing starfish back into the ocean. Someone says to him that he's really not making a difference and the guy answers that it made a difference to that particular starfish.

The help I give does not change their lives forever. It doesn't suddenly give them enough to live on or a job but it does make a small difference to them and its what I can personally afford to do.

Edited to add - its not just liberals who help people. Sometimes true Conservatives do too.

RWs - not so much. They tend to be of the "let them eat cake" club.
What the hell was I suppose to do? Hit on her ? Bring her to my apartment and get engaged to her?

God damn

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?

Who formed the KKK?..... Who was a member of Congress for 50years?



He did not "form the kkk" but he DID denounce them.

All innocent human life should be protected. All innocent human life has the right to live.

Too bad you don't agree.
Ok I agree, but I am going to tell you a short story would you have done the same as I did 20 years ago in a cold Christmas eve up in chicago

Worked 12 hours and I went to the 711 to get a 12 pack of bud light and noticed a young woman in a mini van that looked like she had everything she owned, her two little girls ran out in their pajamas into the store

I took off thinking that was strange

Then it dawned on me, they didnt have no where to go, so I turned around

She told me she left her husband and waiting on a check in a few days.

So I put her and her kids in a motel room, came back a little latter with wrapped christmas gifts for her daughters, then I went home

The point of my story is liberals are right to bitch cons only care about the unborn not so much for the ones already born

Edit forgot.to say I paid for her and her daughters motel room for a week
Do you really think that handing out money, even your own, is what caring is all about?

They care about the fetus. The born? Not so much.

We are completely consistent.

Murder an unborn = wrong.

Murder a baby = wrong.


If it were true that RWs care about children, they would fight to make sure that no child was hungry, homeless or uneducated. Instead, they consistently want cuts made to food stamps and other social programs.

Its the very definition of the right.

Dark reread my story it was not about the money

The key words are: I was 30 years old
Just worked 12 hours
Christmas eve
Had a 12 pack of bud light
Drove away

And turned around to help
Now, reread My reply.

If you think that the ONLY way to care about someone is to give them something of monetary value, "wraped gifts", "Shelter", "food", then you really don't understand what true caring is about. Those things are temporary.

Tell Me, where did she go with her kids? Is she still dependent for their survival and her own on the kindness of strangers? Where will her an her children's next meal come from? How will they remain warm in the cold days ahead?

A temporary fix to make you feel good is in no way My definition of caring.
So let me guess your trying to feel some how superior to me and talk down? Typical liberal, I suggest you watch a movie perhaps " a wonderful life?"

Every person you touch could set in motion a path to greatness, some people just need a nudge of kindness, who knows her daughters could be millionares by now :)
Yeah, that's it. I must be a liberal.

Talk down to you eh? Huh.

Sorry, I just get tired of the same old bullshit about you only care about things if you throw cash at it.

Go on with your bad self then.

Me, I'll continue to work for permanent solutions to problems of the like you describe.

Have a nice day.

I also help individuals and families.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think of it as the starfish story -

The guy walks along the beach, throwing starfish back into the ocean. Someone says to him that he's really not making a difference and the guy answers that it made a difference to that particular starfish.

The help I give does not change their lives forever. It doesn't suddenly give them enough to live on or a job but it does make a small difference to them and its what I can personally afford to do.
That's my fav story

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?
Some are as are some liberals
Wow that blows my mind away you liberal women think that way of conservatives it is your opinion, but I didn't realize that


"Wow. It blows my mind away that you liberal women think that way of conservatives. It is your opinion, but I didn't realize that."

Its not just "liberal women". Its people who believe that the Constitution does not exclude women (and others) from equal rights.

Abortion rights is nowhere in the constitution

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